The Cave Heaven Realm is two realms higher than the Qi Training Realm.

It is even more powerful than the Foundation Establishment Stage!

This maid thought that she could easily defeat Ye Tian.

Unexpectedly, during the fight, Ye Tian actually cut her palm!

"What kind of sword intent is that? How can it be so pure!"

"And it has the power to crush everything in its path, unrivaled!"

"If he were to enter the foundation-building stage and then display this sword intent, wouldn't it be even more powerful?"

The maid didn't dare to think any more. She looked at Ye Tian as if he were a demon. She thought that her young master had awakened the king body at such a young age, and even reached the ninth level of the spirit king, and almost entered the ranks of the holy body, which was already enough to defy the heavens.

Who would have thought that this Ye Tian was even more demonic!

Half an hour ago, Ye Tian was just a mortal who had never entered the practice!

Half an hour later, her young master was beaten to death by him!

Even she couldn't resist that terrifying sword!

Such talent, such rapid progress...……

"The evildoers of the ancient times were no more than this!"

The other three geniuses and countless disciples of the holy land were all shocked and puzzled when they saw this scene.

"A descendant of the king's body was defeated!"

"The protector beside him was also injured!"

Amid people's speculation, Ye Tiancai cleaned up the dust on his body, his face was a little pale.

The sword intent of the Emperor just now was powerful enough.

But this sword intent consumed all his spiritual power!

There was not even a trace of excess, which was really terrible!

"It seems that the ultimate move of Emperor Sword Intent cannot be used too often."

"It can only be used as a trump card!"

Ye Tian smiled bitterly, took out a handful of Qi-training pills and stuffed them into his mouth.

Although it did not help improve his cultivation, the spiritual power contained in the Qi-training pills did allow him to slowly recover.

One handful after another.

Dozens of Qi-training pills, really chewed like candy beans.

After the spiritual power in his body recovered by 30%, Ye Tian looked at the maid, fearing that she would come to kill him again.

"I can’t beat her now, but when I reach the foundation building stage, I won’t be afraid of her anymore!"

Ye Tian thought so, and a voice came from his mind, making him very happy.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the mission: crush the king-level genius!"

"Reward: 1 Talent Pill!"

"New task issued: Famous in the Holy Land!"

Ye Tian looked at the system list, and another pill lit up. He was a little excited.

This gifted pill was a good thing at first glance.

As for the new task, Ye Tian was a little confused. Famous in the Holy Land?

The Holy Land is too big, and there are probably many evildoers hiding in seclusion!

Not to mention the disciples, there are even dozens of elders who are in seclusion in the major mountains.

Famous in the Holy Land, at least let these people know of your existence.

They must be too arrogant and don't care about me at all...

It seems that this task is not easy to complete.

"How can I make them notice me? This is a problem."

Ye Tian has been growing medicine for a year, so he has no idea how many disciples there are in the holy land. He is now lost in thought.

At the same time.

Wang Teng struggled to get up from the ground.

He was covered in blood and looked extremely miserable.

His hair was scattered behind him. The image of a handsome young man disappeared without a trace, and he became extremely crazy.

He looked at Ye Tian with his eyes wide open:"You actually ruined my path of cultivation!"

"Ye Tian, I will never forgive you!"

Wang Teng's eyes were full of hatred, his eyes were bloodshot as if he wanted to eat Ye Tian alive.

He had never suffered such humiliation before, and thought that he would soar to the sky and dominate the world after coming to the Hongmeng Holy Land.

Unexpectedly, he was crushed by Ye Tian just after stepping into the mountain gate!

After his foundation was cut off by Ye Tian, no matter how much he practiced, he could not return to his previous strength, which was equivalent to being useless.

He had no hope of building a foundation in this life, and stopped at the Qi training stage!

"If you insist on killing me, then I won't hold back."

Ye Tian had no psychological burden.

In the fantasy world, if you are not ruthless, others will be ruthless!

Those who kill will be killed!

If they were alone now, Ye Tian might have killed Wang Teng directly to prevent future troubles.

"I hate it!"

Wang Teng was extremely crazy:"Since my path to cultivation has been cut off, you can't have an easy life either!"

As he spoke, Wang Teng's veins popped up all over his body, and he forced his physique to work. The blood-colored mountains and rivers behind him appeared again.

It was very unstable, and it seemed that it was about to collapse.

He turned around and looked at the other three geniuses. He said harshly:"My foundation has been cut off, and I can no longer cultivate in this life."

"After the ninth transformation of the Spirit King Body, it is very close to the Holy Body. I can give you the origin of the Spirit King Body to help you advance to the Holy Body!"

"No matter which of you three is promoted to a holy body, you must promise me to destroy Ye Tian!"

"Avenge me! Protect the dignity of the king!"

Wang Teng said fiercely, shocking everyone.

"Wang Teng was so angry that he wanted to give the origin of his royal body to someone else!"

"That is the bloodline inheritance, and he is willing to give it away!"

"After the ninth transformation of the Spirit King Body, it is close to the level of the Holy Body. Once other King Bodies are devoured, they will definitely become Holy Bodies!"

"In order to get revenge, he has already disregarded everything!"

It is rumored that besides the natural treasures, there is another way for the King Body to be promoted to the Saint Body, which is to devour the essence of other King Bodies.

But this requires others to give it willingly, otherwise it cannot be obtained.

So Wang Teng is risking everything, completely cutting off his own future, and also targeting Ye Tian.

It is shocking

"Do you really want to give me the origin?"

The young man with a sword took the lead, walked to Wang Teng's side, and spoke hurriedly.

There was excitement on his face:"As long as I am promoted to a holy body, I promise you that I will destroy Ye Tian!" He didn't care about anything else and directly agreed to Wang Teng's conditions!


Wang Teng's meridians were surging all over his body, and he could no longer hold on.

After the sword-wielding boy spoke, he stretched out his hand and scratched his heart, and suddenly a rich blood essence gushed out and condensed on the palm of his hand.

The extremely bright red blood essence, exuding bursts of divine light, was extremely mysterious.

After the sword-wielding boy took it, he did not hesitate and absorbed it into his body with a face full of joy.


He closed his eyes, and the sword king body on his body suddenly activated.

Suddenly, there was an endless sword intent, raging wildly.

And a terrifying divine light suddenly appeared, and the momentum rose sharply.

"Oh my god, he actually has the Sword King Body, which is the most powerful offensive physique among all the king bodies!"

"Now that he has integrated the ultimate essence of the Spirit King Body, once he is promoted to the Holy Body, he will be invincible!"

"Hongmeng Holy Land, the world is about to change!"

The aura of the sword-wielding young man continued to rise, and the vision of mountains and rivers appeared behind him, rushing up to the sky with blood.

There was even a phantom of a long sword, lying across the vision of mountains and rivers, bursting out with lotus flowers!

A vast momentum swept out in an instant.

It actually caused the aura of heaven and earth to descend!

In the holy land, there were countless figures, with various levels of cultivation aura, flying here at a rapid speed.

There were also many eyes, from the depths of the holy land, watching here.

It was as if the king body was promoted to the holy body, attracting countless people's attention.

Seeing this, Ye Tian suddenly became excited!

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