The nine series elements are fully matched. Such a talent can no longer be described as strong, but can be called absolute terror.

Under normal circumstances, a creature with this kind of talent has a training speed of thousands of miles a day. As long as he doesn't fall in the middle, he will become Hongmeng in the future.

This is a future great emperor Hongmeng. His value... Can't be measured. Once he is sold, Ji Chongxuan can definitely get wealth that will be wasted for generations.

But Ji Chongxuan didn't do so, because he knew very well that in the endless star sea, even if he had more wealth, it was also vain. Only strength is eternal, and only strength is everything.

Therefore, when he knew yebufan's talent for terror, his first thought was not to sell yebufan, but to enslave him.

In this way, once ye Bufan grows up in the future, it will be equivalent to that he has an additional great emperor Hongmeng. At that time... His identity and status will rise to the sky.

At that time, He Ji Chongxuan still needed to worry about some things outside his body?

Not at all.

A moment later, more than 20 bodies in the hall had been cleaned up by some aliens. In the hall, only yebufan, Ji Chongxuan, Shihu and the white fox were left.

At the moment, Ji Chongxuan, the lion tiger and the white fox all looked at yebufan quietly, but yebufan pretended to tremble.

"Terran, no, xiaofanzi, do you want to live?"

Looking at yebufan, Ji Chongxuan flashed a evil smile on her face and said faintly.

"Yes, your majesty, I want to live. I don't want to die."

Yebufan's body trembled, and he immediately said in a hurry.

"I wish I could live."

Ji Chongxuan smiled: "don't worry, my king has just said that he won't kill you, but the premise is... You should be obedient, understand?"

"Yes, xiaofanzi knows. Xiaofanzi will be obedient."

"Very good."

Ji Chongxuan said with satisfaction on his face: "from now on, you don't have to do anything. You just need to concentrate on cultivation. Moreover... My king will provide you with enough resources to train you with all his strength."

"Thank you, thank you."

Yebufan answered repeatedly, but he knew in his heart that Ji Chongxuan valued his talent and planned to cultivate him into a Super Fighter under his command.

It's a pity that yebufan won't let him do it at all.

"Well, lion tiger, take him down to have a rest, and arrange it next to me. And... Today's event and the boy's talent should not be mentioned to anyone outside here, okay?" Without waiting for ye Bufan to think more, Ji Chongxuan had already looked at the lion tiger and told him.

"Yes, sir."

The lion tiger answered and said, "my subordinates understand that even if I die today, I will never disclose it to anyone."


Ji Chongxuan nodded and said faintly, "go."


The lion tiger answered, looked at yebufan and said, "boy, let's go."


However, yebufan hesitated for a moment and ignored the lion tiger. Instead, he looked at Ji Chongxuan and said with trembling: "big king, what do you mean by cultivation?"


When yebufan said this, Ji Chongxuan, lion tiger and white fox were all stunned.

What does practice mean?

Your uncle, are you kidding me?

"You don't know how to cultivate? Then how did you come from the cultivation of serving God?"

Thinking in his heart, Ji Chongxuan couldn't help asking, and even his words were a little angry and dissatisfied.

After all, the Terran is no better than the Protoss.

A Protoss is born to serve God, but unlike a Terran, a Terran is only born in a mortal environment, and it needs step-by-step cultivation to become a God.

Yebufan, a man in the realm of serving God, even asked himself how to practice?

In Ji Chongxuan's opinion, he was clearly teasing himself.

However, when Ji Chongxuan asked the question, he regretted it. He even wanted to slap himself in the face. It was really... His question was too stupid, too stupid.

Is this Terran a normal Terran?


This is a lost memory Terran.

A lost memory Terran will know how he practiced before?

Ji Chongxuan was speechless.

But this problem is easy to solve. I don't know how to practice. Just teach me.

However, before Ji Chongxuan spoke again, yebufan said tremblingly, "Your Majesty, I, I don't know what's going on. When I just woke up, I felt hungry, so I ate everything in the ring, and then I became worse."


When yebufan said this, Ji Chongxuan and the three of them were stunned again.

They looked at yebufan with a look of amazement and ignorance.

Shaoqing, Ji Chongxuan said in disorder, "what did you say? Again, your accomplishments... No, how did you get your strength?"

"OK, it seems to have been eaten." Yebufan said in a weak voice.


In an instant, Ji Chongxuan could not help drawing at the corners of their mouths.

Ate it?

You are so special

What is cultivation?

What is strength?

Both of them need to be cultivated step by step.

Now, tell me, did you eat your cultivation of serving God?

Are you kidding me?

Ji Chongxuan is in a mess.

The lion tiger on one side frowned and said, "young master, would you like to... Try?"

"Try it?"

Ji Chongxuan was stunned.

Yes, it's true or false. You'll know it once you try.


Immediately, Ji Chongxuan calmed down and nodded to the lion tiger.

The lion and the tiger understood and looked at yebufan and said, "what did you eat before?"


Yebufan thought for a while and said, "there are meat, grass, and some bottles of them. I don't know what they are."

There is no doubt that yebufan is talking about meat, divine medicine and pills.

The lion and the tiger understood, so they took out a bottle of Dan medicine directly, handed it to yebufan, and said, "this is Shenyuan Dan, which is used to restore divine power. You can try it."


Yebufan answered, then directly took the pill from the lion and tiger, opened the bottle, directly poured it into his mouth and swallowed it into his stomach.

Seeing this scene, the lion tiger grasped yebufan's right wrist directly.

Yebufan doesn't care about this. He knows that the lion tiger wants to find out whether his accomplishments have been improved after swallowing this bottle of pills.

As a result, yebufan secretly started to swallow the sky seal.

In an instant, those Shenyuan pills swallowed by yebufan were directly refined. At this time, yebufan opened the Hongmeng seal again.

The Hongmeng seal converts accomplishments to strengthen the body.

However, yebufan did not use all the magic power transformed from the pill to improve the body, but left some to improve cultivation.

A bottle of Shenyuan pill has not brought much improvement to yebufan, and yebufan has transformed most of the medicine power into physical cultivation through Hongmeng seal. Therefore, the improvement of yebufan's cultivation is very small, but it is enough to be explored by lions and tigers.

"How's it going?"

Looking at the lion tiger, Ji Chongxuan frowned and asked.

The lion tiger frowned, loosened yebufan's right hand, then looked at Ji Chongxuan and said, "young master, although his accomplishments have been improved a little, they have indeed been improved."

"Horizontal groove!!"

Hearing this, Ji Chongxuan couldn't help but burst out a rude remark. He widened his eyes, looked shocked and unbelievable, and said: "really?"

Not only Ji Chongxuan, but also the white fox in his arms was shocked.

You don't have to practice. You can improve your accomplishments as long as you eat it?


This Terran is going against heaven

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