"Former, senior." Looking at the money in front of him, the four-star general said in a weak voice, and an ominous feeling suddenly appeared in his heart.

Qian Duoduo smiled: "what's your name, master? It seems that you're more outsider. Just call Qian Ye."

"Money, money." The four-star general gave a wry smile.

"That's right. How close it is." Qian Duoduo smiled and patted the four-star generals again. He looked solemn and said, "the four-star generals are good. Have you killed many demon families?"

The four-star general was stunned.

Qian Duoduo went on to say, "as long as I'm a Terran, I should kill demons and kill barbarians." After a pause, he frowned again: "by the way, Lord Qian doesn't know your name yet?"

"Go back to Lord Qian. My name is Wang Xun."

"Wang Xun?"

Qian Duoduo glanced at Wang Xun and said, "good name." Then he stopped Wang Xun's shoulder and hesitated: "well, Wang Xun, Lord Qian came all the way here and saved your life. Look... How are you going to thank Lord Qian?"


Hearing the speech, Wang Xun drew his lips.

The same is true of others.

Before Wang Xun could speak, Qian Duoduo said again, "you don't know. Lord Qian is usually not good at eating and wearing. He's also a bad woman. He likes to count gold coins when he's free. But Lord Qian is poor. He counts gold coins every time he counts them. What do you say?"

The implication is that Lord Qian is short of money and wants money.

Wang Xun gave a wry smile, immediately stretched out his right hand, took out a money bag and handed it to Qian Duoduo: "Lord Qian, I happen to have some gold coins here. Although it's not helpful, it's my intention. Please accept them."

Qian Duoduo glanced at the money bag and then looked at Wang Xun: "isn't that good?" While talking, he had already grasped the money bag.


Wang Xun smiled bitterly again: "it's just a little thought. It's just a little less. I hope Lord Qian doesn't dislike it."

"Don't be disgusted, don't be disgusted, how can Qian be disgusted?" As he said this, Qian Duoduo had already put away his money bag and looked at Wang patrolling: "by the way, you are also a four-star general. Why are there only 173 gold, 26 silver and three copper in the strong Shenyuan realm?"


Hearing this, Wang Xun was stunned.

One hundred seventy-three gold, twenty-six silver, three copper?

Although he didn't know how much money he had in his wallet, it was almost the same number. He couldn't help looking at the money.

How did he know?

Just now, it seems that Qian Duoduo didn't open his wallet, and he didn't count the number of coins in the wallet, but he knows more about the number of opposite coins than he does?

Shocked and curious, Wang Xun said directly: "well, Lord Qian, in addition to exchanging meritorious deeds for cultivation resources, we also use money to buy some resources from some businessmen in the battlefield Town, so..."


Hearing his words, Qian Duoduo replied: "yes, after all, at your level, it's also a problem to spend resources on cultivation. It's really a problem to rely on yourself and have no support. Why don't you... Follow Qian?"


Upon hearing the speech, Wang Xun gave Qian Duoduo a look of consternation.

Qian Duoduo did not hesitate at all, but continued: "although Lord Qian is a little poor, he will not pay you if you follow him, but he can guarantee that if you follow him, you will definitely have enough cultivation resources. How about considering it?"


As soon as Qian Duoduo's voice fell, there was a sudden cry of surprise among all the people present. His heart was like 10000 grass and mud horses galloping. His eyes looked slightly changed when he looked at Qian Duoduo.

Yebufan also drew at the corners of his mouth.

Nima, this goods first robbed money, but now they have to dig people?


After Wang toured, he drew a little from the corner of his mouth, looked at Qian Duoduo and said with a wry smile, "I appreciate the kindness of Lord Qian. However, I think the war department is very good."

"Don't give money face?"


"Well, since you don't want to, Lord Qian won't force you. Anyway, it's you who suffer." Shaking his head, Qian Duoduo looked at the soldiers of the war department again: "are these your soldiers?"

"Yes," said Wang Xun instinctively

"Then why doesn't lord Qian look like him? You, the commander, took all your belongings out to thank Lord Qian for saving his life. Why didn't they say anything?" However, Qian Duoduo frowned and said suspiciously, especially the words' all your belongings', which made him more serious.


For a moment, everyone in the audience was speechless, disordered and crazy.

This product still wants to be eaten by people and demons?

Yebufan finally couldn't look at it, so he stopped paying attention to Qian Duoduo and set his sights on the purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor.

The purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor was angry and scared.

Yebufan's mouth was filled with a evil smile, and he ignored the purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor. Under his angry eyes, he went directly to the demon family army.

At the moment, I don't know what exactly Qian Duoduo has done. Nearly ten thousand monsters stay where they are one by one, as if they have been imprisoned and can't move at all. Even those demon generals and demon kings are the same. In addition to Qian Duoduo letting them open their own life space, they are still unable to move.

Yebufan came to the demon clan army step by step.


A long knife suddenly appeared in his hand.

"Whew -"

Cut out with a knife.


A stream of red blood splashed out, and the monster was in pain. A roar sounded, but his body was imprisoned, and he could not break free, even more could not move. Yebufan ignored it and cut off the monster in a row

'roar -'

A roar of animals sounded, and the monsters were angry, but helpless.

To be slaughtered, but so.

Yebufan never stops.

In the northern mountains, all the demon families are not left today.

There was anger in his heart. Moreover, these monsters could provide him with a lot of meritorious deeds and quickly improve his strength. How could he let it go.


The cold long knife is a sharp killer.

When the long knife passes by, the blood flies.

One monster died by the sword of yebufan, but they didn't even have a chance to resist and struggle. They could only be slaughtered by him.

The world is dead and the atmosphere is oppressive.

The dead monsters are OK, but for the living monsters, it is simply humiliation and torture, which makes them angry and miserable.

The purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor was angry in his eyes and roared: "yebufan, you can't die easily. If you have seed, you will kill the emperor."

"Kill you?"

Yebufan hesitated and hissed: "don't worry, among all the demon families who killed you in the North today, none of them can survive, including you. However, I promise you, you are definitely the last demon emperor to die under my sword. Before that, you should watch me quietly."

"Whew -"

As soon as the words fell, yebufan cut out.


A monster was killed by blood.

Kill the demon and the heart.


The purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor's eyes were bloodshot and his anger was extreme. He wanted to tear leaf Bufan, but he could only watch and could not change everything in front of him.

There is a kind of life, which is better than death.

There is a kind of death, which is called death seeking.

At this moment, the purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor is like this.

Yebufan ignored it. He wielded his knife. He slaughtered the monsters to his heart's content. The blood splashed, and his life died. One monster fell to the ground and died.

The blood dancing sky is never lonely, and the flying killing comes to the earth.

When the enemy is in pain, I am happy.


At one side, members of the War Department lined up in a long line. Qian Duoduo stood at the front of the line. He was holding a gold silk bag more than one meter high with an open mouth. One after another, soldiers from the War Department came to Qian Duoduo and put their coins in a gold wire bag.

Red fruit robbery.

But the soldiers of the war department didn't pay any attention to all this. Their eyes were fixed on yebufan, watching the long knife dance in his hand and watching the monster fall.

Excited, excited.

Demon clan, it's time to kill.

"All the members of the demon clan listen to the order. The purple emperor has the order to wash the northern mountains. Today, there are no mortals left in the northern mountains." Suddenly, between heaven and earth, a cry of rage suddenly rang out. The sound shook the heaven and earth and rang through all directions.


The sudden sound made all the members of the war department in front of Qian Duoduo stunned, even ye Bufan, who was slaughtering monsters.

The demon emperor has orders?

In the northern mountains, every Terran will not stay?

The demon clan is also ignorant.

"Whew, whew, whew -"

Without waiting for them to think and see more, in the void, a demon emperor rushed to the extreme. In the blink of an eye, he passed over the high altitude where yebufan and others were. The terrible pressure was even more likely to tear the world apart.

1、 Two, three, four, five... Thirteen.

Thirteen demon emperors.

blot out the sky and cover up the earth.

Suddenly, the thirteen demon emperors stopped over the mountain in front of them, and the thick smell of blood could not be ignored.


Their cold eyes were looking down.

Demon clan corpses all over the mountains.


The thirteen demon kings were instantly furious.


An angry scold rang out, and the demon family corpses all over the mountain pushed the anger in the hearts of the thirteen demon emperors to the extreme.

"Terran, you want to die."

"Whew, whew, whew -"

The next second, the thirteen demon kings came to the battlefield on the mountain, and their cold killing machine seemed to clean the world.

Heaven and earth, a dead silence.


Watching the thirteen demon emperors rush to the mountain, whether the human race or the demon race, their eyes instinctively fell on Qian Duoduo.

Qian Duoduo looked at the thirteen demon emperors, his eyes shining.

Lord Qian is going to be rich.

Suddenly, the purple flame Xuan Eagle demon emperor's eyes shrank, and his scarred body could not help trembling. He did not dare to think about it, but roared in two words:


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