Chapter 856 The terrible ancient history, the sad song of blood and bones, the only light in the world!

“If it weren’t for the existence of the shackles of heaven and earth, Jiang Tiandi would have become an immortal.”

“He is already invincible in the world, and it is difficult for anyone to compete with him.

Huntuo Road.

These remarks also made all the arrogances moved.

“So, the Great Emperor is not the ultimate realm, although you are afraid that there is no immortality, the alternative way of preaching is your only hope. 93

“Although the alternative way of proving is not as good as the perfect emperor realm, it is better than being eroded by the years, and all the ways become empty.

After speaking, Hun Tuo looked at these arrogances and said, “I searched the ancient history of this world, but I can’t find any person who can compare with the emperor of heaven, the emperor, the undead emperor, the black dragon king in the past, these people are shocked. It is a pity that none of the powerful people of Yan Wangu can become immortals, so you can see how difficult it is to set foot in the fairyland.”

“Hopefully, in the future, I will be able to see your presence on the Imperial Road.”

After saying these words, Hun Tuo turned around and took these Tianjiao to continue to observe the stone monument.

In fact, these arrogances were not taken into his heart by him, such rhetoric was nothing but consolation.

The Tianjiao who is really expected to hit the Emperor Realm are all fighting on the Emperor Road, and the Tianjiao who came here to participate in the selection has already cut his own way.

Losing the heart to fight for the emperor means that they will no longer be able to see them on the road to the emperor in the next 13 years.

All my life, I can only stay here to guard the fairy gate.

However, for some of them, guarding the Immortal Gate is not a bad thing, at least they won’t die in the battle of the emperor’s road and turn into the bones of others’ thrones.

“Master, I can’t imagine that among these people, there is also the son of your old friend.”

Inside a magnificent palace, the nightshade wearing the blue dress of Liuxian couldn’t help but whispered when he saw this scene.

Now she has refined several imperial weapons and is about to restore it to a half-immortal weapon.

Although it has not yet recovered to its peak, it is impossible to share the massive power of faith with Chaos Bell.

“Time is ruthless. 39

Jiang Chen nodded, his eyes fell on the boy, and he said with emotion.

In the past, Tuoba Yu, who competed with him for the imperial road and shouted to rule the world, has his own descendants.

The appearance of this young man is indeed somewhat similar to his father.

“Thousands of years are indeed cruel and ruthless. If it weren’t for the fact that you, Master, sealed the dying old people in the Immortal Palace with your divine source, I am afraid that many people in the Immortal Tomb would be buried again.

Solanum nigrum sighed, gods are different from human beings, and have a lot more lifespan than human beings, ten thousand years are just fleeting to her.

After the Tu Tian era, she slept for an incomparably long period of time, probably for several epochs.

“Thousands of years are actually really long.” Jiang Chen shook his head.

For the past 10,000 years, for the first five hundred years, he has been fighting, fighting, and competing with all kinds of arrogant powerhouses, competing for the emperor’s road.

Until later, he became an emperor in nine days and ten places, and then suppressed the dark turmoil and cultivated into a half-step true immortal. The time given to him was always tight, and there was no leisure at all.

In the next few rough years, he was truly invincible in the world, and there was no one else in the world who was his opponent.

Legend has it that he has the same physique as the Great Emperor Wubei, and the innate Holy Body is the foundation of his Taoism.

This physique is comparable to that of the Chaos Body, and is known as one of the strongest physiques in the world.

In front of the Immortal Monument, the shock of all the geniuses has not stopped.

As Hun Tuo said, the monument of immortality was specially created by the universe for the Emperor of Heaven to record the achievements of the Emperor of Heaven.

To be respected by hundreds of millions of living beings, not every ancient emperor is qualified.

There are many short-lived great emperors in the ancient history of the human race, such as the Wheeling Great Emperor, the Boundless Great Emperor, etc., all of them have only lived for a few difficult years, and when they were alive, they never encountered darkness and turmoil, and the world records them very much. Few, and now only their Taoist lineage has related ancient books.

They all suffered serious injuries before they became emperors, and they couldn’t recover after they became emperors. After such a short life, people couldn’t help but sigh.

However, their luck is also good, they did not encounter dark turmoil, even if there is no merit, at least there is no big mistake.

It’s just that it can’t be like the emperor of heaven, which has been active for thousands of years, and is like a mythical existence, which is admired and worshipped by the world.

“Dark turmoil…”

A group of people came to the stone monument that recorded the ancient history of the dark and turbulent, and stopped to observe, only to feel the terrible aura passing through the stone monument, making them all terrified.

Life “Forbidden Zone…Ancient Supreme…

“Slaughtering hundreds of millions of creatures in the universe, just to replenish self-generated blood…”

A group of arrogant people are talking loudly, their hearts are surging, and it is difficult to calm down. Although they cannot face it in person, they can still feel that terrible aura through the stone tablet.

“Six supreme hands, slaughtering all souls, one quasi-emperor dying, dying to dye the starry sky…”

“What kind of ancient history is this, how tragic and heroic!”

“I waited for the blood of my ancestors to pour blood into the universe, leaving behind broken bones and corpses, but I still couldn’t stop the footsteps of the ancient supreme! 33

“The undead emperor came with a sword, and the waterfall of Fei Xian appeared, wanting to kill the emperor?!”

“On the road to becoming immortal, more than a dozen supreme beings are born, it’s too terrifying!”

“Emperor Wushi confronts each other in the air, joins forces with the Heavenly Emperor, and fights against the Immortal Emperor?!

“Win! I knew it was a win in the end!

“The mighty emperor of heaven! Strengthen the might of my human race! 9

Along the way, these Tianjiao have been shocked many times, and their eyes are like copper bells.

Especially when I saw the stele 253 that recorded the dark turmoil, the shock was unbearable.

Although they were not in that terrifying era, they had heard their ancestors talk about the horror of the dark and turmoil. Their ancestors were all people who had experienced that period of ancient history, which made them deeply appreciate the despair at that time. .

Hun Tuo shook his head and said, “You don’t know how heroic this ancient history is. If it weren’t for the Heavenly Emperor’s hand in hand, I’m afraid this world would be reduced to the supreme blood food, and hundreds of millions of creatures would die.”

Speaking of this ancient history, he still remembers it fresh.

He had personally experienced that period of time, and knew better than anyone how terrible the darkness and turmoil was. Even the ancients were not immune. Those ancient emperors only had immortality in their eyes, so how could they care about the lives and deaths of their juniors.

“You have to remember the lessons of this blood. Although the restricted area of ​​life has not emerged in the past few years, it is because the emperor is still at its peak, and the blood is strong. If the emperor enters his twilight years, I am afraid that these restricted areas will still hook hands.”

Hun Tuo opened his mouth and said that he knew these restricted areas very well. Once the Heavenly Emperor showed signs of fatigue, these restricted areas would hook hands without hesitation, not only to find a place, but also because of the origin of the Heavenly Emperor.

This is something more precious than billions of life.

“Okay, you have all finished reading the stone tablet, this is something that must be done before participating in the selection, you all come to arrange it now, enter the formation and refine the heart, and only those who pass can join the Asgard.

Hun Tuo pointed to the formation not far away and said,

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