Chapter 850 The Great Sage of the World, the era of extraordinary players, suppressed with one finger! (Please complete the order)

Blood rained.

Shu Yi smiled and seemed to hear the voice from the other side of the starry sky, the vast blood rushing like a real dragon.

This era has changed, and all kinds of monsters and monsters dare to hook and run rampant. The old rules of the old era can no longer constrain these players who gain power from the game.

A new era requires a new order.

Someone needs to redefine the rules for these increasingly chaotic times!

Blood tide, storm!

In the terrifying blood mist, Shu Yi smiled and his thin body was like a god and demon at this moment, and a terrifying qi burst out to disperse the blood tide.

“What a horrible blood!

“Who is this person?!”

Such a terrifying Qi machine is undoubtedly only possessed by top players. Although the appearance of the players in the game is the same as that in the real world, the costumes are still different.

However, if you look closely, you can find that Shu Yi Smile is the high play of the ID knife in the game!

“Knife laugh!”

There are already players shouting hooks, which is incredible.

People forgot all their fears for a while, and even the girl he held in his hands looked at him with jewel-like eyes, and seemed to be no longer afraid.

what 13?

It was him!

Hearing someone shouting, other players found that the person standing in front of them at the moment, facing the blood tide alone, is not the famous “Knife Laughter” in the game?

“God sword quasi emperor?!”

A player called out tentatively.

“Aren’t you going yet? If you don’t go, I won’t care if you die. 93

Shu smiled and said solemnly.

“Can I… have your autograph?”

Someone said boldly.


Why does God want an autograph!?

Can you see what time it is?

What’s the use of signing?

But… I really want it.

Although he has been criticized by countless players in the game, the popularity of Daojianxiao is still very high.

Not only because he became the first quasi emperor among the players, but he was also the first batch of players to enter the game’s internal beta test, and many useful guide posts on the thread were written by him.

Xiaomengxin admired the boss very much, but the scene in front of him was really uncomfortable and asked to sign an autograph, so the player sneered and backed away.

“Xiangong’s Daojianxiao, it’s actually you?!”

In the blood tide, a cold voice called.

A Taoist radiating yin energy stepped on the grave and appeared in front of Shu Yixiao.

Wearing a Taoist robe, his eyes are cloudy, and it seems that he has not slept for a long time, giving a very gloomy feeling.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of his mouth were half-smiles, and his appearance was no different from ordinary people.

No one will treat him like a normal person!

“It’s really a game!

Some players clenched their fists.

Is it a player meeting today? How could Yanling City find so many high-level players, and the gloomy Taoist in front of him doesn’t look good at first glance.

“Who are you?” Shu smiled and stared at the Taoist who had just been diligent.

He is not the cute new guy he used to be. He has killed a lot of people in the game over the years, how can a Taoist not be able to kill him!

“Do you think I’ll tell you?”

The Taoist sneered, “Asgard is indeed very powerful, you have no opponents in the game, the spleen and all players, but in the real world, how much power can you retain?! 99

The ratio of power between the real world and the game world is not one-to-one. In the game, Shu Yixiao is a divine sword quasi-emperor, but in reality it is absolutely impossible to have the power of a quasi-emperor.

Otherwise, the rules of this world would have been reworked long ago.

You must know that the realm of sages can cross the universe and become extraordinary.

Emperor Zhun has a spleen and a planet, and a drop of blood can destroy hundreds of thousands of living beings.

What a terrible power this is!

If it can be brought back to the real world, I am afraid that the world pattern has already been overturned.

“I am indeed no stronger than in the game, but it is enough to deal with you.”

Shu Yi smiled without getting angry, and raised his finger lightly.

The Taoist watched the finger slowly pointing at him.

Obviously only a finger, but he found himself unable to move, as if a mountain was pressing down.

“How…how could you…

The vast blood energy erupted from the Taoist body, and there were cracks in the surrounding buildings. He wanted to break free from the shackles of Shu smiled, but no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn’t get rid of it.


“You can’t be this strong!

The Taoist roared, and his hoarse throat seemed to have blood surging.

Ke Shu smiled and just smiled, pointing his finger towards the center of his eyebrows.

Just lightly.


The Taoist figure seemed to be hit by a cannonball, knocking down several high-rise buildings in a row.

The billowing smoke dissipated, Shu smiled and retracted his fingers, as if he had just done a trivial thing.


Wow ah!!!

Everyone gasped, and their jaws dropped.

I saw that the Taoist who had just been invincible was actually ordered to be immobilized by Shu Yi with a smile, and then he was ordered to fly away.

What kind of terrifying power is this?!

If it was them, they couldn’t do it in the game!

“It’s terrible!”

someone exclaimed.

“I must be dreaming!

“Laozi stayed up all night last night and broke her eyes!!”

This kind of picture is so bizarre, it is like a huge beast being beaten up with a stick, but the man is obviously more terrifying than the ordinary beast, but he is still powerless.

In the sight of people, Shu Yi smiled and walked towards the ruins step by step, and then grabbed a Taoist man in ragged clothes from the ruins.

“Be tough, Laozi likes tough mouths the most, when I go to search your soul, whether you say it or not, Laozi will know!

“This kind of sinister method, refining corpse puppets and causing blood waves, is nothing more than the inheritance of those who could not see the light in the past. I really thought that it would make waves in reality. Laozi will let you know who is the big one here. guy!

“I am in the game, in reality, I am still!

Shu Yi smiled brightly.

The Daoist he was holding in his hand was very embarrassed.

At this moment, I want to die.

I hate myself for pretending to be forced.

Is it not good to hide and develop honestly? You have to ask to show off, but now you are being hanged and beaten.

“Tell you, I covered this place, and whoever dares to be arrogant here in the future will blame me for ruthlessly!

The thin figure is like a demon, domineering and arrogant.

In a blink of an eye, the figure disappeared like a ghost, leaving only a cold voice that echoed in everyone’s ears.

“It’s…safe here.

Some players lowered their voices, it was incredible, and there was a trace of frenzy hidden in their eyes.


“Are you going to meet the boss?

“I think it’s still there for the time being.

“I think so too.”

“That’s already a god-like master. What kind of identity are we, I’m afraid we won’t be seen.”

“Asgard seems to have four more high-level games.

“If they join forces…”

People don’t dare to think about it anymore, a simple knife laugh is so terrifying, if the five high-level players from Asgard make a move together…

Today, I am afraid it will be overturned!

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