Chapter 831 Playing Like: We were so scared at that moment!

This scene was seen by the players, and their hearts were even more admirable.

According to the information collected by the players about the restricted area, all of them prove the horror of the restricted area.

Throughout the ages, people have changed their color when they talk about the forbidden area, which represents darkness and death, stands at the top of the world, cold and ruthless, and treats hundreds of millions of living beings like ants, and even the Emperor Zhun dare not set foot there.

But today, Jiang Chen did it. Not only did he kill the venerable like a dog, but he also looked down on the world like this, and beat more than a dozen supreme lords in a row. This kind of peerless style is truly invincible in the world!

As Jiang Chen killed more than a dozen strange Otherworld Supremes, the battles in other battlefields gradually came to an end.

Changsheng Tianzun was almost so angry that he vomited blood. He originally wanted to rely on the supreme beings cultivated by these undead emperors to make a comeback, but they were all slaughtered by Jiang Chen.

Demon Venerable even swears in anger.

“Damn it, how can there be such a terrifying person in the world?!”

“A dozen supreme beings, dignified the world, swept the universe, and were crushed to death like ants by him, and they failed to make any waves.”

Grandma Xian was stunned.

I’m afraid that my eyesight is not good when I’m old!

I didn’t even react at this moment, only confused, too domineering, too strong, too terrifying!

13 No one is not shocked, and one person kills more than a dozen Supreme Beings alone, what a terrible battle!

Everyone is silent!

The players were shocked, the creatures of all races were equally astonished, and Changsheng Tianzun and others were because of despair.

“It’s so scary!”

“Knife laughing” was no longer calm, and his voice was shaking.

“We haven’t seen the sect master for a long time, he is so powerful!?”

The ‘madman’ widened his eyes. For a player like him who majored in the flesh, Jiang Chen’s development path is really worth learning from.

Although it can’t be as terrifying as Jiang Chen, it is definitely the top existence among players.

He had known about this type of cultivator before, and knew how difficult it was to major in the physical body, unless it was a special physique, such as the Jiang Divine Body, Ji Divine Body, these local geniuses, the physical body was extremely terrifying, and the physical body alone could suppress others. Tianjiao.

“I really don’t know how terrifying the body of the leader is? Could it be more terrifying than the legendary Holy Body!

Saying that, the eyes of the ‘madman’ became brighter and brighter, as if two divine fires were beating.

Even scarier than the legendary Eucharist, what is the concept?

I didn’t quite understand the meaning of the Eucharist before, but with Ye Hei’s achievements on the ancient road of the stars all these years, everyone understood that it was indescribable and unimaginable!

“I can’t imagine how lucky we were to be able to hold such golden thighs when we entered the game…”

Even “Killing”‘s pupils shrank.

Such an existence is definitely the main character in the game… The main line of the game probably needs to be in contact with it.

But the game has developed so far, and it doesn’t seem to have any meaning to end.

So how scary will the games of the future be?

Is there a place for players?

Not to mention the shock of the players, several Supremes such as Changsheng Tianzun and Xianmu are about to cry, their intestines are almost regretful, they should not have agreed to the request of the Undying Emperor!

at this time.


A terrifying aura erupted from the Endless Galaxy, and the void exploded.

The terrified people all shrugged their necks.

The heavens and the earth are trembling, as if there is a supreme god and demon who wants to work hard in the world, the chaotic air permeates the air, the stars in the heavens are swaying, and it seems that all of them will be crushed.

Many people’s hearts are beating violently, such a terrible scene, as if something terrible will happen in the next moment.

“Longevity Tianzun, the grievances between us should be settled!”

The Holy Body of Dacheng slammed into the sky, and the terrifying blood was boiling, as if to evaporate the surrounding starry sky.

This kind of blood is so terrifying, hot and dazzling, too vast, too powerful, covering everything, as if to cover the universe.

“I said you can’t escape, and now you’re still obsessed, so let’s end it completely!”

Such a voice spread throughout the universe, shaking the heavens and the world, and everyone’s eyes widened. Everyone knew the horror of the Holy Body of Great Completion, but no one really understood how terrifying the Holy Body of Great Completion was!

this moment.

The Holy Body of Great Accomplishment is like a god, coming from the starry sky, approaching step by step, to fight with Changsheng Tianzun, this invincible spirit makes everyone tremble!

“Kill him!

Grandma Xian and Demon Venerable were both sublimated to the fullest, roaring and working together, they never thought they would reach this step, and now they are forced to sublime to the utmost, they can only fight to the death!


Chuan Ying, Old Man Demon, and Gai You were more terrifying than each other, so naturally it was impossible for Dacheng Sacrament to fight alone, and they all rushed forward.

Everyone will have weapons in their hands, and they are all sacrificed and refined by Jiang Chen to become the supreme soldier, comparable to the divine soldier!

Such a group of people rushed into the starry sky, the vision covered the sky, and suddenly the endless stars collapsed, powder everywhere, and turned into nothingness.

As for Jiang Chen, he also stepped forward, no one could stop him, strolling in the courtyard, exuding a unique temperament, blending with heaven and earth, shining through the ages.

The six Supremes were all panicked and could not let Jiang Chen hook their hands, otherwise they would be in a desperate situation, and they would not even have a chance to escape.


The war is about to break out, the gods are all over the place, and the chains of order are intertwined.

“Hahaha…” Longevity Tianzun screamed miserably, he fought bloody battle with the Holy Body of Dacheng, coughing blood continuously, and said: “Waiting for eternity, it turned out to be such an ending, such a golden age, I actually want to end the curtain in this way what?”

He laughed madly and said hoarsely, “In the most tragic life, even the Supreme Being in the restricted area will fall, and the supreme hero will also die tragically, the darkness is destined to strike again, and no one can be spared!

Changsheng Tianzun is sad and has seen his end.

Xianmu was surrounded and killed by Chuan Ying and Gai You, covered in blood, and was about to fall.


Grandma Xian vomited blood, and a large amount of blood was spilled, and her head was chopped off.


Even the quasi-emperor sucked in the air, what kind of battle is this, it is shocking, even the supreme being beheaded, is it going to fall completely?!

Grandma Xian roared to reorganize her body, but Gai You didn’t give her a chance. She played the face of transcending the calamity, and the terrifying fluctuations shattered it again, and her body was torn apart!

The other three corpses wanted to escape back to the ancient land of the corpse, but they were directly blocked by Jiang Chen, and then they punched and splattered three beautiful feet of blood, piercing their bodies…

The battlefield was silent, all six supreme beings were beheaded, no one survived, blood and bones were everywhere, and the endless stars were dyed scarlet.

At this moment, everyone was silent for a while, and they all understood that this battle has ended and ended with Jiang Chen’s victory!

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