Outside the Holy Ruins, everything was quiet, and all the enemies had fled.

While thinking, Ye Tian took all the eight black turtles back into the Xumi space.

They couldn't stay for too long, and every minute and every second was a waste, so Ye Tian took them all back.

Only Yun Mu was left to transform into his original form, carrying the four people away.


The system voice of completing the task came out:

"Congratulations to the host for completing the mission: killing Jiang Kui!"

"Mission Rewards: 1 Formation Pill! 1 Awakening Pill! 1 Taunt Pill!"

This mission is too difficult, so the rewards are also great.

Three pills in total!

"See the Taunting Pill again?"

Ye Tian's eyes lit up slightly. This pill is a powerful weapon for fighting. It is not afraid of group battles or single battles!

In addition, there are two more new pills.

"Formation Pill: After taking it, you can condense a formation with random type and power!"

"Awakening Pill: After taking it, it can awaken the skills into supernatural powers!"

The explanations of these two pills are very simple, but the simpler, the more powerful they may be.

After Ye Tian wrote them down, he didn't study them much, and heard the system in his mind issue a task again.

"New mission released: Kill the descendants of the Blood Sea Evil Corpse 0/3!"

After the mission appeared, Ye Tian frowned deeply.

The third sequence escaped from the Holy Ruins with the inheritance of the Blood Sea Evil Corpse. After coming out, he had already let Yun Mu feel the breath, but he disappeared.

I thought there was only one descendant of the third sequence.

How come there are two more now?

The descendants of the evil corpses must be killed no matter what, otherwise if they are allowed to grow, they will definitely become supreme demons!

And they will come to find me for revenge as soon as possible!

"When the descendant of the evil corpse appears, will the system give a prompt?"

Ye Tian was worrying that he couldn't find the descendant of the evil corpse, and then he found that there was a note behind the system task.

He can give himself a prompt, and he will be informed as long as the other party appears.

This made Ye Tian feel relieved. This is a big worry in his heart. As long as they dare to show up, Ye Tian will rush to kill them as soon as possible.

After putting away the system list, Ye Tian thought about the matter of the Hongmeng Holy Lord. He looked at Liu Taixu with some concern:"Grand Elder, can the Holy Lord still be contacted?"

If the Hongmeng Holy Lord is really seriously injured, then the matter will be a big deal!

He has just killed nearly a thousand geniuses in the Holy Ruins and cut off the future of more than a dozen sects.

If those Holy Lords come to seek revenge, and he has no one to protect him, wouldn't he be finished?

Even the entire Hongmeng Holy Land may be in a life-and-death crisis!

"No response!"

Liu Taixu was also shocked by what those people said. He had already taken out the jade slip and wanted to contact the Holy Lord.

However, he found that the jade slip was dim and there was no response at all.

It seemed that the Holy Lord of Hongmeng was really in trouble and fled far away with serious injuries!

"Master, please don't let anything happen to you!"

Ye Tian frowned, a little worried.

Although he had never really seen the Holy Lord once, from the moment he became the Holy Son in Hongmeng Holy Land, the Holy Lord was present in everything he did.

First, he killed Fu Jiuxuan, then he comprehended the Dou character secret, and then the Hongmeng Dao Realm merged a ray of the power of the Great Dao.

He played a huge role in the final battle of the Holy Ruins. He also subdued nine holy beasts!

He even asked the great elder Liu Taixu to seize the Hundred Wars God Prison and plan the attribute cave for him!

"All of these steps were planned by the master."

Ye Tian could feel the horror of the Saint Lord more and more. The planning power of the Saint was too profound.

He could plan all of this for him thousands of miles away.

This was a great favor!

Moreover, he had always been thinking about entering the Cave Heaven Realm, so that he could meet the Saint Lord of Hongmeng.

That was a Saint Realm existence. Just teaching him a few moves would greatly increase his strength!

What's more, she was a great beauty!

"I sensed a weak saintly aura appearing from a thousand miles away.……"

Yun Mu suddenly spoke up. As a holy beast, she could sense the aura of the saint, so she spoke up to remind them.

The light and graceful voice made the four people stunned for a moment.

Thousands of miles away?

Isn't that the Hongmeng Holy Land?

Could it be that the Hongmeng Holy Lord has quietly returned to the sect?

Ye Tian and the other two showed joy on their faces. Liu Taixu was also very excited. As long as the Holy Lord returned to the Holy Land, the Hongmeng formation could be activated!

Even if the Holy Lords of other sects attacked, they would not be able to gain any benefits in a short time.

"It's just that the smell is a bit strange……"

Yun Mu's voice came out again, hesitantly:"It seems that something is missing. My strength has not recovered, and I can't feel it clearly."

This sentence made Ye Tian and the others dumbfounded. What is missing?

Severely injured in the Saint Realm, is it missing an arm or a leg?

It seems that the Hongmeng Saint Lord was really seriously injured in the Qinghuang Secret Realm!

Liu Taixu frowned deeply:"The Hongmeng Saint Lord's power is comparable to the creation, and his cultivation is above all the Saint Lords in the Hundred Battles Domain. It is impossible for him to be beaten so seriously!"

"Did they encounter a terrible crisis in the Qinghuang Secret Realm?"

Ye Tian and his companions' expressions changed slightly, thinking of the Taoist disciples' love of siege, and they immediately spoke.

"Perhaps in the Qinghuang Secret Realm, the Hongmeng Saint was also besieged and outnumbered.……"

While guessing, Ye Tian urged Yun Mu to speed up. The speed of the extraordinary holy beast was amazing. It soon reached the range of Hongmeng Holy Land.

Several people landed in front of the mountain gate, and Ye Tian took Yun Mu into the Xumi space.

He didn't care about the shock of countless disciples in Hongmeng Holy Land, and followed the great elder to the depths of Hongmeng Holy Land.

Before arriving at the Hongmeng Dao Realm, Liu Taixu stretched out his hand and waved.

He wanted to open the Hongmeng Dao Realm, but found that it was locked tightly and there was no response at all.

Liu Taixu was overjoyed:"The Holy Lord has indeed returned to the Holy Land!"

With his cultivation, he couldn't open the Hongmeng Dao Realm. It must be the return of the Hongmeng Holy Lord.

However, after Liu Taixu's surprise, he was deeply worried:"After the Holy Lord returned, he stepped into the Hongmeng Dao Realm to heal his injuries. It seems that the injuries are extremely serious!"

Hongmeng Holy Land is about to fall into crisis!

Several people's faces were solemn and at a loss.

Ye Tian was about to speak, and suddenly heard the system voice sounded again, and he was stunned

"Ding! New mission released: Find the Holy Lord's Soul 0/3!"


Another mission!

This time the system actually released two missions in succession, and both were magical 0/3!

Ye Tian was confused for a moment. Finding the Holy Lord's Soul……

"Could it be that in the Qinghuang Secret Realm, the Holy Lord was beaten to the point of losing his three souls! ?"

He almost cried out in shock. Even his soul could be beaten to the point of losing it. This was more than just a serious injury! He was not far from death!

Liu Taixu also realized the seriousness of the situation. He looked at Ye Tian with a serious expression and spoke in a deep voice

"The Holy Lord is seriously injured and the holy land is in imminent crisis. I need to unite the elders to activate the mountain protection formation and guard the mountain gate at all times!"

"All the disciples of Hongmeng Holy Land still don't know what happened"

"Ye Tian, you are the Son of God, and you have just returned from the Holy Ruins in glory!"

"Now we need to stabilize all the disciples and not let the Holy Land get into chaos from within!"

After explaining everything, Liu Taixu left in a hurry. Soon, all kinds of terrifying auras emerged, and the elders gathered in front of the Hongmeng Dao Realm.

Ye Tian and the other two were already standing on the Holy Land Square, where countless disciples of the Hongmeng Holy Land gathered.

They looked at him with suspicion and suspicion.

Ye Tian's scalp was numb.

Stabilize all the disciples? This is harder than killing Jiang Kui!

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