Chapter 861: The Great Array Refines the Heart, the Black Emperor’s Wind Wishes, and the Heavenly Emperor Wants to Preach!

Everyone looked at the direction Hun Tuo pointed.

In the distance, a large formation stands on the Immortal Palace, magnificent and magnificent, with immortal energy drifting away.

This is a heart-refining formation set up by Jiang Chen, which is specially used to select monks to join Asgard.

After all, now that Asgard is at its peak, these monks have their own selfish interests. Although Jiang Chen doesn’t want to care about it, he can’t get in with some scum.

Asgard has two scumbags, Black Emperor and Duan Fatty, enough to give him a headache.

“You set foot in it, calm down, as long as you can pass the test of the Heart Refinement Formation, you can join the Asgard.” Hun Tuo said.

“I’ll go first.

The Saintess of Yaochi is beautiful, walking on lotus, walking like a breeze, stepping into the heart-refining formation step by step.

“Wait for me.”

Tuoba Mountain followed closely.

The rest of Tianjiao looked at each other in dismay, and then all stepped into the Heart Refinement Formation.

Not everyone walked in, and some Tianjiao stopped in front of the big formation with ugly expressions on their faces.

Finally, he let out a sigh and turned to leave.

“Aah, the goddess who went in to send Qin, still wants to come to my fairy palace to make trouble, and I have to lose money for the emperor to cultivate his body and mind over the years, otherwise… the black emperor sneered.

These Tianjiao who have left are obviously thinking.

“I just don’t know if anyone has the guts to sneak in.” Hun Tuo said.

The black emperor smiled coldly, showing his white teeth, “Are you really the formation of the emperor? I was involved in the design of this formation at the beginning, no matter who you are, if you dare to enter, you can see your way. Heart.

“Whether it’s the Holy Son, the God Son of the Restricted Area, or even the corpse that came from heaven and earth, you can see it clearly!

Hearing this, Hun Tuo felt a chill behind his back, which was extremely infiltrating.

“Why are you dead dog staring at me?

He felt uneasy for a while, the reputation of the black emperor is not good, it is even worse than his reputation.

The ghost knows how many great emperors and ancient emperors’ graves have been taken care of by this dead dog and Fatty Duan. If the outside world knows, the whole world will come to hunt and kill them.

“Hey, you think too much, you look like the emperor? It’s just to give you the opportunity to honor the emperor, so that you can have a good time in Asgard in the future.” The black emperor laughed.

“Do you have the elixir of death there?” Hun Tuo asked.

“Elixir of death? Are you dying?”

“You’re about to die!

Kin Tuo cursed.

“Then what are you going to do without the death medicine?”

Hun Tuo was a little embarrassed, and said: “My descendants are in this lifetime.

“You old man still have descendants?!” The Black Emperor was surprised.

“Who are you looking down on?”

Hun Tuo blew his beard and stared.

“Cough cough… Seeing that this old man has descendants, this emperor is just a little emotional. Do you know what the regret of this emperor is in this life?”


Hun Tuo asked curiously.

“The Emperor of Heaven and the Great Emperor of Wu Beginning are both congenital saints, but they have no descendants.

Hun Tuo smiled bitterly and said nothing.

In fact, although this is the regret of the Black Emperor, it makes some people secretly relieved. The Heavenly Emperor is so terrifying. If his son inherits the Innate Holy Body Dao Embryo, he will rise like the Heavenly Emperor and Wubei Great Emperor. What are you fighting for?!

It would be better if they were all self-proclaimed in the source of the gods, and they would not lie in the world for thousands of years.

“Hou, even your descendants are going to rhyme, our generation is really old.” The Black Emperor was rarely serious and let out a long sigh.

“The years are merciless, they will never return, and once they look back, they will change over time.” Hun Tuo agreed.

“If you don’t become an immortal, you will eventually die in the mortal world. I hope that one day I can follow the Emperor of Heaven to conquer the Immortal Realm.”

In the vast universe, hundreds of millions of living beings, there are a few people who can prove the Tao and become emperors, and those who can prove the Tao and become immortals are even more slim.

“The emperor doesn’t have the medicine of immortality now, but there are immortal peach trees dug from the mountain of immortality planted in the immortal palace. If you do well, maybe the emperor will give you one. 99 Black Emperor Road.

Hun Tuo’s eyes moved, as if he was thinking about something, and then he turned his eyes to refine his mind.

“Let’s see how many of these people can pass the selection.

This is the task assigned to him by the Emperor of Heaven. Although it is very simple, it cannot be sloppy.

one day, two days, three days

A month has passed.

Some of these arrogances withdrew from the Heart Refinement Formation early, and at this moment they can only stand on one side and watch the other arrogances in the big formation.


A splendid ray of light shot up into the sky, and the thirty arrogances left in the great formation all felt at the moment, all opened their eyes, and there were disillusioned stars in their eyes.

The so-called Heart Refinement Formation is not only used for selection, but also to hone the Dao Heart of these geniuses.

Of course, this is only for those Tianjiao who really want to join Asgard.

As for those arrogant geniuses, they have long since been kicked out.

“I really didn’t expect that the Heart Refinement Formation has such a powerful effect. I feel that the bottleneck that has not been moving for a long time has loosened.”

The eyes of the Holy Maiden of Yaochi trembled slightly, with some uncontrollable excitement.

“As expected of the formation arranged by the Emperor of Heaven, after passing it, it is comparable to the decades of hard work we spent outside!” Tuoba Shan sighed.

They all passed the selection and are now members of Asgard.

“Very well, you are all selected through the gap, and you are this group of people who entered the Asgard. I hope you will cherish this opportunity.”

Seeing that everyone ended the selection, Hun Tuo came over and said to everyone.

“I’ll wait and remember!”

More than 30 Tianjiao bowed and saluted.

Although Hun Tuo has the reputation of being a god, he is really unpopular, but after all, he is an old man of Asgard, and he still has to give him the face he deserves.

“If you pass the selection today, you can come to the Immortal Palace to listen to my sermon.”

A (Xiao Li Hao) resounding voice resounded through the fairy palace, like a fairy sound, accompanied by the blooming of golden lotus flowers.

“My God! It’s the Emperor!”

“Can we listen to God’s preaching?!”


“Am I dreaming!?

The arrogant crowd was extremely excited.

For them, it was an absolute honor to listen to the sermons of the God of Heaven.

Everyone looked up and saw a figure appearing in the depths of Asgard, along with the river of time, ups and downs under its feet.

“This…is the Heavenly Emperor?!”

“I can’t see the true face of the Emperor at all, as if hidden in the void, mysterious and stalwart!”

“God is immortal!

Even though there were only thirty people, the sound like a tsunami erupted from the mountains, and it came from the sincerity. The Emperor of Heaven has made great achievements, coerced the universe, and pacified the source of the darkness and turmoil. Not only them, but even their ancestors must pay homage.

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