Fancy Manual for Teasing the Male God

Chapter 1042: Half-beast jade carver

Li Suiyan's face suddenly showed a meaningful expression, and Qin Wansha glanced at each other tacitly, but then didn't say anything, and the two went out to eat together.

In fact, Qin Wansha only talked to Li Suiyan in this way. Neither she nor Li Suiyan are the kind of people who draw conclusions based on pure guesswork, especially when it comes to things that require brutal revenge. Always find evidence to convince the other party.

However, maybe it was someone who was dozing off and someone gave a pillow. Half an hour after Qin Wansha finished speaking, the housekeeper took small steps and hurriedly offered the ‘truth’.

"Miss, take a look at the news from the studio." The butler's face was full of dissatisfaction, obviously very angry at the news that was sent.

Qin Wansha stopped the chopsticks and glanced at Li Suiyan, then simply asked the butler to find the screening equipment and projected the video on a white wall in the dining room.

After the picture came out, Qin Wansha immediately saw Tian Yushan's figure. After that, she saw Tian Yushan holding the phone with an uneasy and uneasy expression, turning around anxiously and walking to the corner.

That corner is indeed inconvenient to shoot. However, what Tian Yushan didn’t know was that wide-angle invisible cameras were installed on all walls and corners of the room, and even at the location where she was, there was a camera that could capture her. The face was illuminated by a very clear camera, facing her face.

At the same time, Tian Yushan's clear voice also came out——

"Hello? This is Tian Yushan!"


The entire video is not long, but it is enough for people to see many things.

The housekeeper didn't know who was talking to Tian Yushan, but Qin Wansha could see the same thoughts from Li Suiyan from the gaze cast by Li Suiyan.

Obviously, because Tian Yushan's call was quite hurried, the other party was caught off guard, and the person on the other end of the phone didn't even turn on the voice changer.

However, it doesn't really matter.

Qin Wansha stood up from the table, then looked at Li Suiyan and asked, "Mr. Li, I heard that the Li family also has access and shares in the communications industry?"

Li Suiyan also understood Qin Wansha's meaning in an instant, and he smiled at Qin Wansha: "Yes, does Ms Chu need Li's help?"

Qin Wansha spontaneously said: "I want to ask Mr. Li to help me find the owner of a frequency band number. After all-my studio, all frequency bands are monitored."

As Qin Wansha said, as early as when she resumed the studio, she kept a mindful and asked the housekeeper to arrange many gadgets in the studio.

For example, the all-pervasive surveillance camera and telephone band interceptor, and this time, it just played a role.

The housekeeper watched Qin Wansha easily tune up that frequency band, while Li Suiyan took out his cell phone and dialed a call. After just over ten minutes, they figured out that the person from Hetian Yushan’s fairy tale was Who.

When the housekeeper heard the name of the other party, he was shocked, and even couldn't help but blurt out: "How come it is Master Lu!!!"

Qin Wansha and Li Suiyan both turned their heads to look at him, no surprise in their eyes.

"There is nothing for you here for the time being, you can go down first." Qin Wansha said to the butler, and at the same time, after the butler was startled, added: "This matter, I don't want any other than the three of us for the time being Everyone knows, butler, you always put me at ease."

The housekeeper paused. Although he was still anxious and angry, he understood what Qin Wansha meant-his lady didn't want him to be involved in this matter.

The butler also understood very well, and immediately suppressed the incredibleness in his heart, turned and left.

Of course, Qin Wansha's instructions would be followed by him. Before his lady said yes, no one would know what they saw today.

After the housekeeper left, Qin Wansha and Li Suiyan watched the video again before pressing it out.

"This thing is really getting more and more interesting. I didn't expect that Miss Tian Yushan was still in touch with Master Lu." Qin Wansha's eyes fell on the white wall, her eyes full of mockery.

Li Suiyan picked up the chopsticks and put another dish in Qin Wansha's bowl: "It seems that in the system data this time, the information left for you is not fully written."

Qin Wansha immediately raised her eyebrows at Li Suiyan: "How do you know? Can you know the information of this world?"

Ever since Qin Wansha and Li Suiyan met, Qin Wansha has not had time to tell Li Suiyan about the world.

In fact, even though the two of them had already known each other's identity in their hearts, they both played role-playing games in a tacit understanding, and even a little bit of indulging in it, and they planned to play for a while.

As a result, with Qin Wansha's words, this plan was shattered.

Li Suiyan nodded, and then signaled Qin Wansha to continue eating, and said unhurriedly: "There have been similar situations before—I mean before you lost your memory, because the system data only roughly covers the fate of this world. The matter of the daughter of the daughter and the son of destiny, for the little help of others, its record is very subtle, and even ignored, but for us, such small details that have been passed can determine success or failure."

Qin Wansha listened to Li Suiyan's words and nodded in agreement. Then she lifted the chopsticks and ate the ribs Li Suiyan had pinched her into her mouth, while she opened her mind, but saw the progress bar in this world. To 16%, which is really, a bit too slow.

"So, that is to say, this Master Lu may be behind the incident that Tian Yushan will appear, but it does not occupy the real active position." Qin Wansha said as she spit out the bones in her mouth, she made something at the same time. Suddenly: "That's right, if someone is really too important, it will set off Andre too useless."

However, in this way, Qin Wansha and Li Suiyan began to think about another question at the same time——

If Master Lu is removed now, will it help the progress bar in this world?

Qin Wansha and Li Suiyan discussed a little bit, but the result is still unknown.

But in general, Master Lu's existence is not only the enemy of Qin Wansha, the original owner of the body, but also a pusher for Tian Yushan's future. No matter what, he can't stay.

In that case, neither Qin Wansha nor Li Suiyan was polite.

After the meal, the two had a heated discussion on how to make the Master Lu pay for his actions.

After setting a series of plans ABCD, Qin Wansha finally made a decision in her heart.

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