"1.73 million gold. It's not expensive. I gave it less."

Yebufan's words left the whole audience in a dead silence. You can hear the needle falling. Even the waiter was stunned.

1.73 million gold, not much?

Dear guest!!

Just for a moment, the waiter was overjoyed.

Then he took another look at the xuanbing weapons in the hands of the Ye family. The waiter was more and more convinced that the young master was a rich man and a fat sheep.

Immediately, he changed his previous stern manner, looked at yebufan, bowed and said, "yes, yes, it's not expensive, it's not expensive, it's only 1.3 million gold, it's really not expensive, it's not expensive at all."

"Your uncle!!"

Hearing the speech, the onlookers around could not help but scold. One by one, they looked at yebufan and were full of ridicule. Are you stupid, stupid, or stupid?

"Young master..."

The Ye family and their entourage are even more complicated.

"What are you waiting for? Haven't you heard what the young master said? Put away your weapons. What do they look like?" But yebufan glanced at them and scolded angrily. Then he pointed to Zuixian building: "you get what you pay for. People open their doors to do business. Since they dare to charge so much, they must have their own reason and originality. Otherwise... You are stupid to think that people here? If this store is really a black shop, they will come to visit it?"


As soon as yebufan's voice fell, the waiter was a little embarrassed.

However, it was only a moment. Soon, he looked at yebufan and said repeatedly: "yes, yes, you get what you pay for. The young master said it well. The wine and vegetables in Zuixian building are definitely the most delicious in Luoxian town."

"Do you hear me?"

Hearing this, yebufan looked at the Ye family and said.


The onlookers were speechless.

People say, you believe it?

Are you kidding me?

The Ye family were also stunned.

"Yeshao is right. Since the dishes and wine in this shop are so expensive, it must be incomparable to other houses. Yeshao, we are supposed to eat out. Why not just this one?" At this time, long Xiaobao suddenly said.


The onlookers heard the speech and looked at longxiaobao. There was a flurry of confusion and silence. One fool is not enough. What else?

The rest of the Ye family were stunned.

Who is long Xiaobao?

Although he is small, he is smart.

Who are their young masters?

In the wilderness City, hundreds of thousands of people failed to see that their young master pretended to be stupid. Can others deceive their young master? Besides, is your young master the kind of person who is willing to suffer losses and be taken advantage of by others?

Obviously not.

Suddenly, all the members of the Ye family wake up.

Although they don't know what their young master wants to do, they just need to cooperate. Immediately, one by one, they put away their weapons and echoed, changing their faces faster than anyone could imagine.

In an instant, nearly a hundred people around collapsed. It was not just one or two fools, but a group of fools.

The waiter was excited.

People are stupid and have a lot of money, which means these people are in front of us.

"In that case, we'll eat here." With that, yebufan looked at the waiter again and said, "waiter, put him down. His account will be settled after we finish eating."

"Yes, yes."

The waiter heard the words and replied repeatedly.

Later, the waiter put uncle Cai down directly, but Uncle Cai ignored the waiter and came to yebufan and said urgently, "young master, you can't go in here. They are just robbing. The price of the dishes..."

Uncle Cai only said half of what he said, but was interrupted by yebufan: "young master, do I lack money? Do I need money? It's not expensive. I don't want to eat, young master."


Uncle CAI was stunned and speechless.

The waiter was delighted.

Yebufan didn't continue to pay attention to Uncle Cai, but looked at the waiter and said, "waiter, what are you doing? Lead the way."

"Yes, yes, yes."

"Young master, please!!"

The waiter immediately regained his mind and said again and again. He walked to the Zuixian building facing yebufan.

Yebufan and his party stepped into the restaurant.

"Hey... Today, I finally saw what it means to be a fool. He doesn't eat when it's not expensive. It's estimated that he didn't even cry."

"Who says not."

"I don't know what will happen to these people."

"If you don't have enough money, beat it up and throw it out."

"If you don't have enough money, beat it up and throw it out."

"If you don't have enough money, beat it up and throw it out."

As soon as one man's voice fell, three voices sounded at the same time. People around him were stunned when they heard what he said. The previous man asked, "no, look at this boy... He seems to have a lot of money. He didn't pay attention to 1.73 million gold."

"So what? No matter how much money you have, it will never be enough when you enter Zuixian building. They can only come to one end and only one end. They eat overlord food, get all their money stolen, and then beat them up and throw them out."

"That's not the case."

"That's it."

"However, there are more than 20 people in their group. If Zuixian building does this, are you not afraid of their resistance?"

"Resistance? I'm not afraid of your resistance. I'm afraid you won't resist. Once you resist, you will die faster and more miserably."


"Have you seen the people in the restaurant hall? Do you think they really eat here? I tell you, they are all hired by the owner of Zuixian building. They are all Zuixian building people, and there are two places to return to yuan."

"No, no..."

"Isn't it? I tell you, it's true. If you don't believe it, just go in and try."


Yebufan and his party have entered the restaurant. Naturally, it is impossible to hear these words, let alone know that the hall of the restaurant is full of people from Zuixian building. Looking at the tables in the hall, big pieces of meat and big bowls of wine, there is only one feeling - business is booming.

But I don't think so. It's all an illusion.

"Young master, this way, please. There is a VIP box on the second floor, which is very suitable for you." In the hall, the waiter pointed to the corridor leading to the second floor, looked at yebufan and said with a smile.


Yebufan waved his hand and pointed to a few tables inside the hall. "That's it. I don't eat much, only expensive ones, but also for a lively meal. The box is more lonely and boring."

With that, yebufan had already walked to the empty tables inside the hall on the first floor, followed by the Yejia and his party.

The waiter was stunned, but he didn't say much.

Yebufan and his group of twenty-four people sat at three tables. As soon as they took their seats, three girls in green came up with teapots and wanted to pour tea for yebufan and his group. At the same time, the waiter stood next to yebufan and said in a respectful voice, "young master, what do you want to eat?"

"Wait a minute, we don't want this tea." As soon as the second tone of the shop fell, the three girls in green had just picked up the teapot. Next to yebufan, uncle Cai suddenly stood up and shouted.


The Ye family were stunned and looked at Uncle CAI with strange eyes.


One side, the waiter drew a little from the corner of his mouth.

Just now I was thinking about the good things. How could I forget the old man? He has been here once.

"Young master, this tea, a cup of 10000 gold coins, you can't take it. You can't take it. You can't return it if you pour it." Before the waiter could speak, uncle Cai immediately said in yebufan's ear.


The Ye family burst out with a cry of surprise.

A cup of tea, 10000 gold?

Suddenly, a pair of strange eyes fell on the waiter, and the movements of the three girls in green also stopped.

The air seemed to freeze and there was a dead silence around.

The waiter took a swipe at the corner of his mouth.

Yebufan frowned, but smiled coolly. Pointing to the girl in blue beside his table, he said, "girl, come and pour me some tea."

"Young master..."

Hearing this, uncle CAI was in a hurry.


Yebufan took a teacup from the middle of the table, put it in front of him again, and drank, "pour tea!!"


Uncle CAI was speechless.

The girl in green did not hesitate at all. She immediately walked through the tea cup in front of yebufan and poured a cup of tea.

Yebufan picked up the tea cup and drank it down.

"Good tea!!"


Smell speech, the corner of the waiter's mouth couldn't help but draw slightly, even the three girls in green also had a messy face.

In the whole Zuixian building, no one knows better than them that their boss makes the most profit in order to save costs. Therefore, this tea is made from the worst tea in Luoxian town.

Is this still good tea?

This guy, is it intentional, or has he never had tea at all, just pretending to save face?

Without waiting for the waiter to think more, yebufan looked at him again and immediately said, "waiter, your tea is good. Tenthousand cups? Give each of us a cup. No, Ben Shao's men. If they want to drink, they can manage enough."


The waiter thought in his heart and said again and again: "wrong, wrong, young master, how can you match your identity with tenthousand cups of tea? This tea is not tenthousand cups, but onehundredthousand cups."


All the members of the Ye family immediately exclaimed.

A cup of tea, 100000 gold?

Why don't you rob it.

At moment, even corners of the yebufan's mouth could not help but secretly draw, but it was just a moment, and no one found it.

Later, he laughed and said: "Ben Shao said, how can such a delicious tea be so cheap? One hundred thousand cups, right? It's the same as what Ben Shao said before. As long as these people under Ben Shao want to drink, you can manage enough. What's more, it's money. Ben Shao is poor and there's only money left."

"Pour the tea."


Hearing this, the waiter immediately said, "what are you three still doing? Don't pour tea for your guests."

The three girls dare not hesitate.

The waiter looked at yebufan again and asked, "young master, can you order now? I don't know what you like to eat? We have all kinds of things flying in the sky, swimming in the water and climbing on the ground in the drunken immortal building. If you want to eat, you can have them. Besides, we have..."


The waiter said, but yebufan interrupted.


The waiter was stunned.

"No, sir. What do you mean?" Then the waiter looked at yebufan with a startled face and asked.

"Ben Shao never orders. Just send all the best and most expensive things in your Zuixian building. You don't have to ask him about other services. You can do it yourself. Ben Shao doesn't mind the trouble, but he doesn't need the money."

"Just hurry up."


Smell speech, the waiter is silly in place.

Go ahead, go ahead?

Then, great joy!!

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