When Ye Tian saw this pill, he was overjoyed.

Borrowing Power Pill!

He had never had the chance to use this pill after getting it, but now it came in handy.

"Power-Borrowing Pill: After taking it, you can borrow the power of anyone within a hundred feet around you!"

"The higher the opponent's cultivation level, the smaller the proportion of borrowed power will be, and the opponent's strength will not be damaged!"

"The duration of the drug effect is ten breaths!"

After Ye Tian finished reading the notes of the pill, his eyes trembled.

This pill meant that he could borrow 80% of the power of the Awakening Realm!

And for the Soul Realm, 50%! For the Nirvana Realm, 30%!

As for the Transcendent Realm, he could only borrow 10% of the power at most!

"One percent strength……"

Ye Tian looked up at Yun Mu, feeling her destructive aura, and asked

"Yun Mu, what realm are you at when you reach the first level of cultivation?"

Yun Mu immediately replied,"Master, when I reach the first level of cultivation, I have the power of the peak of the Soul Realm!"

With just one sentence, Ye Tian smiled immediately after hearing it.

The peak power of the Soul Realm, this wave is stable!

Ye Tian didn't even think about it, and directly���

The Supreme Bone in his chest trembled slightly, and the medicinal effect was absorbed.

Mysterious power appeared on his body. He looked at Yun Mu and pointed his finger:"Borrow the power!" The effect of the Borrow the Power

Pill was stimulated, and Ye Tian's momentum rose from the ground.

He broke through the realms one after another, from the peak of the Cave Heaven Realm to the Awakening Realm, and then to the Soul Realm!

In the end, he stagnated at the peak of the Soul Realm, and only one step away from entering the Nirvana Realm!

""It feels like flying."

Ye Tian felt the domineering and powerful cultivation on his body, and felt that it was a hundred or a thousand times worse than that of the Cave Heaven Realm, or even more!

If it weren't for the fact that the borrowing pill only lasted for ten breaths, he would want to try himself in the Soul Realm, and after using all his trump cards, could he defeat the Nirvana Realm!

After all, he has the combat power to attack and kill above his level!

"What happened?"

Jiang Kui and others had been watching here, especially watching the nine holy beasts with great vigilance, and did not take Ye Tian seriously at all.

But unexpectedly, Ye Tian actually reached the peak of the Soul Realm in an instant.

This terrifying speed made these elders look horrified and puzzled.

"The Soul Realm can't stop us!"

Jiang Kui and others are all in the Nirvana Realm, and they really look down on the Soul Realm.

However, Ye Tian glanced at Jiang Kui and took another pill without being noticed.

Death Pill!

"Let 's have a combination of pills to kill Jiang Kui!"

When Ye Tian saw the Borrowing Pill, he had this idea.

With the Borrowing Pill's effect, he borrowed 10% of Yun Mu's power to reach the peak of the Soul Realm!

Just one major realm away from Jiang Kui!

Then the Death Pill can work!

After he took this amazing pill,


Ye Tian felt his whole body tremble, as if there was an extremely strange power running through his body that he could not absorb. He wanted to rush out!

Without hesitation, he pointed at the doubtful Jiang Kui and uttered a cold voice.

"I, Ye Tian, invite the great elder Jiang Kui of Wuliang Holy Land to die!"

This is what you have to say to activate the elixir. Only by saying the name can it be activated.

Ye Tian didn't want to be so domineering!

As soon as his voice came out, everyone was stunned, not knowing what he was doing.

Inviting a great man in Nirvana to die?

What a joke!

"Ye Tian, what are you doing?……"Liu Taixu hesitated to speak, thinking that Ye Tian was injured and mentally ill in the attack just now.

Ji Ziyan and Si Lingzhu also hurried forward, trying to pull him back to avoid any accidents.

As for the other side, more than a dozen Taoist elders were almost laughing in anger.

"Although the crisis is still there, I just want to laugh"

"Could it be that Ye Tian from Hongmeng Holy Land is a fool?"

"It's ridiculous that he let a Nirvana cultivator die with just one sentence!"

Jiang Kui originally thought that Ye Tian pointed his finger at him, wanting the holy beast to attack again.

But he heard such a weird sentence.

He snorted coldly:"I saw that you have unparalleled talent, but I didn't expect you to be a fool.……"

Before Jiang Kui finished his angry words, his expression suddenly changed. He felt an invisible force entering his body and bursting out uncontrollably.

His mind suddenly became chaotic, and it seemed that a voice was echoing in his mind.

"Please let Jiang Kui die!"

"Please die!"

"Go to die!"


Just like brainwashing, Jiang Kui's expression became dazed, and he felt that the power was getting stronger and stronger, and he couldn't resist it at all.

After echoing in his mind for a while, the voice of"die" was like thunder, and he felt terrified. He couldn't help but raise his palm and slap his dantian!

""Grand Elder, what are you doing?!"

The other elders of Wuliang Holy Land cried out in shock. Seeing that he really raised his hand to commit suicide, they hurried forward to stop him.

Nirvana cultivators are rare in every sect. They are the supreme elders.

The Grand Elder of Daoyi Holy Land is dead. If the Grand Elder of Wuliang Holy Land gets into trouble again, the two holy places will be completely damaged! It will not be able to recover in a hundred years!

""Jiang Kui, wake up!"

Some people even used secret methods to wake Jiang Kui up, but it was useless.

He gathered all his strength and slapped his dantian unstoppably. He also murmured in his mouth, which spread to everyone's ears.

"I, Jiang Kui, will die today!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a divine light suddenly burst out from his Dantian, and the peak of Nirvana Realm cultivation burst out from his body!

He exploded directly!

""Boom boom boom!"

A terrifying light appeared that made the sky and the earth pale in comparison, and it directly caused the void to explode, emitting a terrifying devouring force.

Two elders of the Wuliang Holy Land were unable to dodge and were directly swallowed up and died!

Then Jiang Kui's entire body suddenly exploded in front of everyone!

Under the self-explosion of the Nirvana Realm, everything within a radius of ten miles was turned into ashes.

Even the elders who dodged and the elders of other sects who were in doubt in the distance were unable to escape.


They spat out blood and were seriously injured!

When the wind and smoke dissipated and the void calmed down, there was no trace of Jiang Kui.

The Great Elder of Wuliang Holy Land, die!

"This wave is not a loss, and two Nirvana realms were taken away!"

Ye Tian's aura has returned to normal, but his face is extremely satisfied.

Under the power of the combined elixir, three Nirvana realm masters were killed!

In addition to the death of the great elder of Daoyi Holy Land, other elders were seriously injured.

The major sects suffered huge losses!

"Hongmeng Holy Land, you are too cruel!!"

More than a dozen elders of the sect were seriously injured, and they spoke with resentment and cruelty:

"We have just received news that all the Saint Lords have walked out of the Qinghuang Secret Realm, and the Saint Lord Hongmeng escaped with serious injuries!"

"All the great saints will definitely come to the Hongmeng Holy Land in person to avenge today’s blood feud!"

"Among us who died were the proud disciples and supreme elders, and the Hongmeng Holy Land was about to be wiped out!"

"Wait for death, haha!"

As they spoke, they were already grinning, performing the Supreme Blood Escape Secret Technique, turning into a red light and escaping.

Ye Tian did not move, he had already played all his cards, even if the Nirvana Realm was seriously injured, he could not chase and kill.

However, he was thinking about the last words of these people:"Beautiful Master, was beaten seriously and escaped?"

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