The three messages made Ye Tian look happy.

A gift pack of pills?

He couldn't wait to open it. He completed the task for the first time and got spiritual energy in his body. He broke through the ninth realm in an instant.

He even reached the legendary supreme realm!

This made Ye Tian feel that the system was extraordinary, and he was looking forward to the reward this time.


"Congratulations to the host for obtaining: 1 Enlightenment Pill!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining: 1 Sword Intent Pill!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining: 999 Qi-training pills!"

A crisp voice sounded, and the system list in Ye Tian's mind reappeared.

There were three pills on it that lit up in color. As long as he wanted to use them, he could take them out at any time.

"Enlightenment Pill, can make the host fall into enlightenment state once!"

"After the host swallows the Sword Intent Pill, he can cultivate the supreme sword intent!"

"Qi-training pills are useless in the eyes of the host, just eat them as candy beans!"

Ye Tian looked at the introduction of the first two pills, and he was shocked by the miraculous effects.

But after seeing the explanation of the Qi-training pills, he almost spit out saliva.

Eat them as candy beans...

But that's right, I'm now in the extreme stage of Qi training, and I'm only one step away from entering the foundation-building stage. Qi-training pills are really useless to me.

Ye Tian checked the new task: Crush the King Body genius.

He now gradually understood the system and knew that the system issued tasks, which must be related to what was about to happen.

Doesn't this new task mean that a big battle is about to happen?

He murmured in his heart:"King body, king-level physique……"

In the fantasy world, there are extraordinary bloodlines of the geniuses, who will awaken special physiques.

From low to high, they are: ordinary body, king body, holy body, divine body, and the legendary Tao body!

Ye Tian knew nothing about these, but after the system issued the task, he understood a little. He knew that the stronger the physique, the stronger the combat power that can be exerted!

"I don't accept it!"

Sure enough, before Ye Tian thought about which genius would come out to target him, he heard the young master among the four geniuses on the high platform speak coldly:

"Elder, we have gone through the outer sect competition to get to where we are now, so how can we give up the position of the Holy Son to others?"

"Although Ye Tian has awakened to the supreme realm and has unparalleled talent, his combat power may not be stronger than mine!"

"If I defeat him and prepare for the position of the Holy Son, I should change people!"

After saying this, the other three Tianjiao nodded at the same time.

They also thought so in their hearts.

As rebellious as they were, they would never agree with Ye Tian, the latecomer. They wanted to defeat Ye Tian and take back their position!


On the top of the mountain, the Holy Lord looked at Ye Tian's figure and chuckled:"I guessed right, my Hongmeng Holy Land has once again seen an extreme talent like the Supreme Realm!"

The old man smiled and said,"It seems that the man of destiny should be this boy!"

The Holy Lord nodded slightly:"It's not enough to have enough talent, the prodigy of my Hongmeng Holy Land must be able to fight!"

"How else can I avenge those disciples from ten years ago?"

The old man widened his eyes, somewhat suspicious:"Does the Holy Lord mean to train this disciple?"


The Holy Lord chuckled,"If you train him well, this young man named Ye Tian will be a sharp sword for me!"

The old man nodded when he heard this, with a thoughtful look on his face.

"One general's success is the result of the sacrifice of thousands of soldiers. Perhaps Ye Tian's rise will cause the fall of some geniuses.……"

"However, extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures. The man of destiny from our Hongmeng Holy Land has appeared. We will do everything we can to train him into a peerless evildoer!"

The Holy Lord's eyes fell on Ye Tian, and a light appeared in his eyes, as if he was planning something.


At this time, the elder in the square also received the voice transmission.

Looking at the four great geniuses and Ye Tian, he said in a deep voice:"You five are the only remaining geniuses of this generation in Hongmeng Holy Land!"

""You can fight on the stage to compete for the position of the candidate Holy Son!"

This was what the Holy Lord had just said, and the elder had no choice but to do it.

He guessed that the Holy Lord wanted to see how powerful Ye Tian was in combat besides his talent.

So he waved his hand, and only Ye Tian and the young master were left on the stage.

The others stood below the stage, looking at the two with burning eyes.

"The Supreme Realm versus the King-level Physique, who will win or lose?"

After seeing Ye Tian's evil talent, thousands of disciples no longer looked down on him, and now put him at the level of a genius. They were looking forward to the battle between the two, and who would have the last laugh.

Hearing everyone's discussion, Ye Tian's face was calm.

The young man's aura burst out, and the phantoms of mountains and rivers emerged, washing away the boundless power.

"My name is Wang Teng, and what has awakened is the Wang family bloodline, the Spirit King Body!"

"In the future, the Spirit King will awaken into a holy body, or even a divine body, and look down upon the world!"

"Seeing that you have a good talent, if you admit defeat now, I can let you be my follower, and in the future, you will follow me to conquer the world and dominate a region!"

He raised his nose slightly, with unparalleled confidence, showing off to Ye Tian. When the other three Tianjiao heard Wang Teng's words, instead of laughing, they thought it was normal.

It seems that everyone is born with pride and thinks that they will be infinitely glorious in the future!

This is also related to their talent and strength.

The other three Tianjiao also awakened the King Body. For example, the princess of the War Dynasty awakened the War King Body, and at the peak, she could break the void with her fist!

The sword-wielding boy awakened the Sword King Body, and when he cultivated to perfection, he could cut off mountains and rivers with one sword! The girl riding a beast awakened the Beast King Body, with the ancient power of riding dragons and phoenixes, and being chic in the world!

Each of them is a Tianjiao, and when they grow up, they are beings that can conquer a region!

If they get a great opportunity, the King Body will be promoted to the Saint Body or the Divine Body, which is even more terrifying.

They have extraordinary backgrounds and are only in the Qi Training Realm now. There are servants and followers around them to protect them, just to let them grow up safely


Ye Tian thought that the two would go to war directly, but he didn't expect that this young man actually wanted to take him as a servant?

He laughed immediately and looked at Wang Teng like an idiot:"You are at the peak of the ninth level of Qi training, and I am at the supreme level of Qi training. Who gave you the confidence to take me as a servant?"

"Besides, if I want to be king, I don't need anyone to lead me."

"I am the king!"

Ye Tian's domineering voice came out, and the faces of the four great arrogances changed slightly.

Especially Wang Teng, his aura suddenly rose, staring straight at Ye Tian:"I'll give you one last chance, kneel down! Otherwise, die!"

Ye Tian suddenly appeared and robbed their position as the prepared son of God, and Wang Teng had been angry for a long time.

Now Ye Tian is ignorant of refuting him in public, which makes Wang Teng's natural arrogance in his heart impacted, and his cold voice was already filled with murderous intent.

Although this is a holy land and he cannot kill people in public, no one will stop him from abolishing Ye Tian!

Under the outbreak of the Spirit King Body, strange phenomena appeared frequently in the surrounding void, and there were rays of divine light falling, full of murderousness.

As Wang Teng's murderous intent gradually rose, the strange phenomena changed suddenly, and the mountains and rivers flowed backwards.

The divine light was fierce and washed towards Ye Tian!


Ye Tian snorted coldly and was too lazy to say more. His aura suddenly emanated, and the might of the supreme realm emanated from his body.

The meaning was sharp, refined and condensed.

It seemed to turn into an invisible sword, pointing directly at the divine light.

When Wang Teng came to attack with anger, Ye Tian met him brazenly.


The two mighty forces collided with each other, making a huge noise, and spiritual power splashed everywhere.

Countless rocks were smashed!

"The Supreme Realm is nothing but this!"

Wang Teng laughed angrily. He was just testing the attack. After all, no one had ever seen the might of the Supreme Realm.

Now that he felt it, he was full of confidence.

"I will use my Spirit King Body to suppress you!"

His spiritual power spread out and merged into the strange image behind him. A shadow of a spiritual body condensed.

This was the Dharma image of the King Body. Although it was only a shadow, it was far beyond the Qi training stage!

Even the cultivators at the first level of foundation building could not match it!

The physique was overwhelming, and the talent was unparalleled!


Ye Tian did not hesitate and rushed out.

Although his physique was not as good as the king's body, it was also a flawless body, the peak of the ordinary body.

The cold light in his eyes surged, with a stern fighting spirit.

This was his first real battle after crossing the fantasy world.

Just now, he only used 10% of his extreme power to test.

Now, after seeing the phantom of Wang Teng's spiritual body, he felt the crisis and used 50% of his strength.

Without practicing any skills, Ye Tian swung his iron fist and attacked forcefully.

""Boom boom!"

The two fought, as if there was a golden light exploding, and as if there was a sound of mountains and rivers breaking. The mountain gate was turned into a chaotic battlefield, with boundless divine brilliance and fierce collision!

Wang Teng and Ye Tian were both brave and invincible, revealing mysterious divine power, and the battle was buzzing.

The other three Tianjiao and a group of disciples looked at the battle with doubts.

Surprise appeared on their faces.

"Wang Teng seems to be retreating!"

"How is it possible that the might of the king's body, even the shadow of the Dharma image, can't beat Ye Tian?"

As they were shocked, a roar exploded, and Wang Teng's figure flew out.

Blood dripped from the corner of his mouth, and his face was horrified.

Ye Tian, on the other hand, stepped out from the broken divine light in the sky.

Like a banished immortal.

He spoke lightly, his expression indifferent.��"Wang Ti, that's it?"

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