Chapter 835 The wish of the two daughters, to fight side by side with the Emperor of Heaven, to cast the bell of chaos! (Seeking full order)

A forbidden area of ​​life came to an end, and it was completely removed from the universe. This was a major event with far-reaching influence, which made all races in the universe boil.

Emperor Jiang Tian’s expedition against the restricted area was a success, creating a myth that shook the world.

“Oh my god, Xianling has been removed, and there is one less restricted area for life. In addition to the previously swept away Undead Mountain and Samsara Sea, now only the ancient forbidden areas in alliance with Xiangong remain, Shenxu, Burial Island, and Taichu Ancient Mine. And the dead! 33

There was an uproar in the world, and the news spread all over the universe. This is a feat against the sky. The removal of a restricted area has really great impact.

Everyone knew that the Immortal Palace had really risen. Not only was Jiang Tiandi alone, but there were nearly a hundred quasi emperors who descended on the Immortal Tomb that day.

And Asgard also has the arrogance of the younger generation, such as Eucharist Ye Hei, Holy Prince, Demon God Tangshan, Fire Spirit Body Anti-inflammatory, etc. It is foreseeable that the “Er Qi” of Asgard in this era will surpass the previous heaven, dazzling and dazzling. Shock the past and present!

The universe is no longer quiet, causing a turbulent, incomparable sensation, an invincible powerhouse shining through the ages, bursting with dazzling light.

In the universe, many strong people watched the battle through the magic array, and at this moment, all of them were trembling and their scalps were numb.

The forbidden area of ​​life has ended. In the past, I dared not even think about it, but now someone has done it. Jiang Chen’s performance has subverted the world’s cognition.

Is this…always the true meaning of golden age?!

Everyone was silent. Is Emperor Jiang Tian really the first person to ascend to the fairyland since time immemorial? Such a method completely surpassed the level of a great emperor and reached an unprecedented height!

Especially the creatures in the restricted area are all speechless at this moment, even the supreme sublimation is useless, and they are still exposed. If they were themselves, what would they do to the Emperor Shangjiang?

Living in this era, let the creatures in the restricted area tremble!

Jiang Chen is like a heavenly sword, hanging above their heads, it will be cut off at any time, killing them.

Existence like them once felt the threat of death because of one person, which was annoying but helpless.

But in any case, with Jiang Chen’s current hook, is it still difficult to get Xianling removed from his name?

Different from the heart palpitations of the creatures in the restricted area, all living beings in the universe are cheering, and the destruction of the fairy mausoleum has given them hope of pacifying the darkness and turmoil.

Not a temporary suppression, but a complete eradication of the source of darkness!

The darkness and turmoil are too terrifying. If the time of Emperor Jiang Tian passes, these restricted areas lie down again, the universe is afraid to experience another blood disaster.

“This is not the work of me alone. Emperor Void, Emperor Hengyu, Emperor Wushi and other great human races have fought bloody battles in the restricted area, killing one or two ancient Supremes with their own hands. 99

Jiang Chen did not take all the merits, especially the Void Emperor, guarding the human race, and fighting the restricted area to the last drop of blood.

“Yeah, how many heroes have been buried in the forbidden area since ancient times, and now I finally hope to see this scene!

At this moment, I don’t know how many people sigh.

“I wonder if he was hurt?”

Compared with the excitement of the creatures of all races, An Miaoyi and Xiaoyixian were more concerned about whether Jiang Chen was injured. They stood in front of the hall of Asgard, looking at the vast universe, their eyebrows frowned, no matter what, they were looking forward to Jiang Chen. Return safely.

“The power of the Heavenly Emperor, even if the Great Emperor of ancient times has to bow his head, can be said to be one of the strongest beings in the past and present, and the two emperors and queens need not worry.”

Yao Lao came over and said with some emotion that Jiang Chen was once a monk in the physical realm, but now he is the master of the immortal palace, a mythical figure who can be cut to the top.

Looking at his disciple Xiao Yan, the two used to compete in the same generation, but now Xiao Yan is left far behind, there is no possibility of catching up.

“After the past 100 years, the talent of the Emperor of Heaven is really terrible. Perhaps this golden age was created for Emperor Xiaotian…”

Yao Lao can be said to have witnessed the rise of Jiang Chen with his own eyes, from a cultivator in the physical realm in his early years, to a quasi-emperor powerhouse who faced the Supreme Being in the restricted area, and now the Supreme Heavenly Emperor who kills the Supreme like a pig and a dog.

Along the way, who can believe that Jiang Chen is more than a hundred years old, even less than a fraction of those in the restricted area.

Hearing Yao Lao’s words, An Miaoyi and the little doctor Xiandai felt relieved.

After all, although they are the geniuses of the younger generation, their talents are not as good as Ye Hei and others, they can only be regarded as the geniuses of the second echelon, and now they are in the realm of great saints.

“I hope that in the future, I can help and fight side by side with my husband.

Looking at the universe, both women gave birth to such an idea.

In the past, the undead queen could follow the undead emperor to conquer the world, and they could too.

“These supreme bones and blood and Taoism still can’t make the magic sword fully recover…”

In the universe, the wreckage of the Supremes scattered in the void was collected, Jiang Chen said to himself, these Supremes are all powerful people in the world, and they all ruled an era.

Although he is old now, the laws of the emperor’s way are still terrifying, but after the magic sword devours these laws of the emperor’s way, he still can’t return to his peak state.

“Could it be that the Demon Lord has reached the level of an Immortal King…or even a Quasi Immortal Emperor?!”

The Demon Sword was once the weapon used by the Demon Lord to attack the Heavenly Dao, and it is conceivable how terrifying it is. Although it has not yet returned to its peak period, it is already comparable to an imperial soldier.

However, no matter how strong this weapon is, Jiang Chen will not use it as a soldier of Taoism. After all, after being nurtured by the chaotic world and absorbing countless chaotic qi, Jiang Chen will not use it as a chaotic weapon. .

Jiang Chen intends to make it into… Chaos Clock!

“Master, I need the source of immortals, or the source of half immortals. These supreme blood bones are no longer at their peak, and they have little effect on me.” The figure of Solanum nigrum emerged, her face was still beautiful, and the light blue flow The fairy skirt moves without wind, elegant and noble.

“If this is the case, we can only wait for the emperor or the emperor to die.” Jiang Chen said.

He already knew the position of the undead emperor, and there was still a half-immortal inside. As for the emperor’s words, I am afraid that this person will not be easily exposed until the end.

“I need to prove the Dao Immortal King in this realm now, otherwise, I will go directly to the nine heavens and ten places, and I am worried that I can’t find Xianyuan for 3.2, and I can get a lot by walking around in a foreign land.

It’s true to say so, but now Jiang Chen needs to use the beliefs of all beings and the origin of heaven to directly impact the fairy king realm, and he can’t leave in a short time.

However, he also has a layout in nine days and ten places.

The Great Elder became immortal, Liu Xian regained the realm of the Immortal King, and the Immortal King in the original imperial city.

Not counting the Immortal Kings of the Immortal Realm, there are now two Immortal Kings in the Trinity State, which can completely block the invasion of the alien realm. If Jiang Chen can prove the Immortal King in the future, he may even fight back against the alien realm.

“Welcome the return of the Emperor.

Everyone pays homage to Jiang Chen, and more people go to Asgard to see the Emperor of Heaven, but now Jiang Chen’s status is more noble than the ancient emperor, and he is the most hopeful person in the world!,

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