"Urge, urge, love medicine?"

Qian Rumeng's sudden voice was like a thunder on the ground, which made ye Bufan stunned. His whole mind trembled, his eyes widened, and he was also stupid.

Soul sealing powder is not an ancient medicine. It can make martial artists seal their accomplishments. Can they only be slaughtered? How did it suddenly become urge, affection and medicine?


Suddenly, yebufan was stunned again. He looked around: "who, who is talking? Dream?"

"Hee hee, of course it's me. Husband, you don't have to look for it. Although I'm right next to you, you can't see it." Qian Rumeng said with a smile.


Ye Bufan was in a mess: "dream, what's the matter with the urge, love and medicine?"


Qian Rumeng scolded: "it can make people want that very, very much..."


When ye Bufan's mouth was drawn, Ben Shao didn't know what the urge, emotion and medicine were? Ben Shao asked me why this soul powder suddenly became a reminder, emotion and medicine.

Also, you knew this would happen. Why didn't you say it? Why didn't you remind Ben Shao?

How can you say that you are also Ben Shao's fiancee? Is it really good for you to cheat Ben Shao like this?

Qian Rumeng ignored it and gloated: "husband, you are dead. When Nie Ziyi wakes up, he finds that you gave her... Hee hee, she will kill you."

Hearing this, yebufan trembled.

Nieziyi killed himself?

She will definitely, she will. This NIMA, Ben Shao originally wanted to "bully" her. How could it be like this?


Immediately, a word suddenly rang out in ye Bufan's mind, and he stepped out in an instant

Cooked rice with uncooked rice?

Forget it. I won't be able to argue with you at that time. If I chase you as Nie Ziyi, I will run away.

Yebufan just wanted to run, but Nie Ziyi came to yebufan and grabbed his hand: "baby, come on, don't go..."


Yebufan shivered and shivered all over.

This voice, this tone, is this NIMA still the Nie Ziyi he knows?


"Nie Ziyi, Miss Nie, Dean Nie, wake up." immediately, ye Bufan turned his back to Nie Ziyi and said in a trembling voice. He felt uncomfortable all over.

Nie Ziyi didn't answer yebufan, but she moved. Her left arm hooked yebufan's neck, and her right hand swam on yebufan. The whole person stuck to yebufan's back and kissed yebufan's back neck.

be overcome by one 's feelings!!


Yebufan was in a disordered and crazy mood, and even more bitter.

Nieziyi is such a beautiful woman. I believe a man wants to have something with her. But now, the timing is wrong, the occasion is wrong, and nothing is right... If something happens to Nie Ziyi, it will be a disaster.

Tie her up!

Knock her out!

Two voices in yebufan's heart sounded instantly.


But at this time, without waiting for ye Bufan to take action, Nie Ziyi moved her arm, and immediately pressed ye Bufan to the ground, savage and rough, without knowing "pity and cherish jade".

Then, Nie Ziyi moved, sat across yebufan's abdomen, and with a "tear" sound, yebufan's clothes were removed.

Nie Ziyi's skin was red and hot, and her eyes were confused. She bent down and kissed yebufan.

Yebufan's mouth twitched.

Don't blame Ben for being cruel.


The next second, without any hesitation, he struck Nie Ziyi directly on the back of his neck.

Knock her out!!

Unfortunately, Nie Ziyi was not affected at all.


Yebufan scolded in his heart.


The next second, without the slightest hesitation, yebufan raised his palm again, waiting for his palm to fall

"Bang bang!"

But at this time, Nie Ziyi's whole body was full of energy, and her fierce momentum immediately exploded her clothes into pieces, leaving her naked.


Yebufan was in a mess. His palm stayed in the air, but he could not fall any more.

Looking at Nie Ziyi's red fruit body and the pair of towering peaks in front of his chest, yebufan couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva. His eyes could not help glancing under Nie Ziyi's belly

He found that he had a shameful reaction somewhere.


At this time, Qian Rumeng exclaimed: "it is not suitable for children, it is not suitable for children."

"Husband, Meng Meng allows you not to come back tonight. Hee hee, let's go..."


Hearing the speech, yebufan was even more crazy.

Are you still there?

What's the name of NIMA.


Later, the door was gently pushed open, and ye Bufan glanced at it and found that there was no one at all, but then the door was closed from the outside.

There is no doubt that this is a dream of money.

Why can you hear sound but not see people? Yebufan is curious.

But yebufan couldn't care so much, because he found a warm and wonderful feeling, and he was strengthened by Nie Ziyi

do as one pleases?

This is because Ben Shao does what he wants to do to you, not because you do what he wants to do to Ben Shao.

Yebufan doesn't know whether he should cry or laugh. He was in the battlefield because of the ancient potion. Now Nie Ziyi is also an ancient potion.

How could ancient potions have this effect?

Nima, Ben Shao has a grudge against ancient potions? Or fate? What's special? I don't rely on my face. No, I rely on my strength to make a living, not on medicine.

But now it has no meaning to think about this. Nie Ziyi is too simple, too rough, and moves too fast. He doesn't even have a chance to react.


After taking a look at Nie Ziyi, who was confused with love, yebufan knew that everything was a foregone conclusion and could not be changed any more.

"A dead man and a dead bird will never die."

"Shit, it's all dead anyway. Let's do it!!" Yebufan gave a sharp reprimand, and his heart crossed. He put his hands around Nie Ziyi's legs, then picked her up and walked directly to the bed.

Since you want to "fight", I will "fight"!!

The wind and cloud surged and the earth was turned upside down

After this battle, if someone asks yebufan what he hates most, yebufan will definitely answer without hesitation. It is an ancient potion. As for what kind of ancient medicine it is, it is undoubtedly the spirit sealing powder with wine.

But if someone asks yebufan what he likes best, his answer must be fenghun powder with wine.

Pain, and happy.

Now yebufan finally knows why Qian Rumeng said that the soul sealing powder with wine is the strongest medicine in the world. He also finally knows why Qian Rumeng said that he was allowed to stay away tonight. This NIMA...... for four hours, eight hours, Nie Ziyi didn't take any rest at all. During this period, "combat power" kept at its peak until he finally fell asleep.

This is not man at all, but God.

If you take this medicine back to your "Hometown" to sell, yebufan is sure that he is the richest man in the world.

Of course, Nie Ziyi is so, and ye Bufan is no better.

As a god of martial arts, Nie Ziyi's strength exploded and he suppressed yebufan in an all-round way. Yebufan either let Nie Ziyi yuxianyusi take the initiative or let him do it at will

Want to run? I can't run at all.

Until he finally fell asleep, yebufan was still thinking about whether Nie Ziyi would become the second condensing garment for four hours and eight hours. Like her, she won the bid overnight!!

As for what was waiting for him after waking up, yebufan was too lazy to think about it. It was definitely a storm that shocked the world and wept ghosts and gods.

Ben Shao was forced, and Ben Shao was forced.

Ben Shao, I'm sorry

PS: ask for flowers and rewards

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