Chapter 821 Ten years have passed, the golden age has opened, and players have risen! (Please complete the order)

Time flies, and ten years are just a blink of an eye.

But the situation in the Big Dipper Star Region has already undergone earth-shaking changes.

After the dark turmoil broke out, Jiang Chen, the leader of Taixuan, was shining for eternity, showing his invincible heroic appearance, and then disappeared from everyone’s sight.

There is no follow-up action.

This makes many people puzzled.

I thought that this Taixuan sect master would take advantage of the situation to sweep the restricted area of ​​life, shake the heavens and the world, and make all races surrender.

As a result, there is no news in this way, which makes people wonder if the leader Jiang is brewing any plan?

Although Jiang Chen did not move, which caused speculations from the outside world, no one can deny the status of Taixuan Sect, the largest sect in the universe!

As you can imagine.

This battle is of great significance to Taixuan Sect.

Before Jiang Chen’s return, although Taixuan Sect was strong, it didn’t have the real top combat power.

Although it is comparable to those who have the power to become enlightened, most of them rely on Jiang Chen’s – Yu Wei.

If Jiang Chen didn’t return in time, Taixuan Sect would even become the first great sect to be eliminated from the restricted area.

Everyone knows that Jiang Chen has not had a friendly relationship with the restricted area over the years, and even killed a supreme being with the help of Liu Xian from the Great Wilderness.

For the restricted area of ​​life, such hatred can never be put down, and almost everyone is planning how to reduce the Taixuan Sect.

However, they were afraid of the supreme powerhouse in the Great Wilderness, and no one could figure out the true strength of that person. Secondly, there was no Taixuan Sect with Jiang Chen in charge, so it was difficult to pose a substantial threat to the restricted area of ​​life.

Therefore, for a long time, the restricted area of ​​life has not started, and the Taixuan Sect has been allowed to grow.

But, now everything is different!

Jiang Chen’s strong return, showering his body with the blood of the digital supreme, reigns in the nine heavens and ten places like an immortal king, destroying the belief in the restricted area, and making countless creatures worship!

Today, Taixuan Sect has truly become the largest religion in the universe, and no one dares to refute it.

Jiang Chen’s weight is too heavy, no one knows, why this former human race genius has such a terrifying combat power?

But it is undeniable that the human race really can’t find anyone who can match it.

The number one powerhouse of the human race, even those who are about to become enlightened, the old monsters who have lived for countless years, are now honest and don’t dare to rhyme at this moment to make trouble.

Who would dislike their own longevity?

These powerhouses who have lived for countless years obviously understand what it means to behead a number of supreme beings?

Alternative Enlightenment?!


Proved to become emperor!

In the past, many people suspected that Jiang Chen had a physique comparable to the Holy Body, and some even suspected that Jiang Chen had the legendary Chaos Body, but no one knew what kind of physique Jiang Chen was.

But everyone knows that Jiang Chen’s body is terrible. He can fight against the body of the imperial soldiers with only one hand. Just thinking about it makes people shiver all over.

And this decade is also known as the golden age after the dark turmoil.

One by one, Tianjiao fought on the ancient road of the starry sky, and some of them became famous, and they rose strongly, crushing their peers all the way, and their strength was terrifying.

But there are also Tianjiao who bleed halfway, their lives and souls are broken, and their bones are buried in a foreign land.

A lot of news has shocked the world, showing the tragic nature of this road.

“It’s really a golden age, and the talents of all ethnic groups have appeared, and they want to bloom the most dazzling brilliance!

“It’s hard to imagine that after the dark turmoil, the golden age has really emerged!”

It was once thought that it would take a long time for the universe to return to life after a dark upheaval.

However, it turns out that the will of heaven and earth is unpredictable.

The golden age has really come. After the darkness and turmoil, the splendid light shines in the universe, the arrogance of all races rises, and the legendary physique-appears, coexisting in this era!

“It’s hard to imagine that ten years ago, someone saw a Heavenly Sabre at the end of the universe, shattering the endless stars, swallowing the breath left by the bloody battle, and nourishing a stone egg. Ten years have passed, and I think it has already nurtured it. life!”

“Really? It’s unimaginable, and some people have seen the main body of her family, reaching the depths of the starry sky!

“The Holy Maiden of Yaochi is about to break through the Emperor!

“Invincible Emperor Road of the Taixuan lineage!”

There are many discussions in the world, and everyone’s names are talked about, shining like stars, illuminating the sky of this era, and blooming the most dazzling light.

One after another stunning figure, the eyes of everyone in the world focused on them.

Demon Star Territory.

On a cliff, a woman had a pretty face, her hair was flying, and her eyes seemed to have runes.

“However, since the great emperor of this world needs to condense the imprint of Tianxin, why does the sect master let me compete for the emperor’s road in this world?

She was dressed in black with fluttering sleeves, but she couldn’t hide her proud figure and her beautiful face, like a fairy who fell into the mortal world.

But she also understood that since Jiang Chen said so, he naturally had his reasons.

“Rabbit, when do you want to set foot on the final imperial road?” At this moment, a girl in purple appeared behind her, her nose arched slightly, revealing a pair of crystal clear tiger teeth.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

It’s really purple mother.

Ten years ago, Zi Ma once again rose to the blood of the ancestor dragon and stepped into the quasi-emperor realm. She was directly thrown by Jiang Chen on the ancient road of the starry sky. She happened to meet the little rabbit. How many arrogances have been beheaded, and together they have made a great name.

“In the past few years, there have been many arrogances on the ancient road of the starry sky, and many of them have entered the quasi-emperor realm, imprinting their names on this starry sky.

“We are now in the second half of the Starry Sky Road. Only the Emperor Zhun can enter. Without the Vantage Realm, we will die in battle.”

Carefully counted down, there have been five or six quasi emperors who have died in their hands in the past ten years. There are not many powerhouses of this series in the universe, and almost all of them have poured into the ancient starry sky.

These are the strongest group of characters, who are invincible powerhouses in the world, and even have the hope of enlightenment, but they have just fallen, buried in the depths of the starry sky.

They come from all ethnic groups, just to pursue the emperor’s road, and want to break through the lock while the golden age is coming.

“However, the few aliens that the sect leader asked us to pay attention to have performed well over the years.” The little rabbit blinked and said softly.

Over the years, many geniuses have risen on the ancient road of the starry sky. There are outstanding people who were once famous in the Big Dipper star field, and there are also descendants who have been cultivated by various ethnic groups in the universe.

But among them, some unfamiliar names occasionally rhyme.

“Killing”, “Knife Smile”, “I want to be quiet

These alternative names make people quickly think of the aliens in the Big Dipper domain.

Compared with the local genius, Yiren only attracted people’s attention in the early stage of lowering.

Later, people discovered that these aliens were not very talented, they were no different from ordinary people, and they couldn’t compare to real monks except that they couldn’t kill them.

There are also many sectarians who have released more dangerous tasks, such as exploring the restricted area of ​​life and exploring some dangerous secret realms.

Only need to pay Qin a little Originium to greatly reduce the losses of sect disciples.

Therefore, for a long time, aliens were considered cheap labor and were not valued by others, even inferior to ordinary mortals.

Only the Taixuan sect has never exploited the aliens too much, because there are several aliens who have an extraordinary relationship with Jiang Chen, the leader of the Taixuan sect.

In the name of Taixuan, you didn’t encounter too many dangers in the first half of the ancient star road.

After all, they are all players that Jiang Chen focuses on training, and they have obtained a lot of resources. Although their talents are not as powerful as the local Tianjiao, but relying on the game characteristics, the improvement of physical attributes is faster than that of ordinary Tianjiao.

Chapter 822 The boiling imprint of the heart of the heavens, the real blood sacrifices to refine the chaotic world, and preaches to the heavens and the world! (Please complete the order) “Killing”, “Knife Laughing”, etc. are all fun to join Jiang Chen’s camp. Can play in the starry sky The achievements on the ancient road do not rule out their own talents, but a large part of the reason is due to the cultivation of Jiang Chen. Compared with players who joined other camps, the achievements of “Killing” and others are obviously much higher. Now on the Big Dipper Star Domain ranking list, among the top ten players, the Taixuan Guild has played six of them, almost dominating the list! Compared with the unscrupulous “Knife Slaughter’ Killing”, the popularity is much higher. Especially For female players with Yan control, “Killing” is definitely a proper high-cold male god. As for the female fans of “Knife Bianxiao”, they said: “If it’s cool, don’t stay.” Female fans are indifferent to “Knife Smile”, but he has a high status among male fans. After all, male players don’t care if you are good-looking or not, as long as you can hold your big thick legs tightly, no matter how ugly you are, you can be called a god. Here, “Kao Jianxiao’ is walking around.” Dao Jianxiao: “What a simple and unpretentious day, and beheading a Gorefiend genius, why haven’t you set foot on the ancient road of the stars? (Shocked)” What the hell! Catch a wild boss! 99 “God of the sword, why do you have time to hook up? Are there many geniuses on the ancient road of the starry sky? How much can you rank with your strength? (curious) “We are still struggling in the emperor. The task of brushing the stars does not even have the qualifications to set foot on the ancient road of the starry sky. (crying Qiqi)” “Yes, we don’t have such good luck as you, the God of Swords. Back then, we held the golden thighs like the leader of Jiang, occupying the sky. The place is right and the people are right, one step behind, one step behind, we just want to follow in your footsteps. “Kao Jian laughed” for a moment, and reacted. Ordinary players have no chance at all. They were trained by Jiang Chen at the beginning of the game. Players are just immersed in tasks and brushing some low-level mobs. In this game, simply relying on doing tasks and brushing monsters, don’t think about advanced and high-level play at all. The only way is to choose a faction, or contact hidden NPCs .Hahahaha. 13 Thinking of this, he smiled brightly and couldn’t help posting: “Indeed, everyone can’t set foot on the ancient road of the stars at this stage, after all, this ancient road gathers all the talents from all star regions. , Without the realm of the Holy Master, I can only be cannon fodder here. Let me tell you about my current situation! First of all, I rank relatively high in the guild. Although I am very reluctant to admit it, I am indeed bigger than slaughter. A little weaker. Secondly, the six members of our guild are all on the ancient starry sky road, and I have already walked to the middle of the starry sky ancient road and killed more than ten geniuses. Killing more than a dozen geniuses? Everyone’s hair goes numb. Since the game was launched, decades have passed since the game world. The God of Swords has become so powerful that he can kill more than a dozen geniuses on the ancient road of the starry sky, and can be comparable to local NPCs? “Walking to the pinnacle of life!” I can’t be envious. Compared with players who can only do some low-level tasks, the “Knife Xiaoxiao” who is on the ancient road of the starry sky will definitely have more opportunities to contact high-level tasks. In this way, wouldn’t the gap be more and more widened? Big? Before, everyone was a player who entered the game together. Who didn’t start from scratch and go through the novice stage miserably. Many of them missed the “novice instructor Jiang Chen’ as soon as they came in.” During the welfare period, I was not able to get in touch with this big man who has countless legends among the players. And some guilds who are ok, don’t say it, but who doesn’t envy the Taixuan guild in their hearts. Especially those recruited by the restricted area Some guilds have been in such a miserable situation recently. They have been surrounded and suppressed by many guild alliances. It is conceivable that even if they delete their accounts and play again, this will become a dark history that they cannot erase. It will take a long time. Zhang Zhang pictures sent a hook.

It is the vast scene on the ancient road of the starry sky, and the screenshot of Dao Jianxiao after he killed Tianjiao at that time.

Dao Jian smiled: “There are pictures and the truth, you don’t have to be envious, with the current power of the leader, the ancient road of the starry sky will soon be fully open to the human race, especially for our players, my position in the Taixuan sect is now. Not low, already the existence of the elder level, when I rise to the sage realm

I can apply to become a Supreme Elder!”


Elder class!

Future Supreme Elder?

The God of Swords is smashing the sky, really want to stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun?

Everyone was so jealous, they felt their scalp numb, and even their breathing became rapid. Compared with the players who did the quest, this God of Swords instantly reached the pinnacle of his life.

At this moment, they are all shown!!

You must know that although the sage realm is no longer the highest combat power in the current version, in the version before the update, it is already the first combat power on the bright side. It is conceivable how high power it has and how many people it can control. Life and death is simply a second life to hang!

Originally, according to the player’s habits, NPCs like Jiang Chen could not be hidden. As long as there are players who taste the sweetness from Jiang Chen, you will flock to them like sharks smelling blood.

Especially the act of throwing random screenshots into the seam and pretending to be coercive, even if some players want to hide Jiang Chen’s existence, they can’t hide it.

In fact, at the beginning, everyone didn’t think that Jiang Chen was the main character of the game’s plot. More people thought that Jiang Chen played the role of a novice guide. When players leave the novice village and adapt to the game, such a role will not be useful. would be too big.

However, I never expected that the game version was updated to the present, and it was simply a flowing plot. The iron-clad Jiang Chen…

Jiang Chen occupies almost every important plot.

Players then realized what they were missing.

I’m afraid this is no longer the son of the game planner, and the planner is his son…

It is also Jiang Chen’s strength that has risen too fast. In the early days, Boss Jiang, who rose from the players’ wool and cut the players’ non-vegetables, is now rich and powerful, and he has trained a group of emperor thugs.

The reason why they continue to invest in “Knife Laughter”, “Killing” and others is also to indirectly influence the player group through these high-level players.

It is difficult not to underestimate the power of the player group, especially the experience provided by the player group, which is simply a sharp weapon to break through the bottleneck, which is even easier to use than the power of faith.

This is why Jiang Chen is not satisfied with only harvesting some players’ non-vegetables, his purpose is to play like all. Treat all players in the game as experience-providing machines, similar to perpetual motion machines, and continuously provide him with experience.

This idea came into being after he ushered in from nine days and ten places.

The existence of the player, for him, is no longer a threat, but a help.

“My background has surpassed the true immortal. If I can break through, I will point directly at the immortal king…” In the secret of Taixuan Sect, Jiang Chen sat cross-legged, and now he has an extraordinary background, surrounded by gorgeous fairy lights, mysterious and mysterious. Xuan’s Dao Yun dances like training horses, as if he is on a trajectory throughout his life, turning everything into one and only!

At this moment, based on the realm of time and space, he devotes himself to comprehending the Tao, comprehends the true self, asks all memories, thoughts, and perceptions, fuses them together, and imprints them in the imprint of life.

In his view, only by penetrating all these, merging in the life information, unifying time and space, achieving immortality in any dimension, and then being able to achieve a complete “true self”.

“Daluo, endless time and space are eternal and free. Although I can’t do this right now, maybe if I reach the quasi-immortal emperor realm, I can have this legendary power…”

He does not think that the immortal king can achieve this description of Daluo, is the real Daluo, transcends the origin of matter, and imprints an immortal existence in a higher dimension.

Even a quasi-immortal emperor does not possess the power of this description.

The essence of his life has changed now. From a mortal immortal, he is no longer a mortal body. Every cell in his body contains his understanding of the Tao and circulates the origin of the immortal Tao.

Following this path, one day, even if he was killed to the point where only a drop of blood remained, he would be able to be resurrected directly.

When he reaches that kind of field, it is undoubtedly quite terrifying. In the true sense of detachment, he is no longer restricted by the laws of the world. He can swim freely in the long river of time, and he cannot be imprisoned in the past or the future.

For the Great Emperor, this kind of power is simply incomparable, it belongs to the level of immortals, even higher than immortals…

“The world is nurtured in the body. If I can incorporate all the players into the chaotic world opened up in my body, and let the chaotic world be promoted to a medium rough world, maybe it will lead to the road of immortality.”

This is Jiang Chen’s thinking about the future path. During this process, his body continued to bloom with blazing light, and his breath was subversive.


There are thunder tribulations evolving in the sky, and one after another human-shaped lightning appears, but they dare not slash, as if they are afraid, Jiang Chen will not let such a big tonic, and they are all killed by him.

Vaguely, the Heavenly Tribulation was roaring, and it seemed to be suppressed by Jiang Chen’s Dao, and the imprint of the Heavenly Heart in this world began to boil, wanting to merge with him.

“Go back, it’s not time yet…

A giant hand that covered the sky broke through the robbery cloud. After all, he did not choose to merge with the imprint of Tianxin, because before the time, he has not yet stood at the top of this world.

He is standing in the mysterious realm of Taixuan, but he seems to stand proudly in the universe starry sky, bowing his head in all directions, and he is the only one alone!

“It’s terrifying…he has come to this point…”

There is the Supreme Being in the restricted area whispering, cheerful and fearful, “Can our plan really come true? If we can really suppress him with our means, is that person confident that he can be executed?

“You think too much, we have only one choice…”

Changsheng Tianzun’s eyes are cold, no one is more afraid of Jiang Chen than him, he has lived for millions of years, from the age of myths to the present, who can be more eager to become immortal than him? But Jiang Chen is like a big mountain in the face Before, without killing Jiang Chen, how could he become an immortal?


The chaotic world in his body was boiling, the endless chaotic energy ups and downs, and the phantoms of several rough demon gods roared, as if to impel this world.

Chaos was cut open, endless spiritual energy erupted, and the evolution of this world was too shallow to be comparable to the real universe.

However, Jiang Chen mastered the laws of time and space, and from the outside, the chaotic world has taken shape.

This is the testing ground he created, to verify the path to immortality!

In this world, he has invested too much in the origin, all of which are the bloodlines of the species he obtained from the battlefield of Diguan, and the resources given to him by the future Emperor of the Wilderness.

True dragon blood, phoenix blood, unicorn blood, gluttonous, Qiongqi… One after another powerful race true blood was thrown into the chaotic world by him to nourish countless chaotic demon gods.

“Hoohoho! 93

The Chaos Demon God nourished by true blood began to develop and change in appearance, becoming closer to these legendary beasts.

In addition to the real blood of fierce beasts, there are also 223-some real blood of strong men who he killed over the years, and even a trace of the blood of the immortal king, all of which were thrown into the chaotic world by him to breed the chaotic demon god.

“Chaos breeds ten thousand ways, and using ten thousand ways to deduce chaos can enhance the origin of chaos and generate countless races. According to legend, Pangu is also one of the chaotic demon gods. He uses his strength to prove the way and open up the prehistoric world. Although his way does not ask me, But the method of opening the sky can learn from one or two, from which I can deduce my way…

This kind of difficulty is not low, no one has tried it since ancient times, and he can only explore it himself.

Fortunately, he has a clear path ahead, the players have given him the confidence to reach a higher level, and his talent is also very high, and his Taoism is determined, so after the past hundred years, he has reached such a height.

“If I want to preach, all races can come.»

On this day, Jiang Chen’s voice spread throughout the universe. He wanted to imitate Taoist preaching, spread his Tao throughout this world, truly influence the will of heaven and earth, and pave the way for his future promotion to the Immortal King.

Upon receiving such news, a powerful quasi-emperor came from all over the universe to Emperor Burial Star, and the number exceeded three hundred.

Either he climbed up on a bronze chariot, or rode a wild and ancient beast, or was surrounded by a group of sages.

However, everyone seemed to abide by a rule, all stopped in front of the Taixuan Sect Mountain Gate, abandoned all foreign objects, and entered on foot.

“The Demon Clan brought the True Phoenix Tree to meet the Taixuan Cult Master!

“Ji brought 300,000 catties of requiem iron and 3,000,000 catties of Origin Stone to meet the leader of Taixuan! 99

“The barbarians bring ten thousand catties of yellow spring water, ten thousand catties of King Yama, to meet the leader of Taixuan!”

“Ten thousand catties of yellow spring water? Ten thousand catties of King Yama? This is a sacred artifact capable of refining top-quality instruments. It is said to be a sacred artifact of the barbarians, but now it has given ten thousand catties all at once!”

“And the real phoenix tree and the requiem iron are all first-class treasures, but I’m afraid they are not worth mentioning to Taixuan. You must know that the Taixuan sect master destroyed the three forbidden areas and let Taixuan sect. How much has the background improved?!”

“Ji had a good relationship with the Taixuan Sect before. She brought such a generous gift this time. How could the others come empty-handed, and they are all sacred objects in the clan, and they all want to get closer to the Taixuan Sect. relationship…”

Many monks who came to see them couldn’t help but talk about it at this moment, and they were extremely shocked by each gift.

The creatures of all races are extremely shocked, thinking that this era will be a golden age, surpassing the past, brilliant to the extreme.

The Taixuan Sect will replace the previous status of the Heavenly Court and dominate the universe. Jiang Chen is expected to take the last step and attack the true immortals.

This is an unprecedented prosperous age, and everyone is paying attention to the future of this world.

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