Fancy Manual for Teasing the Male God

Chapter 945: Paper man husband

After comforting the more than ten subordinates, Xiao Qichen quickly swung them all back and took Qin Wansha back to their bedroom.

Qin Wansha's spirit was not always concentrated, and her eyes drifted out from time to time. Xiao Qichen could see Qin Wansha's thoughts at once: "Do you want to go and see? The situation between Li Moyuan and Song Siyu."

Qin Wansha returned to her senses, turned her head and looked at Xiao Qichen blankly and said: "I just care a little bit, then what Song Siyu will do afterwards, she doesn't seem to be a rational type."

The corners of Xiao Qichen's lips twitched lightly, feeling that his wife's eyes were still so vicious: "I'm afraid the two couples in the Li family will suffer."

"Will Li Moyuan agree?" Qin Wansha frowned, still a little bit incredulous in her heart.

Regarding Li Moyuan’s indecisive temperament, even though he was very hesitant by the words of the people on both sides, it was his biological father and mother who gave birth to him, not to mention that Li Moyuan is actually a dutiful son, except in the case of Tong Sulan, he has not refuted it. Any decision made by the Li family.

But it was precisely because of this indecision and inexplicable self-confidence that Li Moyuan took it for granted that he could find a way to get the best of both Qingmei and his parents by retreating, but he didn't want to, just when he did this. In fact, the tragedy that followed has already been laid.

However, although Qin Wansha didn't look down on Li Moyuan from the bottom of her heart, she didn't feel that such a person could watch her parents get killed.

Not to mention, the woman who was going to kill his parents was brought back by him.

"Li Moyuan disagrees with Song Siyu, it is never important." Xiao Qichen said: "If you don't believe me, I can take you over and take a look."

In fact, the entire town was under Xiao Qichen's control. Xiao Qichen could feel the things seen by those under his control. He naturally knew that Song Siyu had gone to the Li family.

"Good." Qin Wansha agreed without hesitation.

Xiao Qichen also immediately responded to his words and disappeared into the room with Qin Wansha's waist.

This is Qin Wansha's first real experience of such a magical thing in person. As soon as her eyes are opened and closed, she has already come to the yard where the Li family and his wife are located. Both fell in a pool of blood, and Song Siyu stabbed the master of the Li family with a sword.

"This—" Qin Wansha uttered a syllable in surprise, and was immediately covered by Xiao Qichen.

"Song Siyu!!! I'm fighting with you!!!" Li Moyuan was like crazy, and he rushed towards Song Siyu. It was precisely because of Li Moyuan's burst of shout that Qin Wansha didn't make the surprise. Hu exposed.

Song Siyu was very impatient, and she actually didn't look at Li Moyuan's appearance at all-if the monsters are not removed, will they be kept for disaster!

Ever since, she was also rude and kicked Li Moyuan to the ground with one kick.

Li Moyuan is a scholar, and certainly can't be compared with Song Siyu, who practiced martial arts since childhood.

However, Li Moyuan didn't want to be kicked to the ground honestly, and tried to fight Song Siyu desperately when he got up.

"Touch your bracelet and see what the progress bar under those words can change." At the top of the wall, Xiao Qichen stuck to Qin Wansha's ear and said, indicating.

Qin Wansha stared coldly at the scene below, and then listened to Xiao Qichen's words. Although she was puzzled in her heart, she did what Xiao Qichen said.

None of the previous text has changed, but the progress bar below has changed-7%. What does this mean?

Qin Wansha also asked her own question aloud.

Qin Wansha is also very curious-she now basically believes what Xiao Qichen said to her before, because Xiao Qichen really knows better than her what the page that only she can see is, but in this way, Qin Wansha is even more so. I want to know why Xiao Qichen would know, but this is not what she should think about now.

"It means that the words you see are still 7% more likely to happen." Xiao Qichen said, his eyes fell on the fighting Li Moyuan and Song Siyu: "The change may be in the following two. Human body."

Qin Wansha was silent for a moment, and also set her eyes on Song Siyu and Li Moyuan. After a while, she said, "Then let them leave here forever. As long as they leave, the 7% will never happen."

"No." Xiao Qichen said: "These two people, especially Li Moyuan, must not die."

Qin Wansha was taken aback after hearing Xiao Qichen's words: "Why?!" Qin Wansha didn't understand.

Xiao Qichen looked down at Qin Wansha: "Because he is dead, he will bring you bad luck."

Qin Wansha stared straight at Xiao Qichen, and then lowered her head again: "I didn't want them to die, but-if they stayed in this town, the threat to us would be even greater."

Xiao Qichen looked at Qin Wansha's head and smiled slightly: "If they are in other places together, it will not be safe."

Therefore, the best way is to completely isolate the two of them.

Qin Wansha also heard Xiao Qichen's meaning, her eyes flashed: "You just said that these two people can't die, so what about other things, such as losing some other things."

"It doesn't matter." Xiao Qichen gave a positive answer.

At this time, the two below have become inconsistent.

"Li Moyuan, do you really think that I dare not touch you!" Song Siyu was also annoyed by Li Moyuan's cruelty.

Until now, she hasn’t killed her at all except for the first kick, but Li Moyuan is different. His throat is gasping, and his eyes are bloodshot and staring at Song Siyu, as if he could rush to bite her at any time. dead.

Song Siyu really didn't understand, what she did was obviously a good thing to save Li Moyuan, why Li Moyuan still couldn't understand!

"You killed my parents! I want you to pay for my life!" Li Moyuan roared in pain.

"It's not me! That monster killed your parents! How many times do you want me to tell you!" Song Siyu also got angry and rushed directly in front of Li Moyuan, and gave Li Moyuan a slap: "You don't believe me This benefactor who saved your life ran to believe in your spooky green plum! I had known that I would accompany a dog to save his dog's family, and I wouldn't come to mix with your family's mess!"

"You bullshit! You bullshit! They are human! They are human!!" Li Moyuan's heart was not unshakable, but this shaking was absolutely different from seeing his father and mother killed.

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