The Great Emperor's Lotus?

Ye Tian was surprised when he heard the two people exclaiming.

The golden lotus in the sky that was blooming with endless divine light was the thing of the ancient Great Emperor?

What a joke!

Isn't it said that the Great Emperor is unique throughout the ages, and a random wisp of Qi can crush the void?

"This lotus looks extraordinary, but it doesn't have the terrifying power of the emperor!"

Ye Tian was thinking in his heart, and he didn't feel any danger from the lotus.

He stretched out his hand and immediately the lotus with golden light blooming was called in front of him.

Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu covered their mouths and came forward after being shocked.

Seeing the confusion on Ye Tian's face, they couldn't help but smile.

"This Taoist lotus is not the lotus platform under the Great Emperor's seat that contains the meaning of the Great Dao of Chaos!"

"Rather, when the emperor broke through from the realm of saint to the realm of emperor, a lotus beside him was infected with a hint of imperial spirit!"

"It has been immortal for thousands of years and has been passed down to this day. It has the effect of breaking through realms!"

Ji Ziyan's beautiful eyes moved, looking at the golden Daolian, a little strange

"Wuliang Holy Land gave this lotus as a reward for the Holy Ruins Battle. It was originally prepared for its own disciples."

"I didn't expect that we would take him down so forcefully!"

Si Lingzhu smiled playfully and raised her little face:"If Wuliang Holy Land knew that Brother Ye Tian was so brave and invincible that he could kill all the geniuses, I'm afraid they wouldn't have given out such a good thing."

"I guess they are about to die of anger now, hehe."

After Ye Tian understood, he looked at Dao Lian in front of him with a strange expression.

With the effect of breaking through the realm?

Isn't it just in time!

The three of them have reached the bottleneck of the ninth level of foundation building, just in time to break through the realm and enter the cave heaven realm!

"Find a place without fierce beasts."

Ye Tian and his companions are now close to the depths of the Holy Ruins, and the fierce beasts here have become extremely violent. They are as strong as the third level of the Cave Heaven Realm, which is just suitable for Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu to kill and hone the Douzi Secret.

The combat power of the two women is constantly improving, and they are already comparable to the fifth level of the Cave Heaven Realm.

But if they want to break into the Cave Heaven Realm at the same time, the three of them need to find a secluded place.

Holding up the Dao Lotus with one hand, the golden light sprinkled on his body. Ye Tian felt that the Supreme Bone in his chest trembled slightly, as if it was very close.

It seemed that something in the storage bag also trembled slightly.

What surprised him even more was,"The void cracks seem to have stopped?"

Since the appearance of the Great Emperor Dao Lotus, the void cracks that spread out in the collapse of the small world of the Saint Medicine Garden.

It seems that they were suppressed by the Dao Lotus, and the speed of annihilation has slowed down, and they dare not move forward.

This strange state made Ye Tian and the other two people look thoughtful.

Just with a wisp of the Great Emperor's Qi, there is such divine power that can suppress the collapse of the void?


"Which emperor does this lotus belong to?"

Ye Tian asked as he walked. He knew nothing about the emperors of this world.

"Brother Ye Tian, do you know why the Hundred Battles Domain is called the Hundred Battles Domain?"

Si Lingzhu leaned close to Ye Tian, her protruding figure close to him, and she laughed and said,

"Because, the first emperor who appeared in the Hundred Battles Domain in ancient times was named: Emperor Hundred Battles!"

"When he passed away in old age, he left behind some inheritance, which enabled the major sects in the Hundred Battles Domain to survive to this day!"

"As great events came, other emperors appeared, breaking through the long river of time and following the footsteps of the Great Emperor Bai Zhan!"

The Great Emperor Bai Zhan?

After hearing this, Ji Ziyan also spoke in a deep voice:"It is rumored that the Great Emperor Bai Zhan once suppressed the Dark Ages with his bare hands, sweeping across an era, and became an emperor after a hundred battles, so he took this as his imperial name!"

"This Taoist lotus is the lotus that swayed beside the Hundred Battles Emperor when he broke through the Emperor Realm!"

"The ancient scripture of the Great Emperor of Hongmeng Holy Land, Dou Zi Mi, is said to be created by the Great Emperor Bai Zhan!"

Ye Tian understood after hearing the explanation of the two.

It turned out that Bai Zhan Domain had such a history. What kind of figure would he be to suppress the darkness of an entire generation and let the emperors of later generations follow in his footsteps.

Even the mysterious and amazing ancient scripture Dou Zi Mi was created by the Great Emperor Bai Zhan!

Such a brilliant person made Ye Tian feel very proud.

"Only when a person reaches the top can he live up to his achievements!"

As the three of them walked and talked, Ye Tian learned a lot about the Hundred Battles Emperor and the Hundred Battles Domain.

With deep thought in his eyes, he somehow thought of the phantom on the Taoist platform in the Saint's Medicine Garden.

The same disdain for eternity!

"What a brilliant era it must have been in ancient times.……"

There was envy and infinite hope in his eyes, and his heart was full of waves.

"Sooner or later, I will also climb to the top, go against the long river of time, and feel that era!"

Moving forward in contemplation, after defeating a wave of fierce beasts, Ye Tian and the other two appeared on a mountain top. The terrain here is steep and fierce beasts are rare.

It is just right for breaking through the realm.

"The Great Emperor Dao Lotus."

Ye Tian and the other two sat cross-legged and stretched out their hands to push.

Suddenly, three flying flowers fell from the Dao Lotus that was emitting golden light and merged into the bodies of the three people.

And endless divine light suddenly emanated, as if it had fallen from the sky, covering the entire mountain top.

Infinite spiritual power filled the surroundings and quickly merged into the bodies of the three people!

The hazy light on the Dao Lotus appeared, emitting an extremely powerful force, like an emperor's light.

While the void was trembling, this power penetrated into the bodies of Ye Tian and the other two.

"Begin the realm-breaking!"

The peak cultivation of the ninth level of foundation building burst out from the three people.

The realm-breaking effect contained in the light of the Dao Lotus was activated by them and impacted the barrier in their bodies!

""Crack!" It came naturally

, without any hindrance at all.

Ye Tian felt that his whole body suddenly became light, as if his soul had ascended to another mysterious level.

His mind was extremely clear, and the power of the supreme realm had transformed, and it actually merged with a trace of the emperor's will, becoming extremely pure, as if one blow could tear the sky apart!

The first level of the cave heaven realm!

Ye Tian did not stop after breaking through the realm. The supreme bone on his body trembled slowly, emitting endless chaotic light, mixed with the light of the Dao Lotus, and circulated in his body for eighty-one cycles.


In an instant, a vast momentum with invincible power burst out from Ye Tian.

The body surface bloomed with colorful rays of light, and the strange phenomenon above the nine heavens reappeared!

In the purple mist, the Milky Way fell from the nine heavens, and the shadow of the fairy palace gradually appeared, magnificent and vast!

Promotion, Hongmeng Divine Body!

After breaking into the cave realm, Ye Tian's Hongmeng Divine Body prototype was finally completely transformed under the cover of chaotic light and imperial light.

He burst out with a domineering aura, causing the void to tremble and buzz.

He sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain, with a Taoist rhyme surrounding him. He looked like the Nine Heavens Immortal King, looking down on the world!

There is a kind of immortal divinity that flows through his limbs and bones, which makes Ye Tian's strength surge.

Just the momentum is released, and there is a terrifying power sweeping around!


At the moment when his aura burst out, there was a sound of clothes being torn.

Ye Tian subconsciously looked over and was suddenly stunned.

Then... his eyes were instantly fixed!

Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu were attacking the barrier with their eyes closed, their expressions were calm and indifferent.

But the clothes on their bodies were turned into ashes by the aura he just released!

The two of them were now naked in front of Ye Tian!

His heartbeat suddenly accelerated as he saw the boundless spring scenery...

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