Fancy Manual for Teasing the Male God

Chapter 953: Paper man husband

Li Moyuan and Song Siyu came back to Li's house in the carriage when they came. Because this trip up the mountain was almost nothing, Song Siyu took the lead and drove around the edge of the town.

When the two finally returned to Li's house, the sun had already set, and they successfully missed Li's dinner.

However, both Li Moyuan and Song Siyu didn't care about this. Anyway, Li Moyuan has a big family. There is a small kitchen in Li Moyuan's own yard with all the utensils and ingredients. They only need to do it by themselves and cook.

Both Li Moyuan and Song Siyu were born with a golden spoon in their mouths. Li Moyuan can dance and use ink, but he can hardly be broken by cooking.

Song Siyu had not suffered much, but compared to Li Moyuan, she had made fires in the wild with the elders in the family.

Ever since, after a few seconds of silence between the two, Song Siyu took the initiative to take the responsibility of making a fire and cooking, and at the same time did not forget to comfort Li Moyuan: "It’s okay to cook by yourself. There are no living people in this whole town, God knows. What is the food they make."

Li Moyuan didn't speak, and just sat aside with a solemn face. While guarding Song Siyu, he was also thinking about how to find a chance to see Qin Wansha again.

That night, the two ate a few mouthfuls of the rice cooked by Song Siyu--because they didn't know how to wash the rice, let alone the raw and cooked food, it was difficult to eat the food that Song Siyu made at random--then each fell asleep.

Compared with Li Moyuan and Song Siyu, Qin Wansha and Xiao Qichen had a much better night.

After returning to the Li Mansion, Qin Wansha was directly carried back to the house by Xiao Qichen. After Li Moyuan and Song Siyu both returned to the mansion, they asked the next person to bring the dinner directly to the house.

Early in the morning of the second day, Xiao Qichen, who had a ‘full meal’, got up full of energy, but Qin Wansha was still asleep in exhaustion.

Seeing Qin Wansha with a slightly haggard face, Xiao Qichen reached out and touched her cheek, feeling a little distressed.

However, Xiao Qichen is also very clear that it cannot be blinded by the happiness of last night. Qin Wansha’s cooperation yesterday was only because of a momentary pity for what he said. Xiao Qichen can even be sure that if Qin Wansha is given a chance at this time, she will definitely Throwing Li Moyuan's mess with Song Siyu to himself, and then ran away alone.

"A cruel woman." Xiao Qichen sighed with a helpless smile, then got up and put on his clothes.

When I went to the dining room, Li Moyuan and Song Siyu, who had said that they would not eat Li Mansion's food last night, had already sat on the table, each had a bowl of porridge in front of them, and they were drinking.

Xiao Qichen raised his brows, but said nothing. He also sat at the table and asked his servant to give him a bowl of porridge.

Song Siyu's expression changed when he saw Xiao Qichen. However, this time, she didn't say anything immediately, but Xiao Qichen looked at her full of boredom and entanglement.

Li Moyuan is actually the same as Song Siyu.

Suddenly there was a guy on the table who told them to be on guard. Li Moyuan felt that the bowl he was holding was a lot heavier, and the sweet rice porridge in his mouth became-well, it was still very sweet, because Li Moyuan was really hungry. Up.

However, Li Moyuan also noticed one thing--

"Where's Sulan, why didn't she come?" Li Moyuan asked casually, but in fact, he just dropped his eyes on Xiao Qichen.

Song Siyu's eyes also turned, and there was no movement outside the door at this time. Could it be that Tong Sulan was locked up by this monster again?

Xiao Qichen took the porridge handed over by the next person, and then as if he hadn't noticed the cautious thoughts of the opposite person, he said unhurriedly: "Sulan was tired yesterday, and she is a little unhappy today. I ordered her to rest in the house. , Why, the second brother has something to do with her?"

Both Li Moyuan and Song Siyu were moved by Xiao Qichen's words. Li Moyuan, who guessed why Qin Wansha was'affected', suddenly paled, Song Siyu immediately seized the opportunity and said, "I can't underestimate my body. I have read a few medical books at home on weekdays, but I want to get Sulan's pulse to see what's going on?"

Xiao Qichen raised his eyelids and looked at Song Siyu who was tentative and Li Moyuan who was pale. He thought for a while and said, "No need, just a day off for this little thing."

"That won't work—" Song Siyu still wanted to speak, but was snatched away by Li Moyuan.

"I have a century-old ginseng in my room, so why not send it to Sulan to replenish his body." Li Moyuan said this carefully but sincerely.

But this time, Xiao Qichen didn't refuse: "It's okay." After the whole meal, Xiao Qichen didn't say anything.

Song Siyu and Li Moyuan sat until Xiao Qichen ate and left, then glanced at each other and saw the excitement in each other's eyes.

Song Siyu held Li Moyuan's hand suggestively: "Don't forget what I told you to do yesterday, that monster, I will find a way to hold it."

Li Moyuan felt that his whole heart was beating wildly, nodded vigorously, and then rushed back to his yard to get the century-old ginseng.

Standing in the dining room, Song Siyu looked at Li Moyuan's back, then glanced in the direction where Xiao Qichen was leaving. Suddenly, a deep smile appeared on his lips.

When Li Moyuan sent the ginseng to Qin Wansha, Qin Wansha had actually just woke up, and the whole person was still a little confused, and he heard the voice of the nurses from outside.

"I, I'm here to deliver ginseng to Sulan. Your master has agreed, so you don't have to quickly get out!" Li Moyuan walked through the main entrance this time.

Relying on grabbing Xiao Qichen's words--without making it clear who sent the ginseng--Li Moyuan felt his tone hard.

The guardian guarding the gate looked at each other in pairs, but still refused to let it go, just because Qin Wansha inside hadn't moved yet, so the outsider couldn't let the outsider go in and see something that shouldn't be seen.

Qin Wansha was completely awakened by the arguing between Li Moyuan and the nursing home, and she sat up on the bed. Qin Wansha glanced at her tightly dressed clothes, and then whispered to the outside: "Call him in."

The nurses heard the last meal, and then under Li Moyuan's proud eyes, they stepped aside, allowing Li Moyuan to enter.

Li Moyuan, who was full of heart to see Qin Wansha, didn't even notice. The nurses listened to Qin Wansha's orders. He was full of eyes and only left Qin Wansha, who was sitting on the bed in the house with a haggard face.

"Sulan!" When Li Moyuan saw Qin Wansha, his whole heart suddenly ached.

Li Moyuan is not a boy anymore. Naturally, he knows when a woman will have such a tired look, but with a satisfied look in her eyes. For a while, his whole body is stunned and his face is full of pain.

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