What do you think?

A dozen emperors of the six royal families looked at each other, and then they all looked at the little fairy.

An emperor of the protoss frowned and said, "you really just want to join hands with us to deal with God killing?"

After a pause, the emperor of the protoss continued: "as we all know, killing gods is a murderous thing, and the holy prison is cunning, so... In my opinion, you want to use our hands to eradicate killing gods, so that you can successfully win the throne of God?"

"Do you think so?"

The little fairy said, and then looked at the other Emperors: "do you all think so?"

All the emperors were silent, but they acquiesced in the saying of the little fairy.

"Ha ha."

The little fairy smiled and said, "if you have to think so, the fairy has nothing to say. However, the fairy can promise you that as long as you kill threethousand killers and seriously injure them, on the premise that they can't win the throne, I can quit the trial and give up the fight for the throne."

"Of course, not only this fairy, but also all the Terrans present will not compete for the throne of God."


When the little fairy said this, all the other members of all ethnic groups in the audience frowned.

"Is that true?"

The emperor of the protoss asked, "if it's like what you said, what are you doing?"

"For what?"

The little fairy smiled and said, "I have already said that this is a contest between me and the God killer. I just do this to prevent the God killer from becoming the God Lord. As for others, I don't care who can become the new god Lord at all."

"But we still can't believe you. After all... The holy prison is cunning."

The emperor of the protoss looked on alert.

"That's good..."

The little fairy said something, and then said: "world will, this fairy and all the people present will give up fighting for the position of God, but we still have to participate in the third round of blood prison trial as usual. Is that ok?"

The next second, the voice of the world's will sounded: "are you sure you want to give up fighting for the throne of God?"


The little fairy answered and said, "you can deprive us of the qualification to compete for God, but the premise is that we cannot be deprived of the qualification to participate in the third round of trials."


As soon as the voice of the world's will fell, a purple and gold Rune appeared in the little fairy and all the Terran members present. After leaving their bodies, the purple and gold Rune disappeared directly between heaven and earth.


Seeing this scene, the people of the six royal families and the members of other ethnic groups were all slightly absent-minded, and they felt even more incredible.

They did not expect that the holy prison and Terran members would really give up fighting for the throne of God.

"Is that all right?"

At this time, the little fairy looked at the emperor of the six royal families again and asked with a smile.

The emperors of the six royal families were stunned again.

Both the holy prison and the Terrans have given up fighting for the throne of God. In this way, what doubts do they have and what can they take into account?

What's more, in this case, they have no other choice at all.

If they do not suppress or even eradicate God killing, they are likely to be killed by God killing, or even will be killed by God killing.


At this point, the emperor of the protoss promised: "after entering the third round of blood prison trial, we will first work together to clear the God killer and his 3000 God killer guards, and then compete for the position of God Lord."

"Happy cooperation."

The little fairy smiled.

"Happy cooperation!!"

The emperors of the six royal families also said with a smile.

Then, they looked at the threethousand killer guards with a pondering and provocative face.

It's a pity that if the 3000 killer satellite TV doesn't see it, it doesn't care about it at all.

In their view, even if all the people here unite, they are definitely not the opponents of killing God.

The same is true.

But did the little fairy really want to unite with everyone to eliminate the God killer?


The little fairy just wanted to clear the threethousand murderer guards.

Because she knew very well that even with the power of others, she might not be the opponent of "killing God".

Therefore, all she has to do is to clear all obstacles for yebufan, that is, the threethousand shenkiller guards under the command of shenkiller.

As for "killing God", it is natural to leave it to yebufan.

In addition, the emperors of other nationalities were never taken to heart by the little fairy.

Because in the eyes of the little fairy, they were just a group of cannon fodder.

It's a pity that the members of all the different races here didn't know that the little fairy had to calculate.

Of course, they don't know, which doesn't mean that Terran members can't understand the subtlety.

The little fairy and all the Terran members present gave up fighting for the throne of God directly?

The holy prison is really cunning, even sinister.

What does it mean that all the Terrans present give up fighting for the throne of God?

The so-called presence refers to the Terrans who participate in the second round of trials.

But yebufan did not take part in the second round of trial, that is to say, he was not present.

Since yebufan is not present, he can still fight for the throne of God.

The little fairy was clearly playing a word game.

To put it bluntly, her so-called promises and guarantees are meaningless.

After all, from the beginning to the end, yebufan was the only one who competed for the position of God.

However, the six royal families agreed to the alliance of the little fairy.

It is not difficult to imagine that after entering the third round, they will join the Terran to crack down crazily, and clear the 3000 God killing guards under the God killing command.

At this point, all the Terrans present looked at the little fairy with strange eyes to the extreme. They even secretly reminded themselves:

It is better to kill God than to provoke holy prison.

Because the open gun is easy to hide, and the hidden arrow is hard to defend.

Although killing God is powerful and bloodthirsty, at least he can't play Yin.

But what about the holy prison?

Just like the six royal families in front of you, she may have sold them, and you are still counting money for her.

Without waiting for everyone to think, the voice of the world's will has suddenly sounded: "the second round of the blood prison trial is about to open. Please be prepared."

In an instant, everyone came back.

The will of the world continued: "everywhere in the square, the black futons around you are all made of the last God tianyuanzi's Enlightenment stone. During the trial, you can choose one of them and sit on the enlightenment stone. Everyone's own understanding will be directly improved ten times."

"This round of trial is not comparable to strength. Regardless of accomplishments, it all depends on comprehension."

"Those who can understand the law can directly achieve the throne of emperor."

"Three thousand emperors, the perfect position."

"Now, the second round of trial begins, Hongmeng Taoist rhyme, rule Taoist pattern, now!!"

As soon as the voice of the world's will fell, countless light spots emerged from the ground. These light spots floated in the air. In just a moment, they had filled the whole square space.

In the next second, these tiny light spots blossomed into nine colored flowers one by one.

At this time, the nine series elements suddenly increased in the whole square space, directly reaching ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times that of the outside world. Even in the end, the various elements in the space almost condensed into liquid.

However, any God Emperor and warrior who is in the midst of it, even if he takes a deep breath, can obviously feel the improvement of his cultivation. The speed of this improvement is even faster than directly killing the star beast.

It is not only that, in this majestic element, the Tao patterns of the five laws of life, destruction, order, time and space also appear one after another.

In the past, martial artists at the level of God Emperor had to take elements as the basis to understand the law, and then explore and understand it by themselves. But now, in the ocean of law, although they still need to understand it by themselves, they do not need to explore blindly as before, because there are five kinds of law patterns for their reference.

In this case, it must be much easier than before to understand the law.

In addition, the enlightenment stone in the test space can improve the understanding ten times.

This second round of trial simply opened a shortcut to the emperor's palace for everyone.

So it is with God.

So is the emperor.

After all, now the emperors of the six royal families only understand one or two laws, and relying on this round of trial, they can continue to understand the third, fourth, and even all five laws.

In an instant, everyone was excited, even more excited.

Of course, there are some exceptions, that is, the threethousand shenkillers under the command of shenkillers.


After the Dharma pattern appeared, without any words, they directly found a putuan made of enlightenment stone, sat down, closed their eyes, and began to practice and realize the Tao.

Seeing this scene, other people no longer hesitated, looking for a suitable place to sit and understand the Tao.

After all, there are only threethousand emperors. Obviously, they are first come, first served.

This is true of alien creatures, and the members of the human race are no exception.

"Let's go."

The little fairy said, and everyone chose the futon to sit down.

In the second round, three thousand emperors won the throne, no matter what their accomplishments were, they all depended on their understanding.

To put it bluntly, this round of trials can only rely on themselves, which is why the will of the world cannot intervene.

He can drive the starbeast to kill the Terran at will in the first round, but he cannot directly improve the understanding of the Terran members in the second round.

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