Half a day later.

The cold front has gone and returned.

The night was now dark.

In the main hall of the imperial palace.

Leng Feng pointed to a large wooden box behind him, which was full of storage rings and storage bags. Looking at yebufan, he said excitedly, "Your Majesty, the matter has been completed. There are more than 3 billion middle-class spirit stones and more than 110 billion lower class spirit stones, as well as other kinds of property, all of which are here."

"How much?"

Cold Feng's words fell, and yebufan thought he had heard wrong.

"Back to your majesty, after converting the middle grade spirit stone into the lower grade spirit stone, the total value is more than 1400 billion yuan. With other kinds of property, the total value is about threethrillion yuan."

Leng Feng repeated.

Yebufan was already shocked.

Other properties will not be mentioned for the time being.

Just talk about the spirit stone.

Yebufan thought it would be very good to have a total of 5.6 trillion yuan.

What happened?

More than 1400 billion?


The officials of the tianwu emperor are too rich, aren't they?

Of course, that's not the point.

The point is that the money belongs to you now.

More than 1.4 trillion yuan.

In terms of air transportation, it is 1.4 billion yuan.

This is more than that.

We can get another $1.4 billion after scattering our wealth.

In other words, this time I can get 2.8 billion points of luck.

2.8 billion.

Yebufan feels that this is simply a sudden wealth.

Yebufan was so shocked by the black dragon Tianzun around him.

More than 1.4 trillion yuan.

He had never seen so many spirit stones as a Taoist robber.

The most important thing is that there are more than 3 billion Chinese spirit stones.

Now, what does Canglong Tianzun need most?

Nature is the middle grade spirit stone.

After all, yebufan has given him a death order to recover the cultivation of Tao robbing yichongtian within a month.

But without the help of the spirit stone, the Canglong Tianzun knew that he was simply unable to complete this task.

So he needs a spirit stone.

Moreover, it is not a lower grade spirit stone, but a middle grade spirit stone, or a top-grade spirit stone.

After all, for the strong in the limitless realm, the role of the inferior spirit stone has been very little, or even no role. Only the medium spirit stone can play an auxiliary role in their cultivation.

Of course, top grade spirit stone is the best.

It is a pity that although yebufan promised to give the Canglong Tianzun 20 billion medium-sized spirit stones to restore his accomplishments, yebufan has no medium-sized spirit stones in his hands, so the 20 billion medium-sized spirit stones have not been fulfilled so far.

For this reason, the emperor of the black dragon was worried.

He has only one month in all.

One day makes one less day.

No spirit stone support.

Within a month, he could not recover the cultivation of Tao robbing yichongtian.

How will ye Bufan deal with himself then?

The dark dragon heaven doesn't know.

But he was sure that he would be miserable at that time.

But what can he do?

Did you tell yebufan that you couldn't recover the cultivation of Daojie yichongtian completely because you didn't provide me with enough middle grade spirit stones in time for cultivation?

Stop teasing.

Yebufan is a robber.

Reason with robbers?

That doesn't mean casting pearls before swine.

It's alright now.

The more than 3 billion medium-sized spirit stones have simply solved the urgent needs of the Canglong Tianzun.

Immediately, he looked at yebufan and said, "master..."


Yebufan glanced at the dragon.

The Dark Dragon God hesitated and said, "master, can you give me the more than 3 billion Chinese spirit stones first? In this way, I can recover my cultivation in Daojie as soon as possible and help my master."

"Of course..."

Yebufan wanted to say of course.

But as soon as he was halfway through the conversation, he stopped abruptly.


Because yebufan thought of a very serious problem.

Previously, he did promise to give the Canglong Tianzun 20 billion medium spirit stones to restore cultivation.

After all, in yebufan's eyes, the spirit stone is just a number. It has no other use except to bring him the benefits of Qi.

Just because of this, yebufan will not hesitate to promise the 20 billion medium-sized spirit stone of Canglong Tianzun.


At this moment, yebufan realized that he had neglected a key problem at that time, that is... After dispersing the spirit stone, he could also get another stroke of luck.

Twenty billion Chinese spirit stones.

It would be twotrillion yuan if you changed it into a lower grade spirit stone.

That is, two billion yuan of gas.

What can twobillion yuan of gas do?

It only takes about 300million Qi to summon a god killing guard and raise him to the level of Daojie.

That is to say, two billion yuan of Qi can help you cultivate seven God killing guards who rob the world.

Although they may not be able to cross the natural calamity of the road robbery.

But don't forget that the Terrans in the small thousand world of Tianyuan can be raised indefinitely.

And the price of resurrecting a limitless nine heaven Terran is just 10 million points of luck.

So, even if it is a failed robbery, what can it be?

Failed in resurrection.

After the resurrection, he went through the robbery.

Fail again.


Fail again.


So back and forth, always succeed.

With the luck of 2 billion yuan, how can we cultivate twoorthree God killing guards who rob the territory of Taoism? Even if we are lucky, it is not certain that we can directly cultivate seven God killing guards who rob the territory of Taoism.

In this case, I have to cultivate a dragon god at the cost of seven Taoist robbers and murderers?

This is special

What did you think?

Did the donkey kick the head?


At this point, yebufan coughed softly, then looked at the Canglong Tianzun and said: "Xiao Cang, it's better to practice this kind of thing in a down-to-earth way. Don't always think about using external forces. That's not good."

"What, what do you mean?"

The dark dragon Tianzun was somewhat confused.

Yebufan said, "Ben Shao means that the 20 billion Chinese spirit stones should be counted."


The black dragon was greatly shocked and even more terrified: "Lord, master, if there were no these 20 billion medium-sized spirit stones, how would I recover the cultivation of robbing a heavy heaven in a month?"

Yebufan shook his head and said, "listen, listen, what do you call this? Can't you practice without a spirit stone? Xiaocang, you should have a long-term vision. Don't damage your foundation for a short-term achievement. That's not good. If you hurry, you won't reach it, you know?"


The dark dragon Tianzun was confused and stupid.

Take a long view?

More haste, less speed?


Who forced me to recover the cultivation of Tao robbing the heaven within a month?

It's you.

Who said that he would give Lao Tzu 20 billion intermediate spirit stones to restore his accomplishments?

You too.

It's better now.

How dare you tell me that haste makes waste?

What's your face?


The spirit stone is not a pill.

Although it can assist cultivation, it will never hurt your own foundation.

What do you mean by that now?

I see you are clearly reluctant to part with the 20 billion yuan of Zhongpin Lingshi.

The Dark Dragon Emperor hated in his heart.

Yebufan once again said, "Xiao Cang, look at you like that. Do you have little opinion on Ben?"

"No, No."

The Dark Dragon God immediately recalled and said.

"Really not?"

"Really not."

"That's good."

Yebufan smiled and said, "you know, I didn't make this arrangement. It's all for your own good. After all, you can become a master only after you have suffered a lot."

I am special

The dark dragon Tianzun's face is black.

But he didn't dare to show his mind at all, and didn't want to listen to yebufan's nonsense, so he said with a sad face: "master, I, I want to go back to practice, so as to contribute to the master as soon as possible, can I?"

"Of course."

Yebufan said with a smile, "go, Ben, don't look after you."


Wait for me.

The black dragon Tianzun scolded in his heart and left directly

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