Chapter 817 The Four Laws, Break the Ancestral Dragon Inheritance, and Surpass the Potential of the Ten Ominous!

Zi Ma continued, “Only the owner and manager of the starship will perceive and see this thing.”

“Then, this usage, just press it directly.

“What you see now is that it is not activated. If this thing needs to be activated, press it like this, and it will be fine. 33

While talking, Zi Ma pressed her hand down.

From the moment Zi Ma pressed the handle, the entire Taixuan Sect giant ship began to undergo great changes. Some buildings that Zi Ma took Jiang Chen to visit that had not appeared in Taixuan Sect appeared in Taixuan Sect. In the realm of Xuanjiao.

The people of the Taixuan Sect had not recovered from the shock of the changes at the beginning, and suddenly some strange buildings appeared, and everyone was really shocked again.

When some quasi emperors came to the door of the main hall and wanted to ask Jiang Chen what this was, everyone who came to the main hall saw Ye Hei and others who were also confused.

Seeing this appearance, they knew that it was useless to ask them, and they could turn their eyes to the depths of the main hall of Xiao Xiao.

Although they don’t know where Jiang Chen is, the main hall is Jiang Chen’s residence, and Jiang Chen rhymes from there every time, so it’s right to wait here.

And they really guessed correctly, the current Jiang Chen is indeed in the main hall, but Jiang Chen’s consciousness in the main hall is still in the array.

In the array, Jiang Chen’s consciousness was also surprised at this time.

Although Zi Yan had already taken him to visit those buildings, the scene where those buildings appeared out of thin air was extremely shocking.

Seeing Jiang Chen’s shocked expression, Ma Zi was so happy in her heart that she finally beat Jiang Chen-hui this time, and there was always a little bit of light in Ma Zi’s little eyes.

Jiang Chen looked at the magnificent scene in front of him and said to Zi Ma, “Is this the real appearance of the sky ship?”

Ma Zi looked at Jiang Chen and said proudly: “This is not it, this is just the first level of Tianting Ship.

“Tianting ship has three layers in total, but I won’t tell you about the remaining two, you still need to slowly feel the rope.

Jiang Chen suddenly seemed to have thought of something. He said to Zi Yan: “Mother Zi, I have to go out to Xiao, I have to deal with such a big thing quickly, and I will bring you something delicious when I come back. 99

Before Ma Zi could say anything, Jiang Chen let go of his consciousness and entered the main hall.

– Returning to the main hall, Jiang Chen’s powerful spiritual sense immediately felt that there were several breaths of quasi emperors and enlightened people outside the hall.

It seems that after they noticed this kind of strangeness, no one came here to solve the problem, so they could only come to the main hall to find Jiang Chen to solve the problem.

Jiang Chen adjusted his state a little bit, and he came to the outside of the main hall in the evening, surrounded by chaos.

When everyone saw Jiang Chen lying down, they hurriedly said one sentence to another.

“Sect Master, go and have a look there. A building of some unknown type suddenly appeared in my place, and it almost pinned me down on Xiao. That really shocked me.”

“Sect Master, you’d better go to my place to see first, the buildings in my place are even more strange, the strange shape, the old man has not seen it for so long, it is really strange! 93

“Sect Master, the elixir that I raised ran out, could it have anything to do with this?



Everyone who came to the Taixuan Sect in front of the main hall, you said every word.

Jiang Chen said: “Everyone, let’s talk about it one by one!

Everyone who was chatting was startled by Jiang Chen’s voice, but they all quieted down and lined up one by one according to the rule of first come, first served.

Jiang Chen looked around, but didn’t see Ye Hei and the others, so he said to the people around him, “Did you see Ye Hei and the others?”

A quasi-emperor said: “Sect Leader, Ye Hei and the others are probably going back to their residence to see if anything happened.”

“Because a lot of people came here at first, and then they all came to ask the Great Emperor Samsara what happened to them. The Great Emperor Samsara didn’t know, so they went back to their residence to see.”

Jiang Chen now knew the purpose of these people coming here, and said directly to everyone: “Everyone, go back, I will tell you how to solve the problem later.

Although everyone was full of doubts in their hearts, they left and waited for Jiang Chen’s notice.

Jiang Chen called Ye Hei and the others, and probably told them what happened in the map, and even told them about the existence of Zi Ma, but the part of fighting with Zi Ma was naturally omitted.

Ye Hei heard that it was Zi Ma who owned such a treasure, and immediately became interested, expressing that he wanted to go in with Jiang Chen next time.

Jiang Chen naturally agreed to this request.

However, the promise is promised, and it remains to be seen whether Tianting Ship’s array will let them in.

Jiang Chen turned around the Tianting ship a little, and then returned to where the 223 Array was located. The Tianting ship had just opened at this time, and many facilities could be said to be in vain.

In this case, Jiang Chen’s trip to Xianyu may be delayed for a while.

Afterwards, Jiang Chen passed the hook from the hall of the Taixuan sect master with a chaotic voice.

“All the soldiers of the Taixuan Sect, the huge starship under your feet is the Taixuan Sect that you are familiar with. It is called Tian Tingjian, and the name is not important. tools.93

“It’s just starting up now, so I still need everyone’s power to activate it, so please, pour your power into the silver metal around you. 99

Jiang Chen’s remarks allowed everyone to know the basic information of this starship. Basically, all the idle Taixuan sect powerhouses poured their power into the sacrificial awning around them.

The sacrificial seam was actually created by Jiang Chen, the purpose was to gather the power of everyone and use it to start the Tianting Ship.

Although Jiang Chen’s own strength can fully support the launch of Tianting Ship, it will consume too much strength for him, which he is not willing to do.

After all, Jiang Chen’s own sewing is the main pillar of Taixuan Sect, and ensuring that Jiang Chen’s own combat canopy is the first rule.

And in this case, you can also use this activity to screen a group of people who don’t want to contribute to Taixuan Sect. After all, the number of Taixuan Sect is increasing every day. If you don’t do some screening, it will be too mixed. point.

This activity is said to be voluntary, but those who did not input power have been included in the ranks to be investigated by Jiang Chen and others.

After all, Taixuan Sect is going to enter the fairyland in the future. If these people don’t even want to pay such a small amount, why would they follow Jiang Chen and others to enjoy the benefits of entering the fairyland in the future.

Tian Ting Ship appeared more and more dazzling under the injection of the power of the Taixuan Sect people.

It’s a bit strange for the powerhouses around Taixuan Sect to watch, how strange is this Taixuan Sect, suddenly it becomes a starship, and it starts to emit light after it becomes a starship.

The Longevity Tianzun in the Xianling has been observing the movements of the Taixuan Sect.

“What the hell is this Taixuan Sect doing?

A Supreme looked at Fang Xiang of the Taixuan Sect, thought for a moment and said: “It was a bit unbelievable to become a starship at the beginning, and now it is radiating light here, is it difficult to change its appearance again? ?

Changsheng Tianzun looked in the same direction as the Supreme, and nodded slightly: “There is a possibility.”

The two of them looked at Taixuan Sect in the same posture and in the same direction.

When the people of Taixuan Sect injected power, Jiang Chen once again sank his consciousness into the formation of Tianting Ship.

This time, he didn’t forget to bring something delicious to Zi Ma. Snacks like Zi Ma, who have something delicious, don’t remember anything.

In the beginning, what Jiang Chen did to her, she saw what she ate, but she couldn’t remember anything, so she happily ate the delicious food Jiang Chen brought her while watching Jiang Chen foolishly.

Jiang Chen basically had a clear understanding of the various structures of the Skyship under the leadership of Zi Ma last time, and this time he didn’t need Fan Ma to bring it with him.

Before he came in, he also tried if he could bring Ye Hei and others in, even if one was good, but he found that Zhentu seemed to only accept him.

Maybe other people want to enter here because they need the special Noble Phantasm that Lu Ya mentioned at that time and used by his predecessors in the clan.

The Tianting ship is still too big, and it’s a waste of time.

Not long after Zi Ma had eaten happily, she was called by Jiang Chen to help.

Although Zi Ma is a little unhappy, she is also the manager of Tianting Ship, so it is not good to let the ruler who has just assumed office for two days to explore by himself.

Besides, before Jiang Chen called her to help, he promised that he would bring her some more delicious food next time. As soon as he finished speaking, Zi Ma put down what was in her hand, and she just slapped it. He walked towards Jiang Chen.

When Fan’s mother flew to Jiang Chen’s side, she flew directly to Jiang Chen’s ear and shouted loudly, “Master, why are you calling me!”

Jiang Chen was almost slapped at the side by this sound, and suddenly realized that there was a little girl next to him.

She hurriedly restrained her strength, if this slap was shot like this, this little girl probably has to look at the skin.

Although Jiang Chen received his strength in time, a strong wind rushed towards Zi Ma.

Seeing the strong wind heading towards Zi Ma, Jiang Chen thought that she would blow Zi Ma directly, and Zi Ma herself thought the same.

However, at the moment when the strong wind touched Zi Ma, the colorful power that had been hidden in Zi Ma’s body suddenly burst out, turning into a small round shield to block Zi Ma. in front of.

The strong wind was directly consumed by the small round shield, and then the small round shield seemed to have no wear and tear at all.

After helping Zi Ma to block the strong wind, it turned into a stream of energy and entered Zi Ma’s body again.

Zi Ma looked at everything that was happening in front of her with a dazed expression. She didn’t expect this power in her body to survive, and she would take the initiative to protect the master.

Zi Ma, who had no strength of her own, suddenly realized something, her small eyes were full of dawn, and then she turned her small shining eyes to Jiang Chen, who was on the side.

Jiang Chen was a little flustered by Zi Ma’s suddenly bright little eyes, and he dodged a little: “What’s the matter? Why are you suddenly looking at me like this?”

“Could it be that you were hit in the head by the strong wind just now through the small round shield?

When Zi Ma heard Jiang Chen’s words, her face turned instantly, and the other small fist was slightly clenched.

But after pinching it a bit, he let go, his expression became a little coquettish, and said, “Master, I didn’t get hit in the head, I’m very normal, just…”

Zi Ma slightly bowed her head, her small eyes flickered at Jiang Chen, and the words in her mouth hesitated.

Now Jiang Chen is even more confused.

Normally, if you say Yun like that, Zi Ma should have been angry long ago.

Why is this time not only not angry, but a better attitude…

This made Jiang Chen a little puzzled.

No matter what, it’s better to have a better attitude.

Jiang Chen said with a little indifference in his tone: “what’s the matter?”

“I just want you, master, to give me some strength…” Zi Ma smiled and approached Jiang Chen like a spoiled child.

Jiang Chen was a little lost.

The power of the stars that entered Zi Ma’s body before?

The power of the stars made Zi Yan awaken the memory of Zulong’s inheritance again.

It is even expected to inherit the name of Ancestral Dragon.

How much did Zulong leave for Zi Ma?

Jiang Chen is thinking about the intentions of the old ancestor, obviously he wants to train Zi Ma as the next ancestor, but if he wants to truly inherit the name of the ancestor, the current strength of Zi Ma is obviously still far behind.

Although the ancestors of the previous generation are old, they are at least the existence of the Great Emperor series.

And Zi Ma is only in the realm of the Great Sage now, and there is still a long way to go to reach the level of Ancestral Dragon and inherit the name of Ancestral Dragon.

But Jiang Chen is not too worried, not to mention that Zi Ma has obtained the inheritance of Zulong, and the speed of realm improvement is even more terrible than that of Ye Hei who has the Holy Body. In the future, taking her to Xianyu, the speed of cultivation will be faster.

Because in my current state, I don’t have to worry about life at all.

After integrating into the godhead, Jiang Chen can clearly feel that his life has no shackles. Although it is not real immortality, at least this period of time has been extended indefinitely. If he does not die, it is almost equivalent to immortality.

“The Ancestral Dragon Inheritance seems to have a unique sense of the power of the law, which can help me trigger the inheritance memory. I think if I can feel this kind of law again, I may be able to get more inheritance memories.” Zi Yan said.

Jiang Chen now understands why she has such a good attitude all of a sudden.

It turned out to be a request.

Jiang Chen said, “So you want to feel the laws of the stars again?

“Don’t you like that? You still want me for that thing, why do you suddenly want it again.

“Didn’t I know before?” Zi Ma gritted her teeth and saw that Jiang Chen knew her purpose, because not long ago she fell into a deep sleep because of absorbing too much power of the stars, but the benefits were beyond her imagination.

Jiang Chen said helplessly: “Last time it was because your body couldn’t withstand the power of the stars. Now that your body has been baptized by the power of the stars, you won’t be in a coma again.”

After hearing this, Zi Ma happily flew around Jiang Chen and said, “That’s good. 99

“But I think this time it’s not just the laws of stars, I think you can try to experience several other laws.” Jiang Chen said.

Jiang Chen now has more than just the laws of the stars. Apart from the supreme laws such as the laws of time and space, he also has deep attainments in some basic laws.

In this case, it is undoubtedly the best way to let Zi Ma quickly learn about Zulong’s inheritance and understand more laws, and understanding the laws for a long time will make her slowly transform.

Jiang Chen carefully observed that Zi Ma’s current situation is already able to adapt to the environment of the law’s perception, what is lacking is his guidance, to guide the law to inquire.

However, in terms of Zi Ma’s current state, if she is allowed to comprehend the law herself, I am afraid that it may not be possible to comprehend a law in a hundred years.

Zi Ma rested her chin in her little hand, thought for a while, and said, “I want the light from that beautiful clock first!

“Okay, this is for you.

After all, Jiang Chen beckoned to ask the Phoenix Blood Saint Bell with one hand, and condensed the chaotic energy with the other hand and gently patted Zi Ma’s body.


The mysterious ray of chaotic energy, after contacting Zi Ma, was directly sucked into Zi Ma’s body like water met a dry sponge.

This time, Zi Ma completely observed the whole process of her body glowing. Her eyes widened and the boss looked at her glowing body in surprise.

Jiang Chen said while injecting strength: “Now you always believe that I didn’t deliberately frame you. 22

Zi Ma tilted her head and snorted, continuing to admire her glowing body.

After watching for a while, he suddenly raised his head to face Jiang Chen and said, “Master, there are other kinds of light, I want to see! 22

“You first understand a law and then talk about it.

Jiang Chen said, but the power in his hands began to change.

The Phoenix Blood Sacred Bell remained unmoved, and the power in Zi Ma’s hand had changed from Chaos Qi to the Law of the Stars.

This time, Zi Ma opened her eyes again.

When Zi Ma watched a completely different dazzling power bloom in her body, Jing Ti was very happy.

“Master, why wasn’t this light in that light last time?”

“It’s just that you can’t see it, and it’s covered up by the light of Chaos Qi. 99

Zi Ma is just like a curious baby. As long as she doesn’t know anything, she grabs Jiang Chen and keeps asking. Although Jiang Chen doesn’t want to say too much, her hand is still on Zi Ma’s body. .

In this way, Jiang Chen entered the four laws of chaos, stars, space, and fire into Zi Ma’s body.

The same familiar light as last time appeared on Zi Ma’s body again.

This time, the purple mother’s attitude is completely different from the last time.

Last time I kept wanting to throw it away, this time I just wish Jiang Chen could inject more.

Jiang Chen stopped (bddc) the movement of his hand after injecting a little.

Because he felt that Zi Ma’s current physical strength was probably the limit that he could bear.

Seeing that Jiang Chen didn’t continue to inject power into her body, Zi Ma raised her head and said to Jiang Chen, “Master, why don’t you continue?

Jiang Chen is also a little speechless about this little thing.

I have to say that when she asked him for strength before, her acting skills were called epic police officers.

When his goal was completed, it instantly returned to its original state. Jiang Chen’s understanding of this little thing was refreshed a lot.

However, Jiang Chen still said patiently: “The strength that your body can accept is already the limit. If you inject it into your body, then I can’t guarantee that your small body will explode directly.

Zi Ma looked at Jiang Chen suspiciously and said, “Master, don’t you think you have no power?”

Jiang Chen was instantly unhappy when he heard this. He was the leader of the dignified church, how could he lose this little power.

The fire of the stars in his hand was raging, and his eyes were light and he said to Zi Ma: “Why, do you want to taste this?”

Feeling the powerful power in the fire of the stars, Zi Ma’s little face suddenly turned white, and stammered: “I, suddenly remembered something, and slipped away…

After that, he wanted to leave Jiang Chen’s side.

Jiang Chen was naturally unhappy.

You ran away and left me to work here alone?


He grabbed Zi Ma’s back and said, “Why, do you want to leave me so impatiently? Could it be that you have done something wrong?

Zi Ma cheered up, still stammering: “No, that, I just suddenly remembered something.

While talking, he wanted to leave Jiang Chen’s hand madly.

Jiang Chen definitely wouldn’t let Zi Yan go so easily, still holding Zi Yan’s clothes firmly and saying, “What happened so suddenly, let me hear it, I might be able to help you.

As soon as Zi Ma heard it, she knew that Jiang Chen would not let herself go so easily, and she couldn’t make it up.

He turned his head and said to Jiang Chen with a sad face: “Master, I was wrong, I shouldn’t have doubted you, in the future, if you tell me to go east, I will never go west, and if you tell me to go south, I will never go north!”

Jiang Chen said in a slightly sneering tone: “Then what do you mean, when I tell you to go east, you can go north and south, except not west?”

Zi Ma hurriedly waved her little hand and said: “It’s not, it’s… it’s the master, I will do whatever you ask me to do in the future, and I will never disobey you!

“That’s not bad, you remember, this is what you said, if there is something wrong, it will be my dream.” Jiang Chen said.

“Absolutely not absolutely not, master, you have to believe me, I’m hard to follow!” Zi Ma said seriously.

“It’s a gentleman who can’t chase after a horse. Forget it, then I’ll just trust you for a while.” Jiang Chen shook his head. He was helpless when it came to Zi Ma, who wanted treasure, and at the same time, he wouldn’t bother with her.

Seeing that Meng had finally passed the test, Zi Ma was relieved as if she had settled down.

Jiang Chen didn’t tease her anymore. After all, after playing for so long, he had to do something serious, so he said to Zi Ma, “Help me get something from the warehouse.”

As soon as Zi Ma finished speaking, she would listen to Jiang Chen’s words, and this happened, and she had to do it if she was reluctant.

With a little reluctance on his little face, he said, “What is it?

“Bring five star cannons and three arrays of sky stars.

Jiang Chen said that he has been soaking in the array for the past two days, and he is already very familiar with the things in the Tianting ship.

Star-rank cannons are a kind of law-based light cannons of equal order. There are now some in the sky ships, all of which are the lowest-rank star-rank guns, but the lowest-rank ones require several quasi-emperors to control together, and the star-rank guns are all of the lowest rank. The power of the cannon, one cannon in full swing, destroying a low-level starship is not a problem at all.

Array Tianxing is different. Array Tianxing is a very precious one-time tool for array management. For example, there are not many stocks in the listening ship today, and almost one less is used.

“It’s fine if you want the star-level cannon, alright, you want to have a star array?”

As the manager of the Tianting ship, Zi Ma naturally has the right to intervene in the things in the Tianting ship.

Jiang Chen lowered his head to analyze the map, and said without raising his head: “If there are so many people on the ship today, how can it be done without some security measures.”

“But there’s no need to array the stars, and besides, we don’t have a lot of stars in the array here.” Zi Ma expressed her own objection.

Jiang Chen stopped what he was doing, looked up at Zi Ma and said, “Do you have any blueprints for the manufacture of Array Tianxing?”


“What about the materials and supplies of the Array Star?”


“It’s not worth it, and it’s not something that can’t be made, so why are you so nervous?” Jiang Chen said

“But did you make a rhyme? I know how difficult it is to build that thing!” Zi Ma said a little angrily, she felt that Jiang Chen’s arrangement of Tianting Ship’s things like this was a waste!

“You just provide the blueprints, and it’s up to me to make them.” Jiang Chen said coldly.

Perhaps seeing Jiang Chen’s face changing color, Zi Ma was a little scared, and tears were rolling in her eyes.

Seeing that Zi Ma was crying more and more fiercely, Jiang Chen hurriedly put away her attitude at the beginning, so as to comfort her.

After Jiang Chen comforted her for a while, Zi Ma finally stopped the pear blossom-like crying, and her small mouth with tears on her face pouted high.

As soon as Zi Ma opened her eyes and looked at the Chaos Clock beside Jiang Chen, she pointed her little finger there and said, “Bad master, if you don’t give me that beautiful clock and the delicious food in it, then I can’t forgive you. !

After speaking, he turned his eyes away from Jiang Chen again. After Jiang Chen saw her like this, the power of the Law of Chaos flashed in his hand, and after shrinking the Chaos Clock a lot, he took it to Zi Ma and said, “Look… this is not Is it here for you?”

Zi Ma turned her head and saw the Chaos Clock, her two small eyes shone with light, but suddenly dimmed, and then Zi Ma turned around the Chaos Clock again, her brows wrinkled again, and she raised her head to face her. Jiang Chen said, “Bad master, did you miss something? 99

“What else is missing?”

Jiang Chen looked again in the direction Zi Ma was looking at, and said with a little doubt.

“Eat! Eat! You bad master, just eat in front of me, and even put the food in front of me to tempt me. Zi Ma raised her tiny fist like a ticklish hammer. Went to Jiang Chen a few times.

“If I am not satisfied with my food today, it is impossible for me to forgive you!

Zi Ma said to Jiang Chen angrily.

Jiang Chen looked at Zi Ma’s angry and cute appearance, and couldn’t help but reached out and pinched Zi Ma’s little face.

Just when Jiang Chen’s big hand pinched her teeth and grinned, Jiang Chen blocked her mouth with a sentence when the puffed Zi Ma was about to say something.

“I’ll find you something to eat, right now.”

After speaking, Jiang Chen hurriedly mobilized his consciousness and sank into the world of Chaos Clock, without giving Zi Yan any chance to speak of him.

This time, I can’t make any more jokes about Zi Ma.

After all, this was finally coaxed, and he also hoped that Zi Ma would take him to visit the whole Tianting ship.

Watching Jiang Chen take out one food after another from the Chaos Chain, Zi Ma’s small eyes stared at the opening of the Chaos Clock, she wanted to move this baby full of delicious food. gone.

Jiang Chen also made a lot of money this time. Not only did he take most of the food, he also took the hook to several heaven and earth spirits that are more cherished in this world.

But Zi Ma didn’t care so much, she just kept her head down and ate, she didn’t know how long she hadn’t eaten food, and at the beginning Jiang Chen tempted her fiercely, which naturally increased her appetite.

Jiang Chen was sitting next to Zi Ma at this moment, watching her make her little belly round and round.

At this time, if someone from the Heavenly Court came in and saw this scene, it would really be extremely shocking.

After all, in their impression, Jiang Chen is a strict and unsmiling ruler. When he is joking and comforting the angry mother Zi, in the eyes of the outside world, their leader is impossible to do such a thing. Yes.

But the fact is that Jiang Chen not only had a good time with Zi Ma, he was having fun coaxing her, but he was also very happy.

After all, it’s been a long time since no one had such a presumptuous and happy reckless gap with Jiang Chen.

In the outside world, he seems to be born a king, but the king must have the appearance of a king. If he can’t do some things, he must not be able to do it, and if he has to do some things, he can only do it alone.

Because he wants to maintain his image, because he needs this image to do things, to shock the world.

Could it be that Jiang Chen has no compassion or compassion in his heart, then no!

Jiang Chen felt more relaxed than ever at this time, he didn’t need to think about anything, here, in Tian Ting Ship’s array, he can play happily with Zi Ma without having to think about anything, as long as they are happy now enough.

After Ma Zi ate most of the food Jiang Chen took out of the chaotic clock, and even her small belly was bulging with the naked eye, she finally stopped eating.

Zi Ma raised her head, looked at the food that she had destroyed by herself in front of her eyes with satisfaction, and then touched her already round belly.

Taking advantage of the situation, he leaned on Jiang Chen’s hand and said, “Master, the food you gave is so delicious, I’m almost overwhelmed.”

Before waiting for Jiang Chen to say anything, Zi Ma continued: “Master, do you think I haven’t eaten for a long time, it must be, Master, bring me more delicious food next time you come in, too Delicious Akatsuki.

After mumbling a few words like this, Zi Ma leaned on Jiang Chen and fell asleep like this.

Jiang Chen also didn’t clean up Zi Ma’s rest,

After all, he has also tossed her for a long time, and this little guy should have just woken up from a fright and now it is estimated that the energy in his body is almost exhausted.

Jiang Chen supported the sleeping Zi Ma with one hand, and the other hand condensed the soft power of the law, gently attached to Zi Ma’s body, slowly conveying power towards her petite body.

Under the transmission of Jiang Chen’s law power, Zi Ma’s body exudes a mysterious light.

Jiang Chen, who sent her the power of the law, also observed this, and the power of the law also slowed down.

He suddenly observed that the law power that came out of Zi Ma was the original appearance of the law power he delivered, which made him have a bolder idea.

He wants to transfer the various laws he has mastered into Zi Ma’s body and see what changes will happen.

Thinking of this, the dazzling laws of stars in Jiang Chen’s hands were hooked and conveyed to Zi Yan’s petite body.

Sure enough, as Jiang Chen had guessed, after the body of Zi Ma’s body came into contact with the power of the stars, the light emitted by her body changed.

Immediately, Jiang Chen injected the red power of the law of fire and the power of the silver law of space into Zi Ma’s body, and then there were two more rays of light emanating from Zi Ma’s body.

“With the current strength of Zi Ma’s body, it is enough to withstand the baptism of the four laws. I just took this opportunity to see if she can awaken the memory of Zulong’s inheritance again. Jiang Chen said to himself.

In this world, relatively speaking, the spiritual energy is thin, and it is impossible for Zi Ma to grow enough.

With the potential of Zi Ma, Jiang Chen wants to cultivate her in the direction of ten evil, Zulong is definitely not her end.

Of course, the so-called ancestral dragon cannot be said to be weak, it is definitely the top powerhouse in this world, and has lived for a long time, it is comparable to the existence of the undead emperor.

Jiang Chen felt that if Zi Ma could comprehend a few more laws, she would definitely surpass Zulong in the future, even more terrifying than the ten murderers!,

Chapter 818 The legend has skyrocketed, the influence of the dark turmoil plot, the players are shocked! (Please complete the order) In this battle, the White Tiger Supreme was killed, and the Shihuang also fell, even if he was fully sublimated, all died. In Jiang Chen’s hands. The vast sea of ​​stars, the endless stars, the universe returned to its original calm, and even if several ancient stars of life had not turned into fans, no one would have known that there was a tragic war here. However, the star field where Jiang Chen and Shi Huang fought, turned into a ruin, all the stars were shattered, and no life was left! Thinking about it, at least for ten thousand years, no more life will be born here. For a time, those Supreme Beings who did not work hard were all hidden, and the restricted area of ​​life fell into silence. No one dared to do anything anymore, as if they were knocked out by Jiang Chen and their spines were removed. “The Supremes in the restricted area of ​​life have suffered heavy casualties. Even if they want to start a dark turmoil, I am afraid that they are powerless. With me here to suppress, the Supremes in the restricted area will focus on hiding themselves and preserving the heritage of the restricted area. 99 Jiang Chen a long time ago, I have clarified my own development route. The dark and turbulent plot has changed because of my participation, and it has not caused an irreversible impact on this universe. On my side, not only did I recruit 13 things like the Empress and the Holy Body of Great Perfection. He is a master of his own, there is also a great approval emperor, and even the enlightened people come closer. In this way, his prestige in this universe will reach an unprecedented height. However, Jiang Chen is very clear that one of the big bosses in this universe is one of the most powerful. One, the undead emperor is still hidden in that world similar to the immortal realm. If he wants to completely conquer this world, it is estimated that he will have to kill the opponent and bypass it. Is there any “Emperor First Emperor to contain the undead emperor, that guy wants to fight against the emperor?” It’s not easy for me to do it. With my current power, if he wants to hit me, I’m afraid he will have to use the power of other life restricted areas. Jiang Chen pondered. The plot of the dark turmoil has been completely subverted, and many people’s trajectories will be rewritten because of this. From the perspective of the life restricted area camp, I believe that basically no players will choose to join the restricted area in the future. After all, no one wants to join. A camp that is about to be destroyed. Up to now, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Jiang Chen’s determination to destroy the restricted area of ​​life, especially the dog-licking dark dream demon of Jiang Chen’s camp, has sent several videos in succession to analyze Jiang Chen’s this Wave’s operation. “Ding! You gain 1000 Fame. “World-class legend: The dark turmoil has spread to the dark turmoil of the universe one by one. It has been stained with blood for endless years, and the creatures of the universe have finally been suppressed by you. Countless creatures are grateful for your actions and worship your heroic appearance.” 1000 points world-class Famous? Splash, dark turmoil is indeed an important main storyline of this version. Jiang Chen said to himself in a deep voice. As one of the important plots in the current version, the dark turmoil is still very famous. There are more than a dozen ancient supreme figures involved in the plot, and they were eventually suppressed by Jiang Chen, which caused a sensation. It is enough to cover the entire universe and bring a huge reputation to Jiang Chen. After a while, Jiang Chen opened a discussion that he had not paid attention to for a long time, and found that the players were discussing the plot of the dark turmoil. The speed of news in this world is very fast. , This explosive news has spread throughout the cosmos, and no one will miss this news. At this time, in the version of the Big Dipper Starfield, there are already many guild players discussing this matter with great interest. In this version, players have gradually integrated into the game world, and are familiar with some important plot characters. It can be said that those senior NPCs are the objects that every player always pays attention to. Many players have triggered tasks on senior NPCs. Get a lot of benefits, and the strength has been greatly enhanced. But if you want to play the NPC you are most familiar with, it is definitely Jiang Chen. Especially the players in the Big Dipper star field, all hug the NPC who sees the dragon and does not see the end. There is great enthusiasm and expectation. With the expansion of Taixuan Sect, Jiang Chen reduces Xiao’s contact with players. Since the last version, players in the Big Dipper Starfield rarely see this legendary character. Until Now, many players can only recall the beautiful and detached figure in the video of “Dark Dream Demon”. But now, this legendary teacher has appeared, and as soon as it appeared, it caused shock News from the world! There are many players on the thread discussing the dark turmoil. So far, the level of players is still too far from these Supremes. The dark turmoil is a character in the later version, and it is basically not the same as the Players have intersections. For most players in the Big Dipper Starfield, they only feel that the introduction of the dark turmoil plot is very powerful, and it can spread to the whole universe, but they know very little about others. Only some high-level players are concerned about the dark turmoil plot. Knowing a little more, some players who chose to join the life restricted zone were so awesome at first that they looked down on those players from the Terran camp, and now they all regret it, but once the camp is selected, they cannot quit work unless the game account is deleted. No…. But until now, no one is willing to give up their tuba. After all, once the account is deleted, it will be extremely difficult for players who dare to enter the front echelon. As for the dark turmoil plot, although the current player’s The level is not enough, but it does not prevent many players from witnessing the shocking battle with their own eyes! The replies that Jiang Chen saw are basically worship and reverence for his Taixuan leader. “The leader has done something big this time. I watched the whole game, really handsome, so awesome!!”

“Hey, I really want to join the Taixuan Sect, but the current threshold of the Taixuan Sect is too high, and ordinary players can’t join at all. I really regret not choosing the Taixuan Sect at the beginning.”

“By the way, the dark turmoil will not be the final plot, right?”

“No, the game doesn’t indicate that this is the final version. Maybe there are more powerful bosses behind, and since players are not involved this time, it is likely to be a background story.”

“Hot pot game, this level of plot, how can we participate? Is it a collective gift? 99

“I, XXX, make money, the boss of the Beidou District, I will take you to pretend to force you to fly!

“Death to the ad dog!”


“Damn, I’m a player in the restricted area of ​​life. I just sang a while ago. I don’t know which shameless guild blocked us all. With the support of the leader Jiang, I don’t want to be embarrassed, right! 33

“Thank you for your invitation, a person in Taixuanmen has become a leader, and the spleen is yin in the world, and this blame will not be carried!

223 “You still have the face to say, go back to the Door Blocking Association, send an address, and let’s go to block the door together!”

“Go +1 together!”

“Go +1 together!

The discussion among the sand sculpture players was very joyful. With a smile on the corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth, he swiped the player’s post, thinking about how to bring these sand sculpture players into the dungeon world to do things.

The ancient forbidden area, an ancient palace.

The Empress stood in front of the palace, looking at the distant starry sky, the endless starlight seemed to be reflected in her eyes.

The sound of footsteps approaching came from behind, the Empress turned her head, and saw the Holy Body of Dacheng walking to her side.

“He did indeed.” Dacheng Sacramento said, “In this life, he may really hope to become an immortal.

The Empress nodded and smiled softly.

“Yeah, he’s getting stronger and stronger.”

She knows very well that Jiang Chen has not yet become a fairy, but because of this, the seam makes Jiang Chen more terrifying.

She still remembered that when Jiang Chen entered the ancient forbidden area, he was not even the Emperor Zhun, and now even the Supreme is in Jiang Chen’s hands. Jiang Chen’s strength is not completely beyond her, at least he is at the same level as her.

The gap between the two was shrinking at a speed beyond her imagination.


Jiang Chen has a faint tendency to catch up with her.

“If it was him, none of this would be questioned.”

The empress’s voice was rhythmic and firm, which made the Dacheng Holy Body beside him stunned. He had never seen the empress comment on a person like this. Even the Wushou Great Emperor, who suppressed ten thousand clans in the past, never let the empress reveal such a hook. Emotions,

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