The eight hundred and twenty-fifth chapter penetrates the two worlds, the new heavenly sword that crosses the boundary, and confronts the undead emperor! ((Seeking full order)

“Dare to wait and disrespect me!?”

The Demon Venerable sat cross-legged on the ancient chariot, his eyes were icy and cold, like a celestial knife, the terrifying coercion of the hook erupted, and the endless clouds of gods fell, turning into chains and rushing towards Gai You.

Gai Meiyou’s eyes moved slightly, this kind of power he once needed to look up to, now became a little ordinary in his eyes, the majestic aura flowed out of his body, drawing a long rainbow, traversing the eternal sky.


“How is this possible!!”

Demon Venerable and Immortal Grandma showed different colors at the same time, and when Gai You made a move, it made people tremble.

“Impossible, the imprint of the Dao of Heaven has not been fused, unless there is another way to prove the Tao, otherwise, no one can prove the Tao under the coercion of the emperor!” The icy voice of the Demon Venerable sounded, and the words were full of inconceivable.


The eruption hook in the void was filled with blazing rays of light, two terrifying pressures collided, and the dazzling light splashed into the hook, the heaven and the earth shook, and the stars were shattered.

Endless runes intertwined, grinded each other, and quickly extinguished and disappeared, and the turbulence of the void seemed to be shattered.

“It’s not that we’re unprepared, we’ve been waiting for this day for a long time!” Gai You opened his mouth, her snow-white hair turned black, as if she was back in her youth.

This kind of sky-defying means is terrifying, restores youth, and stands in the most extreme state.

“Don’t entangle with him, kill Jiang Chen as soon as possible, if let him complete the transformation, we are afraid that we will all fall here! A corpse from the ancient land of corpses roared, and asked a household claw to catch the ringing fairy. palace.


A terrifying aura erupted in the void, rushing out of black chains from the depths of the universe, each chain like a galaxy, overwhelming the sky, suppressing the universe starry sky.

This is not an ordinary chain, it is clearly a sacred object made of divine gold, which appears in a terrifying form to intercept the attack of the corpse.

“Sacrament of Great Completion!”

The tall and sturdy figure appeared on the other side of the starry sky, with black chains wrapped around his body, bursting with golden blood.

“Kill him!” The other two spirit corpses rushed forward, “Get rid of these people and give the adult time to come!

A fierce battle was inevitable and very tragic. The six Supremes shot to meet the arrival of the undead emperor, which shows that he attached great importance to Jiang Chen, and started planning as early as ten years ago, wanting to kill Jiang Chen in one fell swoop.

He has been in the strange Otherworld for endless years by the Great Emperor Wubei, and if he wants to leave there, he needs the digital supreme to join forces to bombard the space coordinates, so that the space of that world is turbulent and lead him to come.

“I didn’t expect the Lord of Asgard to leave behind so many hands!?”

This kind of scene is too shocking, and many people are extremely horrified. “It is rumored that the Lord of the Immortal Palace has already stood in the realm of the absolute peak, and if he takes the ultimate leap, he can become an immortal…”

“Throughout the ages, no great emperor has truly become an immortal, and now the lord of the fairy palace is going to create a myth?

Become an immortal, this is a myth that countless people spend their entire lives pursuing, and any information related to it will cause huge waves.

“If the Lord of Immortal Palace becomes immortal, all the forbidden areas of life will be pacified, all dark turmoil will disappear, and a new era will truly open! 99

“Netherworld Reincarnation!

The Demon Venerable no longer entangled with Gai You. After a blow, Gai You was forced to retreat. When he turned around and met with the immortal grandmother, the other three spirit households shot together, crushing the universe, sending out terrifying fluctuations, and endless runes blooming. , leading a waterfall to fall from the cosmic starry sky.


The gods are like rain, spreading all over the heavens, and the vast and majestic aura is pouring in like Wang Yang, as if the gods of the heavens are descending, it is too magnificent and magnificent!

The six supreme hookers struck the world with a shocking blow, blasting through the starry sky, allowing a waterfall to descend through the void.


In that dazzling waterfall, terrifying coercion erupted, and a celestial saber appeared indistinctly, with a world-shattering killing intent, and it approached Jiang Chen in the deepest part of Asgard!

“It turned out to be this weapon!

Some ancient quasi emperors were extremely horrified, and no one knew the origin of this weapon better than them, “It is the god worshipped by all races in the ancient times, the weapon of the undead emperor!

“His Majesty the Emperor is still alive!

Some organizations and ancient tribes that once followed the undead emperor were ecstatic. In recent years, they have been suppressed by the Taixuan Sect and the major human forces. They have long lost their glory and glory in the ancient times. Now they see their former gods and let them see To the hope of re-emergence!

Even, when some ancient tribes saw the undead sword, they had already prepared their tribes to kill the Bay Immortal Palace…

“Over the years, you have been really painstakingly searching for the coordinates of that strange Otherworld, and you have finally found it.” A sigh came from the depths of Asgard.

This voice seems to run through the years, contains unspeakable truth and reason, covers the void, traverses the sky, and at the same time is wrapped in a magnificent and ancient bell, rushing out a splendid light, collided with the immortal sword , almost to let the surrounding stars collapse.


The two splendid rays of light collided, as if eternity, one after another chaotic energy surged, and then an endless fairy light erupted, and the collision place turned into a dense black hole, all of which were smashed, and nothing was left!

Only the divine chain of law and order is intertwined, spread all over the starry sky, and then collapse and disappear, leaving a mess.

In Asgard, Jiang Chen’s green clothes were floating, his face was indifferent, and he was not hurt by the immortal sword.

He stood with his hands behind his back, and walked out of the Immortal Palace slowly from here. No matter how chaotic qi raged around him, he couldn’t have any influence on him.


The Phoenix Blood Sacred Bell levitated above his head, chirping softly, and the endless chaotic aura hung down, making him look sacred and majestic.

“You really can’t sit still, why do you think I haven’t done anything in the past ten years, I’m waiting for you to appear, the two worlds channel opens, you want to kill me, why don’t I want to kill you!

Although Jiang Chen is enlightened, his eyes are very bright, and it seems that there are endless stars in rotation, which is extremely dazzling.

The terrifying Qi machine circulates, and there is a power burst of 3.2 shots that breaks the limit. This is the power that is infinitely close to the true immortal!

The confrontation between two invincibles standing at the top of the world is enough to shock ancient and modern!

This is the myth of two eras, spanning millions of years, in the most terrifying duel!

One is the immortal phoenix who fell from the fairy world, reappearing the supreme glory in this universe, dared to kill the emperor before he attained enlightenment, and then proved the Tao, called himself the emperor, ruled an era, and became the god of all races in the ancient era!

He bathed in a lot of emperor blood, lived for millions of years, and reached the final step of the Great Emperor Realm, almost becoming an immortal in this broken universe!

The other one was transformed from a mortal body. It surpassed countless powerhouses in ancient and modern times for hundreds of years. It was beyond the universe and looked down on the ancient emperor. In terms of talent, no one could compare with him and suppress the arrogance of an era!

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