Fancy Manual for Teasing the Male God

Chapter 954: Paper man husband

Qin Wansha glanced at Li Moyuan indifferently. She and Xiao Qichen were in a break yesterday, and she also had some conversations. She was not surprised by Li Moyuan's arrival.

"Come in and close the door." Qin Wansha said lightly, very in line with Xiao Qichen's positioning for her-she was unwell.

Li Moyuan also felt that their conversation should not be heard by the nursing homes outside, and immediately walked in, and then closed the door behind him.

At this time, Li Moyuan didn't know that Song Siyu was standing in the pavilion with Xiao Qichen in the small pavilion on the highest rockery in the Li Mansion, looking in this direction together.

Song Siyu deliberately said: "Now you should believe what I said. Li Moyuan and Tong Sulan are childhood sweethearts and they have no guesses. Even now, Sulan is already yours, but the word "love" is hard to hold on to it. Xu, why do you need to close the door and talk to them in hiding?"

While saying this, Song Siyu did not forget to pay close attention to Xiao Qichen's complexion.

It’s a pity that Xiao Qichen has always been so composed, so Song Siyu can’t see through it, but this does not delay Song Siyu’s own ideas of some pictures. Anyway, she doesn’t believe it, because Xiao Qichen’s exclusive desire for Qin Wansha can tolerate Li Moyuan And Qin Wansha'resurrection'.

Xiao Qichen turned his head and looked at Song Siyu with a deep gaze: "You came here specially to show me this?"

Facing Xiao Qichen’s almost invisible eyes, Song Siyu was not fearless in her heart, but she put her hand behind her back, firmly grasped a dagger hidden in her sleeve, and pretended to say calmly: "I Just to cooperate with you."

Xiao Qichen's lips showed a playful smile: "Cooperation?"

"Yes, it's cooperation. I want Li Moyuan and you want Tong Sulan, but what does it matter if people are absent, it's better to cooperate with us and completely separate them!" Song Siyu said half-truth and his tone was passionate.

"Are you not afraid that I would kill Li Moyuan directly?" Xiao Qichen turned around and faced Song Siyu: "Instead of being so troublesome, it's better to kill him directly and completely."

"You won't." Song Siyu said: "Since we have lived in for so many days, you haven't done anything, so if you want to come, Li Moyuan must have what you want, how could you kill him."

Song Siyu's remarks were purely her own guesses. She would say this, but it was actually just to ask for corroboration.

However, Xiao Qichen showed a surprised expression, which made Song Siyu feel light and knew that he was right.

"It seems that you know more than I thought." Xiao Qichen narrowed his eyes, revealing a hint of coldness.

Song Siyu shook his hand tightly behind his back, and continued: "I can help you."

"Li Moyuan's vigilance and guard against you will not let you easily succeed, but I am different. Afterwards, I only need Li Moyuan to leave with me. I don't care what the town is like!" Song Siyu continued to put the bait.

Xiao Qichen pretended to be thinking, staring closely at Song Siyu.

Song Siyu also held his breath, wondering whether the charm in her hand would really work if Xiao Qichen suddenly violent.

Fortunately, Xiao Qichen quickly replied to Song Siyu: "Okay, then you first help me get a strand of Li Moyuan's hair. Remember, I don't want one."

Song Siyu immediately agreed, "Okay, I'll give it to you tomorrow, then how should I connect with you?"

As soon as Xiao Qichen stretched out his hand, a servant soon appeared outside the pavilion.

"You can just hand it over to him." Xiao Qichen said.

Song Siyu glanced at it, but her heart trembled, because this person was not someone else, she was the one who killed the little servant in Li Moyuan's courtyard!

really! These guys are not human at all, they are all puppets controlled by Xiao Qichen! She was right!

"Okay..." Song Siyu gritted his teeth, and felt very uncomfortable when he thought that there would be a Xiao Qichen's eyeliner next to him, but for the purpose of the future, Song Siyu still agreed.

Xiao Qichen didn't say anything else, and disappeared into the small pavilion on the rockery with a wave of his sleeves.

Song Siyu looked at Xiao Qichen's back with a hint of excitement in his eyes.

Immediately, Song Siyu looked at the small courtyard where Qin Wansha and Xiao Qichen lived. The closed door blocked her from spying, but Song Siyu showed a smug smile.

What Song Siyu didn't know was that the young man next to her with his head down also had a look very similar to hers, with a trace of excitement in his madness, and the smile on his face was distorted to weird.

In fact, the house is much more harmonious than what just happened in this pavilion.

Qin Wansha still made that weak appearance that faintly resisted Li Moyuan. Li Moyuan's heartache was beyond repetitive, but she did not refute Qin Wansha's intention, because in Li Moyuan's view, Qin Wansha could no longer withstand a little bit of stimulation.

"I killed you." Li Moyuan's mouth was full of bitterness.

Qin Wansha shook her head: "It has nothing to do with you."

Indeed, she was the one who indulged Xiao Qichen too much yesterday, and had nothing to do with Li Moyuan.

But when Li Moyuan heard these words, it was Qin Wansha who was trying to excuse him—it had nothing to do with him, but the reason why she was forced to marry this monster was not his father and mother? !

If... If he hadn't had a showdown at home so early, or had been tougher, wouldn't this kind of thing that hurt Sulan who hurt him? !

Qin Wansha looked at Li Moyuan's expression and guessed what he thought, but Qin Wansha didn't say anything on purpose.

I already know why Li Zhiyuan became the kind of Qin Wansha now. Thinking of what she had seen before about Tong Sulan, their experiences are so similar that they were both accused of being blamed by Mo Needless. The body, after being persecuted by power, became a lamb to be slaughtered.

Thinking of this, Qin Wansha's irony couldn't stop rising.

Is Li Moyuan not wrong in this matter?

No, he was much wrong.

He thought that he could maintain a good balance between his parents and his lover, and he might even get the approval of his family one day, so he told the Li family of the life-long private appointment with Tong Sulan early on, but he failed The protection of Tong Sulan did not do a good job of persuading the Li family and his wife.

Just thinking of saying "I will not marry except Sulan in this life" thought that I did everything.

But he didn't know that the more he was, the more the Li family hated Tong Sulan, the woman who made their well-behaved son disobedient.

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