The light of dawn awakened the sleeping creatures, but yebufan and Nie Ziyi had just fallen asleep.

After a night of madness, even if they were a God, a God also felt very tired.

At noon, the sun was warm.

In Zhuque 001 courtyard, on the bed in Nie Ziyi's room, two red fruit bodies lay flat there, and the sun shone on their faces, making them so calm and comfortable.

Shaoqing, yebufan woke up. He just opened his eyes, but it seemed that he thought of something. His spirit shook, his head turned, and he looked at himself


Nie Ziyi slept so quietly, but yebufan couldn't help drawing at the corners of his mouth.

The beauty is picturesque, and the nightmare begins.

Thinking of the madness of last night and the integration of water and milk last night, yebufan felt a burst of joy and obsession, but he could not help being bitter. The "big mistake" has been made, and the next thing waiting for you is bound to be a "storm".

"What should I do?"

Yebufan whispered.



But at this time, it seemed that Nie Ziyi was shocked by the awakening of yebufan, and her voice sounded softly.

As soon as yebufan's mind tightened, he immediately closed his eyes and pretended to be still asleep.

The next second, Nie Ziyi opened her eyes fiercely. She seemed to think of something. She fiercely opened the quilt and looked down. Red fruit's body, just a glance, Nie Ziyi was stupid, and her mind was blank.


After a short immersion, Nie Ziyi screamed and said, "whew!" As soon as he sat up, he instinctively grabbed the quilt and covered Chi Guo's body.

Disturbed, yebufan immediately sat up and pretended to be flustered and said, "what's the matter? What's the matter?"


Nie Ziyi's eyes, like a blade, fell on yebufan in an instant, killing and flashing cold.

Yebufan's soul trembled.

Then he glanced at Nie Ziyi and said, "purple, Yi..."

Nieziyi seemed to hear nothing. Her cold eyes stared at yebufan, and endless anger swept from the bottom of her heart.

For twenty-seven years, Nie Ziyi had never been so angry as now.

"I killed you!!"

A roar sounded, and Nie Ziyi did not stop at all. She clapped her palm at yebufan in an instant.

The momentum is like a rainbow!

The killing machine is cold!

One palm ended the life of your shameless man.

Seeing this scene, yebufan did not hide or flash. He closed his eyes and looked like he was waiting to die.

Nie Ziyi's heart trembled fiercely, and her palm stayed outside yebufan's face, bringing a gust of strong wind, which made yebufan's cheek ache, but she couldn't go forward any more.

"Why don't you hide?"

Suddenly, the cold sound and shadow of Nie Ziyi sounded.

Yebufan opened his eyes and looked at Nie Ziyi. He said with sincerity and guilt: "no matter what the reason, or whether Ben Shao intended it or not, Ben Shao is always sorry for you. If you want to kill or cut, Ben Shao has no complaints."

In his mouth, yebufan was very bitter: "Auntie, you are also a god of martial arts. You are not a general God of martial arts, and Ben Shao is just a god of martial arts. Even if Ben Shao wants to hide, can he hide less? Besides, if you hide for a while, you can't hide for a lifetime."

It's better to gamble than that.

One night, a couple of hundred days' kindness, yebufan gambled again that Nie Ziyi "couldn't bear" to kill himself.

one step back today for two steps forward tomorrow.

It was obvious that he was right.

Yebufan's words made Nie Ziyi tremble. Last night, she almost lost her mind and fell into absolute madness because of the special effect of fenghun powder. But in the endless madness, she was unusually sober. What had happened and what she had done with yebufan? Nie Ziyi was all clear. The picture was ugly. Now in retrospect, it made her shy and abnormal.

She could not imagine that she would one day do such shameless and obscene things with a man, but that feeling just made her... Obsessed.

But anyway, the man in front of him ruined his innocence for twenty-seven years. He should have killed her, but Nie Ziyi found that he couldn't do it.

Marry her?

Nie Ziyi hated yebufan, but she regarded yebufan from the perspective of the Academy. For the Academy, yebufan was a disaster.

But what if you leave aside ye Bufan's influence on the martial arts academy?

The 16-year-old General of the War Department, the commander of the 370000 Slayer army, occupied a demon fortress on his own. One star God yuan could fight all the days. He also had demon God level war pets in his hands. With his own power, he destroyed the peaceful family of the military academy and broke the myth of immortality.

Nieziyi has to admit that yebufan is really excellent. At least few people at his age can do this, not even.

But Nie Ziyi couldn't make herself marry him anyway.

"Nie Ziyi, what's the matter with you?"

With a sharp reprimand in her heart, Nie Ziyi found that her heart was completely disordered. She wanted to calm her mind, but she couldn't do it all the time. Her mind was full of the shadow of yebufan and the ugly scenes.

Can't forget, can't erase.

Suddenly, Nie Ziyi took back the clapped palm and said in a deep voice, "you go."


Nie Ziyi's words stunned ye Bufan. She glanced at Nie Ziyi and was overjoyed.

Don't kill yourself, but let yourself go? This is undoubtedly a good start. Now they have been "honest" with each other. There is nothing to say.

"Purple clothes..."

Immediately, yebufan said.

But he was interrupted by Nie Ziyi's cold voice when he just opened his mouth: "you'd better not give me a chance to repent."

Yebufan was stunned again.


Can you kill Ben Shao?

If you wanted to kill someone, you would have done it just now. Since you didn't do it just now, you won't do it in the future.

At this moment, in this situation, if I don't grasp the opportunity and directly deal with Nie Ziyi, I'm afraid I won't have the opportunity again. Even if there is, it will be ten times, a hundred times, or even a thousand times harder than now

You must strike while it is hot.

At this point, yebufan gnawed his teeth and his heart was horizontal. He moved, pulled Nie Ziyi over, and rolled over to press her directly under him.


Nie Ziyi instinctively screamed. She was angry and flustered and said, "what are you doing?"

His eyes were slightly evasive, and he didn't dare to look directly at yebufan's eyes full of aggression.

Yebufan did not answer, and kissed Nie Ziyi's lips directly.

Last night you were simple and rude, and today it's Ben Shao's turn to be simple and rude. Emotion is not something you say, but something you do.

It was like this last night. Why worry about it today? Men should never be soft when they are domineering.

You beat me up and throw me out. What else can I do?

The strange thing on her lips instantly made Nie Ziyi's eyes wide open, and her mind was blank.

Yebufan ignored it. With his small tongue, he pried open Nie Ziyi's shell teeth and drove straight in.

The two tongues collided, and Nie Ziyi was smart all over. In his mind, the scene of last night swept over again. That feeling made people obsessed and intoxicated

Nie Ziyi is addicted to it. She gradually closes her eyes and hugs yebufan's neck with both hands. She actively caters to yebufan.

Enthusiasm, passion.

Yebufan was overjoyed and worked hard

After a cloud and rain, looking at Nie Ziyi lying in his arms with his head resting on his chest, yebufan smiled, lowered his head and kissed her gently on her forehead.

One of the eight vice presidents of the academy? Law enforcement chief? The only successor to the future president of the martial arts academy?

So what? He was not taken by himself at one stroke. In the future, Ben Shao will be the boss of the leader of the sky martial arts academy. Damn it, who dares to provoke me and kill me every minute.

Yebufan kisses back, but Nie Ziyi looks up at him and whispers, "will you marry me?"

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