Seeing the Canglong Tianzun leave, ye Bufan was actually embarrassed. After all, he had offered to support the Canglong Tianzun's 20billion Chinese spirit stone.

It's better now.

promise and then deny in succession.

It is impossible to say that there is no resentment in the heart of the black dragon.

But there is no way.

Twenty billion Chinese spirit stones are two billion yuan of Qi.

Yebufan can't take so much Qi to cultivate the Canglong Tianzun.

Let's not say whether he really surrendered to himself.

Even so.

You know, the Canglong Tianzun does not belong to the small thousand realm of Tianyuan.

Since he doesn't belong to the small thousand realm of Tianyuan, he can't have the body of immortality.

There is no immortal body. If you die, you really die.

In this way, once the Cang Long Tianzun accidentally falls, all the expenses of yebufan on him will be wasted.

Therefore, Tianyuan xiaoqianjie is the focus of yebufan's cultivation.

Of course, in the future, if the Canglong Tianzun can straighten out his position and do things for himself, yebufan will never mistreat him.

But yebufan is short of luck now, so he doesn't consider it.

He ignored the Dragon God.

After he left, yebufan also walked out of the palace hall.

What for?

Now that you have got the money, you should naturally spread it.

Outside the hall.

On the square.

At this time, in addition to the ninth Prince and other officials and officials at or above the fourth grade of the tianwu emperor, the families and clansmen of these officials were also gathered on the Palace Square.

Looking around, the dark place is full of people.

The scene is also somewhat noisy and noisy.

However, as soon as yebufan walked out of the hall, the whole square fell into a dead silence. Everyone was silent and their eyes fell on yebufan.

Although only half a day has passed, the attitude of those officials of the tianwu emperor towards yebufan has changed dramatically. Their eyes looking at yebufan are full of shock and despair.

The reason for this is that, in their eyes, the nine princes and others are just like themselves, from a certain imperial dynasty or kingdom.

Who ever thought that there were nine princes and ten princesses from Ziyun emperor's court among these people.

That's the prince and Princess of the imperial court.

Yebufan dares to tie them up?

Is this really a bold ambition?

The most frightening thing is that the officials of the tianwu imperial court learned from the nine princes of the Ziyun imperial court that the deputy commander of the Imperial Army, who robbed a heavy heaven, could not even catch ye Bufan's move.

That's the strongman of Daojie.

It's only been more than a month.

What did yebufan experience during this period? Or, what kind of chance did he get that could make his strength change so dramatically?

It's really weird and terrible.

They even tried to escape before.

Now I want to come

It's just wishful thinking.

As for an Tianxiao and the strong man who robbed the territory around him.


At this moment, even if they return to the tianwu emperor, what can they do?

Most of them know that the cultivation of the Taoist robber around an Tianxiao is nothing but talent and Taoism. Compared with Dongfang Bai, the deputy commander of the imperial army of Ziyun imperial court, he is not much better.

Dongfang Bai was almost killed by yebufan.

Can the Taoist robber around an Tianxiao be ye Bufan's opponent?

Stop teasing.

It's all right if he doesn't come.

If he dares to come, he will die.





In the face of yebufan, the officials of tianwu imperial court are really desperate.

Unfortunately, yebufan didn't even look at them.


As soon as he walked out of the main hall, yebufan flashed and directly came to the sky over the Guangshan mountain of the imperial palace.

What does he want?

Looking at ye Bufan in the mid air, everyone was at a loss and stunned.

Yebufan ignored it and directly urged his divine power to spread his voice to the whole city: "Hello, brothers and sisters in tianwu Imperial City, Ben Shao, yebufan."

"Surely most of you recognize Ben Shao?"

"More than a month ago, Ben Shao suffered from an accident, so that an Ruxue, the eighth Princess of the tianwu imperial dynasty, was tied to the tianwu imperial city. He even forced Ben Shao to be his son-in-law."

"Naturally, I don't follow."

"So Ben resisted less and got away."

"Today, more than a month later, Ben Shao came back."

"But this time, Ben Shao is no longer a princess's son-in-law, but the first stronghold leader in the world."

"What is the best stronghold in the world?"

"That's right."

"The so-called No. 1 stronghold in the world is actually a group of robbers."

"Of course, you don't have to be afraid because we are different from other robbers."

"What's the difference?"

"We, the best stronghold in the world, never bully the weak, nor bully the good and fear the evil."


As soon as yebufan said this, all the faces detained by him at the scene immediately became black.

Don't you call it bullying to bully a group of Wuji, Yuanfu, and even Tiangang, the martial artists in Taiyi??

The people in the tianwu imperial city were confused.

Yebufan continued: "in addition, our No. 1 stronghold in the world pursues robbing the rich to help the poor."

"What is robbing the rich and helping the poor?"

"It is to rob the rich of their ill gotten gains and help the working people all over the world."

"Just a moment ago, major general Tian Wu robbed all the officials of the fourth grade and above in the Imperial City, and collected more than 1400 billion of the lower grade spirit stones."

"Didn't you expect that?"

"Actually, I didn't expect that."

"More than 1400 billion."

"Each of these officials is so fat that they are running out of oil."

"Do you believe that all their money is legitimate?"

"Ben Shao doesn't believe it at all."

"But it doesn't matter."

"Now Ben has collected all this money."

"Of course, I don't want any money. All the money will belong to you."


"Now start scattering money."


As soon as the voice fell, yebufan no longer hesitated, and directly spread the more than 1400 billion spirit stones just looted to the whole tianwu imperial city again and again.

In an instant, there was a rain of spirit stones in the imperial city.

what the fuck.

Seeing this scene, except for the people in the Youying Kingdom, the ninth prince was shocked, the tenth princess was shocked, the officials of the tianwu emperor were shocked, and everyone present was also shocked.

They did not expect that ye Bufan would really do so.

rob the rich and assist the poor?


Does this guy have a hole in his head?

In the imperial city.

All the people looked at the spirit stone falling from the sky, but they were somewhat confused.

Yebufan's words were naturally heard.


Like the ninth Prince and others, they all thought that yebufan was just talking about it casually. After all, it was more than 1400 billion spirit stones. Who could give it up easily.

But don't want to, yebufan actually did so.

Looking at the spirit stones scattered all over the sky.

The people in the imperial city were dreamy and felt that it was so unreal.

But fact is fact.

A robber who robs the rich and helps the poor?


Such robbers give me tenthousand.


After a short absence of consciousness, the residents in the imperial city began to loot the spirit stone scattered all over the sky.

Somewhere in the palace.

Watching ye Bufan standing proudly in the air.

Looking at the spirit stone scattered all over the sky.

The black dragon Heavenly Master could not help drawing again and again at the corners of his mouth.

He thought that yebufan had canceled the 20 billion medium-sized spirit stones that should have supported him, because he was stingy, because he was reluctant to give up. Who ever thought that he had just left, he gave these spirit stones to the residents of the imperial city for free.


Too much bullying.

Ye, wait for me. When I recover my accomplishments, I must let you feel the anger of the Taoist robber and the fear of being dominated by the Taoist robber.

As for now

Why don't you give me the spirit stone.

What's more, the Canglong Tianzun is short of spirit stone to restore cultivation.


He flashed into the imperial city.

Of course, the Canglong Tianzun didn't even look at those inferior spirit stones.

His goal is only those middle grade spirit stones.

More than two hours later.

More than 1400 billion spirit stones have been scattered.

Yebufan has gained 1.4 billion yuan of Qi.

Add the previous $1.4 billion to 2.8 billion.

It can be said that yebufan has never been so rich as now.

2.8 billion yuan.

It is enough for him to raise the Longxiang prison skill from the 12th level to the 15th level.

It is also enough for him to cultivate more limitless nine heaven killers.

But yebufan didn't do it, or he didn't hurry to do it. Instead, he looked at Leng Feng nearby and said, "Leng Feng, let's go through the robbery."

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