The Dou character secret was performed, and Si Lingzhu waved her jade hand, and the attacking magic swept out with divine light, instantly killing countless beasts above her head.

She rushed towards Si Lingshuang with a surge of momentum, with infinite murderous intent.

This scene made Si Lingshuang's expression suddenly change.

"Douzi Mi!"

Of course she knew that the Great Emperor's ancient scripture Douzi Mi existed in Hongmeng Holy Land, but what shocked her was that Si Lingzhu had actually succeeded in practicing it.

"Among those geniuses ten years ago, only one person comprehended the secret of the word"fighting", and he was the number one young supreme being in the Hongmeng Holy Land at that time!"

"Si Lingzhu is just a kid, and his talent is not as good as mine, how can he succeed in his enlightenment?"

Si Lingshuang's pretty face was cold, and she felt the pressure.

She had felt the mystery of the Dou character secret once before. If the Hongmeng Holy Land Tianjiao had not been besieged, he could have killed at least a few young supremes!

The Dou character secret can really be called a killing technique!

""Dragon Control Technique!"

Si Lingshuang's murderous intent surged, and the nine caves behind him shook. When he performed the technique, a dragon roar suddenly sounded.

The divine light in the nine caves surged, and a hundred-foot-long dragon instantly stretched across the sea of blood.

It is essentially a dragon, with a trace of dragon blood, so it is called a dragon!

It seemed to cover the sky when it soared, and opened its huge mouth with terrifying divine power. One of its fangs was three feet long, biting towards Si Lingzhu with a monstrous smell.

With the power of the ninth cave realm on his body, he attacked and killed domineeringly.


Si Lingzhu showed no fear despite the shock on her face. With the Dou character secret in her hand, she rendered her aura like a Valkyrie.

Although her body was small, her fighting power was unparalleled!

With one punch and one kick, the phantom of the ancient killing field merged into her holy body, and her strength suddenly increased.

With the double combat power and the attack and killing skills, Si Lingzhu could fight at the peak of the cave heaven realm!

"Boom boom boom!"

Her tiny body continuously burst out with soaring divine light, and she kept flashing in the midst of Jiao Long's siege.

Because of her small body and extremely fast speed, Jiao Long couldn't touch her at all.

There was only the sound of the void vibrating, and countless evolved murderous techniques, covering Jiao Long's hundred-foot body.

Blast after blow left a series of bone-piercing wounds!

The divinity in Jiao Long's blood was also absorbed by Si Lingzhu's bathing, and her already extremely murderous aura became even more powerful.


With a palm strike, the Hundred-foot Proud Dragon was killed by Si Lingzhu's fatal blow.

The huge body fell into the sea of blood, and the keel boat was shaken up and down, and there was a torrent of blood splashing down.

This place turned into a Shura battlefield.

Si Lingzhu was in a fierce fighting spirit, and rushed towards Si Lingshuang without stopping.

The two beast kings fought together. The two people, who were already strong in physique, made a shocking roar in the collision of the power of the holy body.

With a momentum that made people tremble, they hit the true fire

"Little kid, you are still a little immature if you want revenge!"

After a brief moment of surprise, Si Lingshuang regained her playful expression.

"The gap in strength is too big. Even if the Dou character secret doubles your strength, you still can't kill me!"

She was not afraid at all. Her moves became increasingly fierce, and she completely let go.

Although Si Lingzhu was powerful, she was not strong enough to use the Dou character secret to cross eight small realms and kill people.

Si Lingshuang knew this problem, Ye Tian knew it, and Si Lingzhu herself knew it.

But she still fought.

Ye Tian was not panicked at all. With a faint smile in his eyes, he looked at the murderous technique evolved from the Dou character secret on Si Lingzhu.

"Only in life and death can one comprehend the true meaning of the Dou character secret!"

It was still this sentence that came out of Ye Tian's mouth.

The moment Si Lingzhu heard it, she felt as if she was enlightened.

She completely gave up everything, ignoring Si Lingshuang's murderous attack, concentrating all her mind on the Dou character secret, and the momentum of her every move suddenly changed.



Si Lingshuang also noticed this change. She sensed a dangerous aura coming from Si Lingzhu, and her momentum was increasing.

So she attacked regardless of everything, and in the blink of an eye, she had severely injured Si Lingzhu.

But a cold smile suddenly appeared at the corner of Si Lingzhu's mouth, and the murmur echoed around

"Douzi Secret, second level!"

Between life and death, she broke through her limits. She completely comprehended the second level of Douzi Secret!

In the shadow of the ancient battlefield around her, sacred mountains exploded, representing that Si Lingzhu had stepped into a new realm of Douzi Secret, and her combat power soared!

"Come again!"

She laughed loudly, rushing towards Si Lingshuang with extreme joy and murderous intent.

"Let me let you taste the helplessness and despair that the Douzi Secret brings you!"

Si Lingzhu no longer summoned fierce beasts, but turned into a pure killing weapon!

Every punch and kick carried the evolution of offensive and fierce techniques, and even the three thousand strands of hair had a sharp murderous intent.

If you touch it, you will be injured, and if you touch it, you will die!

The two people who were originally very similar in strength, after Si Lingzhu's Douzi Secret broke through, the situation had been reversed.

Si Lingshuang was pinned to the ground and beaten by her!


Si Lingzhu felt that he had never felt such a pleasure before. Every attack was smooth and powerful.

"Just because I became a saint, you became jealous and killed my people?"

"I am in seclusion to break through, and you are going to destroy my cave and cut off my foundation?"

"I was offering sacrifices to my clan members, and you attacked me, severely injured me, and drove me out of the clan?"

Si Lingzhu roared in anger, as if questioning, but also as if venting his anger. Si Lingshuang was overwhelmed by the attacking and fierce technique, and was already seriously injured.

Si Lingzhu didn't care, and completely turned into a killing god.

In the end, he even evolved a back cave, and directly swallowed up the seriously injured Si Lingshuang and annihilated him!

"I won't give up!!"

Si Lingshuang only let out a miserable cry, and was deeply shocked.

The world suddenly became quiet!

Only the sound of the blood sea surging in the ears, and the bloody smell in the endless sea breeze.

Si Lingzhu stared blankly at the cave behind him, a little absent-minded.

"I actually...really took revenge?"

"I actually killed Si Lingshuang and avenged my three thousand people!"

These two words came out of her mouth with sobs. As soon as she spoke, blood and tears rushed out of her eyes.

Si Lingzhu suddenly knelt on the board and kowtowed to the sky.

"Father, mother, brothers and sisters, and the people of the Ninth Clan……"

"Xiao Zhu has avenged you!"

She was already sobbing at the end.

The pleasure of revenge, mixed with extreme grief, made her face full of blood and tears.

Ye Tian and the others did not speak, but looked at Si Lingzhu quietly.

She needed to vent her emotions now, and it would be fine after she had cried enough.

Si Lingzhu kept kowtowed, and her beautiful forehead was blue and red. It took a long time for her to calm down.

After returning to the keel boat, she knelt down in front of Ye Tian.

"Brother Ye Tian, I will never forget your kindness!"

Si Lingzhu wanted to kowtow. She knew that without Ye Tian, her strength would not have improved so quickly and she would not have caught up with Si Lingshuang.

Even if Ye Tian had not given her advice, she would not have broken through her limits and would not have been able to take revenge.

This was her benefactor, and also the benefactor of the entire Ninth Vein clan!

"In this life, our Lingzhu will regard you as our master!"

"But if it is useful, I will sacrifice my life for it!"

Although Si Lingzhu is a woman, she spoke with a sonorous voice, with no hesitation.

Serve Ye Tian as the master, and sacrifice my life for him!

This is more loyal than being a follower!

Ye Tian was about to speak, at this moment, the cave behind Si Lingzhu trembled slightly, and a pure and domineering blood power was fed back to her

"I'm going to awaken my bloodline!" Si Lingzhu's face showed ecstasy.

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