Chapter 836 Lectures on the scriptures and the Tao, behind the scenes, the Emperor Zun Hongjun Black Dragon King! (Seeking complete set)

“Everyone, please wait patiently, I will report to the Emperor first. 9)

Among these people, there are quite a few quasi-emperor, and even those who will become enlightened. The guards of the Asgard will naturally treat each other with courtesy, but they will not let these people enter at will.

After all, the status of the Heavenly Emperor is so honorable now that even if he is a quasi-emperor, he still has to pay homage to him. These Asgard guards are naturally and honored, and will not fall into the name of Asgard.

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly when he heard the news from the Heavenly Soldiers. Among the people who came to meet, there were many familiar faces, such as the Daxia prince, the god son of the gods, etc., as well as Ji Haoyue, the current master of Ji, who had all competed with his peers. , and now he can only look up at his back.

His current identity is different from the past, these people are in awe of him to the extreme, and their breathing has become cautious.

It wasn’t something he wanted to see, but he couldn’t change it.

Beyond the ancient emperor, standing on the top of the world, the spleen is out of the universe, everyone can only look up, and dare not blaspheme.

Ji Haoyue was the first to meet him. After all, he was Xiaoyue’s brother. Now he is Ji’s boss and a strong man in the sage realm, but after seeing Jiang Chen, he still did not dare to be slighted.

“Meet the Emperor.”

Ji Haoyue opened her mouth with a complicated expression. In 2013, he was known as the Dongzhou Divine Body, and his spleen was the same generation. At that time, Jiang Chenji was just emerging, but now the identity of the two is a dream in the world, so he couldn’t help but sigh.

“Is your sister okay?” Jiang Chen asked.

“She, she still has a quiet temperament. She has been on the ancient road of the starry sky for many years, and she has not come back yet.” Ji Haoyue said helplessly: “Some time ago, there was news from a disciple in the clan, saying that they were looking at the territory of the god clan. Come to her and go with another fairy in white.”

Jiang Chen heard the words and nodded lightly.

Xiaoyue’s realm has not fallen over the years, and he is even close to the younger generation of Tianjiao, and he is not weaker than Ji Haoyue.

Ji Haoyue obviously knew this, and let Little Moon go to the ancient road of the stars.

Otherwise, it is said that it is the ancient road of the starry sky, and the little moon is afraid that even Ji’s clan will not be able to fish.

Then, Jiang Chen met the Tianjiao who had been his peers, such as the Daxia prince, the young master of the Tianyao Pavilion, the god son of the gods, etc. These people’s appearances were close to middle age, but Jiang Chen still maintained the appearance of youth, which made people feel Feeling the ruthlessness of the years.

Jiang Chen sat cross-legged in the hall of Asgard and preached, the scriptures flew like golden lotuses and fell down, turning into an endless rain of light, making everyone fall into the realm of enlightenment.

With Jiang Chen’s current state, lecturing on the sutras, the visions of heaven and earth are so terrifying, and many infinite mysteries are transformed into essence, causing the resonance of heaven and earth, like a waterfall of Shenxia, ​​which runs through the entire fairy palace, making this place like a fairyland.

Jiang Chen sits high above the immortal hall, with a solemn appearance, like a Buddha, and like a god, and the chanting sound is like a fairy sound, as if it came from nine days away, making people unable to extricate themselves.

at the same time.

A lotus grows out of the void, and each petal is crystal clear and radiant, shrouded in endless Tao Yun.

For half a month, everyone sat cross-legged in front of Asgard, listening to Jiang Chen’s sermons, expounding all kinds of truths and mysteries, making people feel enlightened and enlightened.

Whether it is the Great Xia Prince, the God Son of the God Race, and other arrogances, or the older generation of powerhouses, they have all benefited a lot, and some even directly broke through a realm.

People couldn’t help but sighed that this was Emperor Jiang Tian’s Taoism. Just by preaching for half a month, a group of people could break through the shackles and deepen their understanding of Taoism.

Such a realm really needs them to look up, surpass the ancient emperor, the spleen and the universe, and stand for tens of thousands of years!

This kind of sermon continued for a month. Jiang Chen stopped, and a group of people knelt down and bowed. Looking at the awe in the eyes of these former peers, he knew that something had changed, and it would be difficult to go back to the past.

But he didn’t change it deliberately. Years took away a lot of things. After all, not everyone was like Ye Hei, Tang Shan and others who always followed him.

After these people thanked them and left Asgard, Jiang Chen drank wine with Ye Hei, Hei Huang, Fatty Duan and others.

Hei Huang didn’t know what restraint was, so he was going to drink Jiang Chen with Fatty Duan with a jug.

“Brother Jiang, when will we pacify the other restricted areas?” Xiao Yan was eager to try.

Jiang Chen drank his glass of wine and said: “The forbidden area is hidden in chaos, and it is not so easy to calculate its location. The reason why I found the Xian Mausoleum before was because the supreme beings in it were endless and could not hide the secrets. .”

“Brother Jiang, if he wanted to attack the restricted area, he forgot to bring me!” The Holy Prince’s eyes were bright and his fighting spirit was awe-inspiring.

“It’s really belligerents, Daoye won’t go to join in the fun with you, just leave the task of cleaning the battlefield to me. Fatty Duan is a little stalking, and said with a jug.

“Has Brother Jiang really become an immortal?”

Tang Shan asked a question that everyone was concerned about. Before, the vision of heaven and earth made everyone’s heart tremble, thinking that Jiang Chen was going to break through the emperor and prove the true immortal.

“It’s still a little bit worse, but it’s not too far.” Jiang Chen said, exuding a unique Taoism all over his body, his whole body seemed to be beating the world, transcendent.

“You have all gone to the depths of the ancient road of the starry sky, have you ever entered the ultimate imperial gate?” Jiang Chen asked.


Ye Hei shook his head and said, “The ultimate emperor’s heir is too terrifying, as if something is blocking everything, we only dare to wait and see from the outside.

Speaking of this, Ye Hei still felt a palpitation, thinking of the scene of the Ultimate Emperor Pass back then, it was simply an abyss.

“There are great secrets in the Ultimate Emperor Pass, and there is no supreme combat power, so it is best not to set foot on it lightly.” 237

Jiang Chen has also deduced the laws of this realm over the years, and found that the severance of the emperor’s road is not because the Qingdi’s Dao has not dissipated, but an inexplicable force is preventing the monks in this realm from seeking the imprint of the heavenly way.

He pursued this breath until the ultimate Emperor Guan continued to disappear.

“Is it the Emperor…or the Demon Lord…or the Black Dragon King…Hongjun…”

Jiang Chen once learned from Lao Zulong that the pseudo-gods in this world, such as Tongtian hierarch, Hongjun and others, have appeared in ancient times. It has left a strong figure in ancient history and has a great influence.

“I am afraid that the emperor has become a red dust fairy now, and the devil and I have an agreement to cut the sky in the future. The emperor’s corpse of the black dragon king is still in the bronze fairy hall, and Hongjun may be behind the layout…”

Jiang Chen–Analyze the possibility of these behind-the-scenes actors.

The water in this world is very deep, but with his current strength, he is not afraid. After all, he has even beaten the projection body of the Immortal King, not to mention these characters who are not even true immortals.

“It’s too early to think about it now.”

“These people are hidden very deeply. If I want them to show up, unless I show an aging attitude, it is better to train Ye Hei, Tang Shan and others first, so that they have the fighting power of the Great Emperor, and then they can follow me in battle. Nine days and ten places.”

Chapter 837 The immortal emperor plans, deduces the chaotic fairy scriptures, and opens up the inner universe in the cave! (Seeking full order) In the strange Otherworld, there is a magnificent palace standing in the endless void, and the palace is made of divine gold. , Every piece of divine gold is stamped with runes, this palace… Obviously there is a very special existence in the entire Otherworld… Immortal Emperor! The god of the ancient times, the overlord of the universe! Your lord” , those people you sent are all dead. “Did that young man come to this point?” On the supreme throne made of divine gold in the palace, a blond man opened his eyes and shot two dazzling gods. Mang, seems to be about to cut through the space, making people shudder. He is the Emperor of Immortality! “Not only the people you sent, but also Xianmu, Mozun, Changsheng Tianzun and others have all fallen. There are five supreme beings kneeling under the main hall. These five supreme beings are all strong men cultivated by the undead emperor, who have been raised to this level with longevity substances. “Holy fetus!” The undead emperor who was entrenched on the throne raised his head in the dark, his voice cold, “Is the congenital holy body really so terrifying? First came the Great Emperor without Beginning, and now there is another?!” “Sir, perhaps this kind of The physique has great secrets, even more mysterious than the chaotic body! The five Supremes said. “More mysterious than the chaotic body?” The Undying Emperor let out a low roar. The great emperor is stuck in this strange Otherworld and can’t work hard, which shows how terrifying the Innate Holy Body Dao Embryo is. After all, the undead emperor lived millions of years longer than the beginningless emperor, but he was still checked and balanced by the beginningless emperor. “It can’t go on like this. !! The undead emperor stood up, and the endless coercion filled the air, so frightened that the five supreme beings all knelt on the ground, not daring to make any sound. “There have been several chaotic bodies over the years, but there are only these two people in the congenital holy body… The undead emperor seems to realize something. “If we make him immortal, we…” A supreme being worried.” True immortals are difficult to prove. The rules of this world are broken and cannot carry the true immortal’s Dao. Otherwise, I don’t need to plan for millions of years. He has only cultivated for a hundred years. “The Undying Emperor said in a low voice. “I want to come to the Emperor Burial Star to kill him, otherwise, it will be difficult for him to join forces with Wushi.” “Yes, my lord, this person has never had a defeat since he was lying in the world. He sang all the way, rushed into the emperor’s realm, and was invincible in the world. It is rumored that the golden prosperity is all because of this person, burying the hope of a generation of geniuses, surpassing the past. The emperor of the year and…” A Supreme said tremblingly. “Is it with me!” The undead emperor sneered: “What about the emperor who was invincible in the world in the past, he was not killed by me, how powerful the heaven was in the past, in the end it was just a passing glance. 99 “Only I really live. Millions of years, years can’t erode me, and time can’t leave traces on me!” “The abilities of adults are naturally not comparable to those of these people. Those people in the outside world just haven’t witnessed the appearance of adults, otherwise , how can such a fallacy be passed on!” – Ming Zhizun said. “How many are there left in the restricted area of ​​life?” asked the undead emperor. “Not long ago, the tomb was erased, and now only Shenxu, Burial Island, There are only ancient mines, barren and ancient forbidden areas, and ancient corpses in the early days. “Is there only five left?” The undead emperor said solemnly, “There is a female emperor in the ancient forbidden area, and her relationship with the holy fetus seems to be unusual. She has helped before, so there are only a few other forbidden areas left to ask questions. “Sir, the Supremes in the Xianling Mausoleum asked us before, but they ended up like that. I am afraid that the Supremes in the other restricted areas… “They have no choice.” The Undying Emperor sneered and said: ” As soon as the Xianling is destroyed, they will have no way to retreat. They can only fight with the Holy Fetus, and only I can always help them.” “But if the space gap is opened, wouldn’t the Great Emperor Wubei be able to fish it out, and then the time comes. If the Empress, the Great Emperor Wushi, and Jiang Chen join forces, it is really not good for us.” A Supreme said. “It doesn’t matter. The Immortal Emperor shook his head and said: “There is another Taoist friend who can help me contain Wu Shi, as long as you give me time, I can kill Jiang Chen. Even if the Empress and Wu Shi join forces, I will not be able to. fear.

Inside Asgard, Jiang Chen is sitting cross-legged in the endless chaotic air, comprehending the Dao marks of the laws of this world.

“It’s been a hundred years in the blink of an eye.”

“My realm has reached half-step true immortal a hundred years ago. I thought it would be difficult to make further progress, but I didn’t expect that the Heavenly Dao in this realm would inexplicably ask my Dao rules, and the two have been slowly melting. “Jiang Chen muttered to himself, but it was too difficult to attack a true immortal, I’m afraid it would take a long time to be able to truly understand the principles of the two worlds.

The chaotic world in Jiang Chen’s body is taking the road of incarnating the world, deducing the laws of heaven and earth into the world, making the inner world a real universe, and even turning it into a three-pot world, endless floods!

Of course, this process is not that simple. The laws of fusion and understanding the way of heaven are very important. If there is no understanding, just simply integrating the laws into the chaotic world can be very successful.

Jiang Chen is now devoted to two purposes.

On the other hand, it is deducing the “Chaos Immortal Sutra”.

He had discussed Taoism with Liu Xian before, and got a lot of inspiration from “Liu Xian Fa” and the practice of the rhythm created by him has been continuously improved. If so, it can be said that it has surpassed the physical state of this world and has reached an extremely terrifying level.

Jiang Chen spent decades successfully creating the first chapter of “Chaos Immortal Sutra”!

The second “Soul Chapter” is to polish the soul, engrave runes on the soul, nurture the true spirit, form the law of heaven and earth, and communicate with the world!

In the third article, “Fusion of the Gods”, the flesh and the soul are fused, and the explosive hook is extremely powerful.

Jiang Chen did not create exercises in the realm of this realm step by step, but chose the realm that is most suitable for his own Taoism.

“The first one is the basics, so keep it simple.”

“The second chapter is based on the first, but it is much more complicated.

“After the creation of the fusion of the gods, it is the cave heaven, which opens up a cave in the body, and then continues to nurture it until the prototype of the universe is opened up.

Chapter 838: The Era of Asgard Governing the Universe, Condensing the Power of Faith, and the News of the Great Emperor Wu Beginning! Dao Fa, the next step is to nurture the universe.” “This step is difficult, it can be regarded as the shackles of this immortal method, once it is broken, it will be able to look down on the world and be comparable to the emperor. 9) “This realm can be called “the realm of heaven!” The first five realms correspond to the physical body, Taoist palace, great power, sages, and emperors in this realm. Once the accumulated votes in the inner world are completed, they can emerge from the sky and become a realm, comparable to the emperor. Chen’s current Dao Xing can already deduce the “Chaos Immortal Sutra” to the level of a great emperor, and after the fairyland part, it will take more time to deduce. “My law, my way, is unique, the former No one can give me directions on the road, it is all up to me to grope. For the first time, Jiang Chen felt the loneliness of cultivating Taoism. This is a feeling that no outsider can understand. He needs to have a firm Taoist heart, break all obstacles, and succeed in the future. Asgard oppresses the universe, Jiang Chen stands at the top of the world, and even reduces the three forbidden areas of life, shaking the heavens and the world, and all races are noisy. After the immortal mausoleum was destroyed, there was an uproar all over the world. Emperor Jiang Tian could even find the forbidden area hidden in the chaos. This incident had far-reaching consequences and gave everyone the hope of eradicating the darkness and turmoil. In the following hundreds of years, people in the universe continued to discuss this topic, and all races were extremely excited. After this battle, Emperor Jiang Tian’s name was recognized by hundreds of millions of creatures in the universe, and no one from all races in the universe dared to resist his will. Asgard is known as the number one force in the universe! But Asgard did not expand because of this, but instead converged on its edge and focused on cultivating successors. For example, Ye Hei, Tangshan, Xiaoyan and others were all sent by Jiang Chen to fight on the ancient road of the starry sky, and they often fought bloody battles with the Son of God in the restricted area to sharpen themselves. In the universe, who dares to go against Jiang Chen’s will, who can overshadow his brilliance, and all the geniuses of his generation are eclipsed in front of him. But these Tianjiao did not cut off the idea of ​​cultivating Taoism because of this. Instead, after listening to Jiang Chen’s sermon, they strengthened their belief in their hearts. To go further, even if they can’t catch up with Jiang Chen’s footsteps, they still can’t stop their pursuit of the Tao. The era belonging to Asgard has officially opened, and it is invincible in the world. All races come to worship, and its prestige is praised by all spirits, and monks of all races dare not refuse. Although many people have heard the name of Jiang Chen in the past, but people did not have an intuitive understanding, until he killed more than a dozen supreme (bddc) honors and destroyed the three forbidden areas, everyone realized how much he was. A terrifying existence! He is truly invincible in the world! At least in this era, it is hard to find a single person in the universe who can compete with Jiang Chen, enough to coerce the eight wastes of the universe, the spleen and the universe! Asgard has become a creature of all races In the holy place in my heart, many monks come to worship every day, like a pilgrimage, hoping to join and become a member of Asgard. Many monks knelt outside the fairy palace and couldn’t afford it, and even though they were driven away by the heavenly soldiers, they were still reluctant to leave. “The Tianjiao in Asgard is already very terrifying. It is foreseeable how terrifying Asgard will be in the coming years. It is destined to look down on the world, and no one dares to disobey. Some people are very worried, as Asgard enters In their heyday, they were afraid that all other Taoist lineages in the universe would belong to Asgard. In fact, the current Asgard is invincible, far from other Taoist lineages. If Ye Hei, Tangshan and others really grow up, that will be true It’s unimaginable. At that time, Asgard can send any one person to sweep the major sects. However, Jiang Chen still feels that Asgard is still not strong enough, although other people don’t feel that way, and thinks that with Jiang Chen’s strength alone All can be pacified, but if he wants to enter the nine heavens and ten places in the future, these quasi emperors are afraid that there will be some shortcomings. Or, if one day he does not sit in Asgard, what will be the consequences! “Although Asgard is in its heyday, In the ten thousand years in the future, it will be able to dominate all races in the universe. Even if the ancient world, the forbidden area, and the holy land can’t be compared, there are still some shortcomings. 13 Jiang Chen negotiated with Gai You, Chuan Ying and others, and believed that in addition to them, Asgard also needed to cultivate strong men comparable to the emperor. Counting down, Asgard now has nearly ten emperor-level masters, including Jiang Chen, Chuan Ying, Gai Jiuyou, and Dacheng Holy Body. But Jiang Chen is still dissatisfied, and the number will at least double!

More than 300 years have passed since he destroyed Xian Mausoleum in a blink of an eye. Jiang Chen is nearly 500 years old, but he is still relatively young, but no one in the universe can compete.

From time to time in the universe, temples with belief in Jiang Chen have been established, and Jiang Chen can get a lot of belief power every day.

He could feel that as the power of these beliefs continued to increase, the connection between his Tao and the origin of the world became more and more solid.

The Phoenix Blood Sacred Bell was placed in the Asgard by Jiang Chen, and was washed every day by the power of belief from the universe.

“The Immortal King is the peak existence in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, but in fact, there is a distinction between the Immortal King and the Immortal King. The taller is like Liu Xian, and the middle is like the Immortal King of the Immortal Realm and the Immortal Kings of the Immortal Realm. Wait, the lower ones are like the Lord of Immortal Forbidden. But they all need countless years of accumulated babies

But obviously, the immortal king with the immortal king’s soldiers is afraid that he can easily suppress the immortal king without the immortal king’s soldiers. ”

“The Immortal King’s Soldier, the supreme soldier bred by the Immortal King, is equivalent to the principle of the Emperor’s Soldier, and contains the laws of the Immortal Dao of an Immortal King.”

“In terms of one’s own way, every immortal king is an extremely terrifying existence, and no one can shake it, but if there is no immortal king’s soldiers, fighting against the immortal king will be at a disadvantage from the beginning.

At the beginning, Liu Xian had told him that to cast the Immortal King’s soldiers, he must reach the realm of the Immortal King, otherwise, it is impossible to cast the real Immortal King’s soldiers based on the accumulated experience of the real immortal realm.

Jiang Chen believes that both the magic sword and the Phoenix Blood Sacred Bell have the potential to be promoted to the soldiers of the Immortal King. As long as it takes time, these two weapons will naturally be expected to attack the soldiers of the Immortal King!

“If I break through to the true immortal, the Phoenix Blood Sacred Bell will naturally be able to transform into an immortal soldier, while the magic sword needs to continuously absorb energy and then recover.”

“Longkui once said that now the magic sword needs a true immortal source inlay to be effective. In this world, except for the undead emperor, the immortal source can only be obtained from the emperor. Jiang Chen muttered to himself.

On this day, the Black Emperor is coming.

Three hundred years later, it hasn’t changed much, but the hair on the body has become more supple and shiny, which shows that there has been a breakthrough in the cultivation base.

However, the first sentence it saw Jiang Chen made Jiang Chen’s eyes twinkle.

“I feel the master’s breath!

Chapter 839 The younger generation of Asgard rises, the number of quasi-emperors soars, and they want to fight the undead emperor! (Please complete the order) “Where did you perceive it?” Jiang Chen asked, “I don’t know the exact location, I have been in retreat until recently, I felt the master’s breath, and I hope the palace master can find out. 99 Heihuang said, his eyes full of hope. Jiang Chen opened his mouth and said: “The place where the Great Emperor Wubei is located is not this world, but the same world as the undead emperor. I have obtained the spatial coordinates of that world before, and I just want to wait for the trivial matters of Asgard to be arranged before proceeding. Expedition. 99 “The master came to the news that the undead emperor mobilized the Supreme Being of that realm to prepare to invade this realm. “The black emperor’s face showed a deep worry,” the master said that in that world, there is a peerless master who is not weaker than the undead emperor, so the palace master should pay attention. 11 “Are two half-immortals… Jiang Chen thinks, no one knows the means of the undead emperor better than him. The immortal emperor who came from the immortal realm bears the blood of the real phoenix. As long as he bathes in the emperor’s blood, he can continue to nirvana. He He has lived in this way for millions of years, and has been looking for a way to return to the Immortal Realm. “Emperor Wu Beginning, Gai Dai Wudi, even if he is trapped in the strange Otherworld, he can still contain the two and a half immortals over the years, which shows that he is also invincible. You don’t need to worry about reaching the half-immortal state. “The same is the congenital holy body, and Jiang Chen is very aware of the terrifyingness of the Great Emperor Wu Beginning. It is a mythical physique, comparable to the chaotic body. Wind and rain” In the future, please ask the palace master to prepare early. “Hei Huang said. Although he knew the horror of the undead emperor, he still had great confidence in Jiang Chen. After all, Jiang Tian emperor’s name was learned from the corpses of each supreme being. Now he reigns in the world, and his spleen is out of the universe. He is only five hundred years old now, and he is in the prime of his life. His blood is as strong as the sea, covering the galaxy of the universe. This is far from being comparable to the ancient supreme, and no one dares to fight him head-on. “Ye Hei and the others are still on the ancient road to the stars. Right? “Not bad.” Let them usher in. 99 “The Palace Master wants to…” Jiang Chen nodded and said: “Although I am not afraid of the Emperor, I can’t guarantee that he will not attack Ye Hei and others. This person has never had a bottom line. I need to open up a new one. In the Pure Land, let the people of Asgard enter the refuge.” Not all of Asgard are quasi emperors, there are many monks in the realm of great sages and sages. These people can’t bear the collision of the battle of the semi-immortal realm powerhouse, if they can’t avoid it in time, it is likely that the body and spirit will be destroyed directly and turned into flying ashes. Over the years, Asgard has developed rapidly, and more and more people have been cultivated. The number of quasi emperors alone has reached five hundred, which is more than double the number before. For example, Xiao Yan was also promoted to the realm of the quasi-emperor. Thanks to Ye Hei and Tangshan’s blows, Yao Lao’s encouragement, and the protection of Xiangong, Xiao Yan broke through an ancient road and was promoted to the quasi-emperor. There are also spiritual beasts such as Zi Ma, Golden Lion, and Swallowing Sparrow who have also been promoted to the realm of the quasi-emperor. These spiritual beasts are different from the human race monks, and they often take several times more time to continue to cultivate. However, they followed Jiang Chen very early and gained a lot of benefits. Naturally, they did not need to worry about the problem of resources. They smashed millions of jins of source stones and listened to Jiang Chen’s sermons every day. Especially Zi Ma, she and Jiang Chen signed a blood contract, not inherited from the ancestors, and the potential is extraordinary, surpassing the golden lion and the swallowing sparrow a lot. Not only these people, such as Ji Haoyue, Jiang Shenwang, and Jiang Chen’s wife An Yi and Xiaoyixian, all were promoted to Emperor Zhundi. The top young talents, such as Ye Hei and Tang Shan, began to attack the realm of the emperor. As Jiang Chen said, he didn’t have the imprint of Heavenly Dao in this world, so these Tianjiao still have the opportunity to prove the Dao Emperor. Their aptitude is superior, and they are more qualified to compete for the Dao Emperor than those of the older generation who will become Daoists. Like the Lord of the Divine Court in the past, the Taoist Palace Laodao has all been stagnant over the years, and it is conceivable that he has no hope of proving the Tao. As early as a hundred years ago, Lao Dao, who knew that he was hopeless, chose to join Asgard, and joined Jiang Chen to become a member of Asgard. On this day, Ye Hei, Tang Shan and others were ordered to return to Asgard, and they all felt that the wind and rain were coming, but they all had confidence in Jiang Chen and felt that this battle would definitely kill the undead emperor. They have been waiting for this day for a long time. As early as 300 years ago, they knew that Jiang Chen had mastered the position of the undead emperor, but because Asgard had just started and needed time to develop, he did not attack directly. …begging for flowers. Now that they heard that the Undead Emperor was about to invade this world, they all clenched their fists, and their eyes shone with scorching light. “Just let them come, I haven’t been afraid of them yet!” Xiao Ran yelled. Ye Hei was also excited and said, “I’ve been waiting for this day for a long time, now that I have completed the Holy Body, I already long to bathe in the blood of the Supreme!

Tang Shan said with a smile: “My Celestial Demon Body is also great, although it has not yet reached the level of the young emperors of the past, but killing a general supreme is enough.

“Since the undead emperor is ready to invade this world, then we don’t need to go to his world, but fight directly in our home field, which is beneficial to us no matter what. Gai You said seriously.

There is no need to think about it, there will be an unimaginable collision soon, a confrontation at the level of a half-immortal, which may shatter this universe.

“Husband, you must be careful!” An Miaoyi’s white clothes are like snow, and her whole person looks very elegant. Although she is plain clothes, it has never concealed her beautiful face. A trace of melancholy.

She is very similar to Xiaoyixian, but her temperament is a little colder. She has a high prestige in Asgard on weekdays, second only to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen held her hand and said, “Don’t worry.”

“Husband, I believe in you.” The little doctor said.

His two wives are now more noble, but their essence has not changed. They are all on him, and nothing can be more important than him.

“Palace Master, let’s go out together!

The boys of Jiang’s younger generation, and Ji’s dolls are the most belligerent, and they all show their hopes. These children have grown up, and they are all amazing talents. Asgard has invested a lot of resources in these years. In them, Qingqin is better than blue, making Asgard more prosperous.

“You all be honest, this is not a joke. Once you start a war with the undead emperor, you can hide as far as you want, and the police will let me run to see the fun!” All bloom.

“They are all descendants of the future of Asgard. With such a personality, they should be high and follow, indicating that Asgard’s future is promising, and the potential is infinite. When they really grow up, they will be able to beat the world’s invincible opponents. Press the universe.” Next,

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