"Free pill: After taking it, no matter who you fight, as long as the host is not dead, you can get free from the opponent once!"

Ye Tian thought about the effect of the free pill in his mind. As long as you fight, you can get free from the opponent, and randomly get free skills, weapons, cultivation, etc.

After taking it, the effect lasts for ten days, and you can get free up to 3 times

"Let's take Lei Zucan and test the waters!"

Ye Tian punched out, and Lei Zucan was killed with horror on his face.

With strong reluctance and resentment in his eyes, he was gone!


A mysterious force emanated from Ye Tian's fist and flowed through Lei Zucan's body. It was the power of the Baicao Pill.

With the naked eye, a divine light was visible as it circulated in his body, as if he was looking for something to get for free.

Cultivation? Weapons? Skills? Attributes?

Ye Tian watched nervously, fearing that the Baicao Pill would bring him back a weapon, which would be a waste.


At this moment, the supreme bone in his chest trembled suddenly, and the golden crown of luck quietly emerged.

Instantly, the power of luck emanated, and the feeling of great luck in Ye Tian's heart reappeared.


The power of Baichao Dan flowed back from Lei Zucan and entered Ye Tian's body.

He was stunned for a moment, and then overjoyed!

A purple thunder force appeared in his dantian, emitting a violent aura, and it seemed to destroy the entire dantian in the struggle. The supreme power in Ye Tian's body emanated and directly suppressed it!

"Thunder attribute!"

"I actually got it for free!"

He looked at the chaotic light emanating from the Supreme Bone with a look of surprise.

"gas���Golden Crown, there is actually such an operation?"

It can make his wish come true, and the thunder attribute he wanted can be obtained for free!

Unparalleled luck!


When Ye Tian was delighted,

Lei Zucan's name on the stone tablet outside turned black in front of everyone.


"Lei Zucan is dead!"

"He is only one step away from entering the awakening realm. With this strength, how can he not even have a chance to escape unless he encounters other young supreme beings?"

The elders were completely shocked.

Especially the elders of Wuliang Holy Land, who watched Lei Zucan's name turn black, and Ye Tian's name replaced him and became the tenth sequence.

The bright red name stimulated the eyes of the elders!

"It doesn’t matter. The other disciples have already gathered together. As long as they meet Ye Tian, they will work together to kill him!"

"It can be regarded as revenge for Lei Zucan!"

The elders of the Zhan Dynasty and the Beast King Clan looked at the outer stone tablet with a gloomy face.

"I wonder what Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu are ranked!"

The moment they looked at it, they were stunned.

They rubbed their eyes in disbelief, with a blank look on their faces.

"The outer stone tablet is ineffective? Why are there only two names of Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu on it, and the names of hundreds of other disciples have turned black?……"

The two men's doubtful voices attracted the attention of many elders.

They all looked at him with deep thoughts in their eyes.

"Maybe there is something wrong with the stone tablet, but this has never happened before."

"What you mean is that except for those two girls, all other disciples of our sect are dead, so the name turned black?"

"What a joke! It's the most ridiculous thing in the world!"

"No matter how powerful they are, can they kill all the disciples in an instant?"

"Then tell me, why are Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu ranked first and second on the stone tablet with only the strength of the foundation-building stage?!"

Several elders began to argue in speculation, and they didn't know what happened.

The Great Elder of Hongmeng Holy Land was also shocked. What big move did Ye Tian make after becoming the tenth sequence?

Did he really kill all the peripheral disciples?

After the Great Elder had this idea in his heart, it expanded uncontrollably.

Especially when he thought of Ye Tian's sword that was amazing in Hongmeng Holy Land!

"The might of that sword can allow him to transcend a great realm and kill the enemy!"

Thinking of this, the elder's expression suddenly became excited, and he even began to tremble and laugh.

""Good, good, good!"

After saying three good words, the elder laughed wildly:

"The stone tablet is a thing from the Holy Ruins, how could there be any problem with it!"

"There is only one result from all this, and that is that Ye Tian and the other two will slaughter all the geniuses of your sect outside the Holy Ruins!"

"Fortunately, you have gathered people together, otherwise Ye Tian would have to spend a lot of effort to kill these people!"

While speaking, he pointed with his hand.

The elders looked and found that there was a bloody rain floating down from the sky outside the Holy Ruins.

This made their expressions suddenly change, thinking of the same scene ten years ago!

"Could it be that all the Tianjiao in the outer area are really... dead!"

Although they didn't believe it in their hearts, the facts were in front of them.

The endless blood rain was even thicker than ten years ago, and it spread over a thousand miles at a glance!

The entire outer area of the Holy Ruins seemed to be shrouded in blood.

"Countless geniuses who had been cultivated with hundreds of years of effort just died like that?"

"Hongmeng Holy Land, you are too cruel, you actually killed everyone!"

The fear and sadness lingered in the hearts of the elders. All the Tianjiao died!

This kind of thing finally fell on their heads.

"I am not willing to accept this!" The elder of Wuliang Holy Land cried bitterly.

Every time they enter the Holy Ruins, the major sects will take turns to take out the supreme treasure as a reward for the stone tablet ranking of the outer disciples.

As for the sequence ranking deep in the Holy Ruins, they are competing for the opportunity of the Holy Ruins, which is not included!

The last time was Hongmeng Holy Land, which took out a volume of the Saint's treasure technique as a reward.

Because there are many Tianjiaos descending on the outer periphery of Hongmeng Holy Land, the treasure technique was obtained by their own people with strength!

The disciples of other sects were jealous, and they worked together to attack and kill hundreds of Tianjiaos in Hongmeng Holy Land, snatch the treasure technique and conspire to kill people.

In the end, it was obtained by Wuliang Holy Land!

"This time, the supreme treasure will become Ye Tian and the other two's!"

The expressions of the elders suddenly changed, and they were furious and angry, vomiting blood one after another.

Especially the elders of Wuliang Holy Land, they were even more unwilling.

This time, the opportunity treasure was provided by Wuliang Holy Land!

It was floating on the outer stone tablet, blooming with brilliance!

"I will distribute the peripheral ranking rewards to you all!"

The great elder of Hongmeng Holy Land was extremely happy, and his voice resounded in all directions at this time.

He stretched out his hand and pointed, and the treasure that suddenly bloomed in the sky, with endless divine brilliance and golden light, fell to the outside of the Holy Ruins and merged into it.

"Ye Tian, the war is coming, hurry up and improve your strength!"

After the elder did all this, his heart was in turmoil:"The rest depends on your luck!"


Inside the Holy Ruins.

After Lei Zucan was killed, the void cracks in the collapsed Holy Medicine Garden did not disappear. They actually began to spread to the surroundings, as if they were going to annihilate the entire periphery of the Holy Ruins!

"Go to the depths of the Holy Ruins!"

Ye Tian and the other two were frightened by this strange scene. They had already traveled a hundred miles away and headed towards the depths of the Holy Ruins.

There were no other disciples of other sects here, so the three of them moved forward quickly as if walking on flat ground.

During this period, Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu took action to kill the fierce beasts and obtain the blood stone. Their cultivation bases were constantly improving and had reached the peak of the ninth level of foundation building.

Ye Tian did not take action.

The effect of the free pill was still there, and he could get it for free twice.

So he couldn't waste it on the fierce beasts. He was waiting for those sons of the sequence!

"What is that?"

As the three of them walked forward, they felt a sudden burst of divine light above the sky outside the Holy Ruins.

A lotus with golden light was floating towards the three of them.

Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu only took a glance, and their pretty faces were filled with shock. They spoke in a lost voice.

"The Great Emperor Dao Lian?"

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