According to the iron rule of the War Department, no weapon can be used, no one can kill, no one can be maimed or severely injured in any challenge.

In times of non war, lower soldiers can challenge higher soldiers at will. Higher soldiers cannot refuse without necessary reasons; If the higher soldiers want to challenge the lower soldiers, the lower soldiers can refuse or accept it.

No matter whether the higher soldiers challenge the lower soldiers or the lower soldiers challenge the higher soldiers, if the challenge fails, they must give one tenth of their accumulated merits to the other party. Of course, although this tenth is calculated according to the accumulated meritorious service, it is the usable meritorious service for compensation. Therefore, the meritorious service of both sides will not be increased or decreased, and the military rank will not be changed.

For example, if the challenger's merit is 100/1000, his usable merit is 100, and his cumulative merit is 1000. If the challenge fails, the Challenger must compensate 1000*0.1 merits, that is, 100. Therefore, the challenger's only 100 merits must be compensated to the challenger.

Of course, if the use of merit is less than one tenth of the accumulated merit, then you are not qualified to challenge anyone.

In addition, if the challenger is defeated, there is no need to pay any price, and the Challenger cannot obtain any benefits. This is a punishment for the lower level to challenge the higher level, and it also gives the lower level an opportunity to challenge the higher level.

Therefore, although there is such a stipulation in the War Department, few people are really willing to challenge it.

Unless the conflict cannot be resolved.

Unless there is a deep blood feud.


"Ben Shao is still a recruit."

Yebufan's words echoed in the minds of everyone present, making a buzzing sound in the minds of all the veterans.

Recruits, ninth class soldiers and the lowest level soldiers can challenge anyone in the war department. At the same time, new recruits have just joined the army without any merit, and no merit can be used or accumulated.

What is one tenth of zero?

Or zero.

In other words, new recruits challenge veterans, even if they fail, there will be no loss.

In the same way, even if a veteran wins, he won't do any good.

But these are not the main things. The main thing is... There has never been a new recruit challenging a veteran in the war department. After all, who would provoke a veteran if he was new here.

But now?

All the veterans in the war department are in a mess.

The recruits were excited.


Suddenly, among the veterans in front of yebufan, the first one shouted angrily, and then pointed to yebufan and shouted: "boy, even if it is like this, why do you attack suddenly? Challenge the rules with challenges. Do you want xiongkui to make a challenge statement?"


Yebufan pretended to frown. Before the other party could answer, he smiled and said: "just now there was a little 'War' shouting so loud, didn't you hear it? Or... Your ears are hard to use?"


Yebufan said, and all the veterans were stunned.


They naturally heard that word, but who would have thought about it at that time. Moreover, yebufan made a direct move after one word, and didn't give anyone a chance to think too much.

Is this a challenge statement?

Nima, this is definitely intentional.

It's really shameless.

All the veterans in the war department could not help drawing a corner of their mouth.

Immediately, another veteran angrily said, "boy, even if it is so, xiongkui has not promised. How can you suddenly make a move."


Hearing the speech, yebufan directly despised the other party.

"What did you say?"

The veteran was furious.

Yebufan pointed at the other side and said angrily, "I said that you were a fool. I was short of a recruit to challenge a quartermaster. I don't know how many ranks lower than him. Can he refuse? Can he refuse? What's more, he didn't refuse. If he didn't refuse, he would acquiesce. Since he acquiesced in accepting the challenge, why shouldn't I do it? Besides, didn't he also do it later?"


For a moment, the War Department veterans were in a hurry.


But yebufan stopped talking nonsense with the veterans in front of him. He rushed out with an arrow and headed for xiongkui in the distance.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing this, an old soldier immediately shouted angrily.

"He hasn't conceded yet."

Yebufan said that people had come to xiongkui.

At this time, xiongkui just got up from the ground. When he heard yebufan's words, his eyes shrank and his body trembled violently.


He is no match for yebufan.

Only surrender and surrender.

Immediately, Xiong Kui said, "I......"

Unfortunately, yebufan didn't give him a chance at all. Just after the word xiongkui sounded, yebufan kicked it out.


With powerful force, xiongkui flew out upside down.


With a howl of pain, xiongkui swallowed what he had said, and there was no way to surrender.


Three meters away, xiongkui landed heavily. It was two meters before he could stop. However, his body was convulsed involuntarily.


Seeing this scene, the War Department veterans became even angrier.

"Boy, he has already conceded defeat. Why should you take action?"

"Throw in the towel?"

Yebufan shrugged: "why didn't Ben Shao hear it?" Then he looked at Ye Fu and others and said, "did you hear that?"


Ye Fu and others shouted in unison.


Even among the veterans who were watching around, there were a lot of people who agreed. They were angry with xiongkui, a quartermaster.

At this moment, Jieqi.


Hearing this, the war veterans standing on Xiong Kui's side clenched their fists one by one. It was even harder to see the extreme in their faces. The first soldier turned to look at Xiong Kui in the distance and said, "Quartermaster Xiong, what are you waiting for? Admit defeat."

Throw in the towel?

Xiongkui scolded in the distance. Doesn't he want to admit defeat? But the madman didn't give him a chance at all.

The world?

Xiongkui felt that yebufan's foot seemed to break his internal organs. It seemed to be OK, but it was actually an internal injury or serious injury.

At the moment, he can't even speak.

But even so, Xiong Kui did not hesitate. He raised his hand and said, "I, I, I recognize..."

"Did Ben allow you to admit defeat?"

But yebufan shouted.

I don't know when he came to xiongkui. He fell down and kicked down at the same time.



Xiongkui felt pain and howled. His words were interrupted again. His heart was even more angry and frightened.

Without the slightest hesitation, yebufan stooped down, grabbed xiongkui's hair, pulled him up, and half knelt on the ground.

"I... i... recognize..."

Looking at yebufan with hazy eyes, xiongkui said vaguely.


Yebufan slapped xiongkui in the face. The clear voice made everyone tremble.

This boy is so cruel.

After today, the hatred between the two people may be difficult to resolve. Of course, they don't know that yebufan doesn't care at all.


Yebufan looked at xiongkui and sneered.

"Is it very impressive?"


Then there was another slap in the face.

"Aren't you arrogant?"


"Aren't you very capable?"


"Do you dare to move?"


One slap after another, one clear sound after another, all the people present were numb, and their cheeks were burning with pain, as if ye Bufan's palms were all fanned on their faces.

Xiongkui's head has swollen into a pig's head.


In his mouth, there was a choking sound, but he could not hear what he was talking about.

Suddenly, yebufan's face sank and he said in a cold voice, "Ben Shao warned you not to provoke Ben Shao, but you didn't listen. Quartermaster? War Department veteran? Told you that Ben Shao doesn't want to cause trouble, but he is not afraid of it."


Then yebufan hit xiongkui directly in the abdomen.


A mouthful of blood essence spurted out.

Everyone around was shocked.

Yebufan let go.


Xiongkui's body collapsed directly to the ground. His body also twitched slightly, and choking sounds sounded from time to time.

It's like begging for mercy, it's like giving up.

Yebufan looks down at xiongkui, but sneers.


Then he mocked: "the rules of the War Department, if one side concedes defeat in any challenge, the challenge is over. As a War Department veteran and quartermaster, don't you know that if one side is unconscious, even pretending to be unconscious, the challenge is over?"

Remind, it is the heart.

A word awakens the dreamer!!

Immediately, all the veterans present trembled, and even xiongkui, who was vaguely conscious, trembled.



In a hurry, a mouthful of blood essence spurted from his mouth.

Why didn't I think of it?

Yebufan didn't hesitate, had no pity, and didn't give xiongkui the chance to pretend to be unconscious. As soon as his voice fell, he kicked out.

The divine force and eight barren forces.


He kicked Xiong Kui directly in front of his chest.


The sound of broken bones sounded.


A mouthful of blood essence suddenly rang out from xiongkui's mouth. Xiongkui's body bent and flew out of the room.

"Remember, don't mess with Ben Shao in the future. You can't mess with him."


As soon as yebufan's voice fell, xiongkui's body had fallen tens of meters away and crashed heavily into a camp.

Complete coma.


Everyone took a breath in an instant.

There was a dead silence.

recruit? Yebufan?

This is a madman. Don't provoke him.

Yebufan did not continue to pay attention to xiongkui. Instead, he turned around and looked at the war veterans who helped xiongkui punish Yefu and others.

A sneer rose.

The veterans trembled.

"What are you doing?"

Their footsteps retreated slightly, their eyes were full of alert, and a slightly trembling voice sounded suddenly.

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