Chapter Eight hundred and twentieth The emperor is not dead, the shock of Changsheng Tianzun, the Supremes want to join forces! (Please complete the order)

“This… fairy medicine, do you really want to give it to me?”

Gai You carefully took the elixir from Jiang Chen’s hands, her voice trembling.

He has lived for a long time and has taken the elixir of immortality, but he has never seen an elixir of immortality that can compare with the elixir in his hand.

Holding this immortal medicine in his hand, the rhythm-rich life essence radiated out, making him feel relaxed and dazzling.

“That’s natural, the senior has guarded the Taixuan Sect for me for many years, and this is regarded as a thank you gift to the senior.

Jiang Chen doesn’t care. In fact, he has no need to worry about his lifespan, but he can only use this method at present.

Because other people are repelled by the law, they cannot use this method to prolong their lives. Otherwise, Jiang Chen would have already asked the people around him to come to God.

Under the suppression of Emperor Qing’s Dao Mark, Gai Youneng stepped into the realm of the Great Emperor with half a foot, which shows how powerful his aptitude is.

When Jiang Chen left before, he had already reached the point of becoming an enlightened person. Now, if he took the elixir that was stained with the blood of the Immortal King, he might be able to directly attack the emperor.

“This… well, if you need to be old in the future, just open your mouth. 99

Gai You stared at the elixir in his hand, his eyes were burning, and his originally silent Dao Heart gradually recovered. He originally thought that he would never have a chance to reach the top in this life, but now, Jiang Chen gave him 223 hope.

“I originally planned that if you didn’t come back and those Supremes started a dark turmoil, I would forcefully attack the Emperor Realm and at least be able to fight one or two Supremes.” Gai You sighed, “I didn’t expect that you would not only dare to come, You have even reached a level that I can’t even see through, but are you… becoming an immortal?”

Hearing this, Xia You on the side became a little excited and leaned over unconsciously.

“Becoming immortal…not yet.” Jiang Chen said.

“not yet………”

Jiang Chen’s answer surprised Gai You slightly.

In his opinion, if he could easily kill several supreme beings, Jiang Chen might have broken through the emperor and achieved the legendary fairyland.

As a result, Jiang Chen has not yet become an immortal.

“Although I haven’t become an immortal, it’s not far.”

Seeming to see Gai You’s doubts, Jiang Chen said another sentence.

This time, even Xia You couldn’t calm down.

“Really…is it really the fairy in legend?” Xia You exclaimed.

This time, Jiang Chen didn’t answer, just nodded lightly.

“What’s your plan next?

Gai You is aware of Jiang Chen’s character, and this time in the forbidden area of ​​life, he dares to ignore Jiang Chen’s warning and start a dark turmoil. Jiang Chen will never give up easily.

“Without him, go to the restricted area of ​​life ‘(bddc) to visit’ – just go.”

Jiang Chen said calmly: “However, my goal is not these restricted areas of life, but another person. 11


Gai You couldn’t help but ask.

Now, who can make Jiang Chen take this seriously? Could it be that someone is more terrifying than the restricted area of ​​life?

“Undead Emperor.” Jiang Chen said.

“Undead Emperor? He’s still alive!?”

“I should have thought before that even the Empress was not buried by the years, how can a character like you easily disappear into the years…”

At the same time, in the forbidden area of ​​life of the Big Dipper, there was a cold voice from the Supreme Being, with a trace of fear.

“No matter the years or time, it can’t erode me, just like before the ages, all the ways must be surrendered to my feet.

In the fairy mausoleum, a phantom manifested, and a hazy mist lingered all over his body, allowing people to see it clearly, but to feel his terrifying.

This is an indescribable majesty, as if the universe must persuade him to surrender, and only the emperors and emperors of the ages can compare with them.

Longevity Tianzun walked out of the mausoleum with a look of surprise on his face, but he soon understood, and his eyes flashed with dignity.

“You can survive for millions of years. It seems that the rumors of the past are true. The fall of many ancient emperors is very important to you…”

He had heard some rumors about the person in front of him, but what he saw with his own eyes was still shocking. The other party really lived for millions of years, and he did not escape into the forbidden area of ​​life, did not cut himself, and still stood on the top of the emperor. .

He could feel that invincible aura, and it was not like a supreme being who had cut off the mark of the Great Emperor at all.


The surrounding spiritual energy seemed to be boiling, turning into endless white mist, surging violently, as if it was about to rush out of the mausoleum.

“Don’t get excited, otherwise it will alarm them.” The phantom waved his hand to suppress the vision, making everything calm.

This made Changsheng Tianzun a little shocked. He didn’t expect that the other party still had such terrifying power after laying down for millions of years.

“You came to me to deal with Jiang Chen.

Changsheng Tianzun is outspoken, he is very clear that the only possibility for the other party to find him at this point in time is to deal with Jiang Chen.

However, he was a little hesitant at the moment.

The battle not long ago not only destroyed his spirit, but also destroyed his self-respecting Taoism. If he hadn’t returned to the restricted area in time, he would have already died in Jiang Chen’s hands.

Now let him face Jiang Chen again, he is really unwilling.

“Did you forget the character of that person and let you go so easily? It’s ridiculous!”

Xu Ying said faintly, you “started the dark turmoil, which has already made him want to kill, don’t think that if the salt is in the restricted area, he will not shoot at you.”


The Changsheng Tianzun account is not alarmist. On the contrary, Jiang Chen’s character is indeed like this, and he is likely to hook hands in the restricted area.

“I came to you just to make a deal. 93

“What deal?

“Help me cut down Jiang Chen and plunder his source of life!

“Why should I trust you?” Longevity Tianzun has some scruples, he doesn’t believe the other party.

“Apart from me, who can help you? Who dares to help you?” Xu Ying’s tone was a little disdainful, “You were crushed like ants by him, are you even shattered by Dao Xin? Do you have no courage to face him? Or, you are going to be like pigs and sheep now

Like a dead fish on an anvil, let him butcher?”

“If this is the case, then you will treat me as I haven’t been here today, and the way you have been seeking in your life will also come to an end. Anything that becomes immortal and what is longevity will turn into nothingness and become nothingness. There will be no point in waiting.”

“Our source of life is running out. Unless you have a way to let us hook our hands without any scruples, otherwise… once we start, we will not only face Jiang Chen, but also the Empress and the Holy Body.”

Several other Supreme Beings in Xian Mausoleum were a little moved. They abandoned everything and fled into the restricted area. In the end, they had to face the situation of being slaughtered, and no one could accept it.

“You don’t need to worry about this. I have found a world similar to the fairyland. In that world, there are immortal substances that can allow you to obtain enough life source.”

In the hands of the virtual shadow, several energy of life overflowed, and then divided into several points, falling in front of several supreme, “You can experience it yourself.

The expressions of several Supremes changed instantly, turning from fear into ecstasy, “This…is this really immortal material?!

“What’s your plan?” Someone was moved.

“I will hook my hand to stop that Empress, and you can handle the Great Completion Holy Body. As for Jiang Chen, I will deal with it freely. As long as you read it, I will take you into that world after it is completed.

The phantom made a promise to everyone, got a response from several people, and then dissipated and merged into the world, as if it had never appeared.

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