The purple feathers were flying all over the sky, and the world was silent, leaving only the roar of the purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor.

Pain, desolation, life is worse than death.

No matter whether it was human or demon, even yebufan didn't make any sound. He looked at the scene quietly and stupidly.

A lot of money is too cruel.

Suddenly, a seven foot gold knife appeared in Qian Duoduo's hand. He jumped down from the back of the purple flame Xuan Eagle demon queen, fell in front of his right wing, and cut off with another knife‘ With a 'pooch' sound, a scarlet blood spattered out, and the tip of the right wing of the purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor was instantly cut off.

"Roar -"

With a roar, the world was in turmoil.

"Bang bang!!"

The purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor struggled and trembled constantly. His body hit the ground again and again, making a silent sound.

He was in pain, he was in fear.

Qian Duoduo ignored it. As soon as he received his golden knife, he stretched out his right hand to the broken wing wound of the purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor.

Pull, pull.

The speed reached the extreme, and immediately, a green vein was caught in his hand, with a trace of purplish red blood, from the right wing of the purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor.

'roar -'

The purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor screamed in pain, struggled and twitched. Just for a moment, his huge body collapsed to the ground.

The pain is unbearable.

The demon emperor fainted.

Heaven and earth are dead.


Everyone in the presence of the Terran couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, so the presence of the demon clan was shaking and trembling.

Broken wings, cramps?

This devil!!

However, Qian Duoduo ignored it. He directly pulled out a three meter green tendon from the broken wings of the purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor. Looking at the purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor who fainted in front of him, he gave a cold hum: "what kind of person dare to pretend to be dead?"


Then he kicked it out again.

'roar -'

The purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor was in pain, and a wail sounded. He suddenly woke up, and his body was constantly shaking. He was afraid. He was really afraid. The fat man was a devil.

"Former, senior, I, I give."


Hearing the speech, Qian Duoduo snorted coldly: "now you know what to give? Why did Zao te go? I don't know that you, Mr. Qian, go down the mountain every minute?"


As soon as the words fell, Qian Duoduo kicked on the broken wing wound of the purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor, without any sympathy and compassion: "what are you waiting for? Take it out."

"Yes, yes, yes."

The purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor responded repeatedly.

The next second, a purple whirlpool appeared in the space one meter above his head. Gold coins fell from the whirlpool like a heavy rain. Under the sunlight, the golden light flickered. At the same time, besides gold coins, there are other miscellaneous things, such as some weapons, some Terran armor, and some earth treasures.

There were a variety of items. Just a moment later, they piled up a hill in front of the purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor, with the most gold coins. After all, millions of gold coins are not a small number.


Seeing this scene, yebufan was a little stunned.

Purple swirl?

What is that?

There was a flicker of curiosity in his stunned eyes.

Qian Duoduo ignored it. He looked at the objects piled up in front of him like a hill. He looked at the purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor and said, "no more?"

The purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor's body immediately trembled: "no, there is no senior."

"Really? You didn't lie to me? You have to think clearly. Lord Qian hates people lying to me. If you dare to lie to me, I will take away your soul. Believe it or not?" Hearing the speech, Qian Duoduo looked at the purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor with cold eyes.


The purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor's body trembled again and hurriedly said: "before, master, I, I really didn't cheat you. It's all here."


As soon as the purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor said something, Qian Duoduo didn't think about it, but directly kicked him: "what are you doing? You are also a demon emperor. What are you doing? There are so many Xuan soldiers, ground soldiers and three heavenly soldiers in the Tianfeng War Department. Why do you rob these ordinary soldiers?"


The purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor immediately wanted to cry without tears.

Ground soldier? Heavenly soldier?

He wants to grab it, but he also needs the opportunity and ability.

However, at the moment, the purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor did not hesitate at all, and hurriedly said: "senior, I, I will rob more Terran treasures in the future, and then bring them all to honor you. As long as you, senior, you will let me go."


Hearing the speech, Qian Duoduo's eyes lit up.


The purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor was overjoyed. He endured the wound and the heartrending pain on his body, and repeatedly said: "really, it is absolutely true. I, I dare not cheat you. I swear, as long as you let me go today, I will rob money for you."

"Later? Do you have a future?"

Before Qian Duoduo could answer, yebufan's cold voice suddenly sounded. He was really worried that Qian Duoduo had promised the purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor.


The purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor suddenly trembled.

"You -"

Looking at yebufan, the anger in his eyes could not be suppressed.


At this time, Qian Duoduo kicked directly on the purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor, and said angrily, "what do you think of Lord Qian? Lord Qian is a human race, and will let you a demon race rob my kin? Are you having a problem?"


Hearing the words, the purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor was in a mess, as were other people and demon families. Even yebufan was drawn from the corners of his mouth.

A lot of money?

You are such a person.

Qian Duoduo ignored it. With a big wave of his hand, the objects piled into a hill in front of him disappeared without a trace. Then he took another look at yebufan: "yeshao, he is yours."

As soon as he said this, he looked directly at the demon clan's army. All the demon clans immediately trembled, and Qian Duoduo shouted: "all the demon generals and demon kings, give all the things in your life space to Lord Qian honestly. Remember, this is robbery. Don't think about private possession, let alone suicide. If Lord Qian doesn't let you die, you can't die if you want to die."

Immediately, the demon generals and the demon king were all trembling and frightened.

This robber.

This demon.

They are angry, but they dare not resist.

The previous experiences of the purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor were all seen by them. It was terrible, and it was not so. Even the demon king can't resist. How dare they resist? Immediately, a head of demon generals, demon kings, and colorful swirls on top of their heads continued to appear, and items fell from these swirls.


Yebufan is as dumb as a chicken.

"Destiny space? What is this?" He looked at Qian Duoduo in astonishment and couldn't help asking and answering.

Qian Duoduo was stunned: "don't you know?"

"Know what?"


A lot of money is speechless.

Then, he said with infinite disdain: "Ye family boy, this is common sense. You don't even know? As long as they reach the level of six levels of demon generals and barbarian generals, there will be a life space in their bodies. This life space is the same as the Xumi space of our human race, which can allow the demon clan and barbarian animals to store items."

"Shit, what else?" Suddenly, yebufan gave a cry of surprise.

"What do you think?" Qian Duoduo rolled his eyes, and then said, "however, you can't think about the original life space of the demon clan and the barbarians."

Yebufan was stunned: "why?"

"Whether the demon clan or the wild beast, their original life space can only be opened by themselves. As long as they die, their original life space will automatically disappear." After a pause, Qian Duoduo continued: "as far as your cultivation is concerned, you can only run away when you meet the demon king. Do you still want to think about their own life space? Moreover, most demon families and wild animals would rather die than compromise with the human race. Unless you are like Qian, I can control their life and death. If you want him to live, he will live. If you want him to die, he will die. Remember, robbery is an art, and it needs strength more."


Robbery is an art, but it needs strength?

Although yebufan was speechless, he had to admit that this was the fact.

As Qian Duoduo said, the demons, humans and savages will never die, and neither side will compromise with the other two. Without compromise, there would be no possibility of capture alive. Without capture alive, it would be impossible to force them to open their own life space.

Unless you have the absolute strength to crush each other.

But if you really have such strength, who will care about each other's little property. For example, the strong man in the Terran world will care about the property of a demon general? Will he rob a demon general himself?


Neither disdain nor rarity.

Of course, qianduoduo is an exception. This product is a wonderful flower, a wonderful flower and a money slave.

The next second, Qian Duoduo said nothing more. With a wave of his big hand, he collected all the items taken out by the demon generals and the demon king. Looking at yebufan again, he said, "well, they are all yours. If you want to kill them, you can kill them, but... Their bodies must belong to me."

Finally, he added: "mosquitoes are meat no matter how small. Although their level is a little lower, they can still sell for some money."


Yebufan's mouth twitched.

All Terrans present are in disorder.

The demon clan is angry.

Son of a bitch, you've given you all your money and property. Now you want to kill the demons? And sell us?

Qian Duoduo ignored it.


He took one step and walked towards the celebrity four-star general. Just a moment later, he came to the four-star general and smiled.


The body of the four-star general trembled instinctively.

with one 's hair standing on end!!

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