Ye Tian looked at Wang Teng in a cold tone:

"You can't even last a stick of incense in my hands, and you are still so arrogant?"

"How about you become my follower, I will lead you to conquer the Nine Heavens!"

Ye Tian threw back all of Wang Teng's words.

Just now, when he was in a violent state, Ye Tian exploded 90% of his extreme cultivation to crush Wang Teng.

This surprised him a little. If the King Body was so strong, how powerful would the higher-level Saint Body be?

How powerful would the legendary God Body be?

When Wang Teng heard Ye Tian's voice, he was furious:"This is just my first time fighting against an extreme cultivator, I'm not used to it yet!"


Ye Tian swung his fist again, and a huge fist shadow composed of spiritual power suddenly appeared.

"Then I will completely defeat you!"

Everywhere he passed, the divine light in the sky exploded.

He rushed straight towards Wang Teng, with a terrifying might.


Wang Teng was extremely shocked when he saw this. Ye Tian could actually attack.

He wanted to dodge, but he couldn't keep up with the speed, so he could only resist.

The terrifying power of the extreme realm made his face pale.

The extremely pure spirit���The fist shadow pierced his whole body with pain


The Spirit King Body is a King Body after all, and it can withstand this attack.

But Wang Teng's face turned pale again, and he looked at Ye Tian with fear in his eyes.

"I didn't expect that reaching the extreme level would be so terrifying!"

"Extremely sharp, extremely pure, and has the power to crush cultivators of the same level, and is naturally invincible!"

Several great prides were shocked, knowing that they had underestimated this realm, and also underestimated Ye Tian.

"Don't hurt my young master!"

After Wang Teng fell to the ground, the guardian maid flew to the side of the platform to guard him. The cultivation of the third level of the Cave Heaven Realm emanated, and there was an infinite flame moving in the void, as if to burn everything.

This terrifying divine power made Ye Tian pause and a little afraid.

These young masters and young masters are really difficult to deal with. They all bring guardians with them when they go out. If the younger ones can't beat them, the older ones will take action.

It's really disgusting!

Outside the platform, the outer sect elder saw this and his eyes turned cold.

However, he knew the arrangement of the Holy Lord in his heart, so he didn't take action against the maid now.

And Ye Tian, with a pill in his palm, put it into his mouth quietly.

""Sword Intention Pill!"

This was a pill given by the system, and he didn't know what effect it had. He could only feel a pure sword intention that seemed to be able to destroy the world!

After swallowing it, Ye Tian frowned instantly.

He felt an extreme pain coming from his dantian, which made him cry out.

"It was as if thousands of swords were piercing my body, and it hurt so much!"

After the Sword Intent Pill entered my body, it turned into sharp sword intents, wandering around Ye Tian's limbs and bones.

After eighty-one cycles, it returned to the Dantian.

This also made Ye Tian feel as if he had experienced eighty-one times of being pierced by thousands of swords. That extreme pain made him feel the extreme sword intent wandering around his body.

That kind of extremely strong and pure intention seemed to be engraved in his soul, making Ye Tian unforgettable!

After one cycle, all the power spread by the Sword Intent Pill condensed into an extremely strong sword intent and merged into his body.

In an instant, Ye Tian's comprehension of the sword reached its peak.

""Emperor Heavenly Sword Intent!"

This name appeared in Ye Tian's mind, making him ecstatic.

This Sword Intent Pill actually made him comprehend the Emperor Heavenly Sword Intent. That was the Great Emperor's technique, extremely powerful!

He looked at the maid, no longer afraid!

With the Emperor Heavenly Sword Intent in his body, he felt that his strength had increased several times again!

Even if the realm gap was too big to kill her, he could always save his life.

Wang Teng also recovered at this time and stood up angrily.

"I haven't lost yet!"

"I won't allow myself to fail!"

Wang Teng's hair and beard were flying, and he looked a little crazy.

"Today, I will use my strength to suppress Ye Tian!"

He is still arrogant now. The Spirit King Body explodes again, and the strange phenomenon of mountains and rivers reappears.

And Wang Teng's face turns red, his expression is distorted, and he screams

"I stained the vision with my blood, and the Spirit King's Nine Transformations defied the heavens!"

The other three Tianjiao looked suspicious and said,"Wang Teng actually forcibly upgraded his Spirit King body. If he is not careful, he will destroy his own foundation!"

"Ye Tian is already quite evil enough to be able to force him to this extent!"

"After the ninth transformation of Spirit King, his Spirit King body is probably approaching the level of Saint Body, and his strength has increased tenfold!"

"Ye Tian, I'm afraid he's going to die!"

Several people shook their heads and smiled bitterly, as if they saw Ye Tian's end.

Wang Teng's transformation was also complete at this time. The vision behind him had turned into a blood-red mountain and river. Even the phantom of the Dharma image was now red and sinister. The three-meter-high blood-red phantom was full of awe-inspiring momentum, as if one glance at it would devour the soul, terrifying!

""Ye Tian, die!"

Wang Teng roared, pointing his finger.

The shadow behind him roared to the sky.

As the blood-red mountains and rivers rolled back, they rushed madly towards where Ye Tian was. Even the void seemed to be dyed red with blood.

It was extremely terrifying!

"Is this the power of the peak of the King Body?"

Ye Tian looked at this scene and knew that his mortal body could not match it. Even with the blessing of the extreme realm, he could only tie with Wang Teng at most. This was not the result he wanted.

Instead, he wanted to crush him!

Therefore, Ye Tian did not hesitate and put his two fingers together.

He suddenly drew out towards the blood-red mountain and river vision in front of him.

""The Heavenly Emperor's sword will slash your foundation!" As soon as the words came out, Ye Tian's two fingers crossed the void.

Waves spread out from the fingertips.

With a mysterious and extremely powerful force, the void trembled, and with a vast momentum, it turned into a shocking sword intention.

Cut through the void!


It was like splitting mountains and cutting rivers, or melting ice and snow.

Wang Teng's strongest attack, the blood-colored mountains and rivers wrapped in the shadow of the Dharma image, roared and stopped.

Under this sword intent, it directly dissipated into nothingness!

The blood-colored sky, the strange attack caused by the king's body, collapsed instantly!


The vision was destroyed, Wang Teng vomited blood crazily, and was seriously injured.

He looked palely at the front, and Ye Tian's sword intent was still there.

With an indomitable momentum, he slashed towards Wang Teng.

Before the sword intent arrived, the aftermath arrived first!

Wang Teng didn't even have time to resist, and was directly thrown out, with a sound of breaking all over his body.

He collapsed on the ground, like a dead dog.


The maid exclaimed, and saw that the sword intent had not dissipated, and still slashed towards Wang Teng with an unmatched intention.

It seemed that she would not stop until she killed him.

She immediately blocked in front of Wang Teng, and the cultivation of the third level of the Cave Heaven Realm burst out.

A golden flame emerged from the void, and the terrifying divine power seemed to be able to burn the sky and destroy the earth.

It collided with the sword intent and made a huge roar.


The sword's power was so strong that it collided with the maid's golden flame, and a strong wave of energy erupted.

Many people were blown away.

Ye Tian was the farthest away, so he was just covered in dust.

The three geniuses were caught off guard by the impact, and the huge impact caused them to be slightly injured.

The clothes were tattered, and the spring scenery was half exposed.

The princess and the beast girl, whose enchanting figures could hardly be concealed, exclaimed again and again.

The most shocked was the maid.

She looked at her palm in disbelief at this time, with blood dripping down.

"A mere Qi training realm, actually, hurt me! ?"

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