Chapter 824 The transformation of the chaotic world, breeding the seeds of the Dao, and the supreme shot! (Seeking full order)

Jiang Chen stands in Asgard, his white clothes surpass the snow, majestic and sacred.

In his opinion, if you want to truly build rhythm and reincarnation, it is not just as simple as participating in the laws of heaven.

Otherwise, the Empress would probably have done so long ago.

You must know that the Empress can be said to be one of the first few people in this world.

Even she failed to create a true reincarnation, let alone others.


Seemingly noticing Jiang Chen’s actions, the empress in the penalty area let out a sigh, but there was no other action.

To her, none of this mattered.

All she was after was one person.

Unlike the Empress, the rulers of the other restricted areas all looked solemn at the moment.

The birth of Asgard means that there will be a fatal threat to their existence.

They couldn’t help but look towards Asgard, but they could only see that Jiang Chen was shrouded in a layer of mist, his eyes were indifferent, his expression was very calm, and he looked at them from afar, making people tremble.

“The emperor in the past never gave me such a feeling…”

Longevity Tianzun’s eyes were a little dignified, and for some reason, that figure reminded him of the Emperor Zun and the Immortal Emperor.

“Can’t let him grow up anymore!

“The plan of the undead emperor must be carried out immediately!

“Otherwise, when he treats us fishermen, I’m afraid there will be no room for us…”

The rest of the Supremes could not calm down, they regarded Jiang Chen as a wild beast, and their hearts were trembling.

Once upon a time, sentient beings were like ants to them, just supplementing the nourishment of life.

Today, this feeling falls on their heads, and they may be hunted as prey at any time!

Jiang Chen himself did not pay attention to these restricted areas.

At this moment, while sorting out his own Taoism, he preached to the crowd.

In the dark, he felt that the wills of all beings were gathering towards him, condensing into a vague roulette behind him.

“The will of all beings…”

Jiang Chen was also a little surprised at this time.

He did not expect that the world rules condensed by the will of life can be obtained just by preaching, which is not something ordinary people can touch.

For him, the rules of the world are undoubtedly of great use, not only can it accelerate the evolution of the chaotic world in his body, but also allow him to analyze the mystery of the origin of the world, and further build reincarnation!

“If I can really create a loop of reincarnation and perfect the rules of this world, it will definitely allow me to break directly into the realm of the Immortal King…”

For a time, Jiang Chen fell into a deep understanding, and the brilliant lights bloomed out, hitting the fairy palace like rain, and finally submerged into Jiang Chen’s body, making his majesty like the sea, and his source boiling.

Many people were startled and stunned.

Some quasi-emperor realm powerhouses have disordered breaths, and their wry smiles are filled with shock.

Who would have thought that Jiang Chen could cause such a terrifying vision just by being enlightened!

However, Jiang Chen’s figure sat cross-legged, standing still, endless chaos surging, a long river of time looming.

Such a vision shocked everyone.

“Is Cult Master Jiang going to become an immortal?!

“The long river of time that the emperor can hardly touch, was actually inspired by him…”

“Xianqi! It’s Xianqi! Did you feel it? How similar to the breath on the road to becoming an immortal!

Many quasi emperors showed their awe-inspiring eyes.

“If a true immortal can be born in this life, it will definitely go down in history!”

“If one person gains the Tao and raises the dog to the sky, maybe we can all ascend to the Immortal Realm! 3

The few quasi emperors who had chosen to join Asgard before, couldn’t help being excited.

At this time, Jiang Chen felt that the rules of the world became clearer and clearer, and the chaotic world in his body began to skyrocket. In just a few breaths, it became so vast that it was almost comparable to the universe.

For a long time, the problem of disturbing Jiang Chen is the defect of the law of the chaotic world.

Without the perfect law of heaven, even though the chaotic world has given birth to the will, it has never been able to evolve into the real world.

And now it was introduced into the world rules by Jiang Chen, and the rules of this world began to change.

“He’s really… so crazy!” The Black Emperor was at a loss for words, and his words were extremely shocked, “It’s really going to touch the origin of the world, even the Great Emperor of Beginning doesn’t dare to do it!

“It’s terrible! It’s terrible. I now seriously suspect that Jiang Chen was the former boss of Xianyu.”

Fatty Duan came back to his senses, the fat all over his body was trembling, his tattered Taoist robe moved with the wind, and he sacrificed a bunch of relics to resist this coercion, and then he could barely stand firm.

“Hahaha… and what are you afraid of, fat man?!

Ye Hei smiled and stood aside, watching Fatty Duan’s ruthless appearance, laughing loudly, without much sympathy.

I don’t know how many graves this dead fat man has dug in his life, and the number of people he has offended is countless, but it is really rare to make him show such a horrified expression.

“The Holy Body is also in Asgard, with that black-hearted dog and that wicked fat man beside him, damn it, if it wasn’t for the protection of Cult Master Jiang, he would have grabbed the dead fat man’s skin!

“The Holy Body is sheltered by the leader of Jiang, and it may also become a great emperor in the future!!”

“You don’t have to wait until later, there are already many people who are eyeing the Holy Body and want to fight against him!”

Ye Hei used to be a famous young master in the world. I don’t know how many people wanted to kill the black dog and the wicked fat man beside him, but Ye Hei was helpless to push the ancient road of the human race. There is Jiang Chen behind him. Character shelter, who dares to fight against it?

“I wonder what’s going on with the leader now?”

Tangshan was a little worried.

“Don’t you still believe in the leader?” Xiao Xian smiled and said, “There is nothing that the leader can’t solve, so just wait with peace of mind. 93

The atmosphere in Asgard was very tense. This was a historic moment. Perhaps the legendary true immortal was to be born in front of everyone’s eyes.

Boom boom boom!!

Jiang Chen felt that there was a change in the chaotic world, and it was the world rules he injected that collided with the will of the chaotic world.


In the vast chaotic world, there seems to be a more terrifying power of rules spreading.

The endless chaotic energy surged like Wang Yang, drowning the entire world!

“Introducing the world (bddc) world into the chaotic world, there is also a great risk, if you are not careful, it will be the result of transformation.

Jiang Chen frowned slightly, but his body remained still.

After all, there are too many things involved in a universe, and the huge amount of information alone is enough to make people crazy.

“In charge of the chaotic world, although it cannot replace the real world, it is enough to let me see the future path.”

Jiang Chen can clearly feel that with the collision of the two rules of will, the power of new rules begins to appear in the chaotic world, which is completely different from the original fuzzy rules. It is a real rule with infinite mystery. .

In a trance, he saw a Dao seed falling in the center of the chaotic world, using the chaotic energy as nourishment, growing continuously, forming a world tree seedling!

World tree seedlings!

It’s just a fleeting time, and the seedlings of the absorbed Chaos Qi continue to expand, as if to support this world!

Jiang Chen’s control of the chaotic world has reached a peak.

One thought can open the world, one glance can transform the sun and the moon, one word can determine the universe, all things are born because of his will, and die because of his mood.

Jiang Chen’s background is too huge, the supreme constitution, the nine secret methods, the supreme treasure, the trimming of the three immortal qi in the body, and the understanding of the four laws… When these all melt into one and are no longer independent of each other, how much will it be? horrible?!


Definitely several times stronger than now!

“Jiang Chen takes his life!”

An icy voice came from the Xianling, it was the roar of the Supreme Being in the restricted area, with the most terrifying murderous intent, it was about to shatter the world!

Heaven and earth trembled, everyone panicked, people knew that the restricted area chose to start at this time, and wanted to cut off Jiang Chen’s immortal path!

Tian Yuan, Xian Mausoleum, etc. are shaking, the ancient and terrifying aura permeates, shaking the world, one after another dazzling immortal light tearing through the void, running through the universe, and an unparalleled vision erupted!

It can be seen that someone driving a fierce beast in the abyss, looking like a real dragon, spewing fairy glow all over, hooked from the abyss, shrouded in a thick layer of fog.

This place is known as the Heavenly Abyss, which is like a connection to the netherworld of hell.

A Taoist man sat cross-legged on top of the beast’s head. He was dressed in clothes that were completely different from the present world. His head was full of white hair, and there was a sparkling brilliance. His aura was terrifying and shocking.

Tian Yuan, “It’s incredible that the Demon Venerable was born, he is still alive!” Someone in the other restricted areas exclaimed.

“Tianyuan, Xianling, and the ancient land of the corpse are the most mysterious forbidden areas in the world. Even before the age of mythology, it is said that the Demon Venerable was in the same era as the Nine Heavenly Venerates, and he was an invincible figure!

At the same time, the Xian Mausoleum was full of rays of light, like training horses. An ancient chariot slowly hooked up, filled with chaotic energy. There were two people standing side by side in the chariot, one was Changsheng Tianzun, and the other was full of white hair. Old Ji.

“Xianling is really extraordinary, there are not only the remnants of the mythical era like Changsheng Tianzun, but also the successors like Xianmu! 99

“That was an emperor of the ancient times, who lived in seclusion all the year round and was covered in mist, didn’t he think that she would also do something?!

People were terrified, and the three supreme beings appeared all at once, which brought too much pressure to them.

“Kill Jiang Chen!”

The ancient corpse shook, cracked a large gap, and there were three splendid and dazzling light hooks. It was a whole three spiritual corpses of the supreme series. The terrifying death energy filled the air, traversing the heavens and spreading to the universe, and they exploded directly. Qin’s most terrifying force must fight!

Their purpose is very clear, that is, to kill the transforming Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen in the enlightenment is the weakest time, once let him complete the transformation and become immortal, he will be invincible in the world, who can stop it?!

“Jiang Chen, you are indeed amazing, comparable to the female emperors and the Great Emperor Wubei in the past, but you are too arrogant, and you want to end an era with the power of one person! Demon Venerable said.

“Who has never crossed an era, but it’s a pity that time is like a knife to cut the arrogance of the sky, and the Emperor Shihuang died in your hands, it’s really like a dream.” Grandma Xian sighed, and then said: “Grandma’s young age is also peerless and unparalleled in the world, I think there is nothing in the world that I can’t do, but unfortunately, it is no match for the ruthless years, everyone will die, and so will you!”

“It’s really sad, you all used to be supreme emperors, but you have to hide in the restricted area and see the sun. Jiang Chen wants to create an era, and you may not have no way to survive. Gai You stands in front of the fairy palace, with bright eyes and a whole body. No longer the appearance of old age, the terrifying breath of the explosive hook,

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