Good food and wine were served, but no one paid any attention to them. At yebufan's table, Yefu looked at the surrounding hall with dignified eyes, lowered his voice and said softly, "young master, don't you feel the atmosphere here is obedient?"

"Yes, I feel it too."

"I also found that, look at that table, that table, and that table. They have looked at us several times."

"What's more, have you noticed that the dishes on their table are already cold? It doesn't look like they are here for dinner."


The people of the Ye family were shocked.


Uncle Cai's mouth twitched slightly, and he said in a low mood: "they didn't come to eat. They are the people in the drunken immortal building."


As soon as Uncle Cai's voice fell, the crowd burst out with a cry of surprise.


Ye Wang stood up fiercely.

In an instant, people around looked at Ye Wang with strange eyes. Ye Wang was stunned and immediately sat down. He lowered his voice again and asked, "Uncle finance, since you know they are a gang, why didn't you say it earlier?"

Uncle chuckled and said, "did you let me tell you? Besides, I said it was a black shop long ago, but you don't believe it."


The crowd was stunned.

"What are we going to do now? If these people are from Zuixian building, we can't beat them at all. Look, there are many people here who have fluctuating vitality. They are obviously martial artists in the yuan realm." Yewang said and looked at yebufan again: "young master, we......"


Ye Wang's four words had just sounded, but he was speechless again.

Others looked at yebufan in a daze.

Eating and drinking.

At the moment, yebufan's face is calm and comfortable, which is half nervous. Feeling that everyone was looking at him, yebufan raised his head and asked, "Why are you looking at me like this? You haven't eaten for days. Aren't you hungry?"

Everyone was stunned again.

Hungry, how can you not be hungry, but at this moment, who is in the mood to eat?

"If you don't eat it, it won't taste good when it's cold. Let alone, the dishes in Zuixian building taste really good." Yebufan said, picking up another ball and stuffing it into his mouth.

When they saw this scene, they were completely speechless.

Yebufan didn't pay attention, but suddenly turned to the counter and said, "waiter, your Zuixian restaurant food tastes really good. Well, we'll pack one less for Ben according to the table we eat. We'll finish it now and take it away later."


When they heard the speech, the Ye family all began to twitch.

"Young master, are you..."

"We all ate and drank well. Xiao Bao hasn't eaten anything yet. Of course, we should pack one for him." Yeshuang just spoke, but was interrupted by yebufan.


Everyone was stunned.

Xiao Bao? Long Xiaobao?

"Yes, what about the old man? He was outside the restaurant just now. Why is he missing now?" At this time, Hao Pang stood up, looked at their three tables, and asked in astonishment.

Originally, there were 25 people in the party, but now there are only 24 people. Because they were divided into three tables, the people present didn't care. Now when yebufan mentioned it, they found that long Xiaobao was missing.


For a moment, people's strange eyes fell on yebufan.

"Why don't you look at Ben like that?" Yebufan smiled and said, "eat it all. If you don't eat it, how can the young master take you to experience what is called a real overlord meal?"

"The real overlord meal?"

They don't understand what yebufan means. However, with the disappearance of longxiaobao, they don't understand that their young master has made arrangements for fear of things. For a while, the people no longer hesitated and began to eat.

Do not eat for nothing.

At the counter.

The waiter and three girls in green got together. The four of them took a look at yebufan and his party from time to time.

One of the girls in green looked at the waiter and said, "brother Wang, why do I always feel insecure?"

The young girl in Green said something, and the other two also looked at the waiter and said, "yes, brother Wang, we both feel insecure. Our hearts go up and down, and there will be no accident?"

"Something happened? What could happen?" The waiter smiled calmly, his face calm and calm.

"According to the old man, their young master seems to be a recruit of the war department. Besides, it seems that other people are also new recruits. If we do this, I'm afraid it's bad to annoy those people in the Sirius war camp?" As soon as the second tone of the shop came down, another girl in blue said.

"Yes, after all, there are so many of them, and all of them are from the war department. Moreover... Looking at the young man, it seems that his origin is not simple."


Hearing this, the waiter sneered: "what's the matter with the war department? People in the war department can eat without giving money? Everything in our Zuixian building is clearly priced, and we didn't force them to eat. What can they do with us?"

"Also, don't forget that the 18th guest we killed was also from the war department. What was the result? He took their Centurion to argue, and was not easily dismissed by the boss?"


The three girls in green were stunned, but they could not deny it. After all, this is the case, and the war department should be reasonable.

The waiter continued: "besides, it's also the boss's business if something happens. We're just working. What's more, the boss said that the Zuixian restaurant will open for one month. After one month, the restaurant will close. Everyone is running their own business. What are you afraid of?"


"Well, no, but. Don't you see? The leading young master of these people is a fool. He is a fool with a lot of money. He still wants face. Even the tea in our restaurant is good tea."


The waiter said, and the three girls in green couldn't help laughing. Indeed, the tea was not drunk at all.

"By the way, brother Wang, you just went upstairs to report to the boss. What did the boss say?" Suddenly, one of the girls in green asked after laughing.

"The boss is not here."

The waiter shook his hand and said.


The three girls in green were stunned.

One of them even frowned and said, "no, when these people were just outside the restaurant, I saw the boss take a look at them in the hall and go up to the second floor. How could they not be there?"


Hearing this, the waiter was also stunned.

Then he shook his head and said, "maybe the boss went out later. Didn't you see that?"

Is that really the case?

The three girls in green had suspicious faces.

"The grand commander of Tang Dynasty is the drunken immortal building. In broad daylight and in full view of the public, they murdered money and life. Ye Shao suspects that the people who run this restaurant have betrayed the human race, taken refuge in the demon clan or wild animals, and plotted against Luoxian town."

At this time, a young voice suddenly came from outside, which was full of anger. Although not loud, the people in the restaurant can hear clearly.

Betray the Terran? Join the demon and barbarian tribes? murder for gain? Plotting against Luoxian town?

Suddenly, everyone in the restaurant was stunned. The waiter and the three girls in green looked at each other and saw it outside the restaurant.

Outside the restaurant, long Xiaobao came running with Tang Yi. Just a moment later, hundreds of War Department soldiers had completely surrounded the restaurant.

It was so cold that it killed the enemy without any disguise.


In the restaurant, all the people were shocked when they saw this scene. A kind of uneasy mood suddenly emerged.

Yebufan this table.

Hearing the sound outside the restaurant, yebufan didn't care at all. He put down his dishes and chopsticks, wiped his mouth again, and said, "work."


All the members of the Ye family were stunned.

"Ye Shao, what do you do?" Hao Pang looked at yebufan with stunned eyes and asked. So did the others.

"Xiaopang, don't you know that the boss of Zuixian building has betrayed the human race and taken refuge in the demon clan? He is a demon spy lurking in Luoxian town. Now, seeing that we have a large number of treasures in our hands, they want to murder us to seize our wealth. Everyone here is an accomplice. These meals are poisonous. Now some of you have been poisoned. Xiaopang, you are one of them." But yebufan smiled.


A cry of surprise suddenly rang out.

boss? Betray the Terran? Join the demon clan? murder for gain?

"Ye Shao, you, you, since you already knew it, why didn't you say it earlier? I... finished, finished, just now I ate so much, vomit... Vomit..." hearing the speech, Hao Pang said eagerly and flustered.

Yebufan rolled his eyes: "fake."


Everyone was stunned.

"If it is true, Ben Shao will let you come here to die? Since we want to eat overlord food, we naturally have a suitable reason." As he said this, yebufan's face sank: "what nonsense drunken immortal building, even Ben Shao dares to pit. This time, even if he can't kill you, Ben Shao will let you lose your skin."


Everyone was stunned, but they suddenly woke up.

"Now, all of you, who have less than 80 basic strength, lie down and don't pretend to be dead. Just pretend to be unconscious. You can't die without Ben Shao's order. The young master will take you to a real overlord meal today." Suddenly, yebufan gave another shriek.


The corners of their mouths suddenly twitched slightly.

Pretend to be unconscious?

Your uncle, this move is poisonous.


Suddenly, there was a dull noise. In the sight of everyone, uncle Cai fell to the ground.


Seeing this scene, the people could not help but draw a little at the corners of their mouths. Uncle, how much do you hate this drunken immortal building.

"Bang bang!!"

Then, all the Ye family members no longer hesitated. One by one, both men and women, fell to the ground and pretended to be unconscious.

"General Tang, help! Help! The demon clan is killing people." Yebufan did not hesitate. He immediately got up and ran out of Zuixian building with a cry of surprise.


All the members of the Ye family were speechless.

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