The eight hundred and sixteenth chapter Shi Huang finally fell, and he wanted to take control of a world, and the stars in the sky! (Please complete the order)

In the universe, Jiang Chen took a strong shot and suppressed Shi Huang, shocking the entire universe.

He was surrounded by dazzling divine light, like an unparalleled immortal king, overlooking the world, with an invincible demeanor.

There is no doubt that at this moment, he is definitely the most dazzling and dazzling person in the world, and there is no creature that can match him!

In Taixuan Sect, a strong man like Gai You was completely convinced by Jiang Chen’s demeanor, and his eyes were filled with shock.

“The Empress and the Holy Body of Dacheng are on our side, this battle may not be defeated!”

There was a dazzling light on his neck. If Jiang Chen hadn’t told him not to take it lightly, I’m afraid he would have joined the battle at this moment.

Before Jiang Chen came back, he remained in a dying state, making the outside world mistakenly believe that his life was short, in order to be able to take out a few supremes by surprise in the final decisive battle.

“I just didn’t expect that Jiang Xiaoyou’s realm improvement speed is so terrifying, and he already has the strength to compete with the Supreme…”

Gai You had infinite emotions in his heart. When Jiang Chen invited him to sit in Taixuan Sect, he agreed without hesitation, not only to repay Jiang Chen’s help, but also to value Jiang Chen’s potential.

“Come on, go on.

Jiang Chen stood above the galaxy, and with a single thought, he radiated terrifying power.

Such a scene is so terrifying, it’s like destroying the world.


At this moment, Shi Huang didn’t say much anymore, he could only fight to the death to burn the source of life.

In that case, even killing Jiang Chen, it would be very difficult for him to survive in the end.

But now in such a situation, he can no longer think about it. The dignity of being born as an emperor makes him unwilling to die. Even if he dies, he will pull Jiang Chen together.


Shi Huang roared, unwilling in his heart, and the roar shook the world.

He’s still struggling!

To break fate!

People are terrified, this is an emperor, who dares to provoke, who can compete with him, but now he is like a beast with a foot, being driven to a desperate situation, and he wants to fight back desperately.

Jiang Chen is too powerful, standing in the universe, the vision overwhelms everything, as if he is dominated by him.

Compared with these supreme beings who cut themselves with a knife, he has no worries at all when he stepped into the realm of immortality with half a foot. The gap between the two is far beyond the imagination of these supreme beings. With the physical body, they are evolving towards the realm of immortality.

The reason why he didn’t choose to attack the Immortal Dao Domain at the Border Desolate Gate is because he was worried that the immortal king of the foreign land was desperate and came across the border to attack him. On the other hand, he wanted to truly dominate this world, and Absorb the wishes of all living beings, and ask about the origin of the world. Once you enter the realm of immortality, you can directly stand at the level of immortal kings!

This idea can be said to be the ultimate insane!

But for Jiang Chen, there is actually a great chance of success.

“When I incorporate the ten thousand realms of this world into the inner world and turn them into the laws of the inner world, I will be able to step into the realm of immortal realms!

Stepping on the galaxy, covering the sky, Jiang Chen’s body seems to be swallowing up the universe. The roar makes countless souls tremble!

But what is surprising is that such a huge body has not caused any impact on the universe, and the two are more like overlapping.

Otherwise, just such an existence would be a disaster for the billions of beings in the universe!


Shi Huang went mad and kept roaring, with no way out, burning the source of life at this moment.


Such vast fluctuations cannot be hidden, and the sun, moon, and stars are incomparably bright, making people tremble.

Obviously, he was forced to a desperate situation, and he sublimated his own Taoism to the extreme and turned into an ancient emperor of the ancient era, but this also means that he will wither at the brightest moment.

“How much life source do you have left to burn…”

Jiang Chen shook his head. He was very clear about the situation of Shi Huang in front of him. He was almost at the limit of his life. As long as he exhausted the origin of Shi Huang, even if he didn’t do anything, Shi Huang would fall.

But the next moment, Jiang Chen also started.


The vast stars are all lingering around him at this moment, turning into dazzling gods, condensing a stalwart body at the top of the universe, and the endless ghosts of demons are gathered here.

How majestic this body is, it almost covers the universe, all living beings seem to see a long river of time spreading out from it, not knowing its source, not knowing its end, that vague figure, like an immortal king, Shi Huang stretched out his big hand.

Raising his hand to cover the sky, there are hundreds of millions of chaotic qi, boundless and boundless, as if it contains six reincarnations, the spleen is overcast, and it controls the world.

“Send you to life.”

Jiang Chen’s real body stands in the long river of time, overlooking the Shi Huang, and inquiring about a big hand that covers the sky.

The vast divine light flows and the supreme will descends, representing Jiang Chen’s Dao and Dharma, and now it has transformed into the realm of immortal Dao, which already contains a trace of immortal energy, enough to overwhelm the imperial Dao.


This kind of Tao has evolved a breath of penetrating hooks, even if Shi Huang will change color, he feels that it is difficult to contend with this extreme power, as if it has surpassed his cognition, which is unheard of before.

This contains the law of immortality, which was evolved by Jiang Chen in a unique way, which naturally transcends the understanding of the supreme.

After all, the realm of immortality is far beyond the realm of humanism, and it cannot be analyzed, peeped, or understood. The two are not on the same level at all.

At this moment, Tianzun Changsheng, who was fighting with the Holy Body of Dacheng in the distance, was also moved, and couldn’t help but look this way.

He has lived for an extremely long time, and there is probably no one in this world who has lived longer than him, but in his impression, there is no one who can compare with the man in white.

“Even the undead emperor of the past, at his age, never had such a style.

Longevity Tianzun made such a sigh of relief.

In the era of his existence, the Immortal Emperor was the most amazing person he had ever seen. He was also admired by the Emperor and led him into the Heavenly Court. In the years that followed, as he expected, the Immortal Emperor rose at the end of the Age of Myths. Became a god worshipped by all ethnic groups in the ancient times.

To this day, his name has been passed down by all the ancient tribes.

At this moment, he deeply felt the horror of Jiang Chen. This person is no longer a supreme rival, and is destined to make all supreme beings terrified. This is the great enemy that all supreme beings will face, and it will block the longevity of many people!

In the distance, Shi Huang almost used all means, otherwise, he felt that he would lose hope.


The golden rune was attached to the surface of his body, and between his body, it turned into a dazzling armor, as if it had life.

Wipe yesterday!

However, it was in vain. Under the suppression of that big hand, everything turned to ashes.

The collision between the two was earth-shattering, as if the gods and ghosts were crying, blood rained between heaven and earth, and the scene of the fall of gods and demons emerged.

This is like the end of the world, the universe seems to explode, the endless chaos is turbulent, and the world is overturned!

This palm is too domineering, extremely terrifying, the sky is torn apart, all matter is disintegrated, and the star field where the Shihuang is located falls into silence.

The endless brilliance flooded the universe, and people couldn’t see it clearly, but they knew very well that Shi Huang’s almost life-threatening methods were ineffective, and they would probably be suppressed by Jiang Chen.


That palm shattered the armor on Shi Huang’s body and smashed Shi Huang into the flying hook. Only then did people see clearly. At this moment, Shi Huang was covered in blood, and the halberd in his hand was also broken. It looks broken.

“I lost…”

Shi Huang’s face was full of loneliness, he no longer struggled, as if he had accepted his fate.

He used the body of the Holy Spirit to prove the Dao, and his spleen escaped from the world. In the end, he was defeated, and the years were like swords slashing the arrogance of heaven.

In the last resort, he failed to find a miracle. He was defeated, suppressed, and his life was constantly draining. Even if Jiang Chen stopped hooking, he would not live long and would wither.


Shi Huang laughed loudly in the sky, his mood was uneasy, full of unwillingness and loneliness, his primordial spirit had long been shattered, his flesh and blood dried up, and then exploded, turning into dust in the universe.


Thousands of heaven and earth roared, turning this place into a dead space, and the endless stars turned into powder. Except for Shi Huang’s weapons and Jiang Chen, nothing was left.

The battle ended, in a way that shocked and unexpectedly ended for everyone.

A generation of supreme fell and turned into dust, so that everyone understands that time is like a knife, and even the most powerful existence will die one day.

After a brief silence, all areas of the universe boiled over. They thought it would be a dark turmoil sweeping the universe, but they didn’t expect to kill an existence like Jiang Chen. The rise of the strong enemy, the dazzling light of the explosive hook, shocked ancient and modern.

There are quite a few Supremes who died in this battle, so that the God of Longevity, who had fought against the Holy Body of Great Accomplishment, no longer wanted to fight, and turned away.

Otherwise, once Jiang Chen joins forces with Dacheng Sacrament, even he is in danger of falling.

The creatures of the Undead Mountain were silent, Jiang Chen rose up in such an invincible way and killed their master of the Undead Mountain!

This is a record that makes them feel trembling, Shi Huang has been sublimated and still defeated, if it is them, I am afraid there is no way to survive!

Jiang Chen’s strength made the other major restricted areas silent, the atmosphere was extremely tense, and there was a possibility of a war breaking out at any time.

In the end, Jiang Chen came to the Undead Mountain and razed this forbidden area of ​​life to the ground.

“After today, there will be no more immortal mountains in the world!” Jiang Chen’s voice spread, shaking nine days and ten places.

So far, the Undead Mountain, which has been coercing the world for countless years, has completely become the past and can no longer be seen.

“Ding! You kill Shi Huang and pacify the dark turmoil, and you will be rewarded accordingly.”

“You get 300 million experience, you get the supreme bone, and you get the Zhou Tianxingchen array!

“The Great Array of Stars in the Sky: It was Fuxi’s understanding from the Hetu Luoshu that detailed the laws of the rotation of the stars in Hongmeng, asking about the power of the three hundred and sixty-five stars in the sky, and adding the sun and lunar stars as the main star array eyes, ancient times. Heaven’s protection formation. To arrange this formation, it is necessary to refine three hundred and sixty-five large Zhoutian star flags, corresponding to the three hundred and sixty-five main stars of the sky, and then 14,000 and eight hundred small poles are required. The Zhou Tianxingchen banner corresponds to 14,000 and 800 sub-stars. Coupled with the power of billions of gods and demons, the gods and demons represent one star, and they can form a powerful Zhou Tianxingdou Great Array.

Jiang Chen’s eyes moved.

Zhou Tianxingchen array… good stuff!

Three hundred and sixty-five large Zhoutian star banners are the root, 14,000 rough eight hundred small Zhoutian star banners are the stem, hundreds of millions of gods and demons are branches and leaves, and they are linked by the power of Zhoutian stars. How great is the power.

Jiang Chen put away the Shi Huang’s weapons and the Shi Huang’s flesh and blood scattered in the universe, and after sweeping the Undead Mountain, he disappeared from this place. Now in the Taixuan Sect, he ignored the hustle and bustle of the outside world, and began to refine the formation. Xuanjiao has been built into a supreme holy place.


Piece after piece of extremely rare top-quality talent, Jiang Chen dropped them into the real fire of the sun in front of him.

After destroying the Undead Mountain, Jiang Chen still has plenty of divine materials on hand. Although it is impossible to refine all 365 Zhou Tianxingchen banners at once, it is still a good idea to try to refine a few first. Totally fine.

The Phoenix Blood Sacred Bell exudes a chaotic air of rhythm, forming a circle that covers the true fire of the sun.

After all, this is the first time for Jiang Chen to refine the Zhoutian Star Banner. It is relatively safe to use the Phoenix Blood Sacred Bell to escort him. After all, the Phoenix Blood Sacred Bell is not only his powerful fairy weapon, but also has been following him for the longest time. His affinity with the Phoenix Blood Sacred Bell is unmatched by any furnace.


The chaotic aura of the Phoenix Blood Sacred Bell gathers these precious divine materials in the most stable position of the true sun fire. The fiery sun fire that releases the rhythm under the seals of Jiang Chen’s hands quickly melts the divine materials. The materials are beginning to bloom, and the rhyme belongs to their most original light LO

This kind of supernatural talent exudes diligent and dazzling splendor, making the area where Jiang Chen is located shines like a galaxy.

Little Doctor Immortal came to a hall not far from here at some point, and looked at Jiang Chen’s location from a distance.

When she saw the galaxy-like divine light emitted from the fusion of the top-quality divine materials, she was deeply attracted by the beauty in front of her, and she was intoxicated and unable to extricate herself from it.

The blazing sun’s true fire quickly melted those gods together.

Jiang Chen kept the true sun fire knot in one hand, and hooked another extremely mysterious magic formula with the other hand. Condensed into a flag-shaped appearance.

When the streamer-shaped divine liquid was about to take shape, the magic formula in Jiang Chen’s hand changed.

The divine liquid immediately boiled!

In fact, the star banner has already been formed just now, but the hook is an ordinary star banner, but how could Jiang Chen be willing to be just an ordinary one, but he has half footed into the realm of immortality, and if he wants to practice, he needs to practice the best one. !

Therefore, he decided to change the magic formula again.

The divine liquid only boiled for a short while before being pressed by the chaotic energy of the hook released by the Phoenix Blood Sacred Bell.

Jiang Chen glanced at the Phoenix Blood Sacred Bell, seized the opportunity, and tickled several extremely mysterious magic tricks like lightning with one hand. At the same time, the real fire of the sun in the other hand also increased its intensity. It slowly formed under refining, and condensed into a flag-shaped appearance again under the suppression of Chaos Qi.


The sky in the heavenly court has transformed into a splendid galaxy, and the powerhouses such as the Great Sacred Realm and the Emperor who gathered in the halls are all attracted by the fantastic visions in the sky. Although the galaxy can be seen at any time, but The galaxy that appeared in the sky this time was completely different from what they saw in the universe.

This dazzling galaxy is not only rich in all kinds of law power, but also surrounded by celestial spirits.

“Is this the Xinghe of the Immortal Territory? It’s so beautiful!” A fascinated quasi emperor who stared at Xinghe said to himself.

“What is difficult! This must be the Xinghe of the Immortal Territory. Could it be that the sect master has already been to the Immortal Territory?” Another quasi emperor said after hearing it, but his eyes did not leave the galaxy at all.

At this time, Zi Yan was standing on the way to a certain hall to watch the dazzling galaxy, but she seemed to think of something and her eyes were a little dim.

“So many divine treasures…” Zi Ma murmured enviously.

“I’m afraid there will be too many people who want to join Taixuan Sect in the future…”

Jiang Chen is going to enter the Immortal Realm in the future, and now other Taoist traditions in this world, whether they are attached or not, are not very important to Heavenly Court.

“Zi Ma, the power of the ancestral dragon in your body is about to awaken, and the power of these stars is good for you.” Jiang Chen’s voice came, and the power of the stars was injected into Zi Ma’s body. Force, instantly put Zi Yan into a deep sleep.

The first picture of Zhou Tianxingchen is slowly taking shape under the coverage of Chaos Qi. Even if there is Chaos Qi around, it still can’t cover up the strong power of stars. It is the best, and there is still a little immortal energy surrounding it, and there is even a shadow of immortal artifact.

Jiang Chen took the Zhou Tianxingchen banner with satisfaction and looked at it, put it aside and started the follow-up refining. Since the first picture has been successful, let’s strike while the iron is hot and refine all the remaining materials that can be refined. .

All the materials possessed by the Undead Mountain finally refined sixty high-quality star banners.

Jiang Chen stopped a little unfulfilled. Refining this top-level imperial weapon is also very beneficial to him, and he also faintly realized a little bit of the law of the stars in the process of refining, but he realized the law of the stars. .

It happens that the materials are not known, and those restricted areas have not expressed their opinions, so find some materials and destroy a few restricted areas by the way!

The rich space laws circulated around Jiang Chen, and his figure disappeared in place in an instant. Anyway, his original purpose was to destroy these restricted areas of life, and there was nothing to say, he simply destroyed it!

Just when the enlightened people and the quasi-emperors of various gods and royal families were enjoying themselves in the heavenly court, explosive news began to spread in the universe.

After the death of the Undead Mountain, three more restricted areas of life were destroyed, but these restricted areas have been launched many times of dark turmoil, even if no one sees who it is, but who can kill a restricted area in this world Woolen cloth?

Jiang Chen’s magnificent voice appeared in the universe again, “Wait for the forbidden area, fall or disappear, only three days!

He doesn’t want to say any more, he wants to remove the troubles for this world, and then prepares to enter the Immortal Realm with all his strength, he has spent enough time here, only Immortal Realm, love is his goal!

On this day, the news that the three forbidden areas were destroyed once again detonated the universe.

“How can he be so arrogant! Isn’t he a great emperor! It’s not enough to bully our single restricted area!” A restricted area supreme roared in the restricted area to which he belonged.

There was an old supreme being next to him. After listening to his complaints silently, he said lightly, “Do you still think that he is just a great emperor?”

The old supreme looked up at the sky and said, “I suspect that he is already a real fairyland.

“True immortal? How is that possible! We have been pursuing so hard for so many years, how can he become an immortal? By killing the supreme of our restricted area!” The young supreme roared irritably.

The old supreme sighed and said succinctly: “Hey, I understand that you are not willing, but I don’t want to watch you die…”


The young Supreme still didn’t understand and roared: “I am going to die alone, if there are hundreds of Supremes! Will I still go to death! I don’t believe that his so-called leader has the strength to compete with the Supremes of all our restricted areas! 99

Seeing that he was obsessed, the old Supreme shook his head, got up and walked towards the distance.

“Then you go, but the police say it’s my people, I don’t want the restricted area to be destroyed because of your stupidity!”

Young Supreme said nothing, got up and turned into a streamer and went into the distance.

He went to other restricted areas to find people who were like him and resisted the so-called leader together.

However, this is just a special case. After hearing that the three major restricted areas were destroyed, many restricted areas sent people carrying people to the heaven to ask for forgiveness from the leader. The special police are the kind of people who have experienced many dark turmoils. restricted area, they are basically all


However, the Heavenly Court at this time does not accept these people at all. These supreme beings who are usually high above the ground are now kneeling outside the Heavenly Court like bereaved dogs, and no one dares to be dissatisfied.

After Jiang Chen ransacked the three forbidden areas, he returned with the Phoenix Blood Sacred Bell, and was once again met by the place where he first refined the star banner.

When he started refining, he touched a little bit of the law of the stars.

He wanted to comprehend the laws of the stars in one go before that feeling disappeared!

Although the laws of stars are not the same as the top-level laws of space and time, they are also relatively top-level laws. These types of laws all require an opportunity to comprehend under certain circumstances.

Jiang Chen’s goal is to comprehend the law of three roughness, and then master it. He cannot miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

When the 300th Zhou Tian Xingchen Banner was refined, the power of the stars that belonged to the Xingchen Banner suddenly went towards Jiang Chen.




The power of the law between the heaven and the earth is also pouring into Jiang Chen’s body. There are even some people who worship the law of the stars in the heaven. .

For a time, the entire Heavenly Court was covered by the dazzling laws of stars.

This time, it is no longer the unreachable galaxy map at the beginning, but the real law of the stars!

Every star rule seems to contain a galaxy!

“This! Could it be that the leader is comprehending the power of the law?!

“Is it possible that the star river at the beginning was the sect master watching the Xianyu galaxy, and now he has already comprehended the laws of the stars.

“Hey… The speed of comprehending the law is worthy of being a leader!”

When everyone was lamenting the speed at which the leader understood the laws, those who had already understood quite a few laws of the stars were even more surprised, because they found that the laws of stars that Jiang Chen had comprehended and what they had understood were completely different. level, their

The power of law is like paying homage to Jiang Chen’s power of law.

If the law they comprehended was at the level of a quasi-emperor, then what Jiang Chen was comprehending now was at the level of a true immortal.

At this time, Jiang Chen had already put down the refining of the stars, and fully comprehended the laws of the stars.

The chaotic aura of Yun Congying released by the Phoenix Blood Sacred Bell was entangled in his body, and the three law powers he mastered were also completely released by him. The vast law power appeared in the space, and now Jiang Chen The location, in the eyes of outsiders, even time and space

There was a bit of a twist in between.

After all, if he masters a law, he needs to integrate with the law he has already mastered, so that he can truly master it.

Xiaoyixian is staring at Jiang Chen at this time, watching the policeman mastering the law, which is also beneficial to the viewer. Moreover, in the long history, Jiang Chen can be said is the first.

The dazzling stars in the sky gradually merged into Jiang Chen’s body, and billions of gods bloomed from his body. The strong fairy qi covered the place like a thick fog, and the blazing sun’s true fire also swept through at this time. The whole territory!

The whole territory is like a fairyland scorched by flames, beautiful and inaccessible.

The power of laws in Jiang Chen’s body is showing their most perfect appearance at this time, and the laws of stars are engraved into other laws little by little at this time.

This is also a special point of the law of stars, which can be integrated into other laws, and the law of the trilemma rarely has this feature.

After the laws of the stars in the space were integrated into Jiang Chen’s body, the three law powers released by him were also taken in by him, leaving only the rich immortal energy in the whole space. Jiang Chen sitting cross-legged.

After a while, Jiang Chen’s eyes suddenly widened, and the stars in his pupils filled with the unique symbols of the other three laws.

The space power with the stars around him flickered, and it was hooked on the main hall in an instant.

“Congratulations, Master Yunguan!”

When everyone saw Jiang Chen coming, they all knelt on the ground.

At the beginning, the sight of the law of the stars was so shocking to them that when they saw Jiang Chen, they couldn’t help but bow their heads. Jiang Chen had long been accustomed to this scene, and reached out to signal everyone to be flat.

At this time, the Black Emperor came to his side and said, “Sect Master, how many restricted areas are still unwilling to surrender, should we go and destroy them?

Jiang Chen asked, “Is everything else coming?”

“It’s all outside, it’s been three days since your retreat.” Hei Huang said.

“Go check what they brought, if you don’t have enough, it will be destroyed!” Jiang Chen said indifferently

Up to now, he has given those restricted areas enough time. If they are still unrepentant or lacking in guilt, then he doesn’t mind that they are all destroyed. Anyway, the supreme beings in those restricted areas have nothing good.

Under the influence of the power of the stars that Jiang Chen injected into her body, Zi Ma woke up leisurely.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw her body radiating light.

She was really startled, and her two little hands slapped the light on her body helplessly.

Seeing Zi Ma like this, Jiang Chen couldn’t help laughing out loud, and even his voice trembled a little: “What’s the matter, Zi Ma, don’t you like colorful lights very much? Why don’t you like it suddenly now? Well?”

Seeing that the light on her body has not subsided, she turned to Jiang Chen with help in her eyes and said, “Master, what the hell is going on? How can I sleep and wake up and my body will glow? .”

Seeing Zi Ma’s eager appearance, Jiang Chen suppressed a smile and said to Zi Ma, “Why don’t you think carefully about what you did when you were sleeping or before going to bed?”

After hearing Jiang Chen’s words, Zi Ma really tilted her head to think carefully, and then said in a firm tone, “I remember what I didn’t do?

Then he looked at Jiang Chen beside him with small eyes, as if he wanted to get some approval from Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen didn’t like her, ignoring her little help-seeking eyes, and continued: “You must have done something, it’s just that you don’t remember.”

Zi Ma kept patting the strange light on her body, but there was no improvement at all, which made Zi Ma anxious, and she couldn’t care to talk to Jiang Chen, her two little hands patted randomly, but Just no improvement at all.

Jiang Chen just looked at Zi Ma who was tossing in his hands like this, and his heart didn’t even feel like laughing, and Zi Ma didn’t know what to do.

Jiang Chen, who cast his eyes aside in panic, said to the culprit who was secretly laughing beside him: “Master! Come and help me! What the hell is this!”

Jiang Chen’s empty hand finally moved, hooked on the mysterious chaotic power of chaotic energy, and patted it at Zi Yan. At this time, Zi Ma didn’t have time to care about the power that had kept her intoxicated.

When Jiang Chen’s hand clapped on Zi Ma’s body, the light on Zi Ma’s body became even more radiant after the light that Jiang Chen patted.

No matter how sluggish Zi Ma is, she can still perceive something. After all, she was in Jiang Chen’s hands when she woke up, and how could there be a ray of light in her body that looked like the chaotic energy emanating from Jiang Chen’s hands .

Zi Yan was stunned for a while, stopped slapping herself with her hands, then flapped her wings, condensed a little strength in her little hands, and charged towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen looked at the light of power in Zi Ma’s hand, how could it be so familiar.

At first glance, it is not the power that he injected into Zi Ma.

Jiang Chen reached out and released a little power to block Zi Ma’s attack, and said to Zi Ma: “Listen to my explanation, I wanted to help you deliver some power at first, the power of the stars is too vast, and you will fall directly into fell asleep. 1

Zi Ma withdrew her small hand towards Jiang Chen, looked at Jiang Chen suspiciously and said, “Really just give me strength? Didn’t you deliberately harass me?”

The power of the law in Jiang Chen’s hand increased a little bit again, watching Zi Ma’s body glow more and more, and said: “Look, I just gave you power like this, how did I know it would become like this. 99

Seeing the light radiating from her body, Zi Ma said to Jiang Chen with suspicion, “Then I will trust you for the time being.

Just when she was about to turn around and fly, she suddenly found something, and immediately turned her head to Jiang Chen and said, “Oh no, your power is different from the power radiating from me? Are you lying to me!”

Jiang Chen smiled and said, “I didn’t lie to you, it’s just that the light on you is made up of many forces, so it’s different. 99

Zi Ma looked at the light on her body and clenched her small fists slightly. She remembered that even if she resisted, it was useless. After thinking about it, forget it. She turned her head and didn’t look at Jiang Chen.

“Then do you know why?”

Jiang Chen said, “If I knew why, I wouldn’t have cured you earlier, and I don’t know, and then you suddenly woke up while I was studying you. 99

When Zi Ma heard Jiang Chen’s words, she yelled at Jiang Chen again angrily, “You! Actually! Study me while I’m sleeping!»

“Is it because I didn’t wake up, you separated me and didn’t study it?

Jiang Chen waved his hands and said, “Then, how could it be? I wouldn’t do such a thing no matter how curious I was.

Zi Ma’s little hand-fork said: “How do I know if you will do it, only the ghost knows.”

“Stop chatting with you, I have to digest the extra memory in my mind quickly, or Zu Long will say that I am not a geek.

After hearing what Zi Yan said, Jiang Chen said with a little doubt: “Zu Long? Have you awakened a new inheritance memory?”

Zi Yan flew forward on her own and ignored Jiang Chen’s question. Although Jiang Chen was a little confused, she had no choice but to follow Zi Ma and went forward.

After moving forward for a while, Zi Ma suddenly said: “As the inheritor of Zulong, my current situation is very good, maybe I will become Zulong in the future!

“And then?” Jiang Chen saw Zi Ma and didn’t speak again.

Zi Ma waved her little hand and said, “What are you in a hurry, wait for me to speak slowly.”

In this way, Jiang Chen, the first person in the world, was disliked by a little creature who didn’t know the breed, but Jiang Chen seemed to be enjoying it.

“This is something Zulong gave me before. Now that my memory has awakened, I can summon it. With a wave of Zi Ma, a splendid light shot up into the sky, and then turned into a huge battleship.

Zi Ma took Jiang Chen to tour the entire Tianting Ship, and briefly introduced various places.

Then he took Jiang Chen to the back of the main hall, where at some point a silvery thing appeared.

Zi Ma fluttered her little wings and flew over there, turned around and said to Jiang Chen: “Come on, look, this is the most important place for the entire starship to hang out.

Jiang Chen looked at the silver thing under Zi Yan, and saw a silver handle on it, and then a silver seat was placed behind the handle.

Jiang Chen looked at the thing with a bit of doubt, and said to Zi Yan, “What is this? How does it work?”

Zi Ma looked at Jiang Chen and said, “You don’t know this?”

Jiang Chen: “…”

That’s all, don’t care about her.

Seeing that Jiang Chen didn’t reply, Zi Ma continued: “This handle is the key to unlocking the entire Tianting Ship.”

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