Fancy Manual for Teasing the Male God

Chapter 1444: Jedi Escape Werewolf Kill

The world created by the Lord God is still very different from other worlds.

For example, in the forests of this world, it is difficult to find something to fill your stomach.

Not to mention the few fruit trees, but it was easy to come across a tree with fruit, but Xiao Qichen only took a look and judged that the fruit was inedible.

Qin Wansha didn't believe in evil, but rather curiously picked a rock from the ground and threw it on, and slammed a fruit to make it fall.

After that, he picked up the fruit and put it on the tip of the nose to smell it lightly. What entered the nose was a fresh scent of vegetation, just like the green and astringent sensation of the unripe fruit.

But when Qin Wansha broke the fruit, she was almost dazzled by the gorgeous colors and tangy aroma inside.

Fortunately, there was Xiao Qichen by her side, helping her to throw away the fruit, and helping Qin Wansha to slow down for a while, before Qin Wansha recovered.

Speaking of which, Qin Wansha didn't understand why.

Since entering this world, her body seems to be differently weak. Compared with the ‘iron bones’ in other worlds before, she is like a weakened character in the game.

This gave Qin Wansha some bad premonitions in her heart, but when she faced Xiao Qichen, she didn't say this.

It seems subconscious, Qin Wansha didn't want to tell Xiao Qichen about this situation. After all, one more person knew that there was no way to solve it, but it would make Xiao Qichen more worried.

"What kind of fruit is this, so powerful?" Qin Wansha asked, leaning against Xiao Qichen's chest, pointing at the fruit.

Xiao Qichen's eyes also looked at the fruit with a little thought, and after hearing Qin Wansha's question, he said, "I haven't seen it."

Qin Wansha looked up at Xiao Qichen with some doubts: "I know it's poisonous if I haven't seen it? It's terrible." Her tone was smiling and teasing.

Although there was already a ‘case’ where the main **** pretending to be Xiao Qichen in a world before, Qin Wansha believed in her instinct that the person in front of him was definitely Xiao Qichen himself, not someone pretending to be.

As for why Xiao Qichen recognized that this fruit is poisonous, Qin Wansha actually didn't care that much. Anyway, she just wanted to divert Xiao Qichen's attention.

On the contrary, Xiao Qichen himself seemed to be very concerned about this problem, his brows frowned slightly, and the expression in his eyes looking at the fruit became thoughtful.

Suddenly, Xiao Qichen asked Qin Wansha: "Baby, do you think Mo Bai got his'poison'?"

After hearing Xiao Qichen's question, Qin Wansha didn't react at all, but after a while she also understood Xiao Qichen's meaning. Her eyes turned serious and she looked at the big tree with a lot of fruit.

"You mean... the witch's'poison' is not a real potion?" Qin Wansha lowered her voice and asked softly.

Xiao Qichen nodded and spoke out his guess: "People actually have a sixth sense of the safety of the surrounding environment. Just like the first time I saw this fruit, I subconsciously felt that the fruit should be. The same is not edible.

But you may not react to this danger because you have the ‘mark’ of the Lord God on your body.

Of course, these are just my guesses, because at present only the two of us have seen this kind of fruit. As for whether my guess is true or false, it is actually easy to distinguish, as long as-try it with someone. Okay. "

Qin Wansha didn't speak for a moment, but soon she agreed with Xiao Qichen's words.

"it is good."

Because although Xiao Qichen's remarks are actually his subjective guesses, whether it is the trust in Xiao Qichen's personal abilities, or the comparison between the two people's different states after seeing the same fruit, Qin Wansha It also tends to agree with Xiao Qichen's remarks.

In this way, the two people also divided the labor clearly and started to smash it by one person, and one person picked up five intact fruits.

Qin Wansha was recruited again, and the responsibility of picking up things naturally fell on Xiao Qichen.

However, after picking up the fruit and putting it away, Xiao Qichen did not immediately pull Qin Wansha away in the predetermined direction.

"According to normal logic, there must be another plant near a poisonous plant that will dissolve its toxicity, and there is another problem that is very strange. If the fruit just makes the poisoned person faint, then What? What are the benefits of this plant?"

Following Xiao Qichen's words, Qin Wansha followed and looked around.

Xiao Qichen has been trying to find a tree with fruits that is the same as the current tree, or another plant with fruits, but he has never found it.

"Could it be that... the logic of this world is different from reality?" Xiao Qichen muttered in a low voice.

Qin Wansha suddenly noticed something at this moment. When a breaking wind came from not far away, Qin Wansha quickly threw Xiao Qichen down.

Xiao Qichen also reflected at the same time, reaching out his hand almost at the same time as Qin Wansha. The two clasped their hands and fell in the same direction. In the middle of the process, Qin Wansha turned over from the air with mutual force, and then stabilized. He fell behind Xiao Qichen, and at the same time made Xiao Qichen's body that had fallen down to prop up again.

The two completed this series of actions in only a second or so. After that, the two looked in two directions one after the other.

One looked at the long arrow that had just ‘raided’, and the other looked in the direction where the long arrow came.

Xiao Qichen's expression was fierce, and he shouted in that direction: "Who!"

It's a pity that the person who attacked, realizing that a blow was impossible, turned around and ran away.

For this forest landscape with trees everywhere, it is not easy to chase someone who wants to hide.

But Xiao Qichen wanted to chase, but was stopped by Qin Wansha.

"?" Xiao Qichen turned his head and looked at Qin Wansha calmly.

"It seems that we have come to the right place." Qin Wansha said as she walked over to pull the long arrow from the ground, and walked back to Xiao Qichen.

Xiao Qichen also took this ‘long arrow’, only to discover that the ‘long arrow’ he had bought was not the arrow they had imagined at all, but a sharp branch with a sharp head.

"We really underestimated him." Qin Wansha said with a cold arc on the corner of her lips.

"You mean-Mo Bai?" Xiao Qichen said after taking Qin Wansha's words.

"Who knows." Qin Wansha drew the arrow back from Xiao Qichen's hand and played a fancy trick at her fingertips.

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