Unexpectedly, after defeating and devouring Si Lingshuang and integrating all her flesh, blood and spiritual power into the cave, he could actually devour her blood.

The divinity in the holy body fed back to the flesh, allowing Si Lingzhu to begin to awaken her blood.

"Only when the Beast King awakens the ancient blood and has the power of atavism, will they be qualified to become the Beast God Body in the future!"

Si Lingzhu sat cross-legged in excitement, guiding the blood power in her body to travel around the body.

Begin to transform!

Ye Tian and Ji Ziyan looked at each other and stood on both sides to protect her.

Only to see an extremely dense blood rising into the sky, and countless shadows of fierce beasts appeared and disappeared, rising and roaring in the blood, making a trembling roar.

Dragons roared and phoenixes rang, tigers roared and wolves howled...

Almost all the fierce beasts in the world appeared in the blood.

Finally, it merged into an extreme power and was absorbed into the body by Si Lingzhu!

She stood up, and the blood on her body was extremely dense, almost catching up with Ye Tian.

After the awakening of the blood, her physique and combat power transformed again, and began to atavism.

Above the white and smooth ears, two small horns appeared inexplicably, looking smooth and harmless, but faintly exuding a sense of danger

"So cute."

Ye Tian looked at Si Lingzhu and laughed.

She was already cute and playful like a girl next door, but now she had two little horns, which made her look cute and silly.

Ye Tian couldn't help but touch her head. Si Lingzhu tilted her ears slightly as if enjoying it. When her little horns were touched, her pretty face turned red but she didn't resist. She looked harmless.

But it was only for Ye Tian!

If anyone else dared to do this, Si Lingzhu would definitely teach him a lesson with blood!

""Brother Ye Tian, I can practice the ancient scriptures now."

Si Lingzhu said excitedly, taking out a scroll and putting it in Ye Tian's hand.

Ye Tian was stunned:"What is this for?"

Si Lingzhu stuck out her tongue playfully:"I said before, as long as I can get revenge by following you, I will respect you and even give you the ancient scriptures to practice together!"

"I swore an oath to the Great Dao, I cannot go back on my word."

Ye Tian was stunned. Is there such a thing? He had long forgotten it.

Ji Ziyan nodded beside him, indicating that Ye Tian should accept it:"After she awakened her bloodline, she inherited the ancient scriptures without a teacher. The rest is for her to comprehend and hone herself."

"The Beast King Clan once had a great emperor. The ancient scriptures passed down may give you a surprise!"

Under the smiling gaze of the two, Ye Tian put away the ancient scripture scroll.

Now is not suitable for cultivation. The keel ship is still moving forward rapidly and is about to catch up with the other ship.

At the same time, Ye Tian heard the system voice in his mind.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing a superimposed task!"

"Mission Reward: 1 Attribute Pill!"


Completed a mission once?

After Si Lingshuang died, Si Lingzhu became the ninth sequence. Ye Tian was a little confused,"I didn't do anything just now."

He just gave Si Lingzhu a golden thunderbolt to keep her mind from being bewitched. He also pointed out her to break through the Dou character secret.

Does this count as completing the mission?

Ye Tian felt like he had opened up a new world.

"As long as I don't like the opponent, let them fight, and I will give them advice."

""I got a free attribute pill, it's so good!"

This is the true meaning of free stuff, you don't have to do anything, just talk and you get the benefits!

"I actually became the ninth sequence?"

Si Lingzhu came back to her senses and spun around happily:"It's like a dream!"

If she hadn't met Ye Tian who took her away, she probably wouldn't have had this opportunity even if she had reached the peak of the Cave Heaven Realm.

"Next, is the eighth sequence?"

Ye Tian looked at the other keel ship approaching in front of him, with a thoughtful look on his face.

"The difference in strength between these sequences doesn't seem to be that big. Is Si Lingshuang only slightly stronger than Lei Zucan?"

Seeing his doubts, Ji Ziyan said in silence:"The sons of each sequence have the supreme inheritance of the Taoism, and their strength stands at the peak of the Cave Heaven Realm."

"Among the top ten sequences, the last five are at the Saint Body level, and their combat power is not much different."

"Only the top five are the real monsters!"

Ji Ziyan's eyes were filled with longing, and Si Lingzhu's pretty face was also filled with hope.

"The top five sons of the sequence have fighting power comparable to that of the awakened cultivators. It is rumored that some of them have mastered supernatural powers beyond their level, and some have even awakened divine bodies!"

"They are completely above Lei Zucan and other sequences, and their ranking has never been shaken!"

Divine body?

Ye Tian was in deep thought. He relied on the system to awaken the Hongmeng Divine Body, and it took a lot of effort.

The foundation of the major sects is indeed strong, and there are even demons and geniuses who have awakened the Divine Body!

"I heard that in the various Dao sects, especially in other holy places, there are ancient monsters sleeping in the Dao God Source Stone, and they have been sealed until now."

"The skills these people practiced were all ancient scriptures, with infinite power and extraordinary fighting strength."

"Only when the real great era comes, they will be awakened and fight in the Three Thousand Dao Realms!"

Ji Ziyan knows a lot, and there is a little worry in her brows. Since those people are still in the sealed state and have not appeared, their strength is at least in the awakening state. After all, they are not people of the same era, but opponents of the wrong generation!

After listening to it, Ye Tian nodded slightly without saying much.

"No matter what opponent we are, one day we will catch up with them in strength, so don't worry."

He looked at the keel boat in front with a burning gaze, and said lightly:"Now, crushing these young supremes is the real thing!"

As he spoke, the keel boat they were driving threw blood stones into the light ball as if they were free, and rode the wind and waves while speeding forward. They had already overtaken the previous keel boat again and passed by.

The two sides just glanced at each other, and Ye Tian and the other two rushed to the front at an extremely fast speed.

A surprised voice came from behind:"Ten years later, I actually see the pride of Hongmeng Holy Land again? He looks familiar."

There was arrogance in the voice, and he was just surprised for a moment, then raised his hand slightly.

A golden dragon energy swept out in an instant, spanning the air in the air and transformed into a five-clawed golden dragon, suppressing it with a panicky power.


Ji Ziyan's face changed slightly, and she raised her hand in surprise, and actually used the same golden dragon energy.

A slightly smaller five-clawed golden dragon appeared and collided with each other.


Ji Ziyan retreated repeatedly as the golden divine light burst out, her face turning pale.

But the golden dragon phantom had already dissipated, and the dragon-bone boat of the three people was forced to stop.


The sound of breaking waves was heard, and the keel boat behind caught up.

A man's voice was heard faintly,"Ji Ziyan, you really entered the Hongmeng Holy Land!"

"This prince is here, why don't you pay your respects!?"

This voice made Ji Ziyan's beautiful face gloomy, her breasts trembled with strong resentment, and she glared at the front

"You and I are equal, no need to greet each other!"

While the two were talking, Ye Tian looked up and was slightly stunned.

The man looked similar to Ji Ziyan, and it was obvious that he was from the War Dynasty. He was probably the young supreme being. He turned out to be the prince?

However, what surprised Ye Tian was not him, but a figure standing next to him.

He exuded a terrifying aura and was much stronger than the prince!

"There are actually two Sons of Sequence on this keel ship?"

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