Chapter 819 The elixir stained with the blood of the Immortal King, Gai Youcheng Emperor’s hope!

In the darkness and turmoil, digital ancient supreme swept the universe, blood washed hundreds of millions of beings, and the world was filled with boundless scarlet and chaos.

At this time, Jiang Chen, the leader of Taixuan, turned the world, suppressed all the turmoil with a gesture of invincibility, and even killed several Supreme Beings, shaking the whole universe!

There is no doubt that Jiang Chen’s name spread throughout the universe in a very short period of time.

People have witnessed the birth of a legend!

The Rise of an Invincible One!

Once upon a time, people were still reminiscing about the heroic appearance of Emperor Qing, worshipping the prestige of the Great Emperor Wu Beginning, and sighing at the situation of Gai You……

But never would have thought that the human race has come out of such an outstanding person of the generation, who was born in this world, and is also invincible in this world.

This kind of news, earth-shattering, is a major event that surpasses anything in the past, and even caused a sensation among mortals, which is enough to illustrate the influence of the word ‘Jiang Chen’ today.

After this battle, Jiang Chen’s name can be said to be resounding throughout the universe!

With his supreme power, he killed several supreme beings, pacified the darkness and turmoil, and made monstrous achievements. Countless creatures built temples for him, worshiped them devoutly, and worshipped them like gods.

“An invincible emperor belongs to the same era as us, but he walked ahead of all of us, pacified the dark turmoil, and destroyed several ancient supreme beings. Who can compete with him? The future will belong to him for ten thousand years. It’s time!

“The Supreme Being in the restricted area of ​​life should not dare to act rashly. Whoever wants to start a dark turmoil should also weigh it.”

“Don’t even think about it, now which life forbidden area still dares to do it, do you want to die? The star field of the war has basically disappeared, and the stars have turned into pieces. Who would dare to provoke a young and prosperous at this time. God?”

The world is buzzing with discussions about Jiang Chen everywhere.

People know that an era that belongs to Jiang Chen is coming. In the next ten thousand years, the whole universe will surrender to his feet, and the heroes of the world will go to worship!

“The real Wangu Qirou, with him in charge of the world, if I dare not act recklessly in the restricted area of ​​my life, I will live a few more years.

In the Taixuan Sect, Gai You sighed softly. In the past, he was known as a generation of geniuses, and he had to sigh at Jiang Chen’s aptitude.

He believed that even if he was born in the same era as him, the light would be covered up by Jiang Chen.

“Grandpa, has he really taken that step?”

Xia You stood aside, her eyes trembling slightly.

Although she knew that Jiang Chen was very strong, she did not expect that after hundreds of years, the other party would reach the top of the world, which was too terrifying.

“I don’t know whether he took that step or not, but if he can kill those ancient Supremes at the same time, even if he hasn’t crossed the hook yet, I believe he is not far from becoming an immortal.

“Can he really…can become an immortal?” Xia You was stunned.

She remembered that the first time she met Jiang Chen, the realm of the other party was almost the same as hers, but it took only a few hundred years to reach such a realm. No matter how she thought about it, it felt incredible, like a dream.

The boy of the past, the powerhouse of Gedai today, is even stronger than her grandfather!

“Hey…becoming an immortal? How difficult is it? Even the empress who amazed the ancients, the Beginning Great Emperor who opened his eyes to all races, and the last demon emperor in the ancient times couldn’t take that step.”

Gai You sighed softly, there was some confusion in his eyes, even these invincible emperors of all dynasties were not able to break through and become immortals. For other creatures, the immortal way is too far away.

“Grandpa, do we still want to stay here?”

“Let’s go, it’s time to leave, he’s already at the forefront of the times, and he no longer needs me to guard here.

Gai You looked back at Taixuan Jiao, he had spent a lot of time here, and now he is about to leave, it is inevitable that he will be saddened, but he also knows that with Jiang Chen’s current power, he no longer needs to rely on his strength.

In this life, Yun has performed too many miracles!

Made him a little dazed.

In the past and present, it has never been as brilliant as this life. The two great emperors of the ancient forbidden area, Jiang Chen, and the Holy Body of Great Accomplishment shocked him, but also saw hope.

To say that he didn’t want to break through would be a lie. After so many years, his only obsession was to become an emperor.

However, he was born in the wrong era and failed to ascend to the throne. If he hadn’t gotten help from Jiang Chen, he would still have perished with the ancient supreme.

At the beginning, he promised Jiang Chen to guard the Taixuan Sect, in order to help Jiang Chen solve his worries, lest the restricted area of ​​life come to him.

Now, Jiang Chen is enough to be on his own, shock the world in one battle, and achieve supreme prestige.

“I haven’t thanked the senior yet, why did the senior leave in such a hurry?


Gai You’s eyes moved slightly, and he didn’t know when, a figure in white appeared behind him, floating like a fairy, the clouds were light and the wind was light, with a unique temperament of hook dust.

It’s Jiang Chen!

“Jiangshan has a rhythm of sewing people, our generation is old, and now is your era.”

The person who recognized Qin was Jiang Chen, Gai You’s surprise quickly calmed down, but there were still ripples in his heart.

With his cultivation level, he didn’t even notice a trace of Jiang Chen. The other party seemed to arrive silently, which shocked him.

at the same time.

Xia You looked at Jiang Chen carefully, and now he is completely different from the figure of Gai Dai who was coercing the universe before, without showing a trace of domineering, like a mortal.

If you don’t know Jiang Chen’s identity, who can believe that such a handsome young man is the one who slaughtered several ancient Supremes!

Jiang Chen noticed Xia You’s gaze and looked up and down at the woman who had changed into women’s clothes.

Xia You has always been in men’s clothing, but now she has returned to women’s clothing, but it has a charm. The heroic spirit of the rhythm between her eyebrows is definitely not comparable to ordinary women.

“Aren’t you going to let us go?”

Xia You rolled his eyes and said angrily.

She felt that Jiang Chen was planning to tie them to Taixuan Jiao’s car and did not want them to leave.

“I don’t mean it, if you want to leave, the door is over there, you can just hang up, I’m mainly looking for your grandfather for something.

Saying that, Jiang Chen flicked his fingers, and a streamer hook stopped in front of Gai You (alright).

It was a spirit fruit that exuded the essence of life, and the whole body was red, making people unable to divert their attention at first glance.


Gai You was moved, “What a rich life essence…Is it an immortality medicine?”

“Yes.” Jiang Chen nodded, “This is not an ordinary undead medicine, but an undead medicine that has been contaminated with immortal blood.”

“Such a precious elixir…you…”

Gai You’s voice trembled slightly, he guessed what Jiang Chen meant, but he still couldn’t believe it.

Such a peerless herb, Jiang Chen actually wanted to give it to himself?

“I have already taken this magical medicine, and it is useless to take it again, but it is of great use to the seniors. 99

This magical medicine came from Diguan. After Jiang Chen killed the projection of the immortal king, he bathed in the blood of the immortal king.

He originally planned to leave this immortal medicine to Gai You, thinking that in the future, he could have an extra emperor-level thug in his camp, and his imagination was exciting.

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