Fancy Manual for Teasing the Male God

Chapter 1041: Half-beast jade carver

Li Suiyan took off his gloves and threw them to the steward on the side, ignoring Andre, who was a troublemaker, and directly sat on the chair in front of Andre.

"How many tons of rough stone does Mr. Andre want to buy?" Li Suiyan opened his mouth as a matter of business: "If it's just a few tons of small troubles, the steward of Li's quarry can also serve you directly."

Andre was blocked by Li Suiyan's words, and the corners of his lips pulled down, but he quickly recovered the usual ridicule.

"We don't speak secret words." Andre stared at Li Suiyan like a torch: "I heard that you have produced a batch of top quality jade, how many? I want it all."

Listening to Andre's extremely rampant words, Li Suiyan raised his eyelids, and finally turned his attention to Andre for the first time after coming in today.

"Since Mr. Andre's investigation is so clear, you must know that our Li family quarry is quarrying stones. As for the cut jade, it is naturally in the hands of the buyer. If Mr. Andre is interested in buying rough stones , Then our Li family quarry is welcome, but if Mr. Andre has other needs, then I am afraid that our Li family quarry will be helpless."

Li Suiyan's remarks were almost tantamount to rejecting Andre's request.

The corner of Andre’s lips immediately lifted up, showing a mocking gesture on his face: "What? You Li family don't keep a few pieces of the best jade? If you say this, do you think anyone will believe it?

Li Suiyan's expression was correct, but his eyes flashed a bit of playfulness, as if he was mocking Andre's wishful thinking-that is, he really left good jade to his family, and why should he sell it to him? Where's Andre?

"This is my Li family's business, and the people next to me like to believe it or not." Li Suiyan said in a calm tone, and his attitude is clear, and Andre takes it seriously.

Andre's expression turned gloomy at once, and in his heart he only felt that he was underestimated by the younger brother of Li Suiyan, but now is not the right time to turn his face.

"Then since it is not convenient to sell the jade owned by the Li family, Mr. Li can always make it easy to tell me who the buyer of the jade was before? It is better than me blocking the door of the Li family quarry and asking the visitors one by one, yes I am afraid that the Li family's business will also be affected." Andre said threateningly.

Li Suiyan suddenly laughed in this seemingly urgent atmosphere.

"Of course this is fine." Li Suiyan nodded at Andre, even with some joy in his tone, just looking at Andre in his eyes, with a very uncomfortable play of Jiao Andre.

"If it's someone else, I might have to think about it, but Mr. Andre and Miss Chu Yuqu were originally acquaintances. I can still sell this face."

Andre's original arrogant expression suddenly choked up when he heard the name of another person in Li Suiyan's mouth.

"Who?!" Andre asked Li Suiyan almost incredulously.

Li Suiyan leaned himself close to the back of the sofa, repeating it lazily: "The buyer of that batch of top quality jade is Miss Chu Yuqu."

Andre's face darkened in an instant-Chu Yuqu? ! How could it be her? !

Li Suiyan ignored the shock and entanglement in Andre’s heart at this moment. He asked very directly: “Then Mr. Andre still needs to see other things in our Li’s quarry? If there is no other need, then forgive me. There are other things, I can’t continue to accompany you."

It was considered that he had received the news he wanted, and Andre didn't need to stay here anymore.

At first, he didn't deal with the Li family, and he had to stay on the other side's territory. Andre also felt disgusted in his heart.

But because the news was not as good as Andre's expectations, it made Andre's heart full of unwillingness.

When Li Suiyan had already sent off the guests, Andre could only put down his cruel words: "You better not lie to me, if you let me find out—"

Before Andre finished speaking threateningly, Li Suiyan stood up impatiently.

While arranging his clothes, he let out a chill at Andre, "Even if I lie to you, what can you do to me?"

After such a chuckle, Li Suiyan put on a mocking posture in front of Andre for the first time, and at the same time passed Andre without hesitation.

Andrei immediately wanted to attack, but the steward on the side and the security guards of the house responsible for'protecting' the safety of the Li family's quarry have all released their intent to fight against Andre. Obviously, these people are not vegetarian .

In desperation, Andre could only endure this humiliation, and angrily left the door of the Li family quarry.

When standing at the door, Andre could not even see the back of Li Suiyan's floating car.

He jot down the pen in his heart, determined that he must find it back in the Li family thousands of times in the future, and then he sat back in his car and returned empty-handed.

Oh, it's not right, and it's not a return empty-handed. At the very least, Andre knows who holds the jade he wants-Li Suiyan thought with a chuckle.

Qin Wansha quickly received a call from Li Suiyan and heard a series of changes in Andrei's expression today.

Qin Wansha, who was sculpting jade casually with a carving knife, could almost imagine Andre's appearance at the time, so she asked Li Suiyan: "Then you laughed?"

"Of course." Li Suiyan replied with a hint of pride: "I walked past him with a smile."

The two talked on the phone for nearly half an hour until Li Suiyan said that his car was almost at the door of the villa, and they hung up the communication.

And when Qin Wansha just put her mobile phone aside and planned to continue playing with the novel ‘toy’ in front of him, another phone call came in, accompanied by a rapid ringtone.

Qin Wansha turned her head and glanced, not surprisingly, saw a certain name-Andre.

Putting the carving knife in her hand, Qin Wansha took a dry cloth and wiped her hands. Then, before the phone was about to hang up automatically, she connected the call from Andre.

"Hey." Qin Wansha's tone was rather lazy, even with a hint of impatience when she listened carefully.

It's a pity that the person on the other side is even more impatient now. As soon as the call is connected, he yells at the phone, "Who were you calling just now! Why did you answer so late!"

Qin Wansha rolled her eyes angrily, and then hung up the phone very directly.

Andre on the other end of the phone: ... almost bursting with anger!

However, after calling it again, Andre learned a little smarter: "You are irritating me! Chu Yuqu!"

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