"Wang, get up!!"

Four words sounded like thunder.

The sudden sound made everyone in the audience stunned. However, it was only a moment. After regaining consciousness, everyone turned around and followed the prestige.

In the sight, yebufan stands proudly.

He straightened his body like a sharp sword. In his eyes, his anger surged, and the opportunity to kill flowed. His whole body was cold as if he wanted to clean the world.

Within three meters, the veterans of the War Department seemed unable to bear the chill, and they instinctively retreated one after another.

The same is true of Yehua.

At the moment, ye Bufan is like a wolf, a tiger, and more like a sword out of its sheath. He is going to kill people and drink blood for a long time.

"Who is this man?"

The veterans could not help thinking.

"Young master!!"

"Fewer leaves!!"

"Fewer leaves!!"

In the distance, twothousand recruits from the wasteland City, as well as the Ye family, were stunned and then overjoyed when they saw ye Bufan. For them, nothing is more fortunate and joyful than yebufan's peace.


In front of the team, xiongkui frowned at yebufan, then sneered: "waste."

At this time, ye Bufan stepped out.

The war veterans who had stood in front of yebufan did not hesitate at all, but instinctively gave way one after another.

No one intercepts where they pass.

Just a moment later, yebufan came to the front of the recruits of Tianhuang city and stood in front of xiongkui. They were only half a meter apart.

"Young master..."

All ye family members stopped talking.

Looking at yebufan in front of him, he felt the chill around him. Xiongkui was stunned at first, and then sneered: "boy, after lying down for three days, you finally wake up? Since you wake up, don't be stunned. Join the team and practice."


Xiongkui's voice had just dropped, but yebufan drank a word.

"Well? What do you mean?"

Xiongkui was stunned.

Yebufan didn't hesitate at all. He kicked it out in an instant. It was fast, hard and fierce, and it brought waves of wind.


A foot was directly kicked in xiongkui's abdomen, and a dull voice sounded. He didn't even have a chance to react and dodge. Not only he, but also the people around him didn't think that yebufan would suddenly make a move, and they didn't see the foot clearly.


Xiongkui felt pain, and a howl sounded instinctively.

The next second, his body flew backward like the broken kite, and with a bang, he landed heavily five meters away.


Another mouthful of blood essence spurted from xiongkui's mouth.

Only two seconds.


All the people on the scene took a breath.

There was a dead silence.


Xiongkui struggled to get up from the ground. He felt the pain of his stomach gradually subsided. He wiped the blood stains on the corners of his mouth. His face was ferocious. Even if he was angry, he roared: "boy, you dare to do this to me."

Yebufan ignored it, but turned to look at more than 2000 people, such as ye Wang. Seeing that they were all drained of blood and spirit, he frowned and threw another Xumi ring directly at Ye Fu.

"One for each."

Xumijie is filled with spirit liquor soaked in level 8 earth treasure, which ye Bufan prepared the day before Tianhuang city set out.

At present, more than 2000 people are almost short of life. If they don't recover as soon as possible, yebufan is really worried about affecting their martial arts foundation.

Not to mention the twothousand recruits of the Tianhuang City, nor the eight guards including ye jiatie 7. Ye Fu, ye Shuang, the younger generation of the Ye family, or long Xiaobao, which one is not a genius or a monster. If this hurts their martial arts foundation and affects their future martial arts path, whose loss is it?

Therefore, ye Bufan was more angry.

Ye Fu took the unprinted xumijie, didn't speak, didn't ask, and directly took out the spirit wine from it, one cup for each person, and distributed it.

He didn't know what his young master was going to do, but he knew that xiongkui had been tossing about for two consecutive days. Now everyone in his line was in the worst condition. It was hard to stand. If he started, he would suffer a loss. He had to recover as soon as possible.

However, others don't know the effect of spirit wine, but the Ye family all know that the immersion of level 8 earth treasure is absolutely against the sky.

Recover as soon as possible. If you want to fight, fight.

"What are they doing?"


"Shit, what kind of wine? It smells good."

"Yes, I'm almost hooked by the smell of alcohol."

"Who knows who that little fellow is? What did he do with his foot just now?"

Looking at yebufan and all the recruits in the wasteland City, the old soldiers who were watching suddenly began to talk.

Xiongkui's face became more and more ferocious and ugly. Suddenly, he shouted angrily: "boy, are you deaf? I'm talking to you?"

Xiongkui's words were ignored by yebufan, who just quietly watched the recovery of more than 2000 recruits in the wasteland city.


Xiongkui was very angry.

Ignore yourself?

He felt that his prestige had been provoked, and his cheek was burning with pain, as if he had been slapped in the face. Even without the slightest hesitation, he came to yebufan with a military staff.

One step, like a wolf, one step, like a tiger.

Just a moment later, xiongkui came two meters away from yebufan again and roared: "boy, how dare a recruit sneak attack and seriously injure the Quartermaster of the war department? I will teach you the rules of the War Department today."

As soon as the words were over, xiongkui swept them out with a stick.

Yebufan immediately narrowed his eyes, turned his body, faced xiongkui, pushed his right foot on the ground, and rushed out without retreating.

The speed is as fast as an arrow.


One side, easily avoid xiongkui's stick.

Xiongkui's eyes narrowed and he was shocked.

Yebufan's momentum remained unabated, facing xiongkui, his left leg bent, and his knee slammed into xiongkui's abdomen. With a bang, xiongkui's whole body was convulsed, and his body was bent into a shrimp shape.


A howl of pain came from his mouth at the same time.

Yebufan's attack continued unabated. His left arm was raised fiercely and bent. His left elbow was like a shell. He hit xiongkui's back with the momentum of thunder.


A huge crash sounded, and xiongkui's massive body trembled.


The next second, he was lying on the ground.

Yebufan stands aside.

Before and after, three seconds.


The scene in front of us happened so quickly that when everything was over, all the war veterans on the scene were stunned and stagnated.

Xiongkui, refining dirty seven, second defeat?

Twothousand recruits from the Tianhuang city and the Ye family all looked at xiongkui who fell to the ground, but they were not surprised. They were just mocking.

Refined dirty seven?

At that time in the wasteland City, ye Dashao lost six stars in a second to Liu Yong in the yuan territory. What was the point of just refining the dirty seven grades.

Xiongkui lay on the ground, feeling the sharp pain before and after him, and thinking of being defeated by a recruit in front of so many people, he was very humiliated and angry.


Unfortunately, his word had just sounded, but yebufan, who was standing beside him, had already shot again, and he raised his foot fiercely.

When everyone around saw this, their eyes immediately narrowed.

What is he doing?

Without waiting for anyone to think more, nor giving xiongkui a chance to speak, yebufan has already fallen.


With a thunderous foot, he stepped heavily on xiongkui's right hand.


The sound of broken bones sounded.

"Ah -"

Xiongkui's scream was even more sudden, tearing his heart and lungs.


Everyone took a breath.

"What do you want, boy?"

Just a moment later, the two teams of war veterans who were originally responsible for guarding the recruits in the city of heaven wasteland returned to their senses and surrounded them. They glared at yebufan one by one.

This new recruit is too rampant.

Yebufan sneered: "Ben, don't look at him."

As soon as the voice fell, yebufan's left foot, which had stepped on xiongkui's palm, retreated instantly. At the same time, his right foot kicked out fiercely.

The speed is so fast that no one can stop it.


A heavy kick hit xiongkui in the abdomen. The powerful impact twisted xiongkui's body. A mouthful of blood essence spewed out in an instant. With a choking sound, his whole body flew back out in an instant.

It took me a few meters to stop.


Seeing this scene, one by one, the War Department veterans who were originally responsible for guarding the recruits of Tianhuang city looked distorted and angry: "boy, you want to die and take it down for me."

"Who dares!!"

Seeing this, ye Fu shouted angrily.

Without any hesitation, the twothousand recruits of Tianhuang city and the Ye family stepped out one by one and faced a group of war veterans.

If you want to fight, I will fight.


Seeing this scene, the War Department veteran was stunned.

Yebufan raised his right hand and motioned the recruits not to mess around. Then he looked at the angry war veterans in front of him and asked with a smile, "why do you want to capture so few books?"


All the veterans of the war department were stunned, and one of them angrily said: "boy, you openly hurt your comrades in arms. With this, we have the right to arrest you, and... You must be severely punished."


Yebufan sneered.

Then, facing a group of veterans, he asked with a smile, "now is the time to fight against the demons and barbarians?"


The veterans of the war department were stunned.

They don't know why yebufan suddenly asked this, but one of them was suspicious and said, "of course not."

Yebufan smiled: "well, don't ask you again. Is this soft egg dead? Did you hang up?"


"Ha ha."

Yebufan smiled calmly.

The next second, his face suddenly sank. He pointed to a group of veterans and shouted: "since it's time for non war, this soft guy hasn't died yet, so you're bullshit? Get out of here. Remember, Ben Shao has just joined the army. Ben Shao is still a recruit. What are the recruits? You know? The recruits are the lowest ninth class soldiers."


When a word is spoken, the audience is silent.

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