Chapter 828 The true meaning of the golden age, the panic-stricken Supreme! (Seeking full set)

“No wonder, for the past ten years, we have been hiding the sky to find space coordinates, and Jiang Chen, you are also hiding the sky, covering up the vision of these people breaking through!” Xian grandma stared at Jiang Chen.

“You are really good! Daoxing is terrifyingly high, scaring us all!” Demon Venerable looked indifferent.

They are all powerhouses of the Imperial Dao series, and naturally they know what kind of advanced Daoism is needed to hide the secret from them!

“Could it be that he can really break through to become an immortal!?” Changsheng Tianzun whispered.

When it comes to lifespan, among these people, he may have lived the longest, but after all, he failed to become an immortal and could only hope for this life. As a result, he learned that Jiang Chen, a young man who has lived for hundreds of years, has gone so far. How could he bear it?

“I’m afraid he has been calculating since a long time ago!” Demon Venerable looked indifferent, staring at the figure in the universe that was shrouded in the radiance of stars.

This person is very scary and very young. Some people say that he is handed down from ancient times.

Some people say that he inherited the destiny of this generation, is the son of the times, and carries the last destiny of this world.

In this “world, you are destined to die, even the Supreme Being can’t get away with it, the source of darkness will be pacified!” Dacheng Holy Body shouted.

“Hahaha…” Longevity Tianzun held the longevity sword, stepped forward, and said: “Even if you have already prepared, but with the twenty Supremes here, it is not so easy for you to make a comeback!


“It’s not certain who will die!”

Demon Venerable’s black hair exudes a terrifying demonic nature, like a real demon from outside the sky, with an invincible, spleen and universe spirit.

Although they didn’t expect Jiang Chen’s backhand, the current situation is still in their favor, not to mention that the other ten Supremes have just broken through, even the Supremes who have been proving the Way for a long time, are far from being able to counterbalance them in numbers.

“After all, it’s just to die!” Grandma Xian shouted.

Although they were shocked, after all, they were all powerhouses in the ancient times, and they quickly stabilized their minds, and let Weng’s bold words to suppress everyone.

Especially the Demon Venerable people, their eyes are all on Chuan Ying and Gai You, their eyes are extremely hot, and for them it is simply a “drug of longevity”.

“You guys overestimate yourselves. The palace lord is doing this just to entice the emperor to die. No matter how many of you come here, it’s just death.” Chuan Ying said.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the twenty Supreme Beings were ashen. Since ancient times, they have despised all living beings. How could they have been insulted like this!

A 100-year-old boy, no matter how strong, is not a true immortal after all, to despise (bddc) them like this, it is too deceiving!

Of course, they knew that Jiang Chen was indeed very powerful, and it was undeniable that it was all a prestige forged with blood and death.

The Black Emperor nodded, his eyes fell on Ye Hei and the others, “The golden age has created countless arrogances, like the Holy Body, the Demon God Body, the Fire God Body, the Holy Prince, the Fairy in White, the Ji God Body… the younger generation of powerhouses Rising up, these old-time figures lurking in the forbidden zone, representing the past and decadence, are destined to be suppressed by the powerhouses of the new age!”

“Perhaps this is the true meaning of the golden age, and you, the young generation of powerhouses, are all shrouded in the shadow of the son of Jiang Chen, and all the brilliance is shining on him!

“Everything will end because of him, and a new era will begin because of him!

Hei Huang’s words caused many people to fall into contemplation, especially Ye Hei and Tang Shan, who were deeply touched. They followed Jiang Chen earlier, and they understood this feeling very well. It was a sense of frustration that was insurmountable no matter how much they chased after him.

Jiang Chen!

The true son of the times, no matter in this world or in the ancient times, no one can compare with him!

Like gods and demons, no, he even surpassed gods and demons!

So entwined, so strong! So domineering and dazzling, people are blurred and eye-catching, countless young people adore him, and countless women are attracted to him.

Ye Hei and Tangshan, the younger generation of powerhouses, are now in the Great Sacred Realm and even in the Quasi-Emperor Realm. Even Hei Huang and Fatty Duan are masters in the Quasi-Emperor Realm. The Heavenly Court that once glorified the world could not compare with it.

And the creator of this fairy palace, who is now expected to impact the existence of a true immortal, a man known as the son of destiny, is now standing in the vast and boundless galaxy, bathed in endless immortal light, like a true god.

He didn’t speak, just because things had developed to the point where everything was meaningless. History was written by the victors. If the Undying Emperor was strong enough to crush him, then all struggles would be meaningless.

But in fact, his preparations are far ahead of the other party. From the nine days and ten places, he began to make arrangements. If he wants to use the origin of this world to attack the Immortal King Realm, how can he be blocked by the undead emperor?


This battle is unavoidable, and the young Gai You is full of vigor, full of black hair flying, his body is no longer dry, and the divine light is shrouded, like a god king.

He stared at the Demon Venerable and played the sound of crossing the robbery. The void was like a ramen, and the endless fairy lights spread, like a fairyland coming!

This was considered by Demon Venerable as a kind of provocation.

Everyone else chose their opponents, and the Dacheng Holy Body shot was full of blood. Over the years, with the help of the empress, he became stronger and stronger, rushed into the starry sky, and attacked the Immortal Venerable.


In an instant, an invincible aura filled the air, shaking the heavens of all ages, too terrifying and domineering.

Chuan Ying Hook Shou, the number one general of the heavenly court in the past, after being recruited by Jiang Chen, got the guidance of Jiang Chen, more terrifying than the general supreme, every rhythm, there are stars broken, shocking The world is close to the corpse.

This kind of spirit is shocking, and the shocking cosmic starry sky is shaking.

“It’s terrible! 19

Everyone felt their hearts tremble. The strong man who should have died long ago, but silently preached the sermon, and erupted with such a terrifying power, forcing the three spirit corpses to retreat one after another, not daring to touch its edge, it is simply too domineering. !

“Remember, my name is Chuanying!”

Chuanying sneered, this name that should have disappeared from the world, has reappeared in this form today, representing a new life and a redefinition of life.

The holy bell above Jiang Chen’s head bloomed with a dazzling divine light, and three immortal energy was injected into the holy bell by him, as if touched by something. In an instant, his whole body was filled with a terrifying divine chain of order, following his breathing. , These divine chains of order gradually moved upward, wrapping around the holy bell!

“Damn it! I feel like I’m dying!”

A terrified supreme roar of a strange Otherworld, at this moment, there seems to be a celestial sword hanging above his head, and it will fall at any time and take his life!

Not only him, but dozens of Supreme Beings from the strange Otherworld felt this way, it was unbelievable, just the momentum made them completely lose the idea of ​​resistance.

“Back, back, back!

A Supreme roared and fled in embarrassment.

“Go back to our world and lose the spatial coordinates, I don’t believe he can still chase after him!

Before, as if the victory was in hand, and the arrogance was extremely arrogant, the Supremes from the strange Otherworld were all panicked,

Chapter 829: No one in the world dares to be honored, soaring 1.4 billion experience, ten imperial soldiers! Such a well-deserved discourse reveals a kind of majesty that transcends the universe. What kind of domineering is this. The voice has not fallen. The universe seems to have been hit by an inexplicable impact, causing violent tremors, endless stars crumble, the sun and the moon are dim, a kind of suffocation The oppression spanned tens of thousands of miles of void and came directly. Boom! The sky and the earth overturned, the void around the dozens of Supremes collapsed, the body of the Supremes was shattered, and the golden blood poured into the void, falling like a waterfall, and eventually all flowed into it. Inside the holy bell above Jiang Chen’s head. This holy bell has been stained with the blood of the immortal king of the exotic and the blood of dozens of supreme beings. No one knows how it will reach in the future. Only Jiang Chen can feel it. The gods nurtured in the holy bell cheered and bathed in the blood of the Supreme Being, and seemed to be born out of my own will. “Damn, how can there be such a person in the world… After three Supreme Beings were shaken to death, the other Supremes were all face-to-face. Frightened, desperately fleeing, no matter what face or dignity, for fear of taking a slow step, it will turn into flying ashes. The so-called undefeated Supreme fell, his blood was flowing into the void, and his body was shattered. This The result was shocking. And Jiang Chen was so strong that it was hard to put into words. He killed the Supremes with his bare hands. You must know that these Supremes were all from the otherworld. They are the strong men who have been cultivated by the undead emperor for countless years. Rumble! The endless starry sky is broken, like It is turned into a source of destruction, to be shattered into two pieces, the divine light swept through, the chaotic energy permeated, like Wang Yang, the unstoppable power of the explosion hook. However, they can’t change anything, and it seems that it is a foregone conclusion that they will fall here. , let this be an unspeakable bitter fruit. “Mimi Mimi…” They ran away, hoping to escape Jiang Chen’s pursuit, and didn’t want to really fall here, and in the process, they all suffered Unbelievable majesty, coughing up a few strands of blood from time to time, shocking. The real strong are extremely confident. If you don’t really feel despair, you don’t know where the gap is. At this time, they really understood how terrible Jiang Chen really is. They have been driven into a desperate situation by one person. They have been frightened at the moment. The gap is too big, there is no chance at all, and there is no hope in sight, and all retreats are blocked! “Fighting !” The dozen or so Supremes who were forced into a desperate situation joined forces decisively, roaring and bursting with terrifying power, piercing through the sky, rushing out one after another splendid glow. Everyone gasped, and the dozen or so Supremes were extremely All sublimation, how magnificent and unprecedented, this is unseen in all ages! More than a dozen Supremes joined forces, like ancient demon gods, each breath is imprinted with their own supreme origin, making them all stand at the top of the state at this moment, the whole body is like It is a fire that can never be extinguished. Of course, this is actually a helpless choice. If they can’t escape Jiang Chen’s pursuit, they can’t return to Qi Otherwo rld, they can’t replenish the lost life essence at all, and they are still going to perish in the end. “After more than a dozen ants join forces, they are still ants. If they don’t achieve qualitative change, they will all die! Endless radiance spreads all over the void, and the divine chain of order is intertwined. Jiang Chen stepped forward and held hands again. Now he has mastered the wonders of Otherworld. Space coordinates, these supreme beings have lost their value to him. In the next moment, the void marked with space coordinates opened the passage in vain, connecting the other shores one after another, making them almost burst into tears, and they were sure that if there was a chance to go, they would fight. They won’t be hooked again if they die. How can the outside world allow them to run rampant, and if they are not careful, they will end up in ashes! “What a terrible existence, it is really invincible in the world, if Give him time, once he transforms into an immortal, he will not be able to kill him if he wants to! Although they think so, no one dares to fight Jiang Chen to the death. Be diligent, otherwise, a supreme being like them would be sent to death no matter what. Jiang Chen’s expression was indifferent, and he walked calmly in the void. He didn’t seem to care about the actions of these people at all, and he punched slowly.

“You are too aggressive, we would rather all die, and we have to lead the undead emperor to come and kill you!” A supreme roared frantically.

He was in a desperate situation, and his body was torn apart by the fist, leaving only one head.

・・・ Flowers・

Jiang Chen was indifferent, like a god and demon, with a pair of cold eyes looking at the struggling Supremes calmly, waving his fists, constantly harvesting life, without any emotional fluctuations.

Mortals are like ants in the eyes of the Supreme.

And these supreme beings are not ants in his eyes!


There is no intention to use the holy bell at all, just the power of the physical body bursting shears makes the universe tremble.

This punch!

The starry sky shattered, the sun and the moon dimmed, and a dozen Supremes joined forces to attack, and the magical powers that were terrifying enough to destroy a planet were all annihilated at this moment and crushed by force!

No matter what supernatural powers and secrets you have, no matter what your ultimate sublimation, all are ants, all are nothingness!

This kind of domineering, this kind of power, shocked everyone!

Look at the Supreme Being like an ant, life and death are in the palm of your hand, if you want to live, you can live, if you want to die, you only need to turn your hands!

“Bang bang bang…”

The terrifying fist swept the universe like Wang Yang, and no one could stop it. All fell under such a fist, blood filled the void, leaving behind a dazzling golden glow, as well as the flesh and blood that made people tremble.

This can no longer be described as terrifying, it is simply invincible in the world, who can compete with it?

Everyone’s scalp is numb, but those are more than a dozen Supreme Beings, all of them standing at the top of the world, but they were killed like this, without any power to fight back, and were buried in this starry sky.

“Heh, congratulations on killing Qi Otherworld Supreme, gaining 100 million experience points, and obtaining the Imperial Armament [Panlong Zai].

“Heh, congratulations on killing Qi Otherworld Supreme, gaining 100 million experience points, and obtaining the imperial soldier “Slaughter Sword”.

“Heh, congratulations for killing the fourteen supreme beings in the otherworld, causing heavy losses to the undead emperor. Your strength and deeds will be spread in the world, and you will gain 5,000 popularity. 99

The acquisition of a full 5,000 points of fame has more than doubled the popularity of Jiang Chen, and started to move towards 10,000 points of fame!

And the fourteen Supremes directly provided him with 1.4 billion experience points and ten imperial soldiers,

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