Chapter 830 The magic sword that devours the laws of the imperial way, annihilates the soul, and restores divinity!

The traditional beep ends.

But Jiang Chen’s harvest did not end.

“Solanum nigrum.

Jiang Chen let out a soft cry, and a ripple appeared all over his body.

Immediately, a sword shadow with a pitch-black luster appeared.

Immediately afterwards, a bright figure appeared in front of the sword, storing all ten imperial soldiers!

This beautiful figure is Solanum nigrum!

She has been nurtured in the chaotic world by Jiang Chen, absorbed the chaotic energy for hundreds of years, and has recovered a touch of divinity.

This is the weapon of the Demon Lord. It is the supreme divine weapon that once slashed the way of heaven. Although it is seriously damaged, after so many years of repairs by Jiang Chen, the mark belonging to the Demon Lord has gradually disappeared. He is in control.

Although the Phoenix Blood Sacred Bell inlaid is his soldier of preaching, but the Sacred Bell that has not been bathed in the blood of the “two two three” rotten king, these imperial soldiers cannot make it qualitatively change again.

And the magic sword has not recovered completely, even Jiang Chen didn’t know how terrible the magic sword was in its heyday.

Now, with Jiang Chen’s order, Solanum nigrum appeared directly in front of him, swallowing up all the laws of the emperor in these imperial soldiers!

After swallowing up the laws of the imperial way contained in these imperial soldiers, Solanum nigrum exudes the radiance of rhythm and divinity, and the red and blue gods are intertwined, like the coexistence of divinity and magic!

Divinity and magic, very mysterious.

The coexistence of two completely different forces is a peculiar state, just like the power of the sun and the yin of the old man and the devil, and as a result, he almost drove himself crazy.

Jiang Chen felt that there are many mysteries in these two powers, which can be blessed by people and even affect their own luck.

“With 1.4 billion experience, I can directly try to hit the real immortal realm, and I don’t need to go back to life like Huang and Ye Hei.

This is an incredible thing. In this incomplete world of heaven, it is almost impossible to prove the Dao and become an immortal. Even the supreme powerhouses such as the undead emperor and the emperor, who have been hidden behind the scenes for countless years, may not have the confidence to attack. wonderland.

And Jiang Chen can directly prove the true immortal, if they know it, they will be spitting blood.

At this time, nightshade had already devoured all the laws of the emperor’s way in the ten imperial soldiers, and together with the materials that made the imperial soldiers, the divinity contained in them was not wasted, and all of them became nourishment for nightshade.

On Jiang Chen’s attribute panel, the recovery progress of the magic sword is also rapidly improving!

The power of chaos absorbed from the chaotic world made the recovery progress of the magic sword reach 60%, and now it has increased to 65%, until 70%, the recovery progress of the magic sword has stopped.

Until the nightshade was swallowed, Jiang Chen shattered all the imperial soldiers with a single palm. These imperial soldiers who had lost their divinity and the laws of the imperial way were just as fragile as ordinary weapons without any district police, and they were shocked all at once. shattered into nothingness.

And the bodies of the dead Supreme were all taken into the Phoenix Blood Sacred Bell by Jiang Chen.

His strength is already strong enough.

Even if all these corpses were swallowed up, it would be difficult for him to undergo another physical transformation.

Under such a premise, improving the strength of his followers is Jiang Chen’s first choice.

He is destined not to stay in this world for a long time in the future, and the incomplete way of heaven limits the potential of this world.

But Jiang Chen will not give up this world easily, but intends to use this place as his base camp and continuously cultivate his own team.

People like Ye Hei and Tangshan are all from this world, and their potential is no worse than the arrogance of the Immortal Realm, and even because of the blessing of the world’s luck, they have the potential to impact the Immortal King in the future!

The world pattern may be changed because of them, whether it is the human race or the ancient ten thousand races, they are no longer separate individuals, but will be unified into a complete ethnic group.

In fact, for countless years, all ambitious emperors and ancient emperors have had this idea. Emperor Amitabha established a Buddhist kingdom in Xizhou to provide endless power of faith.

At the same time, Jiang Chen stood above the starry sky, as if there was an eternal river flowing in front of him, he raised his hand and grabbed it abruptly.

Although these Supremes lost their physical bodies, they were still difficult to be completely killed. If they were given time, they could recover.

But now they are suppressed by Jiang Chen, and it only takes time to wipe them out.

In the heavens and the world, all the creatures who watched this battle through the magic circle were shocked to the extreme, and they couldn’t believe their eyes…

Is this really Jiang Chen? The supreme beings in their peak state were all killed like scumbags?!

Up to now, not only the local monks, but even the players have not recovered from the shock.

The player was still sweating for Jiang Chen, worried that Jiang Chen was playing off.

As a result, I saw Jiang Chen who easily killed more than a dozen Supreme Beings.


“so cool!”

“This is so powerful!!!

“This wave of operation Tianxiu!!

The world is playing you are boiling!

More than a dozen strong men who stood at the top of the world fell like this?!

With such an impact, even the top players among the players have their eyes widened, almost swearing, it’s incredible!

This is really not a person who has cultivated Taoism for only a hundred years, who can tell them, is this world crazy?!

Over the years, players have learned information about Jiang Chen through the video of “Dark Dream Demon”. Big man’s footsteps.

However, Jiang Chen seldom walks around the world over the years, resulting in players’ cognition of his strength in a very vague state.

Everyone knows that Jiang Chen is very strong, but how strong is it, can he really be compared with those ancient supremes? After all, according to the game information 3.2 that I have mastered at present, all those ancient supremes have lived for hundreds of thousands of years, Even hundreds of thousands of years old monsters.

However, now such a hundred-year-old young powerhouse has slaughtered more than a dozen Supreme Beings. Isn’t it because they have lived for hundreds of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of years, and once covered the hegemons of an era, all of them are Can you live on a dog?

After a long time, a player trembled: “Why do I think that Jiang Chen is more and more terrible? How long has it been since he last cut his hands and sewed?

“Maybe Jiang Chen has some hidden background. The title of the son of the version is not for nothing. Think about it, from version 1.0 to the present, which version does not have Jiang Chen’s figure, it is the most dazzling existence of the version, There are even his shadows behind some big events! The people who answered were very excited when they spoke,

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