"Emperor, but so!!"

The black robed man gave a cold rebuke, and the whole audience was silent. Everyone was shocked.

Injured emperor.

The emperor sitting on the ground.

The white faced emperor.

Even the emperor with a frightened face.

Is this all because the emperor of Tianmo clan is too weak?


How can the emperor's martial arts master be weak.

Everything is because these black robed people are too strong and tough.

Who would have thought that threethousand people in black robes could injure a powerful Emperor just by killing.

Who are they?

Where do they come from?

All the gods present were frightened, confused and even at a loss.

The divine emperor is like this. How could the dozen emperors be different? Even, the shock brought by the threethousand black robed people to them is far greater than that of other divine emperors.

As the emperor's strong, they are very aware of the emperor's strength and power.

But now

The strange atmosphere, dead silence, depression, is extremely heavy.

Everyone looked at the threethousand black robed people in front of them and said nothing.

"Fairy sister-in-law, are they the threethousand killers you mentioned?"

At this time, in the Terran camp, ye Jingyu looked at the little fairy and asked.


The little fairy nodded.

"Isn't this a bit abnormal? That's the emperor, so they hurt him?"

Yejingyu said in a strange way.

Other Terran members present were also dignified and worried.

Although they already knew that in the next trial, especially in the third round of trial, these shenkiller guards would be their biggest enemies, they never thought that these shenkiller guards would be so strong.

Only the murderous Qi can shock the emperor and the strong, and now they are just gods. If they are allowed to step into the emperor level, who else can be their opponent in this huge Tianyuan Xiaoqian?

It seemed that she felt the inner thoughts of the people, and the little fairy smiled, "In fact, you don't have to pay too much attention. Although the God killing guards are powerful, they are not invincible, and... The reason why they can so easily hurt the emperor of the Tianmo clan is not because of their strong attack, but because... The attack they jointly made was a divine attack. In addition, the emperor of the Tianmo clan was unprepared, so he was attacked."

"In addition, when the spirit was attacked and his blood shook, he would vomit blood. In fact, all these were just appearances. The emperor of the Tianmo clan was not hurt, or he was not seriously hurt."

"To put it bluntly, although the attack of killing God guard is powerful, it is actually used to bluff people."

"For bluffing?"

All members of the Terran were stunned at first, and then they couldn't help drawing corners of their mouths.


The little fairy answered and said, "they are making a threat. It must be because those emperors have provoked them. Otherwise, with the personality of killing God guards, they won't pay attention to others at all."


The crowd was in disorder.

Killer guards never talk to anyone?

The reason for this scene is that the emperors of the six royal families provoked them first?

If it is really like what the little fairy said, these emperors will really suffer for themselves.

"By the way, which one is killing God?"

The next second, looking at the 3000 murderers in the distance, long Xiaobao frowned and asked.

Other Terrans are also curious.

"He didn't come."

The little fairy shook her head and said.


Everyone was stunned.

Long Xiaobao was stunned: "how could it be that he has not reached the divine emperor?"

"That's impossible."

The little fairy immediately said no and said: "murdering God guards have advanced to the level of God Emperor. How can brother Yu not reach the level of God Emperor? There must be only one possibility that he didn't come. That is, the second round of trial has no meaning for him. To put it simply... He has reached the level of emperor Zun Jiuchong heaven, or even half a step too far."


Killing God has reached the Ninth Heaven of emperor Zun, or even half step Taiyi?

Everyone was shocked.

The little fairy did not continue to pester this topic, but looked at the 3000 God killing guards ahead and the emperors of the six royal families and said: "God killing guards are God killing guards. After hundreds of millions of years, you are still so powerful, so domineering, and even so empty."


The sudden sound immediately attracted the attention of all the people present. Even more than a dozen emperors of the six royal families and 3000 God killing guards also looked at the little fairy one after another.

However, the little fairy did not pay any attention, but looked at more than ten emperors and powerful men of the six royal families, and then said with a fierce look: "you guys, you may not know who you have offended?"


All the emperors frowned.

The little fairy continued: "the threethousand people in black robes in front of you were born by killing, and they were all God killing guards who died by killing. Their master is one of the two treasures of the world, the murderous God killing sabre."


When the little fairy said this, everyone present was shocked.

Although they haven't heard of the God killing guard, most of them know the existence of "God killing", especially those who are emperor and powerful. They are more aware of what "God killing" stands for. It represents killing and death.

Are the 3000 black robes in front of us the 3000 God killing guards under the command of "God killing"?

For a moment, the faces of the six royal families' emperors and powerful men were all hard to see the extreme.

However, the little fairy ignored it and even said, "what's up? Do you know how to be afraid now? Unfortunately, it's too late."

"Do you know why these God killing guards didn't attack you directly?"

"Because in the second round of the blood prison trial, all people's attacks in this trial place are invalid. In addition, their master murderer is not here."

"Do you know why the God killer is not here?"

"That's because the second round of trial has no meaning for him. To put it bluntly, now he has reached the emperor's nine heaven, which is the limit of this world."

"Emperor jiuchongtian's God killing, plus his 3000 God killing guards... Tut Tut, look, he will definitely retaliate against you when the third round of the blood prison trial is over, and he will certainly kill all of you when the blood prison trial is over."


The little fairy's words fell. The faces of a group of emperors and all the gods of the six royal families could not see the extreme at once. They even couldn't help looking at the 3000 Shenwei killers, as if they were waiting for the 3000 Shenwei killers to refute.

But will the threethousand God killing guards refute it?

With their arrogance and coldness, even if they knew that the little fairy was stirring up dissension, they would not refute, and they disdained to explain.

The same is true.


Facing the eyes of the six royal families full of fear, one of them gave a cold snort, and then took the other killers to the side, ignoring anyone present.

However, in the eyes of the six royal families, this scene has become the default words of the little fairy by these God killing guards. That is to say, during the third round of blood prison trial, God killing and his God killing guards will crazy retaliate against them, and even kill them all after the blood prison trial.

In an instant, all the faces of the six royal families could not see the extreme.

In particular, the powerful emperors of the six royal families did not expect that their sudden solicitation would cause them such trouble.

What now?

Explain to the God killer? And then turn war into friendship with him??

Stop teasing.

What is killing God?

It is the most mysterious, evil and murderous magic weapon in the world.

Will he listen to himself and others?

Will he turn war into friendship with others like himself?

It's impossible.

From the moment they recruited the God killing guards, they and the God killing guards had fallen into a situation that could not be alleviated and would never die.

The next second, an emperor of the protoss suddenly looked at the little fairy and shouted, "who are you? Why do you tell us this? What is your purpose?"


The little fairy smiled and said, "I am the holy prison."


When the little fairy said this, everyone present was shocked.

Holy prison?

Is this beautiful Terran woman one of the two treasures of the world?

How is that possible?

Isn't the holy prison a treasure of the world? How can it be a celebrity woman?

"Isn't it strange?"

Looking at the strange eyes of the people around, the little fairy smiled and said: "in fact, it's no surprise that this fairy is indeed the holy prison, or this fairy is the spirit of the holy prison, and what you see now is that I have spent hundreds of millions of years to create my own flesh and blood body. Of course, in addition to this fairy, the God killer also has his own flesh and blood body."



Can you still have your own flesh and blood body?

Everyone is in a mess.

The little fairy continued: "as for what this fairy told you, it would be simpler, because killing God is the treasure of the world, and I am also the treasure of the world. As the only two world treasures in the world, we have a completely hostile relationship, and even we have been secretly competing with each other for hundreds of millions of years."

"Now you know why this fairy told you this and reminded you of it?"

"It's very simple, because my strength is not enough to compete with God killing. Similarly, your strength is not enough to compete with God killing."

"So this fairy hopes to make an alliance with you. During the third round of blood prison trial, we will work together to suppress the God killer and his threethousand God killer guards. When the blood prison trial is over, we will kill the God killer together."

"Ladies and gentlemen, I wonder... What do you think?"

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