Fancy Manual for Teasing the Male God

Chapter 1445: Jedi Escape Werewolf Kill

However, after thinking for a moment, Xiao Qichen smiled and said, "I guess it's not him."

Although she said the same idea in her heart, Qin Wansha still replied: "Oh?"

"That person just appeared when we mentioned the'revenue'. I guess it should have been hiding here before we came, but for some reason, we didn’t notice it. He exists, and after hearing our communication, whether he wants to fish in the water, or kill us to monopolize the poison and antidote, he suddenly made an attack on us. , And tried to blame him on Mo Bai's head, but unfortunately, just turning his head and running away from the moment when he failed to strike, it can prove that he will not be a real'witch'." Xiao Qichen said very much. sure.

Qin Wansha's gaze was still looking around, listening to Xiao Qichen's words, she also smiled and replied: "Why, you still don't allow Mo Bai to be that kind of timid and fearful."

Hearing Qin Wansha's words, Xiao Qichen's eyes flashed with a smile: "He is, but because he is, he will not let the most important things in his hands fall into the hands of others.

You must know that a witch without poison and antidote is a target that is inferior to civilians, so I guess there is a 90% chance that the person who comes is a wolf. "

When Xiao Qichen's last ending disappeared, Qin Wansha also stopped her'search' work, her eyes stopped at a certain position, and the smile on her lips deepened: "I don't know who that person was just now, but I am sure of one thing now-there really is an antidote here."

With that said, Qin Wansha stretched her finger to a certain position.

Xiao Qichen looked around, but saw a good pointed green snake hiding.

On the branch of the big tree defined by Qin Wansha and Xiao Qichen as'poison', a very tight snake head covered by leaves of the same size was hiding in it, and two black bean-like eyes stared at Qin Wansha's The direction seems to be waiting for an optimal attack time.

Unfortunately, the time it wants to wait, but it will not come.

The direction of the long arrow in her hand turned, and in the next second, the long arrow shot straight from Qin Wansha's hand towards the snake head.

This green snake, which is good at hiding, does not act slowly, but it is precisely because of this that when it fell from a branch in order to avoid it, its seven inches was being held tightly by a hand, and it was still He was violently thrown back and forth several times in the air and on the ground.

It was not until it was confirmed that the snake in his hand had completely lost the ability to move, and there was no possibility of any violent rise. Qin Wansha also pinched its snake's head, then took it close and looked at it carefully.

"Not poisonous." Qin Wansha confirmed.

Xiao Qichen also checked closely, and then reached the same conclusion with Qin Wansha.

"This little guy is the antidote?" Xiao Qichen said as he reached out and tapped twice on the head of the little snake who had passed out.

"Huh huh." Qin Wansha replied, and then she opened the mouth with one hand, revealing the fangs that normal snakes don't have: "Sure enough, if it is a normal snake, this body shape can't solve the fainting. People on the ground.

I didn't actually have a way to confirm it just now, but it's really OK now.

Along the way, we haven't even seen a bug, but now we see this world except for those of us who were sent in, a ‘primitive’ living thing, then its existence must be justified.

Since this world can have this kind of fruit against the sky, then there is no need for the Lord God to arrange another snake to'eat' the fainted people behind, unless the snake has other functions, such as snake gall. Detoxification argument. "

While speaking, Qin Wansha had already slid her hand to the position where the snake gall was approximately.

The smile in Xiao Qichen's eyes was deeper. He looked at this green snake but it was not too big, but he could never say that he was a particularly small green snake, but he had a better idea in his heart: "Can you detoxify, but it seems, Our lunch is to find a solution."

Qin Wansha's eyes lit up immediately, and after twenty minutes, the snake had successfully become a Chinese meal for the two of them.

But there are some things that Qin Wansha and Xiao Qichen didn't do too much.

The snake gall was left by them, and they planned to find an opportunity to'return' it to Mo Bai.

After all, in the rules of the game in this world, what everyone's role can do is actually already limited.

Werewolves must kill people, good people must vote, and they don't know whether the poison and medicine of witches can be used by others.

After careful calculation, neither Qin Wansha nor Xiao Qichen felt that this antidote was necessary to stay with them.

Anyway, even if Mo Bai has thousands of bad ones, as long as he is a ‘witch’ for one day, then he will be in the same camp as them.

Since it was the same, and this antidote was handed over to him, they wouldn't have any worries-after all, according to Mo Bai's character, there was almost a 100% possibility that this antidote would be reserved for his own use.

Without the slightest psychological burden, Qin Wansha and Xiao Qichen also enjoyed a fragrant roasted snake meat lunch.

However, the main **** obviously did not intend to make the two of them feel better, and only halfway through the meal, they heard a huge crackling sound not far away.

Although the two got up vigilantly at the same time, they wanted to check the situation there.

But because of the distance and too many trees, it is difficult for Qin Wansha and Xiao Qichen to see the situation there.

Looking back and forth at the place where there was a lot of snake meat and popping sound, Xiao Qichen and Qin Wansha decided to fill their stomachs first.

Anyway, the location is close to them, or not far away, and now there may be no time to do anything when they run over, and if they don't move anything, maybe they will take the initiative to recruit them?

With this thought of Ah Q, Qin Wansha and Xiao Qichen continued to enjoy their lunch.

But no one expected that they would become proverbial. Just when they ate less than one-third of a snake, a footstep came from the direction of the cracking sound and stepped on the grass blades alternately. the sound of.

Not long after, Mo Bai with a flustered expression appeared in front of Qin Wansha and Xiao Qichen.

The three of them were a little stunned when they saw each other.

Qin Wansha and Xiao Qichen didn't expect that they would be so embarrassed that they would meet the ‘righteous master’ before eliminating the evidence.

Mo Bai looked at the little snake body stupidly, and then broke out a scream: "You--!"

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