Fancy Manual for Teasing the Male God

Chapter 1446: Jedi Escape Werewolf Kill

"We can explain!"

"Where did you get the food?!"

The voices of Qin Wansha and Mo Bai were heard almost simultaneously.

Immediately, the two were equally stunned. The former didn’t expect the latter to scream because he saw them taking his “antidote”; the latter wondered what the former wanted to explain to him. Why didn't they bring him to dinner?

Xiao Qichen looked at the scene before him and chuckled.

Mo Bai finally found his "place", lifted his chin slightly, and said to Qin Wansha: "Then I will give you a chance to explain!"

Qin Wansha:...

Or Xiao Qichen couldn't bear to make his wife continue to be so embarrassed, and stood up to relieve Qin Wansha: "Why are you running over there?"

With that said, Xiao Qichen also walked towards Mo Bai.

At this time, Mo Bai also remembered what he had just seen. His complexion became pale and bloodless again: "Dead man! There have just been a lot of boxes falling from the sky with food and guns in them. I want to go over and get some, but... But I saw that a red line suddenly appeared on the periphery of this forest and framed the periphery! Then some people who were faster than me fell to the ground in pain, and then Slowly decayed!!!"

While Mo Bai was talking, Xiao Qichen had already stuffed the snake gall he had collected before into his hand. However, perhaps because what he had just seen was too terrifying, Mo Bai was shocked and trembling holding the snake gall, but He didn't even look down.

Xiao Qichen frowned suddenly, and at the same time he immediately turned his head and looked at Qin Wansha. Their expressions became very serious because of some prediction.

"Rotten? Did those people try to run back? Have you noticed who these people are?" Qin Wansha hurriedly asked again.

It was also because of Qin Wansha's voice that Mo Bai was also pulled back from the terrifying memory.

Then he shook his head and said, "I didn't see it clearly."

While looking down at the snake gall in his hand, he stupidly asked, "What is this?"

At this moment, Qin Wansha was in no mood to play with Mo Bai, and said very bluntly: "Your'antidote', and the fruit on the tree is your poison, but obviously, you The poison can be used by others at will."

Mo Bai's body stiffened with the naked eye because of Qin Wansha's words, and then looked up at Qin Wansha and Xiao Qichen with an ugly face, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes besides being wary: "What do you mean."

After all, a few hours ago, he still touched his pocket and vowed to Qin Wansha and others that he had found his own "poison" and "antidote".

But at this time when Qin Wansha was so dismantled, Mo Bai was a little embarrassed and unable to hold back his face, but he was also relieved, and he was also very eager to know about his own poison and antidote.

"It doesn't mean anything. I just happened to see what you saw and give it back to you." Qin Wansha didn't hide her personal information, and directly told Mo Bai's guess about her and Xiao Qichen.

And while Mo Bai listened carefully, he quietly hid the snake gall in his pocket.

Xiao Qichen saw his movements in his eyes, but didn't break them--if they really wanted to grab Mo Bai's antidote, then they didn't need to give him just now.

In fact, Mo Bai knew this in his heart, but in this world, the defensive heart is indispensable.

After Qin Wansha finished speaking, as if to express his gratitude, Mo Bai also said something he knew.

"I've played the game of Jedi Escape before." Mo Bai said: "The explosion sound just now is actually a special signal when better materials are dropped. Generally, the materials will fall on the empty ground, which may be poisonous. Inside the circle, it may also be outside the poison circle. I really didn’t see who the people who rushed out were, but they obviously didn’t understand the “map” rules of the world. After the poison circle appeared, I didn’t dare to rush again. In the past, I only dared to hide in the safe area and observe, but those people didn’t change much at the beginning, but... because they wanted to take too many things and the time was delayed for too long, they couldn’t return. coming……"

The information Mo Bai said was actually a bit vague, because he sent it out based on his own'experience', but fortunately, Qin Wansha and Xiao Qichen also understood it.

Qin Wansha couldn't help but sneered coldly at this moment: "I said when the Lord God sent such a kind heart."

Many rules in this world are very strange, such as the rules of killing, or the harsh living conditions.

Along the way, Qin Wansha and Xiao Qichen stopped talking about a gun. Except for the long arrow shot by an unknown celebrity today, they had never seen anything that could be used as a weapon.

But nature has left them with infinite possibilities, such as arrows made of branches, or vines that can be turned into twine, as well as hidden good poisonous fruits.

Besides, they did not see too many living things.

Eliminate people, that is, this snake that has been swallowed by them.

If Qin Wansha remembers correctly, then the witch's poison and antidote are unique.

Now, the snake has been eaten by them, and it is very likely that there will be no second one. Then everyone's way of survival seems to be the only one left by the main god.

But what is even more frightening is that the materials of the Lord God are not so easy to get.

According to Mo Bai’s words, the place where they are now is not absolutely safe. Once the poisonous circle spreads and envelops their location, unless they enter the new safe zone as soon as possible, the rotten people will be Lessons for them!

And according to the main god's urinary nature, it is obviously his style to throw all the materials in the poison circle.

In other words, perhaps the Lord God will also throw away a few supplies in the safe zone.

But according to the hearts of people with more wolves and less meat, this approach of the Lord God is simply to let them kill each other in a disguised form!

And coupled with certain rules of this world-

Werewolves can only kill at night, and good people will become werewolves after killing werewolves.

The main **** is actually guiding everyone to commit suicide!

After figuring this out, Qin Wansha's sneer brought a bit of ridicule.

But she wouldn't say these words in front of Mo Bai at this time.

After all, Mo Bai's disposition, Qin Wansha, is still very trustworthy.

"By the way, do you remember the other people who were on the same plane with us before?"

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