Chapter 848 Changes in the real world, subverting the cognition of the world! (Seeking complete set)

“It’s not easy!”

Dao Jian laughed, snot and tears, and told about the hardships of these years. For him, this is undoubtedly a natural moat, and he almost died in the realm of the Great Sage.

“Luck against the sky!” Killing said coldly.

“Speaking of which, do you still insist on the way of killing? In the era of Tiandi Town, this road will eventually fail. I think you should give up.”

Dao Jian smiled and persuaded him that now he is refreshed, has survived the catastrophe, and has entered the quasi-emperor realm. He is full of energy and has a lot of confidence in his words.

Talking about this, Killing was sad for a while, his temperament was indifferent, he was not as open as Dao Jianxiao, he would definitely stick to the end, but Dao Jianxiao was right, in the era when the emperor overwhelmed the universe, the way of killing There really is no point in holding on.

But he is still not reconciled, unless he deletes the account again and rebuilds, otherwise, the way of killing has penetrated into his heart and cannot be divided.

“It’s unbelievable that your kid can become Emperor Hua.” Hei Huang walked around Daobianxiao for several times, sighing like this, because according to Daobianxiao’s qualifications, it is impossible to reach this step.

“Your aptitude is far worse than Slaughter. Even Slaughter can’t attack the Emperor in the first life, but you actually made your kid do it.” Fatty Duan wondered.

Jiang Chen sees clearly better than Hei Huang and others. Although Dao Bianxiao’s aptitude is not as good as that of Slaughter, he is not even better than a madman and Jingjing, but his foundation is deeper and his state of mind is higher than these people.

Emperors who are close to 10,000 years old are very rare. Ye Hei, Tangshan, Xiaoyan, etc. were the emperors when they were several hundred years old. Such a speed cannot be compared with these geniuses.

But Ye Hei and the others were almost like children of luck, and even the Holy Son of the Holy Land, the Holy Son of the Restricted Area, the Supreme Holy Maiden, and the arrogance of the ancients could not be compared.

Daojianxiao has reached such a level, enough to be proud of himself!

“What is my achievement, and Tiandiyi, I’m not a scum.” Dao Jian laughed at himself, but he didn’t dare to be presumptuous in front of Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen has become the emperor of heaven, covering the world, who dares to fight with him.

Even if he is the quasi emperor, how many quasi emperors are there in Asgard? All he knows is a few feasts, not counting the heroic spirits of the quasi emperor sleeping in the fairy mausoleum.

Asgard can now be said to be the number one force in the universe, and all races must worship it, who dares not to obey!

“The years are really ruthless, we have all achieved such achievements.” Dao Jian smiled and sighed, and then he looked at Killing and others, these former companions, now all can’t compare to him.

This feeling….

It’s kinda cool!

Fortunately, Killing and others didn’t know what he was thinking at the moment, otherwise, even if he couldn’t beat him, he would have to ask Hei Huang and Fatty Duan to teach him a lesson.

Dao Jianxiao was also sensible and did not continue to stimulate a few people, but left silently.

Player theory.

As the game continues to upgrade, there are many new tiles, but the popularity of the game has never been replaced over the years.

In particular, Daojianxiao broke through to Zhundi and became the first card to play with you.

Caused the envy of countless players!

In the first life, he became the Emperor. If it was the Great God of Slaughter, you wouldn’t be so surprised, but Dao Jianxiao, this old sinister, is really speechless.

There are even tens of thousands of players who have spontaneously formed a crusade against the cheap sword!

Within the discussion, posts were published one by one, most of which questioned the authenticity of Dao Jianxiao’s breakthrough, and sought videos online to seek the truth.

“Looking for the truth online, Dao Jianxiao, this thief deceived so many people back then, he will definitely die under the calamity, how could he become a quasi emperor? I don’t believe it!

“Shocked! A thief in the past, today’s quasi emperor! Is the human nature destroyed, or the moral decline!”

“Ah, ah, I was so frightened that I almost got separated from the walls!

“Please don’t spread rumors upstairs, young rat tail juice!”

“Don’t talk about martial arts, even this yin force can become a quasi emperor, the sky has no eyes!

Although the players who replied are all questioning.

However, they all knew that Dao Jianxiao was attacking the Quasi-Emperor Realm, but the Immortal Palace was not close to them now, so now there is only news, but no one has come out to confirm it.

However, soon a post was topped to the first hot post, Xiao, which was posted by the Dark Dream Demon.

“There are pictures and truths!”

“Play your first card to break the whole record!

“Hello, I’m the Dark Dream Demon!

“I know that everyone is very concerned about whether our vice president Dao Jianxiao has broken through the Zhundi, and now I will answer the question online.”

“Picture now!

screenshot 1

screenshot 2

Screenshot 3

Video 1

video 2

“Although I’m very reluctant to admit it, but it’s the truth! Killing was greatly defeated by the vice president, I believe everyone is very sorry, but then again, whoever breaks through is not a breakthrough, why bother about who, our players finally have The quasi emperor’s card face!”

“Before this, Slaughter Dada held the record of the first realm of players, it has always been the peak of the great sage, and has been unable to enter the realm of quasi-emperor, which has caused us players to be unable to raise their heads in the face of local talents. It’s a shame for our fourth natural disaster! 99

“Now, we finally have a quasi emperor!”

“I believe that this is not the first one, and more and more Vantage players will be born in the future, let us create the glory of the fourth natural disaster together!

ask for flowers

Below the post, there are replies from various players.

“Rise up! But I still want to draw a circle and curse this yin gang! 99

“It was so miserable to be tricked back then, if there is a chance, please let me beat this guy!

“Can you take me upstairs?

“Initiate a group request!”

“Group +1”

“+, I can forgive this dog thief if you say anything, but what the Great God Mengmo said is right, I’m the next emperor! 93

“Which sentence upstairs makes sense? [Funny]

“If I become a great emperor in the future, I will cut off this person’s head and sacrifice to the sky! [Falang]

If it weren’t for “The world and hell are destroyed by the Emperor of Heaven, I am willing to take all my images and hire a killer!»

“There is no killing without buying and selling! [Evil]

Although the players who replied to the post generally believed that Mengmo’s words were reasonable, the Daojianxiao was too dark, leaving a serious psychological shadow on them.

But seeing the screenshots and videos released by Mengmo, everyone’s eyes are still full of envy and jealousy!

The mouth does not say, but the body is very honest.

What is a master?

The Great Sage can no longer be considered.

Quasi-Dipeng Yes!

In the era of Heavenly Emperor’s coercion over the universe, none of the younger generation of Heaven’s Chosen over the years could attack the throne.

It is not that the Heavenly Emperor crossed the imprint of the Heavenly Dao, but the end of the golden age. It seems that the Dao has changed, and it is impossible to give birth to unparalleled talents like Ye Hei and Tangshan.

real world.

**, in a villa in Yanling City.

The player of ID Daoqiaoxiao smiled and walked out of the game room. He sighed slightly. Although the furnishings in the room had not changed, it was extremely unfamiliar to him.

Although only 100 days have passed in the real world, his mind is still in the game world, as if he is really a great saint of swords.

No, now it should be the quasi emperor of the sword!

There was a trace of vicissitudes in his eyes.

He has lived in it for almost ten thousand years, and now he seems to have seen through the world, like a wise old man.

“This game is…it’s amazing, although I don’t know if there were monks in the ancient times of “Earth”, but even if there is, it can’t be active for 10,000 years!


At this moment, Shu Yi smiled and felt the majestic blood in his body, which was much stronger than the last time he logged into the game.

“Although the power of Emperor Zhun cannot be brought back, the power fed back is enough to overturn the cognitive impairment of this world! 19

PS: This book has entered the real late stage, the sleeves have begun to fill the holes, the players have re-appeared, the real world has been subverted, Jiang Chen will be on the road of the Lord of the World,

Chapter Eight hundred and forty-nine The times have changed, the sword is laughing at the world, and the chess piece that promotes the gear of destiny! (Seeking full order) Research Center. “Still can’t find Daojianxiao? 99 asked one by one. Wang Cheng, whose ID is Cupid’s Arrow, looks ugly at the moment. As a special person cultivated by the country, it is difficult to be surpassed by folk players. Accepted. Before this, Wang Cheng has always been a player in the first echelon, only after Asgard. Compared with Western players, stick players, with cultural advantages, can always overwhelm one. This way Speaking of which, losing to the local folk is not so unacceptable.” Dao Jianxiao has entered the quasi-emperor realm. Although he can’t bring back all his strength, it is already terrible. If you want to hide it deliberately, say it’s me, Even killing may not necessarily find him in the vast crowd. “Wang Cheng said helplessly. The fact is also true, Dao Jianxiao can be said to be the first batch of high-level players to enter the game. For a long time, their strength has only been ranked below Slaughter, stronger than him. If you really want to reluctantly. “Two, three, seven,” Wang Cheng didn’t have a clue in his heart. “The main method is to appease, and don’t make drastic actions. We must win this kind of love. “Some bosses spoke up and made diligent decisions.” No, there is a corpse in Yanling City! Someone walked into the conference room and shouted. “What?!” Everyone was astonished, but Yu Ji understood that someone had used in-game methods in the real world. “Notify the players in Yanling City, imprison this person, and never allow this kind of incident to spread.” Wang Cheng said coldly, only the means of iron and blood can continue to suppress this kind of eager to play. Times have changed. However, the order of the Communist Party cannot be chaotic! Yanling City. A large tomb exploded, and blood-colored figures walked out from the dark tomb, like a blood demon. With an ominous and terrifying aura, all the people around couldn’t help but kneel down. It’s terrible! Although players are the mainstream today, not all of them are players. After all, there are still a few players who are qualified to enter the game. How can these ordinary people be the opponents of corpse puppets, and they all fall in a pool of blood. , turned into nourishment for corpse puppets. “Flee! The crowd is running around. They’re all scared to death. “That child…take her away!” A girl was left behind the escape team and fell to the ground. She was so scared that she could only cry, and she completely forgot what was behind her. A terrifying figure. “Wow!” The corpse puppet rushed like a ghost, inquiring about the blood-colored claws, and trying to swallow the girl. At this moment.

A man stepped out and stood in front of the girl.

It’s a special smile!

Facing everyone’s fear, he Lu Qin smiled and hugged the little girl.

“Is it a corpse puppet? This method is a bit like a killer in the world and hell. Saying that the players in these places didn’t die?

Someone shouted to let him run away.

“No need.” Shu Yi smiled and said, “You guys… let’s go, after all, someone is going to stand up and block the first gear.”

This grinning man gave off an inexplicable feeling of peace of mind. Such an image, obviously and the hero can’t ask again.

A player stood up, stimulated the blood energy in his body, and stood side by side with Shu Yixiao.

“What’s the matter? Let’s fight together!”

Shu said with a smile: “The police are stupid, you just died in the past, leave it to me, it will be over soon.

I am the God of Swords!

How can the quasi emperor of the sword be afraid of this kind of corpse?

In the horrified eyes of the crowd.

Shu Yi smiled and walked towards the countless blood-colored corpse puppets, his thin figure in the scarlet frenzy, like an island in front of the tsunami.

Times are changing!

He’s going to be on the hook at last!

He is a very special existence in this world! The most gorgeous! The most powerful play!

In an instant, Shu Yi smiled and burst out with terrifying power, his body was full of blood and energy, and a divine sword was now in his hands.

Shu smiled and shouted, “I said, give me death!

The sword glow was like a rainbow, tearing apart the space, and his figure appeared in the blood tide, standing proudly.

I am the God of Swords!

Asgard’s No. 1 player is the Emperor!

I have seen the strongest person in the world!

Who else can frighten me?!

“This is like planting a seed, and I hope that in the future, a rotten flower will bloom. 99

Jiang Chen’s layout is not only the fantasy world, but also the real world connected to the fantasy world. He also has plans. “Knife laughing is different from killing. His philosophy and persistence are far less intense than killing, and it is easier to control than killing, but not all No ambition… His incomplete life in the first half of his life will be completely changed because of this.”

Nothing about the truth, nothing about the truth.

These players are like chess pieces placed by Jiang Chen, but they can flap their wings like a butterfly, bringing an unimaginable tsunami to the real world.

This is beyond doubt.

Since the hook of the fantasy “Times”, the real world has gradually shifted from technology to fantasy.

The speed of this shift is so fast that it is not calculated in years at all, but in days.

all the time.

All the time.

The real world is changing dramatically.

This kind of change is the pinnacle of the power level, and it is also the improvement of the cognitive level…

People see a wider world and see the possibility of technology.

From the moment you bring your power to the real world in the game, the direction of the world has entered an era that no one can control!

This is a wild, explosive era!

Everyone is like a dragon, and everyone can become a god!


The word, as a representative of the once supreme, is now accepted by people.

The emergence of extraordinary power subverts the world view of the poor.

Countless possibilities open up!

Nowadays, there are still countless scientific research institutions in various countries that are studying “The Age of Fantasy” day and night. Various versions have been filled with rhyme to the brain, and the papers are piled up into mountains, all of which are discussions about this game.

As the most popular character in the game, the game ceiling map, Jiang Chen has been deeply studied by all parties.

With the evolution of the game from generation to generation, they have been able to search for information on key characters and launch targeted strategies.

Dao Jianxiao’s promotion to Emperor Zhundi completely opened the way for players to rise.

Development to the present, Jibei really has the background of the fourth natural disaster.

More and more cute new players are entering the game, while old players want to cry.

Because they found that it was difficult to open the gap with the new players.

This is incredible.

No matter in terms of experience or background, old bird players have to crush Mengxin, but in fact, Xiaomengxin has not been idle these years, always paying attention to the game theory, various strategies, and various development routes are all clear in the heart.

Once these players enter the game, they are all like wild horses off the leash, trying to play tricks 3.2 with joy, exploring this vast game world.

That’s why the old birds followed the sad discovery that they didn’t have a sense of superiority before Xiaomeng was new. These blood and blood are not hooked according to the routine!

“Wow! Young people don’t talk about martial arts!”

“A group of little cute newbies made me shiver even as an old bird, I wonder if they will rhyme a few big guys!”

“I’m going to get cold, and being overtaken by these cute newbies, I’m afraid I’ll be hopeless in this life.”

“Hahaha, that is, you are not even a big power, a king player like me, will soon establish the image of a big brother!

“It’s really fierce from generation to generation, I can already see the tragic situation on the road of cultivation!

“Times, it’s time to change.

Jiang Chen crossed his knees on the throne, opened his neck, there were countless runes lingering in it, and he had already sensed Daobianxiao’s actions in the real world.

This chess piece, like a gear, began to turn,

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