The moment Ye Tian activated the reward in his heart, spiritual power suddenly began to roar above the Holy Land Square.

Under the eyes of the crowd, people discovered that a spiritual power vortex appeared on Ye Tian's body!

Hanging high above his head, there was an extremely rich spiritual power that enveloped Ye Tian's whole body and rushed madly to his Dantian!


In an instant, a faint aura emanated from him, which was a sign of entering the first stage of cultivation, the Qi training stage.

"This... is this cultivation?"

People cried out in surprise. Even the elders were a little surprised when they saw the spiritual energy vortex above his head.

Because this spiritual energy was too rich!

"Qi training level 2!"

In just a moment, Ye Tian broke through another small realm.

And it's still going on!

He felt that his whole body was full of rich spiritual power, and it was still growing rapidly.

The spiritual power in Dantian was filled and compressed, filled again, and compressed again!

Quantitative change leads to qualitative change

"The third level of Qi training!"

"Qi training level 5!"

In just a few breaths, he reached the level of ordinary outer disciples!

This made people look shocked, their eyes widened in disbelief.

"What’s going on? How could he break through the third level of cultivation in an instant? This is so weird!"

"Even if he is lucky enough to enter the Qi training stage, it is impossible for him to break through the three realms!"

No one answered their doubts.

Ye Tian's aura surged again.

The rich vortex spiritual power seemed to turn into substance, washing over his body.

"Qi training level seven!"

After breaking through the realms one after another, Ye Tian's body was covered with a faint glow, appearing to be extraordinary.

The aura spreading from his body had shocked all the disciples.

Thousands of disciples looked at Ye Tian with surprise and doubt on their faces.

This was the first time they looked at Ye Tian directly, and the contempt and disdain in their eyes turned into doubt at this time.

"Breaking through seven realms in a row, what kind of monster is this……"

At this moment


A wave of spiritual power spread out from Ye Tian's body.

Like autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves, it swept away.

It lifted up the rubble on the ground, hit the giant tree at the foot of the mountain, and broke through the hole directly!

"Ninth level of Qi training!"

"This is impossible!"

"He was clearly just a mortal before, how could he possibly break through the nine realms!"

"In just a few breaths, he actually reached the peak of Qi training. Too evil!"

On the entire square, the four great geniuses all had doubts on their faces, and there was an uproar.

Ye Tian stood with his eyes closed at this time, and a faint glow flowed on his body, making the whole person look like a banished immortal.

Mysterious and extraordinary!

And with the spread of the ninth level of Qi training, the momentum was close to the four great geniuses!

"I misjudged you."

The elder of the outer sect said in a deep voice:"Perhaps it is the accumulation of knowledge that leads to successive breakthroughs!"

The eyes of the geniuses trembled when they heard this, and their eyes looking at Ye Tian became deep and hostile.

They were either princesses of a dynasty or young masters of a cultivation family, and they had extremely rich cultivation resources.

The reason why they joined the Hongmeng Holy Land was to become the king among the disciples of the holy land and obtain the inheritance of the saint!

After all, the Hundred Battles Domain is only a small one among the three thousand domains in the entire fantasy world.

But the Hundred Battles Domain is also millions of miles wide and includes three holy places.

And these three holy places each have a saint who suppresses one side!

In the case of the disappearance of the ancient emperor, the saint's cultivation is respected in the world!

So it can attract countless geniuses to come to the holy land to seek the truth

"He broke through nine realms in a row. This boy has a good talent?"

The four great geniuses looked at each other with doubt in their eyes.

"But if he is only at the ninth level of Qi training, his natural fighting power is still not as good as ours!"

They each have their own foundation. Even if Ye Tian is at the same level as them, they are confident that they can kill Ye Tian in a second in a life-and-death fight.

So they narrowed their eyes and did not feel much threat.


At this time, a strange sound came from behind them, and they turned around in surprise. They saw that Ye Tian had an extremely strong spiritual power that suddenly erupted.

Like a spiritual power, it smashed outside the high platform, making a shocking noise!

This strong momentum made all the disciples change color and look horrified!

"This is no longer the power that can be exerted by a person in the Qi Training Stage. Could it be that he has been promoted to the Foundation Establishment Stage?"

"No! He is still in the Qi training stage, but this mysterious aura……"

"Could it be the legendary supreme realm?"

A horrified voice instantly rang out, reaching the ears of every disciple, shocking them all into silence. The look in their eyes when they looked at Ye Tian no longer contained disdain and ridicule.

Instead, they were filled with astonishment and disbelief.

"The Supreme Realm! The legendary realm!"

Qi training, foundation building, cave heaven, awakening, soul... and other major realms all have nine levels.

Generally, as long as you break through the ninth level, you can enter the next major realm.

The strength will change drastically.

But these nine levels are the peak, not the limit.

Above it, there is a legendary realm, the Supreme Realm!

Only a peerless monster that has never appeared in a thousand years can touch this realm.

Once you enter the Supreme Realm, your strength will undergo an extreme transformation!

Even if you are in the Qi training stage, your strength can be comparable to that of the foundation building stage! It is even more overwhelming to crush everyone in the same realm, and no one can defeat you!

"In ancient times, there were very few geniuses who could break through and reach the supreme realm. What kind of monster is this Ye Tian, and how could he be so amazing?"

"If he hadn't fallen, he would have been a powerful hero in the future, invincible in the world!"

On the square, all the disciples looked at Ye Tian standing with his hands behind his back, as if they were looking at a big sun, not daring to look directly at him!

They subconsciously looked away, avoiding Ye Tian's gaze.

They felt their faces burning, as if they had been slapped in the face.

The ninth level of Qi training can be achieved through time and practice, but this supreme realm... is no longer a matter of time, but talent!

If you don't have enough talent, you will never be able to reach the ultimate realm in your entire life!

"No one has reached the ultimate state in the past thousand years. I didn't expect to see it with my own eyes today. This scene is really horrifying."

"The last person to reach the ultimate state was the contemporary saint of Hongmeng Holy Land!"

"He entered the foundation-building stage at the ultimate level, was invincible at the same level, and sat in charge of the Hongmeng Holy Land!"

"Doesn't that mean that Ye Tian also has the potential to be a saint, and his future is limitless!"

The four great geniuses swallowed their saliva unconsciously.

They looked at Ye Tian with no more disdain, but with more serious eyes. They thought Ye Tian was an ordinary mortal, but he suddenly transformed into an extreme realm.

This talent is really a monster!

""Spiritual power is infused into the body, so powerful!"

Ye Tian had never thought that spiritual power infusion could allow him to enter such an extreme state.

He thought that reaching the ninth level of Qi training was the peak.

Now that he has entered the extreme state, it means that his talent and cultivation are better than those four geniuses.

Doesn't that mean... he can directly become a candidate for the Holy Son?

"Elder, can I become a candidate for the Holy Son now?"

The elder said it in front of everyone just now, and he can't go back on his word.

Ye Tian's words made the four great geniuses, the elders, and all the disciples silent.

They looked at Ye Tian with complicated expressions.

Everyone treated it as a joke, and didn't expect that Ye Tian's cultivation level really surpassed the four great geniuses.

The elder was still wondering why the Holy Lord arranged it this way, but now after seeing Ye Tian's talent, he immediately understood, so he spoke without hesitation:

"I declare that Ye Tian... is preparing for the Holy Son!" At the same time , the voice of the system also came from Ye Tian's mind.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the mission: becoming the prepared Holy Son!"

"Reward: 1 medicine gift pack!"

"New mission issued: Crush the King Body Prodigy!"

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