While Ye Tian was thinking, an elder appeared and looked at everyone with a solemn expression.

"Today is the auspicious day for the selection of the Holy Son in the Hongmeng Holy Land!"

The elder's voice was not loud, but it was clearly heard by everyone present.

He was at the Cave Heaven Realm, and his voice resounded directly in everyone's ears.

The Hongmeng Holy Land has very distinct levels.

Those who practice Qi and build foundations are disciples of the Holy Land!

Those at the Cave Heaven Realm are outer elders!

Those at the Awakening Realm are inner elders!

Those at the Spiritual Realm are core elders!

Those at the Nirvana Realm are true elders!

Those at the Extraordinary Realm are Supreme Elders!

As for the Saint Realm, there is only one Saint Lord of the Hongmeng Holy Land!

"Prepare the Holy Son, anyone can join the fight!"

"But only those with excellent talents and strength can be qualified!"

When this outer sect elder spoke, his meaning was very clear.

Everyone can compete for the position of the candidate saint, but if you are not talented and strong, it will be in vain in the end.

And when he spoke, his eyes were mainly on the four geniuses on the high platform.

It was obvious that he wanted to choose the candidate saint from the four of them!

"After one stick of incense, the disciples who want to compete for the position can go up to the high platform."

While the outer sect elder was speaking, many eyes were still looking at this place from all over the holy land. There were even two eyes looking at this place from the top of a huge mountain deep in the holy land.


On the top of the mountain, an old man sighed:"Ten years ago, all the geniuses of my Hongmeng Holy Land died, and we have been suppressed by other holy lands until now."

"There is not a single one with outstanding talent among the foundation-building disciples, and they have fallen to the point of looking for the Holy Son among the Qi-training disciples!"

His face was full of compassion, with a look of misery and helplessness.

"These four geniuses are already the most talented among the thousands of disciples. Although they have king-level physiques, the gap between them and previous saints is too huge!"

"If the battle for the geniuses was not about to come again, I really wanted to go to other Dao realms to capture a few Saint Body monsters to suppress the situation!"

Hongmeng Holy Land was extremely prosperous ten years ago.

Not to mention the King Body, there were also several Saint Body.

It can be said that there were many geniuses, and the other holy lands and Dao sects that were suppressed could never raise their heads.

But in the battle in the secret realm ten years ago, Hongmeng Holy Land was defeated and all the geniuses with strong talents died.

This led to the bleak situation today!

"Don't be impatient."

In front of the old man was a woman, dressed in luxurious clothes and with an intimidating temperament.

She was shrouded in a faint light and her face could not be seen clearly, but she had a voluptuous figure and a terrifying and powerful aura.

Hongmeng Holy Land, Holy Lord!

This is just one of her clones!

She stared at the mountains and rivers for thousands of miles, and said lightly:"Holy Son, maybe you are not one of these four people." The old man was immediately surprised

:"Holy Lord, have you figured out any secrets?"

The woman chuckled,"Just now my original body sent back a message that from today on, a man of destiny will appear in Hongmeng Holy Land!"

As soon as these words came out, the old man was shocked, and his eyes widened with excitement.

Man of destiny!

"Could it be that after ten years of decline, our Hongmeng Holy Land is finally going to welcome a peerless genius?"

The Holy Lord did not comment,"After the appearance of the Son of Destiny, perhaps, it can add fuel to the flames!"

As she was thinking, her eyes fell on the square, and she felt Ye Tian's flawless body and raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Is it him?"


On the square of the Holy Land, countless disciples looked at the platform, their eyes full of eagerness and envy.

But no one climbed the platform to compete with the four geniuses for the position of candidate saint.

Because these four people in the Holy Land have long been famous.

"The four of them have extraordinary identities. They are either young masters of ancient aristocratic families or princesses of the cultivation dynasty. They are extremely powerful in nature and we are all inferior to them!"

Among the four people: there is a young man with a sword, standing tall and majestic, with a hundred-year-old servant beside him, with unparalleled momentum! There is a girl riding a beast, cute and adorable, with the beast roaring under her crotch!

There is a handsome young man, waving a long fan, with a maid beside him!

There is also a cold and arrogant sister from the War Dynasty, with fluttering clothes, and strangers are not allowed to approach!

The four of them have a domineering aura that looks down on other disciples. Just the aura of their bodies attracts everyone's attention.

"Let’s not talk about their cultivation, just the king-level physique of the four great geniuses alone is enough to scare us ordinary people away and make us unable to compete!"

Among the disciples present, no one can compete with the four in terms of innate physique strength.

So they are just envious,"I don’t know who will eventually become the candidate for the Holy Son, I must hug his thigh in advance!"

Amid the discussion of these disciples, an incense stick of time passed in the blink of an eye.

The elder appeared again, glanced at everyone and said lightly:

"Since no one is on stage, the candidate for the Holy Son will be selected from these four geniuses.……"

Before he finished speaking, a figure rushed out from the crowd.

Ye Tian!

With a determined look on his face, he raised his hand high:"Elder, I want to compete for the candidate Holy Son!"

As soon as Ye Tian's voice came out, the whole audience was in an uproar.

Countless eyes fell on him instantly.

Thousands of disciples were stunned,"You are not even at the first level of Qi training, and you dare to come on stage to compete?"

"Is this kid stupid? Any finger of those four geniuses can crush him to death!"

Ye Tian has not started practicing yet, so there is no Qi training aura on his body.

When people looked at him, they all showed mocking expressions on their faces.

The four young men and women on the high platform looked at him and showed indifference in their eyes. There was even disdain in the eyes of the two men.

"Young man, you haven't entered the cultivation stage yet, so you can't participate in the competition."

The elder also had a look of displeasure on his face. He thought that another genius would come out. But it turned out to be a disciple who had not yet cultivated. Isn't this a waste of time?

So he wanted to drive Ye Tian away.

Ye Tian gritted his teeth and said,"If I enter the Qi training stage, can I participate in the competition?" The system task has been released, and he can only complete it.

So after thinking for a long time, he went on stage with a stiff upper lip.

Just now, he thought for a while, and after communicating with the system, he knew that the infusion of spiritual energy would allow him to enter the Qi training stage.

And he has a flawless body, so it is likely that he will make rapid progress.

So Ye Tian rushed up at the last moment, to fight once!


As soon as Ye Tian finished speaking, he heard the disciples below laughing.

"Ye Tian, you and I joined the Holy Land at the same time and practiced for a year."

"I have already reached the third level of Qi training, and you have not yet entered the door. Now you actually want to compete for the candidate for the Holy Son? Don't joke!"

This disciple is also a medicine boy, and the two know each other.

He sneered loudly, letting everyone know Ye Tian's name.

Suddenly, the square was filled with cold laughter.

"The selection of the candidate Holy Son by the Hongmeng Holy Land is a sacred and extraordinary matter, not a place for you to mess up!"

"Get down from here, don't get in the way of the high platform!"

"You've delayed the auspicious time, get out of the sect yourself!"

Almost one-sided voices came, thousands of disciples shouted for Ye Tian to get out.

If the elders were not present, they might have beaten Ye Tian down.

"You are just an ant, are you worthy to stand with us?"

Even the four great geniuses snorted coldly.

They were born with extraordinary backgrounds and excellent talents. They were arrogant and naturally had no good face when they saw Ye Tian coming on stage without knowing what was good for him!

And Ye Tian simply ignored everyone. He just looked at the elders and waited for an answer.

The outer sect elder was about to raise his sleeves to sweep Ye Tian off the high platform, but suddenly he heard the voice of the Holy Lord in his ears, which made him slightly stunned.

Then he looked at Ye Tian deeply and said in a deep voice:

""As long as your cultivation exceeds that of these four geniuses, the position of the Holy Son will be yours!"

This sentence surprised everyone.

The four geniuses were especially slightly surprised, but they didn't take it seriously in a blink of an eye. No matter how powerful Ye Tian was, could he still surpass them in an instant?

This was probably a difficult problem given to him by the elders!

The other disciples also showed a mocking expression on their faces, waiting to see the joke.


Ye Tian didn't think too much, he was thinking about how to complete the task.

After hearing the elder's agreement, he immediately shouted in his heart:

"System, start filling the body with spiritual energy!"

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