As far as the eye can see, the air is rising.

Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu are like being bathed in the air of immortals, floating lightly.

With a faint golden light on their bodies, under the blessing of Dao Lian, they are about to break through the realm.

After the clothes are torn, Ye Tian can see the white delicate body at a glance.

The ravines on the chest, the flat belly, the slender legs... Every part of them is emitting light, which is fascinating.

"Too magnificent!"

Ye Tian glanced at the two people's figures, and this thought came to his mind.

He felt his heart surge and almost couldn't control himself.

It's too tempting!


The supreme bone in his chest trembled slightly, and Ye Tian restrained his mind and stopped looking.

At the same time, the misty air also completely enveloped the two people's bodies, and the sound of breakthrough was heard.

The power of the Cave Heaven Realm emanated, causing the wind and clouds to reverse.

Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu are both king bodies. The two broke through the first level of the Cave Heaven Realm, and their momentum suddenly rose several times.

Under the power of the Great Emperor Dao Lian , their physiques have transformed.

They have both been promoted to holy bodies!

There are strange phenomena hidden in their bodies, and only the fluctuations of the holy bodies have greatly improved the strength of the two!

The golden light of the Great Emperor Dao Lotus circulated, and after the three people broke through at the same time, the trace of the emperor's will on it slowly dissipated.

The Dao Lotus dissipated on the top of the mountain with the breeze.

At the same time, Ye Tian and the other two also stepped into the cave realm.

The first cave appeared behind him, exuding an extreme force of swallowing and pulling, and absorbing the spiritual power around him to feed back to the Dantian

"The speed of absorbing spiritual power has increased several times!"

In addition to attack, the cave can also assist in cultivation.

When Ye Tian saw that he had condensed the cave, he took out the attribute pill and swallowed it.

The pure medicinal power instantly split in the dantian and was guided by him to drill into the first cave.

Along with it, he got the thunder attribute from Lei Zucan!

"The first cave heaven, condense the attribute with thunder!"

Ye Tian had this idea after getting the attribute pill.

The power of thunder is extremely strong and yang.

It is extremely powerful and has unparalleled attack!

Since the attribute pill can transform the cave heaven into an attribute cave heaven with attribute power.

Then he will transform the first cave heaven into a thunder cave heaven!


The moment the thunder attribute entered the first cave, Ye Tian felt a shock all over his body.

In the dark cave, tiny thunders were born and spread throughout the cave, as if endless.

"It worked!"

Ye Tian was overjoyed. With the help of the attribute pill, he succeeded in fusing the thunder attribute.

From then on, in addition to the force of swallowing and pulling, the first cave heaven also had the power of thunder.

This was an unexpected killer!

"Can the purple thunder transform into golden thunder?"

Ye Tian thought of Lei Zucan's last finger of the Thunder Ancestor. The power of the golden thunder was so fierce and fierce that he began to think deeply.

A fragment appeared in his hand,"Nine Caves Condensing God Technique!"

"It is said that if one succeeds in cultivation, the spirits can be contained within the cave and follow me in attacks and battles?"

"This is similar to the Thunder Ancestor's Finger!"

The more Ye Tian thought about it, the more magical it felt. He stared at it for a while and found that he really couldn't understand the Nine Caves Soul Enlightenment Technique. He simply didn't bother to study it.

He took out the last Enlightenment Pill and swallowed it, and began to enlighten!

It doesn't matter if you don't understand it, an Enlightenment Pill can solve everything!


Surrounded by the breeze, Ye Tian closed his eyes and fell into enlightenment.

The symbols of the Nine Caves Soul Condensation Technique that he remembered in his mind turned into golden light and continued to appear. Ye Tian began to understand.

The first cave behind him also began to change...

At this time, Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu opened their eyes faintly, with ecstasy on their faces.

"Finally broke through into the Cave Heaven Realm and his strength increased greatly!"

"We have also awakened our holy bodies, and our combat power has been increased again. With the help of the Dou character secret, we can fight against the strongest people in the Cave Heaven Realm!"

""Ah! How come my clothes disappeared!"

The two of them exclaimed at first, and hurriedly looked at Ye Tian, and breathed a sigh of relief when they found that he didn't open his eyes.

Si Lingzhu said playfully:"Ah! Sister Ji, your breasts are so big……"

"Yours is not small either, with a baby face and big breasts, humph!" Ji Ziyan bit her lips with a strange look on her face.

The two of them took out new clothes from the storage bag and put them on while laughing, and their pretty faces were flushed.

"This is the first time I change clothes in front of a man.……"

I don't know what emotion it was. After changing their clothes, they frowned and looked at Ye Tian.

"How come Brother Ye Tian is still cultivating after breaking through the cave heaven?"

Ji Ziyan said in surprise:"Look at his first cave heaven, there is actually thunder power!" Si Lingzhu exclaimed:

"That scroll is the fragment of the Nine Caves Soul Enlightenment Art, Brother Ye Tian is actually comprehending it, and... succeeded?"

The thunder in the first cave heaven behind Ye Tian has emerged with golden light, which is extraordinary.

He exudes bursts of enlightenment power, spreading, making the two of them shocked at the same time.

"The cave can actually contain divine shadows and evolutionary attributes!"

"I thought it was just a legend, but I didn’t expect Ye Tian to be able to practice it successfully!"

"Moreover, it is the attribute of thunder. The successful fusion of this strongest attribute makes him superior to his peers right from the start!"

Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu looked at each other, their beautiful eyes full of envy and shock.

Throughout the ages, how many people have wanted to cultivate to this level, but have never been able to get started.

Ye Tian actually succeeded in understanding just after breaking through to the Cave Heaven Realm.

He is simply a monster!

"His talent, even in ancient times, is at the level of a demon!"

While the two were shocked, all the thunder in the first cave behind Ye Tian had transformed.

There was a golden light shining out, with a magnificent and arrogant meaning, and thunder exploded in the cave!

The thunder attribute dantian, the sacrifice was successful!

Ye Tian slowly opened his eyes, and golden thunder flashed in his eyes, and the majestic power penetrated his body, like an emperor. The indifferent look in his eyes made the two girls feel numb at just one look.

But in the blink of an eye, Ye Tian had returned to normal.

After seeing the two girls, he was slightly stunned. Have they put on their clothes?

He was about to get up and found that the power of enlightenment was still there, and there was no danger around.

This was a long-lost moment of tranquility after entering the Holy Ruins.

It is the best time to improve your strength and adapt to the new realm!

Ye Tian raised his eyebrows slightly:"What are you waiting for, comprehend the secret of the word fighting!"

He opened his mouth and shouted softly. Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu hurriedly sat cross-legged and closed their eyes again in surprise.

The three began to comprehend the secret of the word Dou!

Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu looked excited. Ye Tian actually exuded that kind of sudden enlightenment power again. Last time, he gave them the opportunity to improve their strength.

This time, there is still one. How dare the two delay!

After the three began to comprehend, the ancient secret of the word Dou was running on their bodies, and suddenly a sense of desolation emerged.

There was a phantom of an ancient killing field on the top of the mountain, and boundless murderous techniques evolved and appeared in it. The attack carried the power of the avenue, covering the three people.

For a time, their perception of the secret of the word Dou increased rapidly!

At this time, the speed of annihilation of the void cracks outside the Holy Ruins quietly accelerated.

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