Fancy Manual for Teasing the Male God

Chapter 946: Paper man husband

"We didn't do anything, the two of them are already fighting each other?" Qin Wansha seemed to find it very interesting, the corners of her lips curled up, but her eyes were cold and thoughtful.

Seeing Li Moyuan picked up a sharp weapon in his hand, and went to Song Siyu, Song Siyu did not leave his hand to raise the sword against Li Moyuan, Qin Wansha understood that the two should not really kill each other.

Although Xiao Qichen didn't make it clear about the so-called ‘doom’, but Qin Wansha had a vague sense of anxiety.

"What to do?" Qin Wansha asked Xiao Qichen softly.

Xiao Qichen is very caring about Qin Wansha's performance of relying or trusting, so he smiled and said, "Then I will help them add fire."

With that said, before Qin Wansha looked over in surprise, Xiao Qichen raised his hand, and the next second, the two men and women who were almost fighting their lives stopped moving——

"Mo Yuan, what are you doing with Siyu?" Mrs. Li's voice appeared to the side of the two in an untimely manner.

Li Moyuan's head immediately twisted vigorously, and Song Siyu also looked vigilantly at the place where Mrs. Li appeared.

It doesn't matter if you look at it this way, but the two found that Mrs. Li was still following Master Li!

"Father?! Mother?!" Li Moyuan immediately lowered his head and looked at the two parents who were still lying on the ground in a pool of blood. Then he looked at the two people standing at the door with no injuries on their bodies, his eyes froze, and then he thought. What happened, the whole body began to tremble.

Song Siyu's temper came up at this time. Although he held the sword and immediately blocked Li Moyuan's body, but he kept mocking him: "Master Li, you look good, these two are not yours. My parents, I will kill the wrong person in a while, and you will find me desperately!"

"No, impossible, this is impossible..." Li Moyuan's eyes no longer knew where to look, and everything in front of him completely broke his long-held concept.

On the other hand, Master Li and his wife, they seemed to have not seen half of themselves lying on the ground. They looked at Li Moyuan and Song Siyu and said with dissatisfaction: "In broad daylight, what do you guys do with these swords, guns and clubs!" What should I do if I hurt myself!"

"You bastard, don't hurry up! What does it look like sitting on the ground!" Master Li blew his beard and stared at Li Moyuan.

Song Siyu's lips turned coldly: "Huh, evildoer, instead of running away at this time, I dare to run back, and see if I won't completely remove you this time!"

After that, Song Siyu flashed before him, and when the Li family's complexion changed drastically, it was another sword that cut the two men in the middle.

Wait, cut off? ! !

Li Moyuan and Song Siyu both focused their eyes on the four things that fell to the ground. They saw that the cut by Song Siyu was not a living person at all, but two paper men made of paper men!


Song Siyu looked at Li Moyuan's appearance, and couldn't help but frowned--a useless thing.

However, even if he felt that Li Moyuan was useless, Song Siyu had a lot of energy in his heart to deceive him and spotted this person-after all, there are few mortals who can see these things more calmly than Li Moyuan.

Furthermore, in Song Siyu’s opinion, it is actually normal for Li Moyuan to be like this. If he is like Li Moyuan’s green plum, after being controlled, he will still behave like an ordinary kidnapped daughter-in-law. There is no mental disorder caused by the courage. This is not right!

On the wall, Qin Wansha watched Xiao Qichen firmly control the hostile spirits of the Li family and his wife—just after Song Siyu cut off the two paper figures, the souls of the Li family and his wife hidden in it were broken. Out of the body, he wanted to rush towards Song Siyu.

However, when they were really about to become ghost-like entities, Xiao Qichen took action.

Obviously he was a double paper man, but Xiao Qichen was able to suppress the astral Li family and his wife, and even controlled the possibility of their drastic changes, which made Qin Wansha more doubtful of her identity.

However, without Xiao Qichen, Qin Wansha still cannot determine what Xiao Qichen's identity is based on guesswork alone.

"Kill! Kill! Kill her!" At this moment, the Li family and his wife only had Song Siyu who killed him, and they were also full of resentment.

"Don't worry." Xiao Qichen suppressed the grievances of the two, and did not tell him to be discovered by Song Siyu: "Now is not the time for your revenge."

In fact, Xiao Qichen already had a plan in his heart-he turned his gaze to Qin Wansha, but Qin Wansha was also looking at him with an inquiring gaze.

Xiao Qichen smiled: "The drama is about to begin soon, don't worry, we are all part of it."

Song Siyu didn't know that she had escaped a catastrophe, she was indeed very good at it, but this was when the profound door fell.

According to their Song family's records, it really belonged to the Xuanmen era, Song Siyu's qualifications, I am afraid that he would not even have a degree of attention.

However, Song Siyu became the most talented disciple of the Song family's generation during this period of the decline of the Xuanmen.

It was also because of this pursuit that Song Siyu lost some of his original intentions and became overconfident.

It's okay if you encounter some little monsters and little monsters with the same weak strength, or like according to Qin Wansha's information, get a great opportunity to become a truly strong cultivator, but with Song Siyu's current strength, If he wanted to face the two ghosts, it would be difficult for Song Siyu to survive.

Song Siyu, who didn't know this, was now arrogantly ridiculing Li Moyuan: "See? Didn't you clamor to take me to your parents? Why are you not talking now? Ha. If it wasn't me , You died early. In this kind of place, I advise you to put away your useless weakness earlier, Master Li, this is no longer the Li family you know. If you continue like this, only one will die. Road, but you have to think about it too. You are the last lone seedling of the Li family. Do you want to confess your life here so that you will have no successors in the Li family."

Li Moyuan listened to Song Siyu's sneer and caring words, and thought of what he had done before, and couldn't help crying with his face: "I'm father...mother... …Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Song Siyu looked at Li Moyuan covering his face and crying, but he was not incomprehensible.

Suddenly his heart softened again, Song Siyu put away the sword, walked to Li Moyuan, squatted down and patted his back: "Well, you old man, I was just beaten and killed by you so wronged. Didn't cry, but you cry pitifully."

"Nowadays, what we are looking for most is the real culprit's revenge. Collect our tears and we will discuss how to solve the monster behind it!"

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